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Ruler of the 12th House in Houses Astrology

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms, appearance and self-awareness. Your sorrow is one of the first things people notice about you. You create an image of yourself as a person who has suffered. You create an image of yourself as a victim. Your experiences in prison or with people on the fringe of society shape your behavior and approach to life. You are a loner. You make people aware of your pain. Experiences with psychic phenomena shape your approach to life. Your awareness of the paranormal and interest in otherworldly experiences is apparent to other people. You have a spiritual outlook. Your approach is ethereal and hard to pinpoint. Experiences of grief and loss shape your outlook on life. You undermine yourself by associating with people who don’t have your best interests at heart. Your secret enemies influence how you present yourself. Your secret enemies impact your physical appearance. Feelings of sorrow and loss influence the way you dress and style yourself. Interactions with spirits, and meditation, affect how you dress and behave. You have a ghostly countenance. You look sad. Helping those in need is at the forefront of your concerns. You have trouble dealing with everyday reality. You bring imagination to your appearance. The self-undoing comes through your behavior and the way you present yourself. You want to merge with everything. You lose your boundaries as you approach life.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions. You desire to escape from the reality of having to earn a living. You earn a living through your work in a prison, museum, hospital or other institution. Your feelings of grief and loss impact your self-worth and self-esteem. Meditation, dream work and spiritual practice affect your self-worth and self-esteem. Dream work can be a way to earn extra money. Meditation can be a way to earn a living. Spiritual pursuits can bring financial stability. You turn your spiritual or paranormal interests into a viable income. You dream of money. Being involved in spiritual pursuits is a survival need. Having time alone is a survival need. Being able to escape once in a while is a survival need. You attend retreats to revitalize your self-worth and self-esteem. Meditation increases your self-worth and self-esteem. Experiences of loss and grief impact your personal values. Being involved in charitable work is a survival need. Your escapes from reality affect your financial stability. You may find a way to use your time alone to increase your net worth. Working alone is a way to earn more money. You spend money on your spiritual and paranormal interests. Constant grief causes you to spend a lot of money. Spirituality is something to own. You spend money learning how to become more spiritual, how to do meditation techniques and how to contact paranormal entities. You’re a part-time ghost hunter or channel. You bring imagination to the way you earn a living. The self-undoing comes through money and possessions. You want to merge with your possessions. You lose your boundaries when it comes to self-worth and money.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve communication, information gathering and everyday interactions. You write about paranormal and psychic phenomena. You write books about meditation and spiritual practice. You’re a meditation teacher. You teach people how to contact spirit guides. You have a haunting singing voice. You write or blog about your experiences with people in prison. You work in the hospital dispatch. You are a museum docent. You give voice to your fears. You talk about the things that upset you on a daily basis. Sorrow, grief and loss occupy your mind on a daily basis. Your fears influence the way you communicate in everyday situations. You have frequent conversations with people in institutions. People in need are part of your everyday social circle. You have experienced sorrow and loss in your relationships with your siblings. You talk about things that make you sad. Your imagination is stirred by talking and writing. You work your dreams into your daily conversations and writing. You have a dreamy voice. You bring imagination to your writing and the way that you speak. The self-undoing comes through vehicles. The self-undoing comes through siblings. You want to merge through communication. You lose your boundaries when communicating.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. Sorrow and loss directly impact your core psychological makeup. Loneliness affects your emotional security. Dreams affect your emotional security. You experience sadness and loss through family relationships. You experience grief and sorrow through parental relationships. You take people into your home who are down on their luck. You start a halfway house. You open your home to those in need. You are involved with a homeless shelter. You live with people who do not have your best interests at heart. Your secret enemies are in your own home. Your home is a refuge. You need privacy and alone time at home. You are a recluse. The self-undoing comes through family. The self-undoing comes through cultural ties. The self-undoing comes through experiences with your ancestry or roots. The self-undoing is a family legacy. You bring a dreamy and otherworldly presence to your family and home life. You practice spirituality, prayer and meditation in the privacy of your own home. Charity begins at home. You bring imagination to your home. You want to merge with your home and family. You lose your boundaries when it comes to home and family. Haunted house.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children. Your experiences of grief and sorrow influence your creative work. You express your pain through music, art, theater, photography or dance. You bring a dream-like quality to your artistic performances. You channel entities from other worlds through your creative process. You are involved in a prison athletics program. You work in a museum because of your love of art. You work in a children’s hospital. You help charities through sports activities. You are creative when you are alone. You express spirituality through artistic projects. You compose spiritual music. You paint spiritual images. You meditate on paintings. You create music for meditation. You take dream-like photographs. You experience loss in relationships with your children. You experience grief and sorrow in relationships with children. You escape everyday reality by plunging into your hobbies. You escape everyday reality by having affairs. You escape reality by having frivolous sex. There’s a sense of loss even when you’re having fun. Meditation is fun for you. Spiritual retreats satisfy your sense of fun. Exploring spirituality and the paranormal are pleasurable for you. Ghosts become lovers. You encourage your children to be open to the possibility of ghosts and other worlds. You experience grief and sorrow through romance. You bring imagination to your art. The self-undoing comes through romance. You want to merge with your art or with your children. You lose your boundaries when it comes to your children.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve the need to be healthy, employed, have a routine and interact with animals. You experience sadness and loss through relationships with animals. You get in touch with your spiritual side through animals. Dreams offer health advice. Work with charity is part of your everyday routine. Being in a hospital, prison, or other institutional environment is part of your everyday work routine. You experience loss, grief and sadness routinely. You cope with sorrow one day at a time. The desire to escape reality affects your ability to hold a job. You are dreamy and unfocused in your daily work. You bring imagination to your daily work. You find it easier to deal with daily tasks when you’re alone. You are unfocused when it comes to diet and exercise. You experience loss and sorrow through relationships with coworkers and employees. Secret enemies come in the form of employees and coworkers. You bring a spiritual approach to your interest in diet and health. You use meditation techniques to improve your health. You lose your job more than the average person. You experience sorrow and loss through health issues. Being alone too much causes health issues. You have an imaginative approach to diet and health. You desire to escape from daily life. You desire to escape from health concerns. You interact with spirits through animals. The self-undoing comes through health. The self-undoing comes through animals. The self-undoing comes through a coworker. You want to merge with your work. You experience sorrow through servitude.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations. You experience sadness and loss through significant relationships. You get in touch with your spiritual side through marriage and committed partnership. You marry an ex-con. Dreams show you your marriage partner. You have an otherworldly, spiritual connection with your significant other. Involvements with people who need help affect your significant relationships. Your grief and sorrow affect your relationships. You sadness to your partners. Your experiences with loss and sadness fuel a business venture. You become a lawyer on behalf of a hospital or charitable organization. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena affects your significant partnerships. Being in a hospital, prison, or other institutional environment is a way to meet that someone special. You experience loss, grief and sadness when you try to relate to other people. The desire to escape reality affects your ability to maintain a serious relationship. Your approach to significant relationships is dreamy and unfocused. You bring imagination to your partnerships. You sabotage yourself in significant partnerships. You want to experience complete bliss with your partner. You experience complete merging with your partner. Your partner desires to escape from reality as much as you do. You lose your boundaries when it comes to significant relationships. You transcend boundaries through significant relationships.

