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Natal Sun in Scorpio Through the Houses


ith the Sun in Scorpio in the first house, you discover personal power through laser focus on your complex image and persona.

Your central purpose is to be transformed by how you feel about the way you look, thereby penetrating your own social mask to exude an authentic presence.

You build confidence by having your mystery and sex appeal confirmed by others.

You shine when your magnetic persona attracts a stable partner who basks in your powerfully healing company.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme if the person who shares your dinner table bores you to tears or there is no one sitting across from you at all.

I’ve been accused of being cold, snobbish, distant. Those who know me well know that I’m nothing of the sort. If anything, the opposite is true. But is it too much to ask to want to protect your private life, your inner feelings?
Grace Kelly, Scorpio Sun 1st House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the second house, you discover personal power by creating a repository of inner and outer assets you can bank on.

Your central purpose is to be transformed by how you feel about what you have and what you can call your own.

You build confidence by developing hidden skills and talents to the point where what you feel you are worth matches what you have in the bank.

You shine when you have something of deep emotional value to give authentically to others.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when you stop being self-possessed and start being self-repressed.

I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t.
― Albert Camus, The Stranger, Scorpio Sun 2nd House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the third house, you discover personal power by pushing through stagnation to learn material deeply, at an emotional level.

Your central purpose is to be transformed and develop emotional strength through powerful communication.

You build confidence through keen observation of the most mundane interactions between people, which leads to bigger ideas about the world at large.

You shine when your provocative thought process and penchant for introspection provide transforming insight to others.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when your probing mind yields nothing more than vicious gossip and sarcastic comments.

It’s just a theory really, but I have always thought that your physical surroundings can shape your voice and personality. Minimal is the word I’d use to describe how I live and dress, and it’s also how I sing. I’m not a big fan of overemoting.
– K.D. Lang, “KD Lang: ‘In the end, I knew it would all come back to the music. And it did’“, Scorpio Sun 3rd House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the fourth house, you discover personal power by using research to delve deeply into human origins, especially as it relates to heritage, roots, and finding a place where you belong.

Your central purpose is to build a healing emotional foundation that the rest of your life can grow from.

You build confidence by letting the journey to your roots transform you.

You shine when the well of emotional strength inside you generates the power needed to reach your goals.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when home and family life are rife with suspicion, envy, power struggles, and manipulation.

The American Dream is a term that is often used but also often misunderstood. It isn’t really about becoming rich or famous. It is about things much simpler and more fundamental than that.
Dorothy Dandridge, Scorpio Sun 4th House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the fifth house, you discover personal power through intense cathartic release into what brings you joy.

Your central purpose is to be transformed by giving yourself over to the romance of self-expression.

You build confidence by expressing sexual self-confidence, mixing fun and pleasure with magnetic intensity.

You shine by showing how far you would go for happiness.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when joy becomes compulsory and destructive.

I did not regret it at the time and I don’t regret it now. I have never felt a moment’s regret.
― Reginald Kray, A Way of Life: Over 30 Years of Blood, Sweat and Tears, Scorpio Sun 5th House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the sixth house, you discover personal power by infusing your routine with passion, mystery and eroticism.

Your central purpose is to be transformed and develop self-awareness through everyday activities.

You build confidence by developing a daily ritual that is emotionally compelling and psychologically rich.

You shine when your magnetic presence  pierces through the daily grind to reveal the complexity of interactions underlying it.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when your daily life is filled with jealous coworkers and a cynical attitude.

There are no novels that I like to read so I write my own novels, and then I read them again, and it’s the best thing.
– Willow Smith, “The 7 Most Outrageous Quotes From Willow and Jaden Smith“, Scorpio Sun 6th House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the seventh house, you discover personal power by being a trusted healing partner and friend to others.

Your central purpose is to be transformed through significant relationships that require that you learn to see eye-to-eye.

You build confidence through being an emotional tuning fork to other people’s personalities.

You shine when you show that you have the emotional strength to handle complex relationship interactions with zero manipulation or power games.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when everyone in your life is to blame for your problems and somehow they’ve all done you wrong through no fault of your own.

