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Ruler of the 4th House in Houses Astrology

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve your outlook on life and self-image. The traditions you are brought up with influence your behavior and mannerisms. Family ties, culture and tradition are at the very forefront of your personality. Your cultural ties inform your viewpoint. The traditions you grew up with dictate your appearance and how you present yourself. Your family tells you how you should look. Your ties to culture, tradition and family are one of the first things that people notice about you. Your capacity for quiet inner work is focused on the creation of a persona. You bring your private inner life to the forefront of your personality. You have a traditional viewpoint. Everything that went into building the foundation of your personality is apparent to other people. Having a family creates a self-image. “Family man.” “Mother.” The way you feel about domesticity has an impact on your behavior. You find emotional security through the creation of a persona. Your family and culture must orient itself to the way that you present yourself, the way that you look and the persona that you cultivate.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve your physical security and survival needs. The familial relationships you develop must meet your survival needs. Family, culture and tradition affect how physically secure you feel. Your cultural traditions are oriented to making money. The traditions you grew up with inform your values. Family tells you how you should make a living. Your capacity for quiet inner work is focused on creating financial security. You earn a living by doing something close to your heart. You have traditional views about money and personal values. Everything that went into building the foundation of your personality affects your feelings of grounded security. Your approach to finance is clan-conscious. You approach your value system with your cultural upbringing in mind. You like to make domestic purchases. You like buying things for the house. Family life creates the urge to own things. Having a family affects the way you look at money. Having a family makes you question your survival needs. Having a family gives shape to your personal values. You find emotional security through owning material things. Home is a place where you collect things. Home is a possession. Owning a home makes you feel physically secure. Your country should be a place that espouses your personal values.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve communication. Family interactions influence daily conversations. Family must bend to your need to be on the go and make connections. You bring your private inner self with you when you write, keep a journal or blog. Real estate is a topic of conversation. Country, home, tradition and family are topics of conversation. Relationships with parents influence the way you communicate. Your cultural traditions influence your communication style. Family traditions dictate what you talk about. Cultural upbringing has a strong bearing on your thoughts. Feeling included or rejected by your family influences your day to day interactions. Family traditions and expectations influence your capacity to write, teach and speak. Feelings about home and country influence your thoughts, writing and ideas. You find emotional security through diary writing, journal keeping, gossiping and making connections with people. You live with siblings. Home is a place to have lively conversations. Home is a place where people come and go.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve the need to feel emotionally safe and secure, and to put down roots. Interacting with family members affects your feelings of emotional safety. Private time is spent with family. Family has an effect on your private inner life. Home and family are synonymous, for better or worse. Roots and traditions inform who you are at the core. Relationships with parents form your foundation. Feeling at home in the world is an issue. Feeling safe is an issue. Needing privacy is an issue. You might have an inability to wrest yourself from your family, home and heritage. Family traditions have a strong bearing on your psychological foundation. Family is an anchor. Home and family bring up strong core feelings, for better or worse. You want a family for the sake of having a family. You want a private space to call home. You want a home of your own.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve personal self-expression and creativity. Your traditions are expressive and creative. You use your heritage as a means of personal expression. Family relationships revolve around children. Family traditions revolve around the arts, theater, music and play. Family traditions are creative and playful. Your inner sense of privacy and retreat expresses itself through an interest in art or music. Your inner core self expresses itself through your hobbies and interests. The foundation of who you are is oriented to romance and play. Family interactions influence your ability to relax and have fun, for better or worse. Parental relationships affect your capacity for creative self-expression. Your psychological foundation orients itself toward creative self-expression. One parent influences your creative passion. Parents take a role in the lives of your children. Home is centered on creative self-expression. Home life is oriented toward sports and creative passions. Home life is oriented to raising children. Home is theatrical and dramatic. One parent is a performer or entertainer. You live at the theater. You find emotional security through performance.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Creating close familial relationships, understanding roots and embracing cultural traditions serve routine, employment, health, body-mind awareness and caring for animals. Cultural, family and country traditions influence your daily routine. Family traditions play a part in determining what type of work you will choose. Family patterns influence your view on health. Your family experience is oriented to diet and health concerns, for better or worse. Home life affects your health. You bring your inner family patterns to your daily job. You bring your need for familial relationships to job situations. Your feelings about home and family must bend to your need for daily employment. Family traditions are routine. Your parents influence your view on health and diet. Family life can feel like a job. The way you perceive your family affects the way you see employee and coworker relationships. You bring a sense of home and family to your dealings with animals. You want to take care of coworkers, employees and animals. Your inner sense of privacy and retreat expresses itself through your choice of daily routines. Your inner core self expresses itself through the work you choose to do on a daily basis. The foundation of who you are is oriented toward daily work, care for animals and health concerns. Family interactions influence your capacity for mind-body awareness. You live on the job. You seek emotional security through health and diet.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve significant one-to-one relationships. Cultural, family and country traditions dictate what kind of partner you will choose. Family traditions play a part in determining who you see as the enemy. Family patterns influence your view on marriage. Your home life affects your ability to have close, significant relationships. You bring your inner family patterns to your marriage and significant partnerships. You bring your need for familial relationships to your need for significant relationships. Your ideas of what family is must meet what your partner wants. Your ideas of what home is must fit in with the partner’s viewpoint. Your feelings for home and country must bend to the partner’s view. Your sense of home orients itself to the needs of the partner. You find emotional security by forming significant relationships. You feel rooted when you form significant relationships. You create family traditions with your partner. You live with your partner.

