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Ruler of the 2nd House in Houses in Astrology

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Creating financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions serve the creation of an image or persona. The way that you earn an income gives shape to your personality, mannerisms and behavior. Survival needs impact your outlook on life. The need to feel physically secure shapes your appearance. The need to provide for yourself financially affects how you present yourself. You wear your possessions. You adorn yourself with valuables. Your personal values affect how you present yourself. Self-esteem has an effect on your behavior and mannerisms. You earn money with your appearance. You earn money with your ability to present yourself in a certain way. You spend money on your appearance. Feeling physically secure depends on how you look. The way you look is a safety net. You look rich. Your appearance makes you look wealthy. You spend money on haircuts, manicures, facials and clothes. You wear all your jewelry at once. People can tell exactly how wealthy you are, or are not, by your appearance.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Possessions make you feel secure. You accumulate possessions for their own sake. You hoard money to feel safe. You hoard things to feel safe. You stockpile food to make sure that your survival needs will be met. You are acutely aware of securing your survival. You feel your values keenly. You collect for the sake of collecting. You earn money by being involved in finance. Having money and things is a fundamental survival need. Your values shape how you earn a living. Having things builds self-esteem. Material security is important. You feel safer by serving your own personal security needs. Feeling physically secure depends on what you own. The things you own act as a safety net. You are concerned with spending, saving and earning money more than the average person. You make sure that your bank account is full. Your checks don’t bounce. You make money to spend money. You make it a point to earn your own money.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Creating financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions serve communication and information gathering. Your values give shape to your communication style. Your survival needs are always on your mind. Your survival needs impact your interactions with people on a daily basis. You earn a living by writing. The way that you earn money involves making local connections. You make ends meet by forming relationships with neighbors. You form neighborhood watch committees to feel safer. You use the local bank. You worry about the local economy. Your values impact your local community. You have local values. You feel safer when you serve the local community. You bring your personal wealth to the local community. Personal money goes to siblings. Your siblings are you safety net. You spend money on communication gadgets. You spend money on your siblings. You give money to local schools. You buy things for the neighborhood kids. You earn a living by working at an elementary school. You make money from blogging.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 4th house. You bring your need to feel safe and secure to your family, home, cultural inheritance and roots. Your home life impacts your feelings of personal physical safety. You gain security through family relationships and the traditions of your country or culture. Your survival needs get met by establishing a home and a sense of place. You earn a living by working in real estate. You feel safer by serving your country. You earn money by building homes. You bring your personal wealth to your family. You bring home the bacon. Your values manifest in family life. You are concerned with the financial security of your family. Personal money goes to family. You are possessive of family members. You are possessive of your cultural inheritance. Feeling physically secure depends upon family relationships. Your family is our safety net. You spend money on home and family. You have family values. You impose your personal values on your family members.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 5th house. You bring your need for physical safety and assurance to your need to have fun, be creative and take risks. You put your personal income into gambling ventures. You earn money with creative projects. You use your money for artistic projects. You spend money on children. You spend money on romantic partners. You earn extra cash by being a gigolo. You earn extra cash by being an escort. You imbue your children with your values. You look to your children for physical security. You look to your romantic partners to fulfill self-esteem. Security is found in personal self-expression. You earn money through sports. You find physical security through sports. You earn money with your hobbies. You are possessive of children. You are possessive of creative projects. You are possessive of romantic partners. You earn money through your children: child pageantry, modeling, acting, etc… Financial security depends upon your personal creativity. Your children are a safety net. You spend money on children and creative projects. Making money is a hobby.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 6th house. You bring your need for physical safety and assurance to your need to be health-conscious, practice mind-body integration, engage in meaningful daily work, set a routine and have relationships with animals. You earn money in the daily grind. You earn money through a craft. You make a living in a health-related field. You earn a living with your organizational abilities. Being healthy makes you feel physically secure. You bring your personal values to the workplace. You impose your personal values on employees and coworkers. You bring your need to earn money to the workplace: you ask for a raise constantly. Your concerns about money influence your hiring practices. Your values inform your relationships with animals: because you value all life you don’t eat animals. You feel secure with animals. You earn money through pets. You earn extra cash as a dog groomer or trainer. You look to pets for self-esteem. Security is found in having a routine. You bring your personal wealth to the aid of animals. Your values manifest through your dietary and fitness habits. You are possessive of your animals. Your income impacts your health. You spend money on health, animals, office supplies and organizing. You accumulate work-related expenses.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 7th house. You bring your need for physical safety and assurance to your need for significant relationships. You look to your partner to provide financial security. You earn a living with your negotiation abilities. You earn a living through your ability to relate to other people. Being in a relationship makes you feel physically secure. You bring your personal values to marriage. You impose your personal values on significant others. Your concern for money affects your marriage decision. Your self-worth affects your partnerships. Your values inform your relationships with clients. You look to your partner for self-esteem. You earn money through client relationships. You build self-esteem through significant relationships. Money comes through business partnerships. Money comes through marriage. You are possessive of your spouse or partner. Feeling physically secure depends on your relationship with your partner. Physically security depends on your ability to confront your enemies. Your partner is a safety net. You spend money on your partner. You spend all your money on your wedding. You earn money as a marriage consultant.