Let’s give them something to talk about
A little mystery to figure out
Let’s give them something to talk about
How about love, love, love, love?
– Bonnie Raitt, “Something to Talk About”, Scorpio Sun 7th House

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ith the Sun in Scorpio in the ninth house, you discover personal power by taking a trip through the emotionally charged landscape of ethics, morality, religion and culture.

Your central purpose is to be transformed through an expansive and extensive search for meaning, pulling in your knack for research and natural talent for digging deeper.

You build confidence by turning your own ethical and moral opinions inside-out until what you truly feel, and what you believe in your gut, match.

You shine by being a guide who has a deeply felt, intensely powerful, and hard-won perspective on the larger issues of life.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when you can’t remember how to talk about the weather.

We joke in my family that my father learned to play the piano so he wouldn’t have to talk to anybody. I wish I could play the way he did so I could go to parties and be present but not have to be called upon for small talk.
– Allison Janney, “Allison Janney: What I’ve Learned“, Scorpio Sun 9th House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the tenth house, you discover personal power by putting your emotional strength and depth of character on display for all to see and poke at.

Your central purpose is to transform through the experience of being a magnetic, and possibly polarizing, public figure.

You build confidence by taking on complex issues of power imbalances in the world without becoming corrupted by power yourself.

You shine when you’re tackling the toughest issues around that nobody else wants to be caught dead near.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when you spend more time controlling your public image than being an authentic role model.

Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
– Daniel Barenboim, “20 amazing quotes from classical musicians“, Scorpio Sun 10th House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the eleventh house, you discover personal power by being the magnet that joins influential people together for a common cause.

Your central purpose is to transform through emotionally healing group activities aimed toward progress and the common good.

You build confidence by attracting a tribe of people who are as passionate about the same universal goals and aspirations as you are.

You shine when your alluring sexy self uses charm and wit to serve the larger purpose of drawing attention to the conditions you want to improve in the world.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when the major thing  you have in common with your friends and allies is a plan for revenge.

If your parents never had children, chances are you won’t either.
Dick Cavett, Scorpio Sun 11th House

ith the Sun in Scorpio in the twelfth house, you discover personal power by being aware of your inner fantasies and joining them to real life in a healing and regenerative way.

Your central purpose is to transform through gaining emotional strength by accessing your vast interior life.

You build confidence through immersion in mystical retreats and cathartic regeneration experiences that release emotional residue.

You shine when your insightful remarks powerfully demonstrate that you have truly transformed your karma.

You’ll know you’ve become extreme when time alone is squandered on bitter feelings, paranoid fantasies, and looping replays of times you’ve been betrayed.

The whole experience of getting close to mortality changed my perspective on work. I wasn’t enjoying acting before: I felt like I wasn’t in charge of my career. I wasn’t doing things that made me feel good. I was really bitter, I thought I deserved more, and I wasn’t grateful for all the great shit that had happened to me. If you’re not grateful, then it’s very easy to be an asshole. After the brain tumor happened, I realized I love acting, I’ve always loved it, I may never get a chance to do it again.
– Mark Ruffalo, IMDB, Scorpio Sun 12th House


  • Helios
  • Sol
  • Attention (where the Sun goes is where you need to pay attention)
  • Confidence
  • Conscious Self
  • Core
  • Creative Potential
  • Ego
  • Energy level
  • Exposure
  • Fame
  • Identity
  • Life Purpose
  • Personal Authority
  • Reputation (Fame or infamy)
  • Self
  • Self-Expression
  • Shine
  • Spotlight
  • Star Power
  • Vitality & Willpower
  • Where you cast a shadow (maybe the house opposite the Sun)
  • Authority Figure
  • Boss
  • Celebrity
  • Central figure
  • Go-to person / Point person
  • Hero
  • Key player
  • Powerful Person
  • Royal
  • Self-Confident Individual
  • Star of the show

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  • All-consuming, devouring, and destroying
  • Complicated & Misunderstood
  • Deep & Mystical
  • Extreme & Subversive
  • Magnetic & Intense
  • Passionate & Jealous
  • Persevering & Transformational
  • Powerful & Manipulative
  • Power hungry
  • Private & Probing
  • Vindictive & Vengeful
  • Detective
  • Forensic Expert
  • Power Broker
  • Researcher
  • Shaman

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