Ruler of the 10th House in Houses Astrology
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms, appearance and self-awareness. Your professionalism is one of the first things people notice about you. Your desire for recognition and status is one of the first things people notice about you. You make people aware of your achievements. Your interest in your profession is apparent to other people. The profession you choose influences the way that you present yourself. You want to gain recognition to improve your attractiveness. Having authority makes you look more attractive. You present yourself as an authority. You dress to be seen as a professional. You dress in accordance with your vocation. Your social status affects the way you present yourself and the way that other people see you. Your career goals affect your approach to life. Your career is at the forefront of your concerns. You present an image of professionalism.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions. You want a career that fits your values. You want a vocation that boosts your self-esteem. Your career should provide you with financial security. Your career should give you a feeling of physical security in the world. You want awards and recognitions that result in earning more money. You attempt to increase your social status so you can increase your earning power. Gaining authority increases your self-esteem. Becoming an authority increases your net worth. Being considered an authority is a survival need. You become an authority on personal finance. You become an authority on self-esteem issues. Relationships with authority figures impact your money making ability. Relationships with authority figures impact your self-esteem. Your attitude to authority influences your survival needs.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve communication, information gathering and everyday interactions. The need to be seen as an authority influences the way you communicate. You communicate like an authority figure. You communicate like a professional. You communicate like a parent. Your profession is always on your mind. You write a blog for professionals. You keep a professional diary. You’d like your vocation to provide opportunities for making connections around town. You’d like to become known locally for the work that you do. You’d like to be a local celebrity. Your vocation involves writing. Your vocation involves conferencing, Skypeing, phone calls, IM, Facebook, Twitter, email and other short correspondence. You get speaking engagements because of your professional status. Your authoritative stance makes you stand out in the local community. You act like a parent to your siblings. You act like the parent of your neighborhood. You take your professional experience to the local level. You teach people how to do what you do. You teach at a vocational school. You pass on information about career placement. You are a school guidance counselor. You pass on your professional experience through teaching and writing. You become an authority on your local area. You become an authority on the written word. You become an authority on language.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. Relationships with authority figures have an impact on your core psychological makeup. Relationships with parents affect your emotional security. The recognition you receive from the outside world affects your emotional security. Your social status impacts your family. You bring an authoritative attitude to your home life. You set the rules at home. You find a way to live out your true vocation from the comfort of your own home. You bring your professional life home with you. Your status out in the world affects who you are at home. Your reputation affects how your family sees you. You build a reputation for yourself as a family man/woman. You build a reputation for yourself as a nurturer or caretaker. You become known for being a nurturer or protector. You use your status to help your country. You gain a reputation for the way you serve your country. You gain authority for serving your country. You become an authority on your personal heritage and culture. You become an authority on your family tree. You become an authority on your cultural roots.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children. You build a reputation for being a flirt. You build a reputation for being a creatively expressive person. You build a reputation for being a gambler. You build a reputation for being a risk taker. Your professional life revolves around the arts. Your professional life involves children. You become a professional athlete. Your profession involves athletics. You bring an authoritative approach to music, theater, art and dance. You attempt to add structure to your creative impulses. You discipline children. You are a professional stage actor. You are an authority on children. You are an authority on sports. You are an authority on poker. You want to become known for your creativity. You want to be known for your relationships with children. You become known for your romances. You become known as a serial dater. You gain a reputation as an athlete. You bring a professional approach to your hobbies. Your parents influence your interest in the creative arts. You become an authority on music. You become an authority on dance. You become an authority on art. You become an authority on theater. You make a career out of a hobby.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve the need to be healthy, employed, have a routine and interact with animals. You build a reputation for your daily work performance. You become known for your work with animals. You become known for your involvement with fitness and diet. You become known as a workaholic. You discover your true vocation through an apprenticeship. You discover your true vocation through specializing. You become known as a specialist. You receive awards for fitness. Professional weight lifters. Professional animal activists. You become known as an authority on animals. Your vocation is dependent on your working environment. Your level of professionalism depends on your working environment. You want to work in a specific environment. Your true work requires you to be an employee rather than a boss. You bring a professional approach to the daily work environment. Your vocation revolves around health, diet and fitness. Your vocation involves lots of employee and coworker interactions. Your vocation requires you to work every day. Awards come through daily work. Your career involves mind-body integration. Your career involves daily practice.