🌟 Natal chart
🌟 Saturn Return charts throughout life, including retrograde periods (up to 12 Saturn return charts!)
🌟 Saturn’s Promise Astrology Report
💫 Generous orbs
💫 About 60 pages in length
💫 24-hour turnaround
🌠This report covers major Saturn-Saturn aspects, including the Saturn Return.
🌠Get a broad overview of Saturn’s journey through your chart over a lifetime
🌠Interpretations of major Saturn transits, including square and oppositions
🌠Each Saturn Return lasts 2–2.5 years
Saturn’s potential includes the following themes:
✨ Physical development and health considerations
✨ Mental and emotional development
✨ Areas of pessimism or limited enjoyment
✨ Consciousness of self
✨ Career and enduring legacy
✨ Your life path in general, from starting point to life lessons to rewards
✨ Potential for wisdom and maturity