Ruler of the 7th House in Houses Astrology
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships, and negotiations serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms and appearance. You choose a partner who enhances your appearance. You want a partner who likes you for the way you look. Your partner reinforces your self-image. Your open enemies have an effect your image. You create an image to reflect, or deflect, your enemies. Your projections onto other people have an influence over how you present yourself. The way you cooperate or cause conflict is one of the first things people notice about you. The need for a partner is one of the first things people notice about you. Your attitude to contracts and negotiations is one of the first things people notice about you. Business partnerships influence the mask you wear. Business partners encourage the image you have of yourself. Open enemies and partners have to contend with the mask you wear and the image you present. Partners have to bend to your behavior and mannerisms. Negotiations and contracts serve your appearance and approach to life. Partners have an effect on your attitude to life. You have a diplomatic approach to life. You act like the devil’s advocate. You use relationships to build a persona. Your understanding of fairness influences your behavior and mannerisms. You are polarizing.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions. You choose a partner who gives you money. You want a partner who will contribute to your material well-being. Your partner adjusts to your spending and earning habits. Your partner shares your attitude toward physical things. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on our personal income. Our capacity for negotiation and diplomacy can be a way to earn money. Partners have to bend to fit your self-worth and self-esteem issues. Open enemies affect your self-esteem and self-worth. Open enemies affect your personal income. Negotiations and contracts serve your personal income. Partners serve your personal income. You use your capacity for diplomacy to make a living. You use your capacity for significant relationships to build financial security. You want a partner who can make us financially secure. You enter business relationships to add to your personal income. You sign contracts that bring money. You sign contracts for possessions and ownership. Marriage partners influence what you own. Business partners must agree with your way of spending and earning money. Business and marriage partners must agree on the things you want to own. Partners encourage us to build your personal wealth. You’re married to your money and your stuff.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve communicating and gathering information. You choose a partner you can talk to and who will listen to you. You want your significant partner to be mentally alert and conversational. You want a partner who will listen to what you have to say and who takes an interest in your everyday relationships. The partner needs to adjust to your communication and learning style. The partner needs to fit into your local network. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on the way you communicate. You negotiate through writing, speaking, teaching and other forms of communication. Open enemies affect your ability to think. Negotiations and contracts revolve around communication, siblings and your local activities. Significant relationships affect your writing. You write a blog about relationships. Your partner is always on your mind. Business relationships revolve around communication, teaching and writing. Marriage partners influence what you have to say. Business partners must agree with your way of interacting with people on an everyday basis. Business relationships are based on communications. Partners encourage you to communicate. You’re married to your ideas.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. You choose a partner who will fit into your family. You want a partner with whom you can make a home and start a family. Your partner contributes to your sense of home. Your partner needs to bend to your culture and heritage. Your partner needs to adjust to your attitude toward home, family and roots. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your family relationships. Your capacity for negotiation and diplomacy serves your family or culture. You practice family law. Relationships fit around your need for private time. You have open enemies at home. You are open enemies with people in your family. Significant others give you roots. You build a sense of family with your significant other. Your partner is your family. Being tactful and diplomatic is part of the core of who you are. Significant relationships build your foundation. You find business partners among family members. You choose a partner who feels like family. Partners encourage you to put down roots. You’re married to your family.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children. You choose a partner who is romantic and playful. You want to be with someone who brings pleasure and fun into your life. Partners support your creative self-expression. Partners help you with artistic projects. You want to get married so you can have children. Business relationships revolve around art, music, dance, sports and theater. Business partners become lovers. Business partnerships are creative and expressive. You sign contracts and negotiations involving art, music, dance, theater and sports. Significant relationships fit around your need to pursue hobbies and pleasure. Significant relationships fit in around relationships with children. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your relationship with your children. You choose a childish partner. Your capacity for negotiation and diplomacy helps or hinders your creative process. Open enemies affect your self-expression. You find open enemies while engaging in creative pursuits. Partners must adjust to your need for risk taking. Partners encourage you to gamble and take risks. You negotiate art and music contracts. You marry for love. You’re ‘married’ to your children.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve the need to be healthy, be employed, have a routine and interact with animals. You choose a partner who will fit into your daily routine and activities. You choose a partner who has the same job that you do. You choose a partner who has the same interest in animals that you do. You choose a partner who has an equal interest (or lack of) in health, diet and fitness. Partners have health issues. Business relationships impact your health. Negotiations and contracts revolve around health, diet and fitness. Negotiations and contracts revolve around animals. Negotiations and contracts revolve around work, labor, employees and coworkers. You bring your attitude to marriage to your work. Business relationships revolve around animals, diet, fitness and daily routines. Marriage partners become coworkers or employees. Partners have to adjust to your relationships with your pets. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your daily work relationships. You choose a partner who likes routine. You’re married to your job.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations are an end unto themselves. You choose partners with whom you can go into business. Marriage partners are business partners, business partners are marriage partners. You want to be with someone who is cooperative. You want a partner who is a good negotiator. Partners can become open enemies. You fight with your partner openly. You have strong feelings or opinions about the contractual nature of marriage. “Marriage is nothing but a piece of paper.” Marriage is nothing but a contract. Marriage is binding. The relationship isn’t real unless you get married. Business partners have to sign contracts. You like contracts because they are fair and unbiased. You treat marriage like a negotiation. Your attitude to significant others is as if they are a business partner. The partner needs to be willing negotiate and cooperate with you. You marry a lawyer. You become a law partner. You negotiate with open enemies.
