Natal Sun in Virgo Through the Houses
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 1st house you are becoming physically efficient. You discover personal power by developing acute awareness of your physical presence and the way it impacts the people around you. Your central purpose is to perfect your delivery. You shine by paying attention to the details of the moment and adapting your approach accordingly. Coming into your own requires finding work that allows you to eliminate distractions and streamline your technique. Attaining self-realization means knowing the difference between humility and self-deprecation. Being you means that you always think you can improve even when everyone else thinks you’re flawless.
I’m a classic example of all humorists – only funny when I’m working.
― Peter Sellers
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 2nd house you are becoming perfectly clear about what you have to offer. You discover personal power by steering clear of others’ muddled values, priorities and wishes for you – this includes maintaining distinct boundaries with regard to your personal finances. Your central purpose is to acquire what you want and have what you need without sacrificing your values. You shine through the unselfish giving of what you have to others (your talents and your possessions). Coming into your own requires lavishing meticulous attention on your body. Attaining self-realization means that you won’t lose yourself to intense and chaotic relationships. Being you means that “discipline” could be your middle name.
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 3rd house you are becoming an efficient communicator. You discover personal power by consistently improving your self-expression through your chosen form of communication. Your central purpose is to pay attention to moment by moment perceptions and adjust your personal viewpoint accordingly. You shine when you capture a moment with precision. Coming into your own requires knowing when you are getting too bogged down in mundane details. Attaining self-realization means knowing how to balance practical daily considerations with loftier pondering and musings. Being you means that when someone asks you about your day, they’d better get ready to hear a laundry list of activities and to-dos.
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 4th house you are becoming an emotional pragmatist. You discover personal power by communicating the facts – the reality – of where you come from and the particulars that make up that reality. Your central purpose is to maintain a distinct inner sense of self that is impervious to critical attacks and that remains whole, yet separate. You shine when you show just how aware you are of where you end and others begin. Coming into your own requires resisting becoming overly critical of those closest to you even while recognizing their flaws. Attaining self-realization means knowing better than to bite the hand that feeds you. Being you means that you know better than anyone what makes your particular “tribe” tick.
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 5th house you are becoming crystal clear about what makes you feel joyful and exuberant. You discover personal power by taking a practical approach to all of your creative projects. Your central purpose is to develop exacting, technical, precise skills to drive your creative self-expression. You shine when your need for center stage feeds your desire to help others. Coming into your own requires shutting out the deluge of input from casual acquaintances. Attaining self-realization means knowing when your pet project is perfect and doesn’t require any more tweaking. Being you means never getting lost in the crowd.
My talents fall within definite limitations. I am not as versatile an actress as some think.
― Greta Garbo
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 6th house you are becoming someone with a recipe for success. You discover personal power through awareness of the details that go into making any enterprise productive, efficient, and repeatable. You shine by moving organically through your environment, never doing any more or less than what needs to be done. Your central purpose is to express yourself through your work and through the service you provide to others. Attaining self-realization means maintaining a clear line between that which is real and can be measured, and that which cannot. You attract attention because you bring your ego to work, and when people criticize your work, you feel that they are criticizing you. Being you means that your skill set is versatile and adaptable, even if you try to downplay that fact.
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 7th house you are becoming a humble and clear-sighted companion. You discover personal power by being of service to the ones you love. Your central purpose is never to give up your vision or ideals, while still making room for others’ reality. You shine when you have something constructive to offer relationships (not grumbling, criticism, or self-defeating subservience). Coming into your own means never being anyone’s doormat. Self-realization comes through paying attention to the company you keep. Being you means always worrying about the ones you love.
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ith the Sun in Virgo in the 9th house you are becoming someone with real, earthly knowledge. You discover personal power by presenting your worldview in an unpretentious way. Your central purpose is to have grounded opinions based on facts and astute observation. You shine by demonstrating your knowledge with humility and gratitude. Coming into your own means that you have a down-to-earth relationship with your higher power or that which gives ultimate meaning to your life. Self-realization means that you’ve overcome petty, fault-finding attitudes towards people from other cultures and backgrounds. Being you means that you are open to adapting your opinion on a subject as your education increases.
Don’t treat your heart like an action figure wrapped in plastic and never used. And don’t try to give me that nerd argument that your heart is a ‘Batman’ with a limited-edition silver bat-erang and therefore if it stays in its original packing it increases in value.
― Amy Poehler
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 10th house, there is a select world “out there” that is your office space. You discover personal power by becoming so cleanly efficient in achieving your goals, you are almost machine-like. Your central purpose is to have an ambition which demands relentless practice to make perfect. You shine by displaying precision and technical expertise in your vocation. Coming into your own means you are prepared for others to scrutinize your authority as much as you scrutinize theirs. Self-realization means that no matter what you achieve or how far you go, deep inside you continue to be sensitive to outside criticism. Being you means you want to be recognized for all the parts that create the whole of your work.
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 11th house, you strive to be of service to society in practical ways. You discover personal power by communicating improvements and creating systems for the good of all. Your central purpose is to discover the particulars that link people together. You shine when you prove that you’re someone friends can rely on. Coming into your own means being selective about who you hang around with. Self-realization means finding out exactly where you fit in. Being you means you probably always end up being group secretary in some capacity.
ith the Sun in Virgo in the 12th house, you take the details and make them timeless. You discover personal power by being perfectly in tune with, yet distinctly separate from, the atmosphere around you. Your central purpose is to spend enough time by yourself that you get to know exactly who you are. You shine by embracing the minutiae of life as opportunities for a kind of meditation. Coming into your own means you’re never unsure of where you stand even if you don’t know where you are. Self-realization means recognizing when you’ve become too much of a separatist. Being you means finding the perfect escape.
- Helios
- Sol
- Attention (where the Sun goes is where you need to pay attention)
- Confidence
- Conscious Self
- Core
- Creative Potential
- Ego
- Energy level
- Exposure
- Fame
- Identity
- Life Purpose
- Personal Authority
- Reputation (Fame or infamy)
- Self
- Self-Expression
- Shine
- Spotlight
- Star Power
- Vitality & Willpower
- Where you cast a shadow (maybe the house opposite the Sun)
- Authority Figure
- Boss
- Celebrity
- Central figure
- Go-to person / Point person
- Hero
- Key player
- Powerful Person
- Royal
- Self-Confident Individual
- Star of the show
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- Accounting
- Analytical
- Common sense (Earth-ruled Mercury)
- Critical
- Detail-oriented
- Discerning & Critical Thinker
- Exacting
- Fact-checking
- Health-Conscious & Hygienic
- Helpful & Efficient
- Humane & Service-Oriented
- Methodical & Detail-Oriented
- Modest & Self-effacing
- Picky
- Practical & Appropriate
- Rational
- Reasonable
- Recording (along with its opposite sign, Pisces)
- Recordkeeping
- Specific & Delineated
- Technical & Analytical
- Worrying & Apprehensive
- Administrator
- Critic
- Dietician
- Healthcare worker
- Fact-checker
- House cleaner
- Logistics expert
- Maintenance engineer
- Systems analyst