House Keywords for Astrological Interpretation
1st house
- Appearance, Demeanor, & Mannerisms
- Force of Personality
- Your Affect on Others
- What's Right in Front of Your Face
- How You Take Initiative
- How You Show Up & the Circumstances of Your Birth
- Approach
- First Impressions
- First Focus & Immediate Pressure
- Your immediate impact
- Yourself, leading the charge
- People who are right up in your face
- People begging for your attention
- Immediate environment
- Right in front of your face
- Leading
- Initiating
- Putting yourself out there
- Taking the first step on a new path
2nd house
- Assets & What You Have to Give
- Bank Balance & Sources of Income
- Earning Power & Spending Habits
- How deep are your pockets?
- Is your collection vast enough to control the market?
- Grounding & the Extent to Which You Inhabit Your Body
- Nest egg
- Personal resources
- Saving for a rainy day / rainy day funds
- Self-Esteem & Getting Paid What You're Worth
- Self-Sustainability & Feeding Yourself
- Survival Skills
- Talents & Skills People Are Willing to Pay For
- Values & Priorities
- Who has control over your body?
- What do you actually own and what is it worth?
- Appraiser
- B2B - businesses that sell to other businesses
- Banker
- Bank-teller
- Bodybuilder (with Jupiter)
- Bulk buyer (customers of Costco, Sam's Club, etc.)
- Cashier
- Cheap people
- Collector
- Coupon clipper
- Ebenezer Scrooge
- Gold Digger
- Hoarder
- Home Stager (maybe with the 4th)
- Junkyard proprietors (prob with 8th)
- Masseur (probably with the 5th or 8th)
- Rich people
- Penny-saver
- Penny-pincher
- Personal shopper
- Physical therapist (with the 8th)
- Physical trainer (with the 5th)
- People who control entire markets (monopolists)
- Retail sales
- Pawnbrokers (prob with 8th)
- Repo Man (prob with 8th)
- Secretary of the Treasury
- Stockists
- Treasurer of the club (with the 11th)
- Wealthy
- Wholesalers
- Wolf of Wall Street / Gordon Gecko
- Auction house
- Bank
- Bazaar
- Coin shop
- Consignment shop
- Elite shopping experiences
- Estate
- Estate sale
- Flea market
- Garage sale
- Mansion
- Marketplace
- Online marketplaces (Etsy, Amazon, eBay, FB, Shopify, Gumroad, Big Cartel, etc.)
- Pawn shop (prob with 8th)
- Places that are not for the poor
- Plebian-free locales
- Private collections / small, curated museums?
- Stores /shops
- Tag sale
- Wall Street
- Vault?
- Attending an auction
- Attending a collectors' convention (Comic Con,for example)
- Business transactions
- Buying stuff
- Checking out estate sales
- Expensive hobbies
- Purchasing stock for your shop
- Shopping
- Swapping
- Trading
- Upgrading financial software
3rd house
- Classes, Teachers, & Education
- Connecting & Spreading Information
- Daily Interactions & Conversations
- Dexterity & Manual Skills (like playing guitar)
- Instruments through which you choose to communicate
- Journaling
- Local Language & Culture
- Mental Activity & Daily Processing Power
- Neighbors & Gossip
- Observation
- Reading & Writing
- Siblings & Adjacent Relationships
- Speech & Hearing
- Teaching
- Adjacent relationships
- Caddy
- Courier
- Diarist
- Deliverer
- Driver (Uber, Lyft, truck driver, chauffeur, school bus driver, mail deliverer, FedEx, USPS, etc.)
- Educator
- Livery service
- Locals
- Mechanic
- Messenger
- Neighbor
- Reporter
- Sibling
- The Regulars
- Tinker (maybe with 6th)
- Wheeler & Dealer
- Bar
- Classroom
- Downtown
- Elementary School
- High School
- Mail Room
- Neighborhood
- On a walk
- On a hike
- Shipping department
- Short journeys
- The Street
- Attending the neighbor's barbeque
- Boots on the ground
- Car problems
- Daily excursions - hiking, biking, short road trips
- Delivering messages / delivering things
- Developing a viewpoint based on actual experience rather than what you read in a book
- Exploring your town on foot
- Finding yourself using public transportation (taxi, bus, shuttle, private car service, etc.)