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The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems. You experience sadness and loss by traveling and becoming involved with people from other countries. You become aware of grief and sadness in the world by traveling and seeing how other people live. The self-undoing comes through your belief system. The self-undoing comes through religion. The self-undoing comes through dogmatic viewpoints. You experience sorrow through the law. You experience sadness through higher education. You get in touch with your spiritual side by pursuing higher education. You get in touch with your spiritual side by traveling. Dreams offer a way to travel. Dreams bring out the explorer in you. You have an otherworldly or spiritual approach to religion and faith. Your experiences of loss and sadness affect your relationship with faith and religion. Your experiences of grief and sadness affect your approach to people of other cultures. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena affects your belief system. An interest in psychic activity fuels your desire to travel. Your interest in psychic activity compels you to become a journalist. The desire to escape reality influences your religious practices. Your desire to escape from reality urges you to travel. You desire to escape from reality through endless wandering. You want to experience complete bliss with your higher power. You want to experience complete merging with your deity of choice. You indulge in meditative practices that encourage expansive states. You use peyote, LSD and other reality-distorting drugs. You lose your boundaries when it comes to expanding your horizons. You transcend boundaries when exploring the big picture.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation. You experience sadness and loss through relationships with authority. The self-undoing comes through ambition and public standing.  The self-undoing comes through parental relationships. You experience sorrow through your reputation. You get in touch with your spiritual side by achieving your goals. Dreams encourage you to climb to the top of your profession. Dreams bring out the inner CEO. You have an otherworldly, spiritual approach to achievement, career and recognition. You bring spiritual awareness to your career pursuits. Your experiences of grief and sorrow impact your climb to the top. You bring imagination to your profession. Your experiences of grief and sadness affect the recognition you receive. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena becomes widely known. Your losses become widely known. Your grief and sadness become public. Your psychic abilities become public knowledge. An interest in psychic activity fuels your career direction. The desire to escape reality affects your ability to make concrete achievements in life. You become known for your escapist tendencies. You want to experience complete bliss with the world at large. You want to experience complete merging with your public identity. You lose your boundaries when it comes to your ambitions. You transcend boundaries when you reach for your dreams.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. You experience sadness and loss through friends. You become aware of grief and sadness in the world by participating in social causes. The self-undoing comes through group involvement. The self-undoing comes through mob mentality. The self-undoing comes through group thought. You experience sorrow through social injustice. You experience sadness through the loss of cherished hopes and dreams. You get in touch with your spiritual side through group activities. You get in touch with your spiritual side by joining like-minded individuals. Dreams show the way to achieve hopes and dreams. Dreams bring out the social reformer in you. You have an otherworldly or spiritual approach to group activities. You can be muddled and confused in groups. Experiences of loss and sadness affect your friendships. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena affects what types of groups you join. An interest in psychic activity influences the friends you make. Your interest in psychic activity compels you to form a club or organization. The desire to escape reality influences the friends you choose. Your friends want to escape as much as you do. You desire to escape from reality by merging with the crowd. You desire to escape from reality by merging with your friends. You merge with the social causes you participate in. You merge with the movements you become involved in. You lose your boundaries in groups. You transcend boundaries when you try to make a difference through social reform. You merge with your fans.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve themselves. You lose yourself in grief and sadness. You let go into sorrow. You merge with your spiritual side through experiences of grief and loss. You desire to escape from sadness. Meditation offers a way to escape from reality. You retreat because you need time alone. Being alone is a way to deal with sorrow. Being alone makes you sad. Loneliness causes you pain and sorrow. Your psychic abilities help you merge with the spiritual world. You are a psychic channel. You have a psychic connection to ghosts or other paranormal entities. You become aware of grief and sadness in the world through your involvement with charities, social work and those less fortunate. You experience sadness and grief through incarceration. You feel lonely because you become hospitalized. The self-undoing comes through spending too much time alone. The self-undoing comes through imprisonment. The self-undoing comes through people you are trying to help. The self-undoing comes through overly merging with other people. You get in touch with your spiritual side by becoming a monk. You get in touch with your spiritual side by exploring dreams. Dreams offer a way to merge with the collective unconscious. You have an otherworldly or spiritual approach to prisoners. You offer spiritual counsel to prisoners. Overly merging with spirits or spiritual experiences is the self-undoing. Being too open to subconscious influences is the self-undoing. Your overly expanded consciousness is unable to discern what is real and what is not. You have a profound imagination. You are highly sensitive.

