Chiron and Centaurs Astrology Report

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This offer includes:

⭐ Natal chart with six centaurs
⭐ The Centaur Report
💫 Generous 10-degree orb
💫 About 35 pages
💫 24-hour turnaround

🌠 The Centaur clan offers valuable attributes in our everyday life, psychological healing and spiritual growth.
🌟 Chiron – healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body
🌟 Pholus – overcoming substance abuses, restoring peacefulness of spirit, use of daily ritual
🌟 Nessus – defining need and want in money and relationships with healthy balance
🌟 Asbolus – development of and use of full intuitive faculties
🌟 Chariklo – assessing personal boundaries, both psychologically and energetically
🌟 Hylonome – healing grief and regret

Details for this offering
Asteroid category

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Ascendant, Midheaven




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  • Orders including more than 4 individual reports may take up to 48 hours.
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4 reviews for Chiron and Centaurs Astrology Report


Enlightening and with unique prose. Another great tool from AstroFix, Thanks Michelle


Really interesting and in-depth. Thank you.

Alex (verified owner)

Thank you I loved your report. It has an emmense amount of helpful information and has given me so much to work with. A really great report. Just one thing though, some of your metaphors bypassed me. I dont know whether that’s a cultural thing being british or I am just too thick to catch the stream! But great job. definately. worth buying. Thank you.

Lana Docker

The reports were very interesting overall – I was most impressed by the Galactic, Fixed Stars, Degree meanings and Year Ahead reports. The Astro Calendar file seems faulty – I can open it but it is illegible. I don’t have a romantic partner so it would be nice to have the option of choosing an alternative report. The best thing has been discovering Isidore Kozminsky – fascinating!

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