Natal Sun in Cancer Through the Houses
ith the Sun in Cancer in the first house, you are becoming comfortable in a leadership role. You discover personal power by knowing how to react when you are caught off guard. Your central purpose is to demonstrate gentle integrity. You shine by finding strength in vulnerability. Coming into your own requires letting your sensitive side show through. Attaining self-realization means knowing the difference between what is worth defending and when you are merely being defensive. Being yourself means that you are the leader of your family, “tribe” or the people with whom you feel a kinship.
You have to defend your honor. And your family.
― Suzanne Vega
ith the Sun in Cancer in the second house, you are becoming sensitive to the fact that you are your most valuable asset. You discover personal power by feeling in your gut that you have a lot to give. Your central purpose is to have confidence in your ability to take care of yourself even as your emotional life ebbs and flows. You shine when you get emotional and show how much you care about your priorities. Coming into your own requires letting people know what your values are, even if that means shedding your armor. Attaining self-realization means knowing how to fend off those who might try to take advantage of you. Being yourself means that you are comfortable in your own skin, and that you allow yourself to develop sentimental attachments to things.
ith the Sun in Cancer in the third house, you are becoming a retentive learner. You discover personal power when you trust the connection between your mind and your emotions. Your central purpose is to form an emotional connection to your local environment. You shine when you show how much you care about learning and education. Coming into your own requires demonstrating how to care for, nurture and develop an idea beginning from its infancy. Attaining self-realization means knowing when to defend your ideas. Being yourself means that your mind is influenced by private feelings.
ith the Cancer Sun in the fourth house, you are becoming deeply attuned to your private inner life. You discover personal power by defending family, upbringing and the emotional bonds that tie people together. Your central purpose is to know where your base is – the people and places that feed and sustain you. You shine by showing that you never forget your roots. Coming into your own requires finding strength in your roots, your family, your heritage and whatever or whoever made you who you are. Attaining self-realization means that you never deny who you are or where you came from for the sake of achievement or worldly success. Being you means wanting to come home to familiar faces that love and support you.
ith the Sun in Cancer in the fifth house, you are discovering that love is a natural thing. You discover personal power by giving in a caring and gentle way (especially to those people, or projects, that are in states of vulnerability). Your central purpose is to have fun, be creatively self― expressive and playful. You shine when you get emotionally involved in activities that bring you pleasure. Coming into your own requires being vulnerable enough to give love and show you care. Attaining self-realization means knowing when to stop clinging to your identity as a party animal or needy child. Being you means nurturing your creative side.
The Beatles were just four guys that loved each other. That’s all they’ll ever be.
― Ringo Starr
ith the Sun in Cancer in the sixth house, you are finding ways to display kindness and sympathy through acts of service. You discover personal power by doing even the most boring thing with sensitivity and care. Your central purpose is to discover that every detail is worth personal, emotional investment. You shine by tenaciously honing your skills. Coming into your own means finding work that you really care about. Attaining self-realization means feeling emotionally fulfilled in everyday life. Being you means that coworkers and animals often form your extended family.
ith the Sun in Cancer Sun in the seventh house, you are becoming sensitive to your partners in life. You discover personal power by allowing yourself to depend on someone else without losing self― sufficiency. Your central purpose is to nurture significant relationships while upholding your end of the responsibilities and duties that come with them. You shine through sensitive leadership and gentle compromise in partnership. Coming into your own requires having significant people in your life with whom you can let down your guard. Attaining self-realization means that you can show you care without losing face. Being you means making the time and space for intimate relationships to develop and grow no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
ith the Sun in Cancer Sun in the eighth house, you are becoming deeply sensitive to states of transition and transformation. You discover personal power by preserving and nurturing the resources of others. Your central purpose is to sustain deeply caring relationships with the people who support you through blood, sweat and tears. You shine by showing that you have the tenacity to endure trials and tribulation. Coming into your own requires remaining emotionally available no matter what you are going through. Attaining self-realization means that you are prudent enough to know when to let others shine. Being you means that emotions run deep, and when it comes to domestic life, the people you consider to be part of your tribe, your inner circle or your family, you are willing to face fears to make necessary changes.
ith the Sun in Cancer Sun in the ninth house, you are becoming someone who takes issues of meaning, ethics and expansion in a personally sensitive way. You discover personal power when you become emotionally involved in the quest for meaning and freedom of thought. Your central purpose is to be vulnerable in the pursuit of your ideals, while also protecting yourself. You shine by showing that you have the tenacity to protect your belief system no matter what others think. Coming into your own requires feeling in your gut what you believe with your mind. Attaining self-realization means that you are a leader in protecting and feeding the beliefs of the people who are part of your tribe, family or inner circle. Being you means that you become emotionally charged and defensive when your ideals, philosophy or beliefs are challenged.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
― George Washington Carver
ith the Sun in Cancer Sun in the tenth house, you are becoming aware of the fact that your most vulnerable self is on public display. You discover personal power by letting your gut instincts guide you through your professional life. Your central purpose is to retain your gentle core self even under public scrutiny. You shine by showing that you have the tenacity to achieve your highest aspirations. Coming into your own requires understanding that living a public life means balancing vulnerability with self― protection. Attaining self-realization means that you use your public image to be a caretaker, defender and nurturer. Being you means that you can get emotionally charged and defensive about your public image and what people have to say about it.
ith the Sun in Cancer Sun in the eleventh house, you are becoming a standout among your peers while supporting and nurturing their growth. You discover personal power by becoming sensitive to the camaraderie of your particular group. Your central purpose is to bare your vulnerable self to the people who share your interests – your group, your club, your gang, etc… You shine by showing that you care about and support humanitarian efforts. Coming into your own requires letting your guard down long enough to form strong emotional bonds with the collections of people who run in the same circles that you do. Attaining self-realization means being gentler with yourself when it comes to achieving your long term goals. Being you means forming emotionally supportive relationships with people who share your interests.
ith the Sun in Cancer Sun in the twelfth house, you are becoming sensitive to a proper balance between work and leisure. You discover personal power by trusting your gut when you’re in uncharted territory. Your central purpose is to lead through instinct when there are no markers or signposts to guide you. You shine by showing that you are at peace with the decisions you make based on your gut feelings. Coming into your own requires letting your guard down long enough to free yourself from “shoulds” and “oughts” and just feel who you are, in the flow. Attaining self-realization means accepting that you have blind spots – without getting all defensive about it. Being you means making time for family and close friends no matter how demanding your schedule is.