12th house

  • Ancestral or Past Life Vocational Lineage (I'm experimenting with this idea)
  • Blind Spots & Self-Sabotage
  • Confinement, Release, & Escape
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Hermit
  • Institutions, Hospitals, & Prisons
  • Large animals
  • Recluse
  • Remote
  • Retreat, Meditation, & Sleep
  • Secret Enemies & Skeletons in the Family Closet
  • Spiritual Development & the Vast Unknown
  • Supernatural Phenomena
  • Surrender
  • The Results of Groups & Alliances (2nd house from the 11th)
  • Time Spent Alone
  • Wilderness
  • Withdrawal

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  • A Container
  • Confinement
  • Convalescent home
  • Displaced
  • Hospital
  • Institution
  • Into the Wild
  • Lost
  • Missing
  • Monastery
  • Museum
  • Prison
  • Retreat
  • The Closet
  • Vast Unknown
  • Wilderness
  • Getting Lost
  • Inner Journey
  • Respite
  • Rest
  • Retreat
  • Sabbatical

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This post explores the transiting Sun in Aries through the houses, blending a little Neptune along the way.

Should you set your heart on fire, or douse out the flames? Burn brighter, or squelch the blaze? Venus is in detriment in Aries. Will she fight or surrender in pursuit of her ardent desires? Venus in Aries encourages you to be brave in love.