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The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by collecting big experiences. You earn a living by being a spiritual counselor or guru. You earn a living by dealing with foreign countries and people. You earn money by working in the travel industry. You earn money as a professor or member of the clergy. You bring your personal values to your interactions with people of other cultures. You impose your personal values on people of other cultures. You find security by traveling and expanding your view of the world. You look to higher education and academia to make you feel secure. You look to religious leaders to show you your values. You look to abstract theories to provide an understanding of physical reality. You make money with your theories. Security is found in religion. Your desire for wealth affects your religious affiliation. Your values affect your feelings about religion. Feeling physically secure depends upon your personal beliefs. Feeling physically secure depends upon your level of academic achievement. Religion is a safety net. You give money to religion and higher education. You spend money to travel. You accumulate degrees.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by finding your true vocation and earning a reputation. You earn a living by getting out into the world and building a career. You accumulate awards and achievements. You accumulate professions. You earn money through your reputation. Being a professional makes you feel physically secure. Being considered an authority makes you feel physically secure. You earn a living by being an authority. Your personal values impact your choice of profession. Your personal values affect your reputation and how you are seen by the world at large. You spend money on your parents. You earn money by going into the same profession as a parent. You look to big business to show you your values. Security is found in authority. Your desire for wealth affects your position in life. Your values affect how people see you in a wide context. Authority is a safety net. You spend money to enhance your reputation. You take your survival needs out into the world and try to meet them by building a reputation. You build a stable brand.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by collecting friends and acquaintances. You earn a living through group involvements, organizations and affiliations. Your income depends on your ability to make friends. Having a wide circle of friends makes you feel physically secure. Having fans makes you feel physically secure. Your personal values determine which groups you get involved with. You bring your values to your groups and friends. You feel physically secure when you find groups of like-minded people. You find security by embracing social reform movements. You look to friends to show you your values. Your desire for wealth affects the movements you become involved in. Your values influence your feelings about social reform. Feeling physically secure depends upon meeting your long term goals and dreams. Friends are a safety net. You spend money on friends and causes. Safety in numbers.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by going with the flow. You earn a living through involvement with institutions and the underprivileged. Your income depends upon your ability to overcome fears. You want a spiritual safety net. Having time alone makes you feel physically secure. You feel physically secure when you are involved in charity work. You find security by facing fears. You look to experiences of loss and grief to show you your values. Safety is found through meditation. Safety is found in spiritual practice. You earn a living through involvement with meditation. Your desire for wealth influences which charities you become involved with. Your sense of safety expresses itself through a need to be alone. Interactions with ghosts, apparitions, dreams and subconscious experiences are ways to feel physically secure and grounded. You earn a living by working with the paranormal. Feeling physically secure depends upon your our ability to grasp the intangible. You spend money on the disadvantaged. You spend money on private retreats. You don’t know where your money goes.

