Rulers of Houses in Houses Astrology eBook

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Interpretations of every house ruler through each of the twelve houses

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Ruler of the 1st House in Houses
Ruler of the 2nd House in Houses
Ruler of the 3rd House in Houses
Ruler of the 4th House in Houses
Ruler of the 5th House in Houses
Ruler of the 6th House in Houses
Ruler of the 7th House in Houses
Ruler of the 8th House in Houses
Ruler of the 9th House in Houses
Ruler of the 10th House in Houses
Ruler of the 11th House in Houses
Ruler of the 12th House in Houses

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32000 words / 89 printed pages (8.5″ x 11″)


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3 reviews for Rulers of Houses in Houses Astrology eBook


One of the things Michelle is really good at is – providing resources for topics that are really hard to find on the Internet. One of the first things novice astrologers realize right off the bat is that there are very few resources on the web regarding this very subject! $2 for an encyclopedic compilation of signs through the houses? Trust me – this is a steal. In all the years I’ve spent studying astrology, no one has been more thoughtful, thorough, and accessible as Michelle. Her e-books are a good resource for the beginner student, as well as the seasoned astrologer looking for a refresher. She takes an intuitive approach to astrology, as she carefully configures each sign, house, and planet’s archetypal features into her descriptions. She teaches astrology by modeling astrology. The learner will benefit not only from her descriptions, but also from her methodology!


Great as always, thank you


5 Stars

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