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The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve to broaden your horizons. Cultural, family and country traditions influence your attitude to other cultures and their traditions and beliefs. Family traditions play a part in determining what your belief system is. Family patterns influence your understanding of religion and mysticism. Home life affects your ability to travel and have foreign experiences. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of other cultures. Your need for familial relationships influences the way you interact with people from other countries. Your idea of home must bend to serve your need to get out and see the world. Feelings about your own home and country influence your desire to visit other countries. Your psychological foundation is oriented to understanding the beliefs of other people. You find emotional security by understanding traditions that are not your own. You feel rooted when you gain knowledge. You feel rooted when you expand your mind. You create family traditions that are based on the traditions of other people and cultures. You make your home in a foreign country or with foreign people. You live far away from your family. You find emotional security in other countries, among foreign people.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve finding a vocation, gaining recognition, becoming an authority, and securing status in society. Cultural, family and country traditions influence the way you perceive authority figures. Family traditions play a part in determining what vocation you will choose. Family patterns influence your pursuit of awards and status. Home life affects your ability to get out in the world and make a name for yourself. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of professional life. Your need for familial relationships influences the way you make professional relationships. Your idea of home must bend to serve your need for accomplishment. Feelings about home and country influence your choice of vocation. Your psychological foundation is oriented to achieving fame and recognition. You find emotional security by assuming authority. You feel rooted when you gain responsibility. You feel rooted when you gain social status. You create family traditions that are based on your professional culture. You live at work.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve long term goals, social reform and groups of like-minded people. Your cultural, family and country traditions influence who you call “friend.” Family traditions play a part in determining which groups of people you will associate with. Family patterns influence what kind of social reform you want. Home life affects your ability to realize your hopes and dreams. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of friendship. Your need for familial relationships influences the way that you make friends. Your idea of home must bend to serve the larger community. Your psychological foundation is oriented to social reform. Your psychological foundation is oriented to bringing creative talents to an audience. You find emotional security by being involved with groups of like-minded individuals. You feel rooted when you have a cause. You feel rooted when you find your audience. You create family traditions based on your ideals of reform. You live with friends.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve subconscious habit patterns, how you feel about being alone, the way you deal with grief and sorrow, and your ability to let go into formlessness. Cultural, family and country traditions influence your ability to feel comfortable being alone. Family traditions play a part in determining your bad habits. Family patterns influence what kind of charity work you do. Your experience of family life informs your understanding of charity and helping those in need. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of solitude, meditation and spiritual retreat. Your need for familial relationships influences the way you look at spirituality. Your idea of home must bend to serve your need for solitude. Family life must bend to meet your desire for retreat. Your psychological foundation is oriented to spending time alone. Your psychological foundation is oriented to helping those in need. You find emotional security by being charitable. You feel rooted when you can be quiet and meditate. You feel rooted when you release bad habits. You create family traditions based on your ideas of spirituality. You live in isolated or spiritually oriented surroundings.