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding your vocation serve cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations. You gain recognition and social status through your partner. You are an authority on relationships (or you think you are). You act like a parent to your partner. You gain awards and recognition for your efforts in a partnership. You find your true vocation by working with a partner. Your profession involves working in one to one relationships. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to relate to other people. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to form significant relationships. You are an authority on marriage. You are an authority on business partnerships. You bring a professional approach to marriage. You treat your marriage like a career. You lay down the rules in marriage. You bring your outer expectations of success to your marriage. You want your marriage or partnership to live up to society’s standards. What each partner does for a living can be an issue in a relationship or marriage. Each partner’s social status can be an issue in marriage or partnership. Ideally the partners should have equal status and equal standing. Partners should have balanced careers. Partners should have the same ambitions and goals in mind. Partners should want to have the same achievements.
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The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems. You choose a profession that allows you to travel. You choose a profession that allows you to interact with people from other countries. You choose a profession that allows you to continually expand your horizons. You choose a profession that falls in line with your faith. You choose a profession that allows you to be academic. You become a priest. Your vocation revolves around your relationship with religion. You receive awards for academic achievements. You receive awards for your religious work. You choose a profession that allows you to search for higher meaning. Your vocation leads you to find meaning. You social status and standing in society revolves around your interactions with the church. You bring an authoritative approach to religion, faith and belief. You bring an authoritative approach to academic learning. You bring an authoritative approach to traveling. You approach other cultures as an authority. You become an authority on foreign culture. You become an authority on religion and faith. You seek recognition for your religious work. You seek recognition through discovering higher truths. You have a parental approach to people of other cultures. You become a parent to someone from another country. Having a profession gives your life meaning. Having status and recognition gives your life meaning.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation are an end unto themselves. You need a profession. You need to find your true vocation. Getting out in the world and making a name for yourself is important to you. You want to be known for something. You want to be famous. You want to receive awards and recognition. You want to climb to the top of the mountain in whatever you choose to do. You are ambitious for the sake of being ambitious. You have an authoritative approach to career and vocation. You are ambitious in your profession. You want to reach the top of your profession. You want to become known for what you do. You want your day in the Sun. You become widely known for what you do. Your career builds your reputation. Your reputation builds your career. Your reputation precedes you. You become known for your achievements…”Oscar winner…”, “Nobel Prize winner…” etc… You become known for your social status. You become known for your relationship with authority. You become known for acting like an authority. You become known as an authority on whatever type of work you choose to do. You are an authority on parental relationships. You are an authority on society’s standards and expectations. You are an authority on achievement, awards and recognition.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. You have a professional approach to the groups you get involved with. Your true vocation involves the structure of organizations and groups. Your true vocation involves working with groups of like-minded people. Following your calling depends on your ability to gain friends and fans. You have a professional approach to friendship. You bring your need for recognition to your friendships. You choose friends who will boost your social status. You choose friends who will not outdo you in social status. You choose friends who have won awards and made achievements. You organize social movements. Your vocation involves working for social causes and movements. You bring your ideas about authority to your need for social reform. You want to reform society’s standards. You want to reform society’s expectations. You want to reform the role of authority. Your relationship with your parents influences what types of social causes you become involved with. Your ambitions influence your friendships. You belong to a professional club or guild. You’re a member of a professional board. You belong to the board of directors. You have expectations for your friends. You expect your friends to be ambitious. Your ability to conduct yourself professionally influences how many fans you gain. Becoming famous results in a lot of fans. You want to be in a profession that has an audience. If you get famous, fan clubs will spring up. Fame allows you to help social causes.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve the need to release grief and sorrow, spend time alone, melt into formless bliss, escape from reality and become aware of the self-undoing. Finding your true vocation helps you release grief and sorrow. Becoming famous helps you release grief and sorrow. Becoming famous is the self-undoing. Becoming famous causes you to isolate. Becoming well-known is a fear. The desire for fame is the self-undoing. Fame enables you to help your favorite charities. Fame allows you to pursue your interest in the paranormal. Your social status causes you to retreat. Too much exposure makes you want to hide. Too much exposure makes you want to escape from reality. Your reputation makes you want to hide. Your relationship with your parents makes you want to escape from reality. Your true vocation involves working alone. Your true vocation involves working with prisoners, the insane, hospitalized or underprivileged. Your true vocation involves meditation or spirituality. Your true vocation involves working with the paranormal, developing psychic abilities or becoming a channel. Your true vocation involves working with people who have a strong urge to escape from everyday reality.