2nd house

  • Assets & What You Have to Give
  • Bank Balance & Sources of Income
  • Earning Power & Spending Habits
  • How deep are your pockets?
  • Is your collection vast enough to control the market?
  • Grounding & the Extent to Which You Inhabit Your Body
  • Nest egg
  • Personal resources
  • Saving for a rainy day / rainy day funds
  • Self-Esteem & Getting Paid What You're Worth
  • Self-Sustainability & Feeding Yourself
  • Survival Skills
  • Talents & Skills People Are Willing to Pay For
  • Values & Priorities
  • Who has control over your body?
  • What do you actually own and what is it worth?
  • Appraiser
  • B2B - businesses that sell to other businesses
  • Banker
  • Bank-teller
  • Bodybuilder (with Jupiter)
  • Bulk buyer (customers of Costco, Sam's Club, etc.)
  • Cashier
  • Cheap people
  • Collector
  • Coupon clipper
  • Ebenezer Scrooge
  • Gold Digger
  • Hoarder
  • Home Stager (maybe with the 4th)
  • Junkyard proprietors (prob with 8th)
  • Masseur (probably with the 5th or 8th)
  • Rich people
  • Penny-saver
  • Penny-pincher
  • Personal shopper
  • Physical therapist (with the 8th)
  • Physical trainer (with the 5th)
  • People who control entire markets (monopolists)
  • Retail sales
  • Pawnbrokers (prob with 8th)
  • Repo Man (prob with 8th)
  • Secretary of the Treasury
  • Stockists
  • Treasurer of the club (with the 11th)
  • Wealthy
  • Wholesalers
  • Wolf of Wall Street / Gordon Gecko
  • Auction house
  • Bank
  • Bazaar
  • Coin shop
  • Consignment shop
  • Elite shopping experiences
  • Estate
  • Estate sale
  • Flea market
  • Garage sale
  • Mansion
  • Marketplace
  • Online marketplaces (Etsy, Amazon, eBay, FB, Shopify, Gumroad, Big Cartel, etc.)
  • Pawn shop (prob with 8th)
  • Places that are not for the poor
  • Plebian-free locales
  • Private collections / small, curated museums?
  • Stores /shops
  • Tag sale
  • Wall Street
  • Vault?
  • Attending an auction
  • Attending a collectors' convention (Comic Con,for example)
  • Business transactions
  • Buying stuff
  • Checking out estate sales
  • Expensive hobbies
  • Purchasing stock for your shop
  • Shopping
  • Swapping
  • Trading
  • Upgrading financial software

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This post explores the transiting Sun in Aries through the houses, blending a little Neptune along the way.

Should you set your heart on fire, or douse out the flames? Burn brighter, or squelch the blaze? Venus is in detriment in Aries. Will she fight or surrender in pursuit of her ardent desires? Venus in Aries encourages you to be brave in love.

Today Mercury enters Aries, and on April 16 Mercury and Neptune make their first conjunction in Aries bringing completely new energy to mind. This meeting of the Independent Thinker and the Spirit of the Moment is likely to sweep out whatever mental lethargy remains from the Neptune in Pisces hangover.