4th house

  • Base of Operation
  • Do You Have Any Ground to Stand On?
  • Foundation
  • Home & Family
  • Private Self & What You're Comfortable With
  • Real Estate & Construction
  • Retirement & End of Life
  • Roots & Country of Origin
  • Seat of Power / Throne
  • Ancestry
  • Blood
  • Bloodline
  • Brood
  • Compatriot
  • Descendent
  • Descent
  • Dominion
  • Dynasty
  • Empire
  • Extraction
  • Family Tree
  • Family
  • Genealogy
  • Heredity
  • House
  • Household
  • Kin
  • Kindred
  • Kinfolk
  • Kith
  • Line
  • Lineage
  • Origin
  • Parentage
  • Parents
  • Pedigree
  • People
  • Race
  • Reign
  • Relatives
  • Stock
  • Strain
  • Succession
  • Tribe
  • Abode
  • Archives?
  • Basecamp
  • Booth
  • Bungalow
  • Bunker
  • Camp
  • Castle
  • Cave
  • Chamber
  • Cottage
  • Crib
  • Crypt? (final resting place)
  • Cubby
  • Cubicle? (ruler of the 6th in the 4th, my cubicle is my home?)
  • Domestic areas
  • Domicile
  • Dwelling
  • Encampment
  • Fortress
  • Hall of records?
  • Harborage
  • Haven
  • Headquarters
  • Home
  • Hovel
  • Hut
  • In my room
  • Interior
  • Inside
  • Lair
  • Lodge
  • Nonpublic spaces
  • Nook
  • Offscreen
  • Offstage
  • Pad
  • Pod
  • Private spaces
  • Quarters
  • Refuge
  • Residence
  • Roost
  • Sanctuary
  • Sentimental places
  • Shack
  • Shanty
  • Shed
  • Shelter
  • Stronghold
  • Tent
  • Throne room
  • Undisclosed locations
  • Vault
  • Within
  • Attention turns to home and family
  • Being a homebody
  • Being domestic
  • Buying a home
  • Buying a security system
  • Construction
  • Enhancing safety
  • Establishing roots
  • Getting a DNA test
  • Getting a Past Lives reading
  • Minding your own business
  • Moving
  • Opening an account on
  • Renovating
  • Retreating from public view
  • Seeking privacy
  • Self-protection
  • Staying home
  • Tracing your lineage
  • Un-accouncements

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This post explores the transiting Sun in Aries through the houses, blending a little Neptune along the way.

Should you set your heart on fire, or douse out the flames? Burn brighter, or squelch the blaze? Venus is in detriment in Aries. Will she fight or surrender in pursuit of her ardent desires? Venus in Aries encourages you to be brave in love.

Today Mercury enters Aries, and on April 16 Mercury and Neptune make their first conjunction in Aries bringing completely new energy to mind. This meeting of the Independent Thinker and the Spirit of the Moment is likely to sweep out whatever mental lethargy remains from the Neptune in Pisces hangover.

