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Ruler of the 5th House in Houses Astrology

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Creative projects, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the formation of a self-image and persona. Your attitude is fun and lighthearted. Your urge to be creative and self-expressive is one of the first things people notice about you. You are playful and entertaining. Relationships with children have an impact on your outlook in life. An interest in the arts, theater, music and dance is at the forefront of your personality. Your desire for love and romance is apparent to other people. You approach life as a romantic. Your approach is flirtatious. Your approach is dramatic. Your theatrical side expresses itself through your physical appearance. The way you express yourself is child-like and playful. You like to get attention for the way you look. You are sporty. Your hobbies and personal interests are apparent to other people. You approach life in a way that allows personal self-expression. An interest in sports or dance can shape your physical appearance.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to own possessions, spend and earn income, and define personal values. You find creative ways to make money. You find creative ways to spend money. Involvement in the arts, music and theater are all ways that you can earn a living and pay the bills. Having children affects your self-esteem and self-worth. Children add to your personal income. You expect your children to help pay the bills. Children must adapt to your personal values. Children affect the way you spend money. Hobbies are a means of making money. Drama, theater, music, art, dance and sports are all ways to make money and pay the bills. You take risks with your money. You gamble away your money. You make risky purchases. You earn money from risky ventures. Children impact your financial security. Fun and relaxation come through being financially stable. You want to make money with your hobbies. You want your hobbies to be profitable.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to communicate, gather information and make daily connections with people. You are creative in everyday interactions with other people. You have an expressive and dramatic way of communicating. Children impact your ability to come and go. Children influence your writing. Children influence your approach to education, teaching and learning. Your hobbies involve listening and talking, learning and teaching. Your interactions with children are geared toward school and daily activities. Romance and fun express themselves through a love of reading and writing. You write romance novels. You read romance novels. You write about your sports heroes. Your hobbies revolve around reading, writing and conversation. Fun is found through gossiping. Relaxation comes through conversation and writing. Sports activities are local. You act in the local theater. You perform for local schools. You take risks with the way you communicate. You communicate in a playful and lighthearted way. You illustrate books.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to feel emotionally safe, put down roots, develop familial relationships and build a psychological foundation. You are privately creative. Hobbies and interests are pursued in the privacy of your own home. You have a craft room. You keep a scrapbook of family memories. You are self-expressive around family members. You enjoy relaxing and having fun with family. Children help build your sense of home. Children complete the family. Children stay at your home. You run a home daycare. You prefer hobbies you can pursue in the comfort of your own home. You have to fit your creative projects in around your family commitments. Romance and fun are expressed privately. Your hobbies might include home repair, construction, real estate, home decoration, interior design, scrap booking, ancestry, etc… Hobbies are oriented to cultural traditions. You find romance with people who come from the same cultural background. Relaxation comes through traditional activities and hobbies. You might be involved in traditional dance or playing traditional music. Relaxation comes through going home to your place of birth. You like traditional sports. Your love of drama and theater comes through in feelings of patriotism and family pride. You’re willing to take risks when it comes to your family, home or country. You want your family to approve of your hobbies, interests and romantic partners. You bring creative projects home with you.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children are an end unto themselves. You like being creative for the sake of being creative. You are creatively self-expressive. You like to be entertaining to attract attention. Children make you feel creative. Being creative makes you feel like a child. Your creativity is fun and playful. You are in love with love. Being romantic gets your creative juice flowing. You date for fun and pleasure. You see children as a creative extension of yourself. Sports are a means of creative self-expression. You like drama for the sake of drama. You like taking creative risks. Children make you relax. Romance and love make you relax. Creative projects are fun. You love idle days. You pursue hobbies for self-satisfaction. You love creative, dramatic, artistic and theatrical children and romantic partners. You take risks in sports. You take risks in romance. You engage in risky love affairs. Love affairs are fun. Gambling is fun. You engage in risky gambling. Self-expression comes through music, art, dance and theater. You are flamboyant. Romance and fun go hand in hand. You’re willing to take risks on behalf of children. You always have time to stop and smell the roses.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to be healthy, employed, have a routine and interact with animals. You find ways to use creativity on the job every day. Creativity goes toward maintaining employment. You find creative jobs for your employees. Your sense of fun expresses itself through your daily work. You find fun and pleasure in interactions with animals. Your hobbies involve animals. You use creativity in dealing with employees and co-workers. You decorate the office. You find relaxation with pets. Your involvement with sport, dance, theater or the arts affects what kind of daily employment you choose. Children have an effect on what kind of employment you choose. Your experience of play time and fun impacts what kind of daily employment you choose. Children have to fit into your daily routine. Working with children is part of your job. Creative talents and gifts make you more employable. Dramatic self-expression and theatricality come through in the way you interact at work or with animals. You perform with animals. You find romance and pleasure on the job. Hobbies, relaxation and creativity must fit into your daily routine. You want a risky job. You like working with risky animals. You are dramatic about the way you diet and exercise. You are creatively self-expressive at work. You take risks with your health. Taking care of your health is a hobby. Playing with animals is a hobby. You’re willing to take risks with animals.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance, and interactions with children serve the need to form equal one to one relationships. You bring creativity to your partnerships. You use creativity in your approach to marriage. Your creative self-expression comes through in negotiations. You get dramatic and theatrical about marriage. You get dramatic and theatrical about your open enemies. Creativity goes toward maintaining equal relationships. Creativity serves your relationship with your partner. Self-expression comes through in significant relationships. Romance and pleasure are aimed at finding “The One.” Relaxation, pleasure, love, and fun are ways to connect with a significant other. Romance is a way to connect with the Shadow. Children seal a marriage or relationship. Hobbies and interests are ways for you to meet that special someone. Involvement in sports, dance, theater, art and music are ways to make significant relationships. You want to take up the hobbies and interests of your partner. Your self-expression changes to meet the desires of your partner. You want a partner who has the same creative interests. You want a partner who has equal interest in the arts or sports. You are a risky negotiator. You are a creative negotiator. You find creative ways to deal with your open enemies. You take risks with marriage. You have a child-like approach to marriage.