10th house
- Authorities
- Career & Vocation
- Honors & Awards
- Public Exposure (including humiliation and infamy)
- Public Life & Public Office
- Reputation
- Status & Social Position
- The Authoritative Parent
- What kinds of people you look up to
- Why People Look Up to You (aka Role Model Potential)
- Your Influence (aka the Shadow You Cast)
- Your life, on public display
- Boss
- People in a position of authority
- People who can help you up the career ladder
- Role Models (that's what I want to do when I grow up!)
- At the podium, accepting an award
- At the Top
- Boardroom
- Broad daylight
- Penthouse
- Pinnacle
- Skyscraper
- Zenith
- Becoming a parent
- Becoming an authority figure
- Becoming notorious
- Being laid off
- Building your reputation
- Destroying your reputation (Humpty Dumpty had a great fall)
- Getting a raise
- Getting famous
- Getting fired
- Reaching a career milestone
- Receiving a Lifetime Recognition Award
- Tangling with authority figures
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The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms, appearance and self-awareness. Your professionalism is one of the first things people notice about you. Your desire for recognition and status is one of the first things people notice about you. You make people aware of your achievements. Your interest in your profession is apparent to other people. The profession you choose influences the way that you present yourself. You want to gain recognition to improve your attractiveness. Having authority makes you look more attractive. You present yourself as an authority. You dress to be seen as a professional. You dress in accordance with your vocation. Your social status affects the way you present yourself and the way that other people see you. Your career goals affect your approach to life. Your career is at the forefront of your concerns. You present an image of professionalism.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions. You want a career that fits your values. You want a vocation that boosts your self-esteem. Your career should provide you with financial security. Your career should give you a feeling of physical security in the world. You want awards and recognitions that result in earning more money. You attempt to increase your social status so you can increase your earning power. Gaining authority increases your self-esteem. Becoming an authority increases your net worth. Being considered an authority is a survival need. You become an authority on personal finance. You become an authority on self-esteem issues. Relationships with authority figures impact your money making ability. Relationships with authority figures impact your self-esteem. Your attitude to authority influences your survival needs.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve communication, information gathering and everyday interactions. The need to be seen as an authority influences the way you communicate. You communicate like an authority figure. You communicate like a professional. You communicate like a parent. Your profession is always on your mind. You write a blog for professionals. You keep a professional diary. You’d like your vocation to provide opportunities for making connections around town. You’d like to become known locally for the work that you do. You’d like to be a local celebrity. Your vocation involves writing. Your vocation involves conferencing, Skypeing, phone calls, IM, Facebook, Twitter, email and other short correspondence. You get speaking engagements because of your professional status. Your authoritative stance makes you stand out in the local community. You act like a parent to your siblings. You act like the parent of your neighborhood. You take your professional experience to the local level. You teach people how to do what you do. You teach at a vocational school. You pass on information about career placement. You are a school guidance counselor. You pass on your professional experience through teaching and writing. You become an authority on your local area. You become an authority on the written word. You become an authority on language.