Don’t break up this Venus retrograde season because that’s the vibe. Don’t blow up your life. Love thoroughly and deepen bonds of compassion. Double-down on love. Double-down on mercy and hold onto your heart as we fly into the future. We’ve been here before, and we know what can happen.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve your outlook on life and self-image. The traditions you are brought up with influence your behavior and mannerisms. Family ties, culture and tradition are at the very forefront of your personality. Your cultural ties inform your viewpoint. The traditions you grew up with dictate your appearance and how you present yourself. Your family tells you how you should look. Your ties to culture, tradition and family are one of the first things that people notice about you. Your capacity for quiet inner work is focused on the creation of a persona. You bring your private inner life to the forefront of your personality. You have a traditional viewpoint. Everything that went into building the foundation of your personality is apparent to other people. Having a family creates a self-image. “Family man.” “Mother.” The way you feel about domesticity has an impact on your behavior. You find emotional security through the creation of a persona. Your family and culture must orient itself to the way that you present yourself, the way that you look and the persona that you cultivate.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve your physical security and survival needs. The familial relationships you develop must meet your survival needs. Family, culture and tradition affect how physically secure you feel. Your cultural traditions are oriented to making money. The traditions you grew up with inform your values. Family tells you how you should make a living. Your capacity for quiet inner work is focused on creating financial security. You earn a living by doing something close to your heart. You have traditional views about money and personal values. Everything that went into building the foundation of your personality affects your feelings of grounded security. Your approach to finance is clan-conscious. You approach your value system with your cultural upbringing in mind. You like to make domestic purchases. You like buying things for the house. Family life creates the urge to own things. Having a family affects the way you look at money. Having a family makes you question your survival needs. Having a family gives shape to your personal values. You find emotional security through owning material things. Home is a place where you collect things. Home is a possession. Owning a home makes you feel physically secure. Your country should be a place that espouses your personal values.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve communication. Family interactions influence daily conversations. Family must bend to your need to be on the go and make connections. You bring your private inner self with you when you write, keep a journal or blog. Real estate is a topic of conversation. Country, home, tradition and family are topics of conversation. Relationships with parents influence the way you communicate. Your cultural traditions influence your communication style. Family traditions dictate what you talk about. Cultural upbringing has a strong bearing on your thoughts. Feeling included or rejected by your family influences your day to day interactions. Family traditions and expectations influence your capacity to write, teach and speak. Feelings about home and country influence your thoughts, writing and ideas. You find emotional security through diary writing, journal keeping, gossiping and making connections with people. You live with siblings. Home is a place to have lively conversations. Home is a place where people come and go.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve the need to feel emotionally safe and secure, and to put down roots. Interacting with family members affects your feelings of emotional safety. Private time is spent with family. Family has an effect on your private inner life. Home and family are synonymous, for better or worse. Roots and traditions inform who you are at the core. Relationships with parents form your foundation. Feeling at home in the world is an issue. Feeling safe is an issue. Needing privacy is an issue. You might have an inability to wrest yourself from your family, home and heritage. Family traditions have a strong bearing on your psychological foundation. Family is an anchor. Home and family bring up strong core feelings, for better or worse. You want a family for the sake of having a family. You want a private space to call home. You want a home of your own.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve personal self-expression and creativity. Your traditions are expressive and creative. You use your heritage as a means of personal expression. Family relationships revolve around children. Family traditions revolve around the arts, theater, music and play. Family traditions are creative and playful. Your inner sense of privacy and retreat expresses itself through an interest in art or music. Your inner core self expresses itself through your hobbies and interests. The foundation of who you are is oriented to romance and play. Family interactions influence your ability to relax and have fun, for better or worse. Parental relationships affect your capacity for creative self-expression. Your psychological foundation orients itself toward creative self-expression. One parent influences your creative passion. Parents take a role in the lives of your children. Home is centered on creative self-expression. Home life is oriented toward sports and creative passions. Home life is oriented to raising children. Home is theatrical and dramatic. One parent is a performer or entertainer. You live at the theater. You find emotional security through performance.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Creating close familial relationships, understanding roots and embracing cultural traditions serve routine, employment, health, body-mind awareness and caring for animals. Cultural, family and country traditions influence your daily routine. Family traditions play a part in determining what type of work you will choose. Family patterns influence your view on health. Your family experience is oriented to diet and health concerns, for better or worse. Home life affects your health. You bring your inner family patterns to your daily job. You bring your need for familial relationships to job situations. Your feelings about home and family must bend to your need for daily employment. Family traditions are routine. Your parents influence your view on health and diet. Family life can feel like a job. The way you perceive your family affects the way you see employee and coworker relationships. You bring a sense of home and family to your dealings with animals. You want to take care of coworkers, employees and animals. Your inner sense of privacy and retreat expresses itself through your choice of daily routines. Your inner core self expresses itself through the work you choose to do on a daily basis. The foundation of who you are is oriented toward daily work, care for animals and health concerns. Family interactions influence your capacity for mind-body awareness. You live on the job. You seek emotional security through health and diet.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve significant one-to-one relationships. Cultural, family and country traditions dictate what kind of partner you will choose. Family traditions play a part in determining who you see as the enemy. Family patterns influence your view on marriage. Your home life affects your ability to have close, significant relationships. You bring your inner family patterns to your marriage and significant partnerships. You bring your need for familial relationships to your need for significant relationships. Your ideas of what family is must meet what your partner wants. Your ideas of what home is must fit in with the partner’s viewpoint. Your feelings for home and country must bend to the partner’s view. Your sense of home orients itself to the needs of the partner. You find emotional security by forming significant relationships. You feel rooted when you form significant relationships. You create family traditions with your partner. You live with your partner.

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The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve to broaden your horizons. Cultural, family and country traditions influence your attitude to other cultures and their traditions and beliefs. Family traditions play a part in determining what your belief system is. Family patterns influence your understanding of religion and mysticism. Home life affects your ability to travel and have foreign experiences. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of other cultures. Your need for familial relationships influences the way you interact with people from other countries. Your idea of home must bend to serve your need to get out and see the world. Feelings about your own home and country influence your desire to visit other countries. Your psychological foundation is oriented to understanding the beliefs of other people. You find emotional security by understanding traditions that are not your own. You feel rooted when you gain knowledge. You feel rooted when you expand your mind. You create family traditions that are based on the traditions of other people and cultures. You make your home in a foreign country or with foreign people. You live far away from your family. You find emotional security in other countries, among foreign people.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve finding a vocation, gaining recognition, becoming an authority, and securing status in society. Cultural, family and country traditions influence the way you perceive authority figures. Family traditions play a part in determining what vocation you will choose. Family patterns influence your pursuit of awards and status. Home life affects your ability to get out in the world and make a name for yourself. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of professional life. Your need for familial relationships influences the way you make professional relationships. Your idea of home must bend to serve your need for accomplishment. Feelings about home and country influence your choice of vocation. Your psychological foundation is oriented to achieving fame and recognition. You find emotional security by assuming authority. You feel rooted when you gain responsibility. You feel rooted when you gain social status. You create family traditions that are based on your professional culture. You live at work.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve long term goals, social reform and groups of like-minded people. Your cultural, family and country traditions influence who you call “friend.” Family traditions play a part in determining which groups of people you will associate with. Family patterns influence what kind of social reform you want. Home life affects your ability to realize your hopes and dreams. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of friendship. Your need for familial relationships influences the way that you make friends. Your idea of home must bend to serve the larger community. Your psychological foundation is oriented to social reform. Your psychological foundation is oriented to bringing creative talents to an audience. You find emotional security by being involved with groups of like-minded individuals. You feel rooted when you have a cause. You feel rooted when you find your audience. You create family traditions based on your ideals of reform. You live with friends.