- Getting a new car
- Getting a street-level view of a situation
- HOA issues (Homeowners Association) - for neighborly concerns
- Honing your perceptions
- Hopping back on that bike
- Making keen observations
- Mechanical work / machining
- Packing, mailing, shipping, and tracking packages
- Right-to-repair movement (with 11th, and maybe 6th)
- Running errands
- Seeing it with your own eyes
- Serving a subpoena (maybe with 7th or 9th)
- Taking a class or workshop
4th house
- Base of Operation
- Do You Have Any Ground to Stand On?
- Foundation
- Home & Family
- Private Self & What You're Comfortable With
- Real Estate & Construction
- Retirement & End of Life
- Roots & Country of Origin
- Seat of Power / Throne
- Ancestry
- Blood
- Bloodline
- Brood
- Compatriot
- Descendent
- Descent
- Dominion
- Dynasty
- Empire
- Extraction
- Family Tree
- Family
- Genealogy
- Heredity
- House
- Household
- Kin
- Kindred
- Kinfolk
- Kith
- Line
- Lineage
- Origin
- Parentage
- Parents
- Pedigree
- People
- Race
- Reign
- Relatives
- Stock
- Strain
- Succession
- Tribe
- Abode
- Archives?
- Basecamp
- Booth
- Bungalow
- Bunker
- Camp
- Castle
- Cave
- Chamber
- Cottage
- Crib
- Crypt? (final resting place)
- Cubby
- Cubicle? (ruler of the 6th in the 4th, my cubicle is my home?)
- Domestic areas
- Domicile
- Dwelling
- Encampment
- Fortress
- Hall of records?
- Harborage
- Haven
- Headquarters
- Home
- Hovel
- Hut
- In my room
- Interior
- Inside
- Lair
- Lodge
- Nonpublic spaces
- Nook
- Offscreen
- Offstage
- Pad
- Pod
- Private spaces
- Quarters
- Refuge
- Residence
- Roost
- Sanctuary
- Sentimental places
- Shack
- Shanty
- Shed
- Shelter
- Stronghold
- Tent
- Throne room
- Undisclosed locations
- Vault
- Within
- Attention turns to home and family
- Being a homebody
- Being domestic
- Buying a home
- Buying a security system
- Construction
- Enhancing safety
- Establishing roots
- Getting a DNA test
- Getting a Past Lives reading
- Minding your own business
- Moving
- Opening an account on
- Renovating
- Retreating from public view
- Seeking privacy
- Self-protection
- Staying home
- Tracing your lineage
- Un-accouncements
5th house
- Children & Your Inner Child
- Creativity & Playtime
- Drama & Personal Self-Expression
- Entertainment
- Gambling & Risky Behavior
- Hobbies & "So, what do you do for fun?"
- Romance, Flirting, & Affairs of the Heart
- Sports & Heart-Pounding Activities
- The Heart's Joy
- Vacations & Partying
- Artist
- Athlete
- Child
- DJ
- Gamer
- Lover
- Party people
- Pregnant person
- Amusement park
- Athletic Field
- Bingo Hall
- Casino
- Festival
- Odeum
- Party
- Nightclub
- Playground
- Playhouse
- Theater
- Vacation
- Arts & Crafts
- Creativity
- Dating
- Drama
- Falling in love
- Games (video games, board games, chess, athletics, racing, etc.)
- Gambling
- Hobbies
- Partying
- Play
- Poker Tournament
- Self-expression
- Wining & dining
- Romance
- Good Times
- Getting pregnant, and activities that lead to getting pregnant
- Dealing with children
6th house
- Work, Labor, Production, & Manufacturing
- Service, Private Servants & Public Servants
- Employees & Co-Workers
- The Daily Grind & Mundane Routine
- Chores & Practice
- Small Pets & Small Responsibilities
- Animal rescue
- The regulation of work v. energy v. time
- Systems That *Should* Be Running Efficiently & Without Interference
- Health, Wellness, & Mind-Body Integration
- Diet & Exercise
- Making Lifestyle Choices & Creating a Lifestyle
- Being "in the trenches," shoulder-to-shoulder with people who are like you
- Working in the "guts" of an enterprise
- Un-glamorous work
- Behavior and Training (do you train your cat, or does your cat train you?)