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. Relationships with authority figures have an impact on your core psychological makeup. Relationships with parents affect your emotional security. The recognition you receive from the outside world affects your emotional security. Your social status impacts your family. You bring an authoritative attitude to your home life. You set the rules at home. You find a way to live out your true vocation from the comfort of your own home. You bring your professional life home with you. Your status out in the world affects who you are at home. Your reputation affects how your family sees you. You build a reputation for yourself as a family man/woman. You build a reputation for yourself as a nurturer or caretaker. You become known for being a nurturer or protector. You use your status to help your country. You gain a reputation for the way you serve your country. You gain authority for serving your country. You become an authority on your personal heritage and culture. You become an authority on your family tree. You become an authority on your cultural roots.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children. You build a reputation for being a flirt. You build a reputation for being a creatively expressive person. You build a reputation for being a gambler. You build a reputation for being a risk taker. Your professional life revolves around the arts. Your professional life involves children. You become a professional athlete. Your profession involves athletics. You bring an authoritative approach to music, theater, art and dance. You attempt to add structure to your creative impulses. You discipline children. You are a professional stage actor. You are an authority on children. You are an authority on sports. You are an authority on poker. You want to become known for your creativity. You want to be known for your relationships with children. You become known for your romances. You become known as a serial dater. You gain a reputation as an athlete. You bring a professional approach to your hobbies. Your parents influence your interest in the creative arts. You become an authority on music. You become an authority on dance. You become an authority on art. You become an authority on theater. You make a career out of a hobby.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve the need to be healthy, employed, have a routine and interact with animals. You build a reputation for your daily work performance. You become known for your work with animals. You become known for your involvement with fitness and diet. You become known as a workaholic. You discover your true vocation through an apprenticeship. You discover your true vocation through specializing. You become known as a specialist. You receive awards for fitness. Professional weight lifters. Professional animal activists. You become known as an authority on animals. Your vocation is dependent on your working environment. Your level of professionalism depends on your working environment. You want to work in a specific environment. Your true work requires you to be an employee rather than a boss. You bring a professional approach to the daily work environment. Your vocation revolves around health, diet and fitness. Your vocation involves lots of employee and coworker interactions. Your vocation requires you to work every day. Awards come through daily work. Your career involves mind-body integration. Your career involves daily practice.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding your vocation serve cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations. You gain recognition and social status through your partner. You are an authority on relationships (or you think you are). You act like a parent to your partner. You gain awards and recognition for your efforts in a partnership. You find your true vocation by working with a partner. Your profession involves working in one to one relationships. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to relate to other people. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to form significant relationships. You are an authority on marriage. You are an authority on business partnerships. You bring a professional approach to marriage. You treat your marriage like a career. You lay down the rules in marriage. You bring your outer expectations of success to your marriage. You want your marriage or partnership to live up to society’s standards. What each partner does for a living can be an issue in a relationship or marriage. Each partner’s social status can be an issue in marriage or partnership. Ideally the partners should have equal status and equal standing. Partners should have balanced careers. Partners should have the same ambitions and goals in mind. Partners should want to have the same achievements.
