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Ruler of the 6th House in Houses Astrology

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve the formation of an image, persona, behavior, mannerisms and approach to life. Your daily routine revolves around your image. Daily routines revolve around maintaining your appearance. Health-consciousness is one of the first things that people notice about you. An attention to work is one of the first things that people notice about us. Relationships with animals give shape to your approach to life. Relationships with animals impact your outlook on life. Daily routines have an effect on your approach to life. Health issues impact your approach to life. Your attention or lack of attention, to your diet, nutrition and exercise routines impacts the way you present yourself. Relationships with employees and coworkers impact your outlook on life. You act like an employee. You approach life as if you were an employee. Health is found through paying attention to physical appearance. Diet and nutrition play a part in your appearance. Diet and nutrition inform your approach to life. An interest in diet and nutrition is one of the first things people notice about you. You have to adjust your daily routine to your behavior and approach to life. The work environment revolves around your need to present an image of yourself. Health issues begin when you lose your sense of direction.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, work environment, daily routines and relationships with animals serve material security, spending and earning money, personal values and self-esteem. Daily habits revolve around ways to make money. Daily routines revolve around making ends meet. Your interest in animals can lead to a way to earn money. Your interest in animals leads you to spend money. Your work environment needs to provide material security. Having a daily job makes you feel financially secure. Having servants makes you feel secure. Losing a job threatens your sense of physical security. Relationships with animals help shape your personal values. Relationships with animals affect your self-esteem. Daily routines have an effect on your self-esteem. Diet, nutrition and exercise affect your self-esteem. Health issues impact your self-esteem. You need to find a way to reconcile health concerns with self-esteem. Daily vitamins, health foods and exercise programs are ways to spend and earn money. Health issues begin when you are out of touch with your survival needs. Relationships with animals put you in touch with your survival needs, for better or worse. Health issues impact your personal finances. Health issues impact your survival needs. Employees and coworkers help you earn or spend money. Daily practice builds self-esteem.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and co-workers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve communication and information gathering. Daily routines involve writing, teaching and making small interactions with other people. The daily work environment involves writing, communication, teaching and making small daily connections. You are a working writer. Daily routines revolve around siblings. The work environment must allow us to use your communications skills. Your work environment includes lots of E-mailing, Twitter, Facebook, blogging and other social media. You want your work environment to be stimulating. You want your work to involve writing, teaching and communication. You like being able to take short trips around town while working. Your daily job is a way to make connections with people. Animals have an impact on the way you communicate, or what you write about. Health issues have a bearing on the way you communicate. Daily habits are formed around writing and communication. The work environment revolves around siblings. Health issues begin when you are out of sync with your need to communicate. Relationships with animals put you in touch with your communication needs. You bring a work ethic to communications.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. The daily work environment involves family. You work from home. You work with your family. You have family routines. Your daily habits revolve around your parents. Habits and routines are set up to meet family life. The work environment must fit the needs of your family. Interactions with employees and coworkers affect us to the core. Taking care of your health makes you feel emotionally secure. You need to take care of your health to feel rooted. You need to take care of your health to take care of your family. Your approach to diet affects your family. Your approach to your health affects your family. You work in real estate. You work every day so you can buy a home. Animals have to find a way to fit into your home. Animals must fit into your family. Exercise becomes part of the family routine. Health issues affect your home life. Health issues impact your family relationships. Relationships with animals put you in touch with your psychological roots. Animals become like family. Coworkers and employees are like family. You bring a work ethic to the way you interact with family members. Work issues affect your home life. Your ability to keep a job affects your family.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve creativity, self-expression, fun, relaxation, hobbies, children and risk-taking. The daily work environment must serve your need to be creative and self-expressive. The daily work environment should be a place that allows you to relax and have fun. You want a creative work environment. Daily habits and routines revolve around your need for art, music, theater and dance. The work environment must bend to your need for self-expression. Relationships with employees and coworkers can turn into romances. Taking care of your health allows you to explore your creativity. You bring your health concerns to romance. The way you approach diet, nutrition and exercise affects your ability to engage in artistic activities and sports. Your interest in health and exercise manifests through an interest in sports or dance. Your approach to health affects your children. Your work environment is a theater, dance studio, music hall or art studio. Animals become muses. Your relationship with animals has an impact on your creativity. Animals become your source of fun and pleasure. You involve animals in your relationships with children. You bring a work ethic to your creativity. Animals become like children. You treat your employees and coworkers like children.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. You create habits and routines that focus on health, work, and relationships with employees, coworkers and animals. You create routines for the sake of having a routine. You have routines for your animals. You become a slave to routine. Daily habits are geared to maintaining employment. Daily habits are geared to maintaining health. You want to stay healthy enough to work. You work with animals and pets. You are involved in animal health care. Veterinarians. Pet groomers. You create healthy snacks for pets. You are involved with labor unions and labor issues. You expect employees and coworkers to work with a routine. Your obligations to pets create a routine for you. You want a pet-friendly work environment. Your daily habits impact your ability to find a job. Obsessive-compulsive about habits and routines. You work in a health-related field. Dietitians, nutritionists and fitness instructors. Health technicians. You work as an organizer. You work as an occupational therapist. Vocational placement specialists. Head hunters. Mind-body therapists. Specialists of all kinds. You bring a work ethic to your approach to diet, nutrition and exercise. Practice makes perfect. Trainers. Systems analysts.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve partnerships, marriage and equal relationships. The daily work environment must serve your need to form relationships. The daily work environment should be a place that allows you to work with people one on one. You want a social work environment. Daily habits and routines revolve around partners and marriage. You work with your spouse or significant other. The work environment must bend to your need to find equality. You want relationships with employees and coworkers to be equal. Employees and coworkers can turn into marriage or business partners. Taking care of your health allows you to find a partner. You bring health concerns to significant relationships. Your approach to health, diet and exercise affects your significant relationships. Your approach to diet, nutrition and exercise affects your ability to engage people in significant relationships. Your daily habits revolve around getting into confrontations. The way you approach employees and coworkers leads you to get into confrontations and form open enemies. Animals need to meet your need for equal relationships. Your work habits have a direct effect on your significant relationships. You expect chores to be distributed evenly. You treat employees and coworkers as if you were married to them. You bring a work ethic to your significant relationships. You treat marriage like a job.