Don’t break up this Venus retrograde season because that’s the vibe. Don’t blow up your life. Love thoroughly and deepen bonds of compassion. Double-down on love. Double-down on mercy and hold onto your heart as we fly into the future. We’ve been here before, and we know what can happen.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Creating financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions serve the creation of an image or persona. The way that you earn an income gives shape to your personality, mannerisms and behavior. Survival needs impact your outlook on life. The need to feel physically secure shapes your appearance. The need to provide for yourself financially affects how you present yourself. You wear your possessions. You adorn yourself with valuables. Your personal values affect how you present yourself. Self-esteem has an effect on your behavior and mannerisms. You earn money with your appearance. You earn money with your ability to present yourself in a certain way. You spend money on your appearance. Feeling physically secure depends on how you look. The way you look is a safety net. You look rich. Your appearance makes you look wealthy. You spend money on haircuts, manicures, facials and clothes. You wear all your jewelry at once. People can tell exactly how wealthy you are, or are not, by your appearance.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Possessions make you feel secure. You accumulate possessions for their own sake. You hoard money to feel safe. You hoard things to feel safe. You stockpile food to make sure that your survival needs will be met. You are acutely aware of securing your survival. You feel your values keenly. You collect for the sake of collecting. You earn money by being involved in finance. Having money and things is a fundamental survival need. Your values shape how you earn a living. Having things builds self-esteem. Material security is important. You feel safer by serving your own personal security needs. Feeling physically secure depends on what you own. The things you own act as a safety net. You are concerned with spending, saving and earning money more than the average person. You make sure that your bank account is full. Your checks don’t bounce. You make money to spend money. You make it a point to earn your own money.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Creating financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions serve communication and information gathering. Your values give shape to your communication style. Your survival needs are always on your mind. Your survival needs impact your interactions with people on a daily basis. You earn a living by writing. The way that you earn money involves making local connections. You make ends meet by forming relationships with neighbors. You form neighborhood watch committees to feel safer. You use the local bank. You worry about the local economy. Your values impact your local community. You have local values. You feel safer when you serve the local community. You bring your personal wealth to the local community. Personal money goes to siblings. Your siblings are you safety net. You spend money on communication gadgets. You spend money on your siblings. You give money to local schools. You buy things for the neighborhood kids. You earn a living by working at an elementary school. You make money from blogging.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 4th house. You bring your need to feel safe and secure to your family, home, cultural inheritance and roots. Your home life impacts your feelings of personal physical safety. You gain security through family relationships and the traditions of your country or culture. Your survival needs get met by establishing a home and a sense of place. You earn a living by working in real estate. You feel safer by serving your country. You earn money by building homes. You bring your personal wealth to your family. You bring home the bacon. Your values manifest in family life. You are concerned with the financial security of your family. Personal money goes to family. You are possessive of family members. You are possessive of your cultural inheritance. Feeling physically secure depends upon family relationships. Your family is our safety net. You spend money on home and family. You have family values. You impose your personal values on your family members.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 5th house. You bring your need for physical safety and assurance to your need to have fun, be creative and take risks. You put your personal income into gambling ventures. You earn money with creative projects. You use your money for artistic projects. You spend money on children. You spend money on romantic partners. You earn extra cash by being a gigolo. You earn extra cash by being an escort. You imbue your children with your values. You look to your children for physical security. You look to your romantic partners to fulfill self-esteem. Security is found in personal self-expression. You earn money through sports. You find physical security through sports. You earn money with your hobbies. You are possessive of children. You are possessive of creative projects. You are possessive of romantic partners. You earn money through your children: child pageantry, modeling, acting, etc… Financial security depends upon your personal creativity. Your children are a safety net. You spend money on children and creative projects. Making money is a hobby.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 6th house. You bring your need for physical safety and assurance to your need to be health-conscious, practice mind-body integration, engage in meaningful daily work, set a routine and have relationships with animals. You earn money in the daily grind. You earn money through a craft. You make a living in a health-related field. You earn a living with your organizational abilities. Being healthy makes you feel physically secure. You bring your personal values to the workplace. You impose your personal values on employees and coworkers. You bring your need to earn money to the workplace: you ask for a raise constantly. Your concerns about money influence your hiring practices. Your values inform your relationships with animals: because you value all life you don’t eat animals. You feel secure with animals. You earn money through pets. You earn extra cash as a dog groomer or trainer. You look to pets for self-esteem. Security is found in having a routine. You bring your personal wealth to the aid of animals. Your values manifest through your dietary and fitness habits. You are possessive of your animals. Your income impacts your health. You spend money on health, animals, office supplies and organizing. You accumulate work-related expenses.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 7th house. You bring your need for physical safety and assurance to your need for significant relationships. You look to your partner to provide financial security. You earn a living with your negotiation abilities. You earn a living through your ability to relate to other people. Being in a relationship makes you feel physically secure. You bring your personal values to marriage. You impose your personal values on significant others. Your concern for money affects your marriage decision. Your self-worth affects your partnerships. Your values inform your relationships with clients. You look to your partner for self-esteem. You earn money through client relationships. You build self-esteem through significant relationships. Money comes through business partnerships. Money comes through marriage. You are possessive of your spouse or partner. Feeling physically secure depends on your relationship with your partner. Physically security depends on your ability to confront your enemies. Your partner is a safety net. You spend money on your partner. You spend all your money on your wedding. You earn money as a marriage consultant.

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The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by collecting big experiences. You earn a living by being a spiritual counselor or guru. You earn a living by dealing with foreign countries and people. You earn money by working in the travel industry. You earn money as a professor or member of the clergy. You bring your personal values to your interactions with people of other cultures. You impose your personal values on people of other cultures. You find security by traveling and expanding your view of the world. You look to higher education and academia to make you feel secure. You look to religious leaders to show you your values. You look to abstract theories to provide an understanding of physical reality. You make money with your theories. Security is found in religion. Your desire for wealth affects your religious affiliation. Your values affect your feelings about religion. Feeling physically secure depends upon your personal beliefs. Feeling physically secure depends upon your level of academic achievement. Religion is a safety net. You give money to religion and higher education. You spend money to travel. You accumulate degrees.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by finding your true vocation and earning a reputation. You earn a living by getting out into the world and building a career. You accumulate awards and achievements. You accumulate professions. You earn money through your reputation. Being a professional makes you feel physically secure. Being considered an authority makes you feel physically secure. You earn a living by being an authority. Your personal values impact your choice of profession. Your personal values affect your reputation and how you are seen by the world at large. You spend money on your parents. You earn money by going into the same profession as a parent. You look to big business to show you your values. Security is found in authority. Your desire for wealth affects your position in life. Your values affect how people see you in a wide context. Authority is a safety net. You spend money to enhance your reputation. You take your survival needs out into the world and try to meet them by building a reputation. You build a stable brand.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by collecting friends and acquaintances. You earn a living through group involvements, organizations and affiliations. Your income depends on your ability to make friends. Having a wide circle of friends makes you feel physically secure. Having fans makes you feel physically secure. Your personal values determine which groups you get involved with. You bring your values to your groups and friends. You feel physically secure when you find groups of like-minded people. You find security by embracing social reform movements. You look to friends to show you your values. Your desire for wealth affects the movements you become involved in. Your values influence your feelings about social reform. Feeling physically secure depends upon meeting your long term goals and dreams. Friends are a safety net. You spend money on friends and causes. Safety in numbers.