The activities of the 4th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Familial relationships, cultural inheritances and family traditions serve subconscious habit patterns, how you feel about being alone, the way you deal with grief and sorrow, and your ability to let go into formlessness. Cultural, family and country traditions influence your ability to feel comfortable being alone. Family traditions play a part in determining your bad habits. Family patterns influence what kind of charity work you do. Your experience of family life informs your understanding of charity and helping those in need. You bring your inner family patterns to your experience of solitude, meditation and spiritual retreat. Your need for familial relationships influences the way you look at spirituality. Your idea of home must bend to serve your need for solitude. Family life must bend to meet your desire for retreat. Your psychological foundation is oriented to spending time alone. Your psychological foundation is oriented to helping those in need. You find emotional security by being charitable. You feel rooted when you can be quiet and meditate. You feel rooted when you release bad habits. You create family traditions based on your ideas of spirituality. You live in isolated or spiritually oriented surroundings.

4th house

  • Base of Operation
  • Do You Have Any Ground to Stand On?
  • Foundation
  • Home & Family
  • Private Self & What You're Comfortable With
  • Real Estate & Construction
  • Retirement & End of Life
  • Roots & Country of Origin
  • Seat of Power / Throne
  • Ancestry
  • Blood
  • Bloodline
  • Brood
  • Compatriot
  • Descendent
  • Descent
  • Dominion
  • Dynasty
  • Empire
  • Extraction
  • Family Tree
  • Family
  • Genealogy
  • Heredity
  • House
  • Household
  • Kin
  • Kindred
  • Kinfolk
  • Kith
  • Line
  • Lineage
  • Origin
  • Parentage
  • Parents
  • Pedigree
  • People
  • Race
  • Reign
  • Relatives
  • Stock
  • Strain
  • Succession
  • Tribe
  • Abode
  • Archives?
  • Basecamp
  • Booth
  • Bungalow
  • Bunker
  • Camp
  • Castle
  • Cave
  • Chamber
  • Cottage
  • Crib
  • Crypt? (final resting place)
  • Cubby
  • Cubicle? (ruler of the 6th in the 4th, my cubicle is my home?)
  • Domestic areas
  • Domicile
  • Dwelling
  • Encampment
  • Fortress
  • Hall of records?
  • Harborage
  • Haven
  • Headquarters
  • Home
  • Hovel
  • Hut
  • In my room
  • Interior
  • Inside
  • Lair
  • Lodge
  • Nonpublic spaces
  • Nook
  • Offscreen
  • Offstage
  • Pad
  • Pod
  • Private spaces
  • Quarters
  • Refuge
  • Residence
  • Roost
  • Sanctuary
  • Sentimental places
  • Shack
  • Shanty
  • Shed
  • Shelter
  • Stronghold
  • Tent
  • Throne room
  • Undisclosed locations
  • Vault
  • Within
  • Attention turns to home and family
  • Being a homebody
  • Being domestic
  • Buying a home
  • Buying a security system
  • Construction
  • Enhancing safety
  • Establishing roots
  • Getting a DNA test
  • Getting a Past Lives reading
  • Minding your own business
  • Moving
  • Opening an account on
  • Renovating
  • Retreating from public view
  • Seeking privacy
  • Self-protection
  • Staying home
  • Tracing your lineage
  • Un-accouncements

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Step-by-step instructions on how to find the traditional and modern ruler of each astrological house, including examples and charts.

This article covers the ruler of the 12th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the twelfth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

This article covers the ruler of the 11th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the eleventh house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

This article covers the ruler of the 10th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the tenth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

This article covers the ruler of the 9th house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the ninth house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology.

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