Today Mercury enters Aries, and on April 16 Mercury and Neptune make their first conjunction in Aries bringing completely new energy to mind. This meeting of the Independent Thinker and the Spirit of the Moment is likely to sweep out whatever mental lethargy remains from the Neptune in Pisces hangover.

Don’t break up this Venus retrograde season because that’s the vibe. Don’t blow up your life. Love thoroughly and deepen bonds of compassion. Double-down on love. Double-down on mercy and hold onto your heart as we fly into the future. We’ve been here before, and we know what can happen.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms, appearance and self-awareness. Your sorrow is one of the first things people notice about you. You create an image of yourself as a person who has suffered. You create an image of yourself as a victim. Your experiences in prison or with people on the fringe of society shape your behavior and approach to life. You are a loner. You make people aware of your pain. Experiences with psychic phenomena shape your approach to life. Your awareness of the paranormal and interest in otherworldly experiences is apparent to other people. You have a spiritual outlook. Your approach is ethereal and hard to pinpoint. Experiences of grief and loss shape your outlook on life. You undermine yourself by associating with people who don’t have your best interests at heart. Your secret enemies influence how you present yourself. Your secret enemies impact your physical appearance. Feelings of sorrow and loss influence the way you dress and style yourself. Interactions with spirits, and meditation, affect how you dress and behave. You have a ghostly countenance. You look sad. Helping those in need is at the forefront of your concerns. You have trouble dealing with everyday reality. You bring imagination to your appearance. The self-undoing comes through your behavior and the way you present yourself. You want to merge with everything. You lose your boundaries as you approach life.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions. You desire to escape from the reality of having to earn a living. You earn a living through your work in a prison, museum, hospital or other institution. Your feelings of grief and loss impact your self-worth and self-esteem. Meditation, dream work and spiritual practice affect your self-worth and self-esteem. Dream work can be a way to earn extra money. Meditation can be a way to earn a living. Spiritual pursuits can bring financial stability. You turn your spiritual or paranormal interests into a viable income. You dream of money. Being involved in spiritual pursuits is a survival need. Having time alone is a survival need. Being able to escape once in a while is a survival need. You attend retreats to revitalize your self-worth and self-esteem. Meditation increases your self-worth and self-esteem. Experiences of loss and grief impact your personal values. Being involved in charitable work is a survival need. Your escapes from reality affect your financial stability. You may find a way to use your time alone to increase your net worth. Working alone is a way to earn more money. You spend money on your spiritual and paranormal interests. Constant grief causes you to spend a lot of money. Spirituality is something to own. You spend money learning how to become more spiritual, how to do meditation techniques and how to contact paranormal entities. You’re a part-time ghost hunter or channel. You bring imagination to the way you earn a living. The self-undoing comes through money and possessions. You want to merge with your possessions. You lose your boundaries when it comes to self-worth and money.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve communication, information gathering and everyday interactions. You write about paranormal and psychic phenomena. You write books about meditation and spiritual practice. You’re a meditation teacher. You teach people how to contact spirit guides. You have a haunting singing voice. You write or blog about your experiences with people in prison. You work in the hospital dispatch. You are a museum docent. You give voice to your fears. You talk about the things that upset you on a daily basis. Sorrow, grief and loss occupy your mind on a daily basis. Your fears influence the way you communicate in everyday situations. You have frequent conversations with people in institutions. People in need are part of your everyday social circle. You have experienced sorrow and loss in your relationships with your siblings. You talk about things that make you sad. Your imagination is stirred by talking and writing. You work your dreams into your daily conversations and writing. You have a dreamy voice. You bring imagination to your writing and the way that you speak. The self-undoing comes through vehicles. The self-undoing comes through siblings. You want to merge through communication. You lose your boundaries when communicating.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. Sorrow and loss directly impact your core psychological makeup. Loneliness affects your emotional security. Dreams affect your emotional security. You experience sadness and loss through family relationships. You experience grief and sorrow through parental relationships. You take people into your home who are down on their luck. You start a halfway house. You open your home to those in need. You are involved with a homeless shelter. You live with people who do not have your best interests at heart. Your secret enemies are in your own home. Your home is a refuge. You need privacy and alone time at home. You are a recluse. The self-undoing comes through family. The self-undoing comes through cultural ties. The self-undoing comes through experiences with your ancestry or roots. The self-undoing is a family legacy. You bring a dreamy and otherworldly presence to your family and home life. You practice spirituality, prayer and meditation in the privacy of your own home. Charity begins at home. You bring imagination to your home. You want to merge with your home and family. You lose your boundaries when it comes to home and family. Haunted house.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children. Your experiences of grief and sorrow influence your creative work. You express your pain through music, art, theater, photography or dance. You bring a dream-like quality to your artistic performances. You channel entities from other worlds through your creative process. You are involved in a prison athletics program. You work in a museum because of your love of art. You work in a children’s hospital. You help charities through sports activities. You are creative when you are alone. You express spirituality through artistic projects. You compose spiritual music. You paint spiritual images. You meditate on paintings. You create music for meditation. You take dream-like photographs. You experience loss in relationships with your children. You experience grief and sorrow in relationships with children. You escape everyday reality by plunging into your hobbies. You escape everyday reality by having affairs. You escape reality by having frivolous sex. There’s a sense of loss even when you’re having fun. Meditation is fun for you. Spiritual retreats satisfy your sense of fun. Exploring spirituality and the paranormal are pleasurable for you. Ghosts become lovers. You encourage your children to be open to the possibility of ghosts and other worlds. You experience grief and sorrow through romance. You bring imagination to your art. The self-undoing comes through romance. You want to merge with your art or with your children. You lose your boundaries when it comes to your children.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve the need to be healthy, employed, have a routine and interact with animals. You experience sadness and loss through relationships with animals. You get in touch with your spiritual side through animals. Dreams offer health advice. Work with charity is part of your everyday routine. Being in a hospital, prison, or other institutional environment is part of your everyday work routine. You experience loss, grief and sadness routinely. You cope with sorrow one day at a time. The desire to escape reality affects your ability to hold a job. You are dreamy and unfocused in your daily work. You bring imagination to your daily work. You find it easier to deal with daily tasks when you’re alone. You are unfocused when it comes to diet and exercise. You experience loss and sorrow through relationships with coworkers and employees. Secret enemies come in the form of employees and coworkers. You bring a spiritual approach to your interest in diet and health. You use meditation techniques to improve your health. You lose your job more than the average person. You experience sorrow and loss through health issues. Being alone too much causes health issues. You have an imaginative approach to diet and health. You desire to escape from daily life. You desire to escape from health concerns. You interact with spirits through animals. The self-undoing comes through health. The self-undoing comes through animals. The self-undoing comes through a coworker. You want to merge with your work. You experience sorrow through servitude.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations. You experience sadness and loss through significant relationships. You get in touch with your spiritual side through marriage and committed partnership. You marry an ex-con. Dreams show you your marriage partner. You have an otherworldly, spiritual connection with your significant other. Involvements with people who need help affect your significant relationships. Your grief and sorrow affect your relationships. You sadness to your partners. Your experiences with loss and sadness fuel a business venture. You become a lawyer on behalf of a hospital or charitable organization. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena affects your significant partnerships. Being in a hospital, prison, or other institutional environment is a way to meet that someone special. You experience loss, grief and sadness when you try to relate to other people. The desire to escape reality affects your ability to maintain a serious relationship. Your approach to significant relationships is dreamy and unfocused. You bring imagination to your partnerships. You sabotage yourself in significant partnerships. You want to experience complete bliss with your partner. You experience complete merging with your partner. Your partner desires to escape from reality as much as you do. You lose your boundaries when it comes to significant relationships. You transcend boundaries through significant relationships.

