*the blog of an astrology addict
Thoughts: The Warrior Crab sidles forward for the first time since Mars turned retrograde in December. Were the past two months what you expected, or have you been caught off guard? Process your emotions until April 17th, and refrain from lashing out. Saturn entering Aries in May warns to conserve your energy and choose your battles because there is a long slog ahead. This is just the beginning.
Thoughts: The Warrior Crab sidles forward for the first time since Mars turned retrograde in December. Were the past two months what you expected, or have you been caught off guard? Process your emotions until April 17th, and refrain from lashing out. Saturn entering Aries in May warns to conserve your energy and choose your battles because there is a long slog ahead. This is just the beginning.
Use the last stages of Saturn in Pisces to redefine your dreams for the new era. Rub your eyes clear and prepare to see things as they are, not as you wish them to be.
The next two weeks are quieter, astrologically, as the planets prepare for an intense March filled with conjunctions, eclipses, retrogrades, the equinox, and sign changes.
This is our second experience with Mercury and Jupiter in mutual reception. Last time it was Mercury in Sagittarius with Jupiter in Gemini, this time it’s Mercury in Pisces with Jupiter in Gemini. At least Jupiter is no longer retrograde!
This article explores the zodiac sign Aquarius on the cusp of each of the twelve astrological houses. This article is included in the Signs Through the Houses astrology eBook.