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Zodiac Sign Keywords for Astrological Interpretation

An evolving group of keywords, ideas, and concepts for the twelve zodiac signs in astrology



  • Battle-Ready & Heroic
  • Enthusiastic & Spontaneous
  • Impatient & Hasty
  • Independent & Self-Centered
  • Leader & Competitor
  • Pioneering & Daring
  • Quick-Tempered & Immature
  • Simple & Direct
  • Solo, entrepreneurial, direct, new, spontaneous; I’m going, with or without you!; heading into uncharted territory; being brave, being the first, energetic, inspiring
  • Unrefined & Naive
  • Angry
  • Impatient
  • Quick temper
  • DIY guru (do-it-yourself)
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fighter
  • Firefighter
  • Military
  • Single parent
  • Soldier
  • Solo artist
  • Surgeon
  • Warrior
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  • Artistic & Manifesting
  • Conservative & Dull
  • Earthy & Sensual
  • Fertile & Fecund
  • Gathering, patient, peaceful, relaxed, hedonistic, productively creative, beauty-loving, normal (status quo), easy, steadfast, substantial, sustaining, down-to-earth
  • Materialistic & Accumulating
  • Natural
  • Patient & Enduring
  • Resourceful & Conservationist
  • Real & Solid
  • Steady & Reliable
  • Stubborn & Plodding
  • Tranquil
  • Deliberate
  • Earthy
  • Grounded
  • Languid
  • Plodding
  • Relaxed
  • Sensual
  • Slow
  • Sustainable
  • Artisan
  • Banker
  • Body Worker
  • Chef
  • Earthworker
  • Financial officer
  • Gardener
  • Gastronomist
  • Masseuse
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  • Bright & With-it
  • Clever & Witty
  • Communicative & Connecting
  • Quick, changeable, multi-faceted, idea-person, having an array of skills, spry, comprehending, understandable, intelligible, connecting, alert, in-the-moment
  • Scattered & Multitudinous
  • Silver-Tongued & Sly
  • Street-Smart or Book-Smart
  • The freedom needed for curiosity to fluorish
  • Versatile & Adaptable
  • Youthful & On-Trend
  • Clever
  • Connected
  • Quick
  • Ad executive
  • Copywriter
  • Courier
  • Marketer
  • Media Mogul
  • Sales
  • Telecommunications
  • Writer
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  • Family or Clan-Oriented
  • Maternal, security-seeking, moody, comfortable, patriotic, homey, considerate, accommodating, catering; sensitive, tender-hearted, defensive, conserving, safety-conscious
  • Precautious & Preventative
  • Private & Homebody
  • Protective & Defensive
  • Sensitive & Moody
  • Sentimental & Caring
  • Tenacious & Retentive
  • Tender & Gentle
  • Traditional & Patriotic
  • Caring
  • Defending
  • Emotional
  • Moody
  • Personal
  • Protective
  • Sensitive
  • Sentimental
  • Tenacious
  • Vulnerable
  • Archivist
  • Caterer
  • Conservationist
  • Cook / Chef
  • Guard
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  • Bossy & Demanding
  • Courageous & Heart-Centered
  • Fun & Playful
  • Pompous & Condescending
  • Proud & Vain
  • Star-Powered & Celebrative
  • Stylish & Creative
  • Theatrical, outgoing, expressive, brand-conscious, snobby, elite, performing, personal touch, center of attention, royal
  • Warm-Hearted & Generous
  • Playful
  • Proud
  • Warm-hearted
  • Boss
  • Ruler
  • Star
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  • Discerning & Critical Thinker
  • Health-Conscious & Hygienic
  • Helpful & Efficient
  • Humane & Service-Oriented
  • Methodical & Detail-Oriented
  • Modest & Self-effacing
  • Practical & Appropriate
  • Specific & Delineated
  • Technical & Analytical
  • Worrying & Apprehensive
  • Analytical
  • Critical
  • Detail-oriented
  • Exacting
  • Picky
  • Technical
  • Administrator
  • Critic
  • Dietician
  • Healthcare worker
  • Fact-checker
  • House cleaner
  • Logistics expert
  • Maintenance engineer
  • Systems analyst
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  • Aesthetic & Beauty-Oriented
  • Balancing, Mirror-Mirror, & Tit for Tat
  • Charismatic & Charming
  • Companionable & Sociable
  • Cooperative, Peace-Loving, and Fair
  • Diplomatic & Negotiating
  • Indecisive & Apathetic
  • Intermediary & Impartial
  • Pairing, matching, things that go together, equal, reflective
  • Refined, Elegant, & Gracious
  • Schmoozer
  • Smooth operator
  • Balanced
  • Complementary
  • Fair
  • Advocate
  • Diplomat
  • Event planner
  • Home Decorator
  • Interior designer
  • Lawyer
  • Lobbyist
  • Matchmaker
  • Negotiator
  • Peacemaker
  • Professional Schmoozer
  • Wedding planner
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  • Private & Probing
  • Magnetic & Intense
  • Powerful & Manipulative
  • Extreme & Subversive
  • Complicated & Misunderstood
  • Passionate & Jealous
  • Deep & Mystical
  • Vindictive & Vengeful
  • Persevering & Transformational
  • Intense
  • Probing
  • Mysterious
  • Passionate
  • Obsessed
  • Detective
  • Researcher
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  • Optimistic
  • Expansive
  • Enthusiastic
  • Easy-Going & Casual
  • Humorous
  • Adventurous
  • Overzealous
  • Preachy
  • Brazen
  • Optimistic
  • Humorous
  • Adventurous
  • World Traveler
  • Preacher
  • Professor
  • Historian
  • Journalist
  • Philosopher
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  • Old-Fashioned & Concerned with Lineage
  • Professional & Social Climbing
  • Mature & Sophisticated
  • Responsible & Prepared
  • Ambitious & Goal-Setting
  • Rigid & Ruthless
  • Disciplined & Accountable
  • Experienced & Accomplished
  • Calculating & Deliberate
  • Upwardly-mobile
  • Conservative
  • Prepared
  • Mature
  • Wizened
  • CEO
  • Mountain Climber
  • Architect
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  • Progressive
  • Friendly
  • Humanitarian
  • Reforming
  • Eccentric
  • Tolerant
  • Inventive
  • Futuristic & Technological
  • Aloof
  • Humanitarian
  • Progressive
  • Friendly
  • Futuristic
  • Technological
  • Activist
  • Social Worker
  • Group Coordinator
  • Computers / Tech
  • Inventor
  • Futurist
  • Sci-Fi
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  • Chaotic & Elusive
  • Ethereal & Transient
  • Expansive & Boundless
  • Imaginative
  • Kind & Sympathetic
  • Poetic, Musical, & Artistic
  • Psychic & Sensitive
  • Slippery & Escapist
  • Spiritual & Mystic
  • Gentle
  • Imaginative
  • Sensitive
  • Abstract Thinker
  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • Physicist
  • Poet
  • Musician
  • Mystic
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