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The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems. You experience sadness and loss by traveling and becoming involved with people from other countries. You become aware of grief and sadness in the world by traveling and seeing how other people live. The self-undoing comes through your belief system. The self-undoing comes through religion. The self-undoing comes through dogmatic viewpoints. You experience sorrow through the law. You experience sadness through higher education. You get in touch with your spiritual side by pursuing higher education. You get in touch with your spiritual side by traveling. Dreams offer a way to travel. Dreams bring out the explorer in you. You have an otherworldly or spiritual approach to religion and faith. Your experiences of loss and sadness affect your relationship with faith and religion. Your experiences of grief and sadness affect your approach to people of other cultures. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena affects your belief system. An interest in psychic activity fuels your desire to travel. Your interest in psychic activity compels you to become a journalist. The desire to escape reality influences your religious practices. Your desire to escape from reality urges you to travel. You desire to escape from reality through endless wandering. You want to experience complete bliss with your higher power. You want to experience complete merging with your deity of choice. You indulge in meditative practices that encourage expansive states. You use peyote, LSD and other reality-distorting drugs. You lose your boundaries when it comes to expanding your horizons. You transcend boundaries when exploring the big picture.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation. You experience sadness and loss through relationships with authority. The self-undoing comes through ambition and public standing.  The self-undoing comes through parental relationships. You experience sorrow through your reputation. You get in touch with your spiritual side by achieving your goals. Dreams encourage you to climb to the top of your profession. Dreams bring out the inner CEO. You have an otherworldly, spiritual approach to achievement, career and recognition. You bring spiritual awareness to your career pursuits. Your experiences of grief and sorrow impact your climb to the top. You bring imagination to your profession. Your experiences of grief and sadness affect the recognition you receive. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena becomes widely known. Your losses become widely known. Your grief and sadness become public. Your psychic abilities become public knowledge. An interest in psychic activity fuels your career direction. The desire to escape reality affects your ability to make concrete achievements in life. You become known for your escapist tendencies. You want to experience complete bliss with the world at large. You want to experience complete merging with your public identity. You lose your boundaries when it comes to your ambitions. You transcend boundaries when you reach for your dreams.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. You experience sadness and loss through friends. You become aware of grief and sadness in the world by participating in social causes. The self-undoing comes through group involvement. The self-undoing comes through mob mentality. The self-undoing comes through group thought. You experience sorrow through social injustice. You experience sadness through the loss of cherished hopes and dreams. You get in touch with your spiritual side through group activities. You get in touch with your spiritual side by joining like-minded individuals. Dreams show the way to achieve hopes and dreams. Dreams bring out the social reformer in you. You have an otherworldly or spiritual approach to group activities. You can be muddled and confused in groups. Experiences of loss and sadness affect your friendships. Your interest in paranormal and psychic phenomena affects what types of groups you join. An interest in psychic activity influences the friends you make. Your interest in psychic activity compels you to form a club or organization. The desire to escape reality influences the friends you choose. Your friends want to escape as much as you do. You desire to escape from reality by merging with the crowd. You desire to escape from reality by merging with your friends. You merge with the social causes you participate in. You merge with the movements you become involved in. You lose your boundaries in groups. You transcend boundaries when you try to make a difference through social reform. You merge with your fans.