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The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to expand your horizons. Creativity goes toward higher education. Earning degrees is a hobby. You use creativity in the way that you interact with people of foreign countries, religions and cultures. Your approach to religion and mysticism is creative. Your approach to religion and mysticism is dramatic and self-expressive. You don’t take your studies seriously. Your interest in dance, theater, art and music is influenced by your experiences of foreign cultures. You explore dance, theater, art and music by traveling. Being creative helps expand your horizons. Children expand your horizons. Children affect your belief system. Your involvement with art, theater and music affects your belief system. Being involved in sports requires that you travel. Your involvement with children extends overseas. Leisure time and relaxation are spent traveling abroad. Children must be able to travel. You have a dramatic and theatrical approach to higher education. Romance is found by traveling abroad. Romance is found with people of other cultures, religions and beliefs. Hobbies, relaxation and creativity must fit into your need for expanding horizons. Journalism is a way to express your interest in creativity. You start an art magazine. You start a cultural publication. You become a sports journalist. You take risks when traveling. Your approach to religion is risky. Your approach to other cultures is risky.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to build a reputation, gain recognition and become an authority. Creativity comes through in your choice of vocation. You use creativity in the way that you interact with other professionals. Your self-expression gives you a reputation. Being creative garners awards and accolades. Involvements with children affect your choice of vocation. You relax in the company of professionals. You find fun and pleasure through your profession. Hobbies can become a profession. Art, theater, dance or sports can be a profession. Children have to adjust meet your need for recognition and social standing. Creative talents and gifts help your social standing. Romance is found out in the professional world. Hobbies, relaxation and creative pursuits must enhance your position as an authority. You can become an authority on your personal interests. You can become an authority on dance, music, theater, art, sports or other creative pursuits. You can become an authority on romance. Affairs affect your social standing and reputation. Affairs affect your climb up the professional ladder. Relaxation fits in around your professional obligations. You take risks in your professional life. You become known for being a risk-taker. Your capacity for risk-taking affects your reputation. You flirt on the job. You want to be seen as a romantic person. You want people to think you’re entertaining and fun to be around. You get a reputation for not taking things seriously.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to form groups, make friends, be involved in social causes, fulfill long term goals and gain an audience. You use creativity in group situations. You are self-expressive among friends. Creativity comes through in your choice of social movements and causes. You use art, music, theater and dance to create social reform. You relax with friends. You share your personal creative interests with friends and groups of like-minded people. You want an audience for your personal interests and hobbies. You need an audience for your artistic and creative pursuits. Being creative serves your long term goals and dreams. Children have an effect on what kind of long term goals you choose. Children impact the social causes you become involved with. The need for fun and romance impacts what kind of social reform you want to see in the world. Children come second to friendship. People are attracted to you because of your creativity and self-expression. Your dramatic self-expression comes through in group activities. You want to have romances with friends. You turn lovers into friends. You express creativity with friends. You take risks on behalf of friends. You take risks on behalf of social reform. You take risks on behalf of causes.

The activities of the 5th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children serve the need to release grief and sorrow, spend time alone, melt into formless bliss, escape from reality and become aware of the self-undoing. Hobbies and interests revolve around spirituality and the paranormal. Dance, art, music and theater help you escape from reality. You use creativity in interactions with those less fortunate. You use dance, theater, art and music in our involvement with charity and institutions. Self-expression comes through solitude. You are self-expressive when you are alone. Children have an effect on which charities you become involved in. You relax and have fun by going on spiritual retreats and meditating. You have a vision for institutions. Your creative pursuits force you to spend time alone. A lonely child. You become involved with children’s hospitals or art programs for inmates. Your creative talents and gifts help those less fortunate. Dramatic self-expression and theatricality come through when you are alone. You have romantic fantasies about ghosts. You like hobbies that you can do alone. Relaxation comes through finding ways to let go of reality. Your love of drama and theater expresses itself in our escapist tendencies. You take risks in the ways you try to escape from reality. Risky behavior is the self-undoing. Involvement in the arts can be the self-undoing. Involvement in sports can be the self-undoing. Involvement with children can be the self-undoing.

5th house

  • Children & Your Inner Child
  • Creativity & Playtime
  • Drama & Personal Self-Expression
  • Entertainment
  • Gambling & Risky Behavior
  • Hobbies & "So, what do you do for fun?"
  • Romance, Flirting, & Affairs of the Heart
  • Sports & Heart-Pounding Activities
  • The Heart's Joy
  • Vacations & Partying
  • Artist
  • Athlete
  • Child
  • DJ
  • Gamer
  • Lover
  • Party people
  • Pregnant person
  • Amusement park
  • Athletic Field
  • Bingo Hall
  • Casino
  • Festival
  • Odeum
  • Party
  • Nightclub
  • Playground
  • Playhouse
  • Theater
  • Vacation
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Creativity
  • Dating
  • Drama
  • Falling in love
  • Games (video games, board games, chess, athletics, racing, etc.)
  • Gambling
  • Hobbies
  • Partying
  • Play
  • Poker Tournament
  • Self-expression
  • Wining & dining
  • Romance
  • Good Times
  • Getting pregnant, and activities that lead to getting pregnant
  • Dealing with children

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