The activities of the 2nd house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Your need for physical safety and assurance is met by going with the flow. You earn a living through involvement with institutions and the underprivileged. Your income depends upon your ability to overcome fears. You want a spiritual safety net. Having time alone makes you feel physically secure. You feel physically secure when you are involved in charity work. You find security by facing fears. You look to experiences of loss and grief to show you your values. Safety is found through meditation. Safety is found in spiritual practice. You earn a living through involvement with meditation. Your desire for wealth influences which charities you become involved with. Your sense of safety expresses itself through a need to be alone. Interactions with ghosts, apparitions, dreams and subconscious experiences are ways to feel physically secure and grounded. You earn a living by working with the paranormal. Feeling physically secure depends upon your our ability to grasp the intangible. You spend money on the disadvantaged. You spend money on private retreats. You don’t know where your money goes.

2nd house

  • Assets & What You Have to Give
  • Bank Balance & Sources of Income
  • Earning Power & Spending Habits
  • How deep are your pockets?
  • Is your collection vast enough to control the market?
  • Grounding & the Extent to Which You Inhabit Your Body
  • Nest egg
  • Personal resources
  • Saving for a rainy day / rainy day funds
  • Self-Esteem & Getting Paid What You're Worth
  • Self-Sustainability & Feeding Yourself
  • Survival Skills
  • Talents & Skills People Are Willing to Pay For
  • Values & Priorities
  • Who has control over your body?
  • What do you actually own and what is it worth?
  • Appraiser
  • B2B - businesses that sell to other businesses
  • Banker
  • Bank-teller
  • Bodybuilder (with Jupiter)
  • Bulk buyer (customers of Costco, Sam's Club, etc.)
  • Cashier
  • Cheap people
  • Collector
  • Coupon clipper
  • Ebenezer Scrooge
  • Gold Digger
  • Hoarder
  • Home Stager (maybe with the 4th)
  • Junkyard proprietors (prob with 8th)
  • Masseur (probably with the 5th or 8th)
  • Rich people
  • Penny-saver
  • Penny-pincher
  • Personal shopper
  • Physical therapist (with the 8th)
  • Physical trainer (with the 5th)
  • People who control entire markets (monopolists)
  • Retail sales
  • Pawnbrokers (prob with 8th)
  • Repo Man (prob with 8th)
  • Secretary of the Treasury
  • Stockists
  • Treasurer of the club (with the 11th)
  • Wealthy
  • Wholesalers
  • Wolf of Wall Street / Gordon Gecko
  • Auction house
  • Bank
  • Bazaar
  • Coin shop
  • Consignment shop
  • Elite shopping experiences
  • Estate
  • Estate sale
  • Flea market
  • Garage sale
  • Mansion
  • Marketplace
  • Online marketplaces (Etsy, Amazon, eBay, FB, Shopify, Gumroad, Big Cartel, etc.)
  • Pawn shop (prob with 8th)
  • Places that are not for the poor
  • Plebian-free locales
  • Private collections / small, curated museums?
  • Stores /shops
  • Tag sale
  • Wall Street
  • Vault?
  • Attending an auction
  • Attending a collectors' convention (Comic Con,for example)
  • Business transactions
  • Buying stuff
  • Checking out estate sales
  • Expensive hobbies
  • Purchasing stock for your shop
  • Shopping
  • Swapping
  • Trading
  • Upgrading financial software

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This article covers the ruler of the 12th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the twelfth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

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This article covers the ruler of the 10th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the tenth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

This article covers the ruler of the 9th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the ninth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

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