- Animal rescue
- Coworkers (including AI & computers, especially with Uranus or Aquarius)
- Doctor
- Dog walker
- EMT (with Aries, Scorpio, Mars, Pluto)
- Engineers? (maybe with 3rd)
- Maintenance workers of all kinds
- Nurse
- Pet sitter
- Production partners
- Union members? (with the 11th)
- Amazon warehouse
- Factory
- Office
- Production line
- The "trenches," or the real trenches
- Work environment
- Chores
- Domestic animal interactions (getting a pet, getting bit, taking in a stray, caring for the wounded, working at the shelter, getting a job at a pet shop, shots, going to the park, training, etc.)
- Health-maintenance activities
- Intensified daily activities and consequent stress management techniques
- Joining a union (maybe with 11th)
- Labor
- Making lifestyle changes / choices
- Manufacturing
- Production
- Rolling your sleeves up, and putting in an "honest day's work"
- Routines
- Streamlining processes and systems
- Unglamorous work
7th house
- Marriage & Committed Relationships
- Equal Partnerships & Seeing Eye-to-Eye
- Your Best Friends & Direct Competition (But, we're so much alike!)
- Business & Contractual Relationships
- Open Enemies, Nemeses, & Lawsuits
- Negotiations & Face-to-Face Meetings
- Cooperation v. Competition
- Your Ability to Meet Someone Halfway
- Putting Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes
- Your Willingness to Let Someone Else Take the Lead
- How Much You Let Your Partner Influence You
- Meeting your match
- Committed Partner
- Marriage Partner
- Husband
- Wife
- Business Partner
- Lawyer
- Negotiator
- Open Enemies
- Best Friends
- The Other
- Clients
- Zoom
- Law Office
- Consult room
- Couples' events
- Marriage
- Starting a significant relationship
- Ending a significant relationship
- Entering a business partnership
- Lawsuits
- Taking on clients
- Starting your own business
- Consulting
- Making a scene as a couple
8th house
- Atonement
- Death & Funerary
- Debts, Credits, & Taxes
- Fundraising, Financial Support, & Insurance
- Intrusive interactions
- Joint Assets
- Legacies, Inheritances, Trusts, & Estates
- Nosiness
- Personal Trust & Privacy
- Psychology & Psychological Assets
- Sex, Intimacy, and Deep Sharing
- Salacious things
- Scandalous things
- Sharing what you have
- The Occult, Forbidden, & Taboo
- What you have (2nd house) versus what you want or desire (8th house)
- Your Partner’s Assets & the Results of Marriage
- Busybody
- Debt Collector
- Detective
- Insurance Agent
- IRS Agent
- Loan Shark
- Nosy, intrusive, prying people
- Paparazzi? (probably with 5th and Neptune)
- Psychic
- Researcher
- Repo Man (with 2nd house)
- Snoops
- Tell-all memoir writers (probably with 3rd)
- Auction house
- Confessional (with 9th house)
- Estate Sale (with 2nd house)
- Flea Market (with 2nd house)
- Funeral home
- Loan office
- ObGyn
- Playboy Mansion (maybe with 5th)
- Strip Club (maybe with 5th)
- Surgery
- Therapist's Office
- Thrift Store (with 2nd house)
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9th house
- Abstract Thinking & Metaphysics
- Foreign Places & Cultures
- Gurus & Professors
- Higher Education & Academics
- Long Journeys
- Opinions & Schools of Thought
- Philosophy, Ethics, & Morality
- Publishing & Spreading 'The Word'
- Religion, Dogma, & Codefied Spirituality
- Anthropologist? (maybe with 4th house)
- Archaeologist? (also maybe with 4th house)
- Cleric
- Cultural elite
- Guru
- Hierophant
- Journalist
- Locations Scout?
- Philanthropist
- Philosopher
- Physicist / Mathematician (careers that require abstract thinking)
- Priestess / Priest
- Prophet
- Professor
- Publisher
- Travel agent
- World traveler
- College
- Global
- Religious Buildings (Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Cathedral)
- The Higher Mind
- University
- Getting Your Masters Degree
- Getting Your Ph.D.
