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Natal Sun in Gemini Through the Houses


ith the Sun in Gemini in the first house, you are becoming the embodiment of active curiosity. You discover personal power by letting your youthful nervous energy radiate out to touch others. Your central purpose is to communicate your perceptions through your appearance and physical presence. You shine by letting your body do the talking. Taking accurate mental notes on your surroundings builds confidence. Coming into your own requires paying attention to all the little clues on how people perceive you while not allowing yourself to get attached to those perceptions. Attaining self-realization means remaining flexible and adapting to changing environments. Being yourself means acting like a curious child: mentally alert, observant, open to new experiences and sometimes imitating others as you learn for yourself.

A lot of comic actors derive their main force from childish behavior. Most great comics are doing such silly things; you’d say, ‘That’s what a child would do’.
― Gene Wilder

ith the Sun in Gemini in the second house, you are becoming confident in your ability to gather information and decide what is important in any given situation. You discover personal power by knowing what deserves your attention in every moment. Your central purpose is to prioritize your attention moment by moment. You shine when you communicate your values clearly and confidently. Coming into your own requires paying attention to how values change over time, and even day by day. Attaining self-realization means remaining flexible and perceptive of changing priorities. Being you means making use of your innate talents: wit, dexterity, curiosity and intelligence.


ith the Sun in Gemini in the third house, you are becoming a source of information. You know where to eat, what to do, where to go, who’s hot, who’s not, who’s in and who’s out in whatever circle you belong to. You discover personal power when you make your instrument of communication sing (or talk) – whether that’s through an actual instrument, your own voice or another medium. Your central purpose is continuous learning in how to communicate your every perception through the medium of your choice. You shine by demonstrating how “on the button” you are. Confidence comes through being attentive to every tiny gesture, movement and utterance. Coming into your own requires remaining open to changing your mind based on circumstantial evidence. Attaining self-realization means staying centered in the midst of conflicting input and information. Being yourself means that you always say what you think even if no words leave your mouth.


ith the Gemini Sun in the fourth house, you are becoming the lifeblood of the family. You discover personal power by feeling at home with your thoughts and perceptions. Your central purpose is nurture a private space where you can think, write and otherwise express and collect information free from intrusions. You shine when you are are at ease expressing your private thoughts and discussing family matters. Coming into your own means paying attention to your home life, communications with family members, and your private life. You may be the one person who holds the rest of the family together. Attaining self-realization means remaining flexible and adapting to changes in your home environment. Being yourself means finding a place you can call home, where you can relax yet still have mental stimulation.


ith the Sun in Gemini in the fifth house, you are becoming the life of the party. You discover personal power by playing the trickster and keeping people on their toes in an entertaining and light-hearted way. Your central purpose is to enjoy moment by moment pleasures and experiences. You shine when you have confidence in conveying your thoughts and observations from a place of authentic self-expression. Enjoyment of communication and networking are strengths. Coming into your own requires honing your storytelling skills. Attaining self-realization requires being flexible and matching your communication style to your changing circle of interests. Being you means making use of grand remarks and creative interchanges to get attention.


ith the Sun in Gemini in the sixth house, you are becoming an apprentice to the learning process. You discover personal power by continuously learning new skills. Your central purpose is to know how your set of skills meets changing surroundings. You shine when you’re able to explain what you do in a way that piques the interest of others. Coming into your own requires finding work that allows you to be on the go and have a variety of experiences. Attaining self-realization requires being ready to meet the changing needs of your work environment. Being yourself means finding work that allows you to use your nimble body and mind on a day to day basis to your benefit and others’.


ith a Gemini Sun in the seventh house, you are becoming an informed partner. You discover personal power by attracting people who are good listeners and communicators into your life. Your central purpose is to form significant relationships with people who mirror your curious, intelligent and lively qualities. You shine when you have people in your life who speak your language. Coming into your own requires having people in your life that you can bounce your ideas off of. Attaining self-realization requires being flexible and adapting to changes in your relationships. Being yourself means having relationships with people who are mentally stimulating and who make you feel clever.


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ith a Gemini Sun in the ninth house, you are becoming a bright adventurer. You discover personal power by being perceptive of where others are coming from. Your central purpose is to gain perspective on varying viewpoints while staying true to your own – without missing a beat. You shine when you let your mind expand to take in the bigger picture while being aware of what is happening immediately in front of you. Coming into your own requires communicating through every little gesture, word and movement that you believe in yourself. Attaining self-realization requires connecting with something greater and moving nimbly among differing truths. Being yourself means that your mind and body are free to roam.

I would seriously question whether anybody is really foolish enough to really say what they mean. Sometimes I think that civilization as we know it would kind of break down if we all were completely honest.

― Elizabeth Hurley


ith a Gemini Sun in the tenth house, you are becoming known for what you say. You discover personal power when your ideas and words are taken seriously. Your central purpose is to make a name for yourself. You shine when you have people in your life that you look up to and who admire your intelligence and informed opinion in return. Coming into your own requires having a public outlet for your brilliant ideas. Attaining self-realization requires being flexible and adapting to changes in your professional life. Being yourself means that you enjoy being seen as a smarty-pants.


ith a Gemini Sun in the eleventh house, you are becoming the center of an active circle of people. You discover personal power by talking about your hopes and dreams. Your central purpose is to form relationships with intelligent people who support your long term goals. You shine when you funnel your nervous energy into delighting and charming the crowds. Coming into your own requires reaching for your dreams even if they change minute by minute. Attaining self-realization requires being flexible and adapting to changes in your long term outlook. Being yourself means that you can get a room buzzing with conversation in a matter of minutes.


ith a Gemini Sun in the twelfth house, you are becoming informed about your fears. You discover personal power by communicating that which scares you most. Your central purpose is to let your mind unwind by finding an outlet for your nervous energy. You shine by letting the infinite talk through you. Coming into your own requires being alert to your, and other people’s, “tell.” Attaining self-realization means that you know when someone is lying and you know when you are lying to yourself. Being you means having a knack for spinning tales of fantasy.


  • Helios
  • Sol
  • Attention (where the Sun goes is where you need to pay attention)
  • Confidence
  • Conscious Self
  • Core
  • Creative Potential
  • Ego
  • Energy level
  • Exposure
  • Fame
  • Identity
  • Life Purpose
  • Personal Authority
  • Reputation (Fame or infamy)
  • Self
  • Self-Expression
  • Shine
  • Spotlight
  • Star Power
  • Vitality & Willpower
  • Where you cast a shadow (maybe the house opposite the Sun)
  • Authority Figure
  • Boss
  • Celebrity
  • Central figure
  • Go-to person / Point person
  • Hero
  • Key player
  • Powerful Person
  • Royal
  • Self-Confident Individual
  • Star of the show

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  • Bickering
  • Bright & With-it
  • Clever & Witty
  • Communication alternatives
  • Communicative & Connecting
  • Quick, changeable, multi-faceted, idea-person, having an array of skills, spry, comprehending, understandable, intelligible, connecting, alert, in-the-moment
  • Scattered & Multitudinous
  • Silver-Tongued & Sly
  • Street-Smart or Book-Smart
  • The freedom needed for curiosity to fluorish
  • Versatile & Adaptable
  • Youthful & On-Trend
  • Ad executive
  • Copywriter
  • Courier
  • Marketer
  • Media Mogul
  • Sales
  • Telecommunications
  • Writer

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