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The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve expanding horizons, long distance travel, interactions with people of different cultures, religions and philosophies, and the formation of a belief system. The daily work environment must serve your need to expand your horizons. The daily work environment needs to fit within your belief system. The daily work environment should allow you to travel. You work overseas. You work in a church, as a professor or as a journalist. You work with people of foreign cultures. Your working environment is philosophical, metaphysical or religious. Daily habits and routines revolve around your personal belief system. Coworkers and employees must share your beliefs. Relationships with employees and coworkers expand your horizons. You specialize in higher education, travel or philosophy. You specialize in metaphysics. Your work involves abstract theory. Theologians. Your attitude to health and nutrition fits your philosophy of life. You use your knowledge of diet, nutrition and exercise to help people of other cultures. You impose your attitude to diet and nutrition onto people with different belief systems. Relationships with animals must fit your personal belief system. Daily habits revolve around religious or metaphysical activities.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve building a reputation, gaining social status, finding a vocation and becoming an authority. The daily work environment must serve your need to act as an authority. The daily work environment affects your reputation. Relationships with employees and coworkers affect your reputation. Your daily work is directed toward building a career. Your daily work habits affect how well-known you become. Your working environment is professional. You work with authorities on a daily basis. Daily habits and routines revolve around your professional life. Employees and coworkers can become authorities. You specialize in vocational placement. You are a life coach. You bring your concern for health out into the professional world. You make a career out of an interest in diet, nutrition and health. You make a career out of your work with animals. You become known for your daily interactions with animals. You become known for your attitude to work and labor. You build a reputation for yourself by working one day at a time.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. The daily work environment must serve your long term hopes and dreams. The daily work environment should allow you to make friends and connect with like-minded people. Your daily work is directed toward social reform. Your daily work habits affect how many fans you gain. Your working environment is social. You work with friends on a daily basis. Daily habits and routines revolve around your social causes. Coworkers and employees become friends and share an interest in your causes. Employees and coworkers can become your greatest fans. You specialize in working with large groups of people. You share your concerns for health and diet with your friends. You gain an audience for your views on health and diet. Your daily interactions with animals influence which social causes you get involved with. Your daily work environment influences the social causes you get involved with and the friends that you make.

The activities of the 6th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Health-consciousness, interactions with employees and coworkers, daily routines and relationships with animals serve the need to release grief and sorrow, spend time alone, melt into formless bliss, escape from reality and become aware of the self-undoing. The daily work environment must serve your need to let go. Sticking to precise daily routines is difficult. Daily routines may revolve around finding ways to escape. You use pills, drugs, exercise or food as a way to escape. You desire to escape from daily responsibilities. The daily work environment allows you to be charitable and help those less fortunate. You work alone on a daily basis. Your attitude to daily work and routines can be the self-undoing. You work in an institution, museum or hospital. You do volunteer work. Your daily routine revolves around your need to have time alone. Daily activities must work around your need to have time alone. You work for welfare. You’re on welfare. Daily work involves helping those less fortunate. Coworkers and employees affect feelings of grief and sorrow. Attitudes toward employees and coworkers can contribute to the self-undoing. You specialize in spirituality, the paranormal or meditation. You get physically healthy by paying attention to your spiritual welfare. You realize health by meditating, praying and taking time out. You care about the health and diet of people in institutions. You become a dietary planner for a prison, hospital or school. Animals become involved in your experiences with ghosts and the paranormal. You use your relationships with animals to escape. You get health advice through dreams.

6th house

  • Work, Labor, Production, & Manufacturing
  • Service, Private Servants & Public Servants
  • Employees & Co-Workers
  • The Daily Grind & Mundane Routine
  • Chores & Practice
  • Small Pets & Small Responsibilities
  • Animal rescue
  • The regulation of work v. energy v. time
  • Systems That *Should* Be Running Efficiently & Without Interference
  • Health, Wellness, & Mind-Body Integration
  • Diet & Exercise
  • Making Lifestyle Choices & Creating a Lifestyle
  • Being "in the trenches," shoulder-to-shoulder with people who are like you
  • Working in the "guts" of an enterprise
  • Un-glamorous work
  • Behavior and Training (do you train your cat, or does your cat train you?)
  • Animal rescue
  • Coworkers (including AI & computers, especially with Uranus or Aquarius)
  • Doctor
  • Dog walker
  • EMT (with Aries, Scorpio, Mars, Pluto)
  • Engineers? (maybe with 3rd)
  • Maintenance workers of all kinds
  • Nurse
  • Pet sitter
  • Production partners
  • Union members? (with the 11th)
  • Amazon warehouse
  • Factory
  • Office
  • Production line
  • The "trenches," or the real trenches
  • Work environment
  • Chores
  • Domestic animal interactions (getting a pet, getting bit, taking in a stray, caring for the wounded, working at the shelter, getting a job at a pet shop, shots, going to the park, training, etc.)
  • Health-maintenance activities
  • Intensified daily activities and consequent stress management techniques
  • Joining a union (maybe with 11th)
  • Labor
  • Making lifestyle changes / choices
  • Manufacturing
  • Production
  • Rolling your sleeves up, and putting in an "honest day's work"
  • Routines
  • Streamlining processes and systems
  • Unglamorous work

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