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The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems. You choose a profession that allows you to travel. You choose a profession that allows you to interact with people from other countries. You choose a profession that allows you to continually expand your horizons. You choose a profession that falls in line with your faith. You choose a profession that allows you to be academic. You become a priest. Your vocation revolves around your relationship with religion. You receive awards for academic achievements. You receive awards for your religious work. You choose a profession that allows you to search for higher meaning. Your vocation leads you to find meaning. You social status and standing in society revolves around your interactions with the church. You bring an authoritative approach to religion, faith and belief. You bring an authoritative approach to academic learning. You bring an authoritative approach to traveling. You approach other cultures as an authority. You become an authority on foreign culture. You become an authority on religion and faith. You seek recognition for your religious work. You seek recognition through discovering higher truths. You have a parental approach to people of other cultures. You become a parent to someone from another country. Having a profession gives your life meaning. Having status and recognition gives your life meaning.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation are an end unto themselves. You need a profession. You need to find your true vocation. Getting out in the world and making a name for yourself is important to you. You want to be known for something. You want to be famous. You want to receive awards and recognition. You want to climb to the top of the mountain in whatever you choose to do. You are ambitious for the sake of being ambitious. You have an authoritative approach to career and vocation. You are ambitious in your profession. You want to reach the top of your profession. You want to become known for what you do. You want your day in the Sun. You become widely known for what you do. Your career builds your reputation. Your reputation builds your career. Your reputation precedes you. You become known for your achievements…”Oscar winner…”, “Nobel Prize winner…” etc… You become known for your social status. You become known for your relationship with authority. You become known for acting like an authority. You become known as an authority on whatever type of work you choose to do. You are an authority on parental relationships. You are an authority on society’s standards and expectations. You are an authority on achievement, awards and recognition.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. You have a professional approach to the groups you get involved with. Your true vocation involves the structure of organizations and groups. Your true vocation involves working with groups of like-minded people. Following your calling depends on your ability to gain friends and fans. You have a professional approach to friendship. You bring your need for recognition to your friendships. You choose friends who will boost your social status. You choose friends who will not outdo you in social status. You choose friends who have won awards and made achievements. You organize social movements. Your vocation involves working for social causes and movements. You bring your ideas about authority to your need for social reform. You want to reform society’s standards. You want to reform society’s expectations. You want to reform the role of authority. Your relationship with your parents influences what types of social causes you become involved with. Your ambitions influence your friendships. You belong to a professional club or guild. You’re a member of a professional board. You belong to the board of directors. You have expectations for your friends. You expect your friends to be ambitious. Your ability to conduct yourself professionally influences how many fans you gain. Becoming famous results in a lot of fans. You want to be in a profession that has an audience. If you get famous, fan clubs will spring up. Fame allows you to help social causes.
The activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve the need to release grief and sorrow, spend time alone, melt into formless bliss, escape from reality and become aware of the self-undoing. Finding your true vocation helps you release grief and sorrow. Becoming famous helps you release grief and sorrow. Becoming famous is the self-undoing. Becoming famous causes you to isolate. Becoming well-known is a fear. The desire for fame is the self-undoing. Fame enables you to help your favorite charities. Fame allows you to pursue your interest in the paranormal. Your social status causes you to retreat. Too much exposure makes you want to hide. Too much exposure makes you want to escape from reality. Your reputation makes you want to hide. Your relationship with your parents makes you want to escape from reality. Your true vocation involves working alone. Your true vocation involves working with prisoners, the insane, hospitalized or underprivileged. Your true vocation involves meditation or spirituality. Your true vocation involves working with the paranormal, developing psychic abilities or becoming a channel. Your true vocation involves working with people who have a strong urge to escape from everyday reality.
10th house
- Authorities
- Career & Vocation
- Honors & Awards
- Public Exposure (including humiliation and infamy)
- Public Life & Public Office
- Reputation
- Status & Social Position
- The Authoritative Parent
- What kinds of people you look up to
- Why People Look Up to You (aka Role Model Potential)
- Your Influence (aka the Shadow You Cast)
- Your life, on public display
- Boss
- People in a position of authority
- People who can help you up the career ladder
- Role Models (that's what I want to do when I grow up!)
- At the podium, accepting an award
- At the Top
- Boardroom
- Broad daylight
- Penthouse
- Pinnacle
- Skyscraper
- Zenith
- Becoming a parent
- Becoming an authority figure
- Becoming notorious
- Being laid off
- Building your reputation
- Destroying your reputation (Humpty Dumpty had a great fall)
- Getting a raise
- Getting famous
- Getting fired
- Reaching a career milestone
- Receiving a Lifetime Recognition Award
- Tangling with authority figures