- Philosophizing
- Thinking abstractly
- Traveling the World
10th house
- Authorities
- Career & Vocation
- Honors & Awards
- Public Exposure (including humiliation and infamy)
- Public Life & Public Office
- Reputation
- Status & Social Position
- The Authoritative Parent
- What kinds of people you look up to
- Why People Look Up to You (aka Role Model Potential)
- Your Influence (aka the Shadow You Cast)
- Your life, on public display
- Boss
- People in a position of authority
- People who can help you up the career ladder
- Role Models (that's what I want to do when I grow up!)
- At the podium, accepting an award
- At the Top
- Boardroom
- Broad daylight
- Penthouse
- Pinnacle
- Skyscraper
- Zenith
- Becoming a parent
- Becoming an authority figure
- Becoming notorious
- Being laid off
- Building your reputation
- Destroying your reputation (Humpty Dumpty had a great fall)
- Getting a raise
- Getting famous
- Getting fired
- Reaching a career milestone
- Receiving a Lifetime Recognition Award
- Tangling with authority figures
11th house
- Dreams of the Future, Progress, and Reform
- Followers & Fans (Your Audience)
- Groups, Clubs, Gangs, Alliances, & Community
- Humanitarian Longings & Endeavors
- Popularity & Likeability
- Results of your profession (2nd house from the 10th)
- Shared Interests & Creativity
- Surrounded
- Affiliate
- Alliance
- Assembly
- Association
- Audience
- Band
- Batch
- Board
- Brigade
- Brotherhood
- Bunch
- Cabal
- Cabinet
- Camp
- Caravan
- Cartel
- Caucus
- Circle
- Clan
- Clique
- Clinic
- Club
- Cluster
- Cohort
- Collective
- College
- Committee
- Commune
- Community
- Comrade
- Conclave
- Confederation
- Conference
- Congregation
- Congress
- Convention
- Cooperative
- Coterie
- Council
- Coven
- Crew
- Crowd
- Cult
- Faction
- Fans
- Federation
- Fellowship
- Followers
- Fraternity
- Friends
- Gang
- Gathering
- Group
- Guild
- Herd
- Horde
- La Banda
- League
- Legion
- Lot
- Members
- Mob
- Network
- Orchestra
- Order
- Organization
- Pack
- Party
- Platoon
- Posse
- Rally
- Ring
- School
- Sect
- Seminar
- Senate
- Set
- Sisterhood
- Society
- Sorority
- Squad
- Squadron
- Stable
- Summit
- Swarm
- Symposium
- Syndicate
- Team
- Throng
- Troupe
- Union
- Among the people
- Ampitheater
- Arena
- Auditorium
- Cafeteria?
- Civic center
- Clubhouse
- Coliseum
- Concert hall
- Convention center
- Den
- Dome
- Exhibit
- Expo
- In a crowd
- Large venue
- Meeting room
- Protest
- Rally
- Stadium
- Thunder Dome
- Tradeshow
- Becoming involved with an organization
- Camaraderie
- Discovering common interests
- Fulfilling your civic duty
- Getting involved with more people, in a bigger context
- Joining a group
- Longterm planning
- Protesting
- Taking on a role within a group (look to 11th house planets for the role)
- Working with human resources
12th house
- Ancestral or Past Life Vocational Lineage (I'm experimenting with this idea)
- Blind Spots & Self-Sabotage
- Confinement, Release, & Escape
- Fears & Phobias
- Hermit
- Institutions, Hospitals, & Prisons
- Large animals
- Recluse
- Remote
- Retreat, Meditation, & Sleep
- Secret Enemies & Skeletons in the Family Closet
- Spiritual Development & the Vast Unknown
- Supernatural Phenomena
- Surrender
- The Results of Groups & Alliances (2nd house from the 11th)
- Time Spent Alone
- Wilderness
- Withdrawal
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- A Container
- Confinement
- Convalescent home
- Displaced
- Hospital
- Institution
- Into the Wild
- Lost
- Missing
- Monastery
- Museum
- Prison
- Retreat
- The Closet
- Vast Unknown
- Wilderness
- Getting Lost
- Inner Journey
- Respite
- Rest
- Retreat
- Sabbatical