The activities of the 12th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Releasing grief and sorrow, solitude, escapism, psychic activity and becoming aware of self-sabotage serve themselves. You lose yourself in grief and sadness. You let go into sorrow. You merge with your spiritual side through experiences of grief and loss. You desire to escape from sadness. Meditation offers a way to escape from reality. You retreat because you need time alone. Being alone is a way to deal with sorrow. Being alone makes you sad. Loneliness causes you pain and sorrow. Your psychic abilities help you merge with the spiritual world. You are a psychic channel. You have a psychic connection to ghosts or other paranormal entities. You become aware of grief and sadness in the world through your involvement with charities, social work and those less fortunate. You experience sadness and grief through incarceration. You feel lonely because you become hospitalized. The self-undoing comes through spending too much time alone. The self-undoing comes through imprisonment. The self-undoing comes through people you are trying to help. The self-undoing comes through overly merging with other people. You get in touch with your spiritual side by becoming a monk. You get in touch with your spiritual side by exploring dreams. Dreams offer a way to merge with the collective unconscious. You have an otherworldly or spiritual approach to prisoners. You offer spiritual counsel to prisoners. Overly merging with spirits or spiritual experiences is the self-undoing. Being too open to subconscious influences is the self-undoing. Your overly expanded consciousness is unable to discern what is real and what is not. You have a profound imagination. You are highly sensitive.

12th house

  • Ancestral or Past Life Vocational Lineage (I'm experimenting with this idea)
  • Blind Spots & Self-Sabotage
  • Confinement, Release, & Escape
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Hermit
  • Institutions, Hospitals, & Prisons
  • Large animals
  • Recluse
  • Remote
  • Retreat, Meditation, & Sleep
  • Secret Enemies & Skeletons in the Family Closet
  • Spiritual Development & the Vast Unknown
  • Supernatural Phenomena
  • Surrender
  • The Results of Groups & Alliances (2nd house from the 11th)
  • Time Spent Alone
  • Wilderness
  • Withdrawal

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Step-by-step instructions on how to find the traditional and modern ruler of each astrological house, including examples and charts.

This article covers the ruler of the 11th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the eleventh house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

This article covers the ruler of the 10th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the tenth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

This article covers the ruler of the 9th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the ninth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

This article covers the ruler of the 8th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the eighth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

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