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The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve the need to expand your horizons, travel, and explore foreign cultures and philosophies. You find your significant partner in a foreign country. Your partner needs to be broad-minded. You want to be with someone who likes to discuss philosophical topics. You want to be with someone who supports your need to travel. Partners help you expand your horizons. Marriage is an adventure. Business relationships revolve around travel, publishing, journalism, religion, philosophy, belief systems and culture. Business partners share your religion or belief system. Significant partners must share your belief system. Your attitude to marriage is based on your understanding of religion and philosophy. You sign contracts and negotiations involving publishing, higher education and travel. Foreign diplomats. Higher education negotiations. Religious law. Cultural laws. Marriage philosophy. Relationship gurus. Your experience of marriage or divorce changes your belief system. You marry a foreign diplomat. You marry a journalist. Your open enemies are people from other cultural or religious backgrounds. Your open enemies are from other countries. You’re married to religion.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve your need to build a reputation, gain recognition for achievements and find a vocation. You choose a partner who will help your career and reputation. You want a partner who will boost your visibility in the public eye. You want a partner who has ambition. You want a partner who will help you find your place in the world. Partners support your professional goals. Partners help you achieve status. You want to get married so you can be seen as having achieved a significant relationship. You want your marriage or business partnership to be widely recognized. You make business relationships with other professionals. Business partnerships help you achieve authority. The partner needs to fit in around your professional life. Having a significant relationship is second to having a career. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your reputation and status. You choose an authoritative, established partner. Your capacity for negotiation and diplomacy helps or hinders your achievement in the world. You’re married to your reputation. You marry a trophy wife or husband.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. You choose a partner who is also a friend. You choose a partner who shares your passion for social reform. You choose a partner who shares your long term goals and dreams. You find your significant partner through the groups and clubs you belong to. You find your marriage partner over the internet. Your partner has to fit in with your friends and groups. You want to be with someone who likes to be social yet gives you independence. You want to be with someone who supports your causes. You want your partner to be your biggest fan. Marriage can feel more like a friendship than a love relationship. Business relationships revolve around clubs, groups, causes and mutual interests. Business partners are among your greatest fans. Business partners share your interests. Business partners are friends. You negotiate for groups, causes and social reform movements. You take up causes that involve marriage rights. You sign contracts and negotiations involving unions and guilds. You’re married to a cause.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve the need to release grief and sorrow, spend time alone, melt into formless bliss, escape from reality and become aware of the self-undoing. You choose a partner who helps you escape from reality. You choose a partner who makes you aware of the ways you sabotage yourself. You choose a partner who respects your need for time alone. You want a partner who seems ethereal or elusive. You want a partner who is spiritual and otherworldly. Your partner likes to meditate. Your partner does dream work. Partners support your forays into the paranormal. Business relationships can be the self-undoing. Contracts can be the self-undoing. The desire for marriage can be the self-undoing. Marriage partners might reinforce your bad habits. Marriage makes you aware of your bad habits. Open enemies appear in dreams. Marriage partners come to you through dreams. Marriage partners are ghosts. Marriage partners cause you grief and sorrow. Open enemies are ghosts. You argue in your sleep.
7th house
- Marriage & Committed Relationships
- Equal Partnerships & Seeing Eye-to-Eye
- Your Best Friends & Direct Competition (But, we're so much alike!)
- Business & Contractual Relationships
- Open Enemies, Nemeses, & Lawsuits
- Negotiations & Face-to-Face Meetings
- Cooperation v. Competition
- Your Ability to Meet Someone Halfway
- Putting Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes
- Your Willingness to Let Someone Else Take the Lead
- How Much You Let Your Partner Influence You
- Meeting your match
- Committed Partner
- Marriage Partner
- Husband
- Wife
- Business Partner
- Lawyer
- Negotiator
- Open Enemies
- Best Friends
- The Other
- Clients
- Zoom
- Law Office
- Consult room
- Couples' events
- Marriage
- Starting a significant relationship
- Ending a significant relationship
- Entering a business partnership
- Lawsuits
- Taking on clients
- Starting your own business
- Consulting
- Making a scene as a couple
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The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships, and negotiations serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms and appearance. You choose a partner who enhances your appearance. You want a partner who likes you for the way you look. Your partner reinforces your self-image. Your open enemies have an effect your image. You create an image to reflect, or deflect, your enemies. Your projections onto other people have an influence over how you present yourself. The way you cooperate or cause conflict is one of the first things people notice about you. The need for a partner is one of the first things people notice about you. Your attitude to contracts and negotiations is one of the first things people notice about you. Business partnerships influence the mask you wear. Business partners encourage the image you have of yourself. Open enemies and partners have to contend with the mask you wear and the image you present. Partners have to bend to your behavior and mannerisms. Negotiations and contracts serve your appearance and approach to life. Partners have an effect on your attitude to life. You have a diplomatic approach to life. You act like the devil’s advocate. You use relationships to build a persona. Your understanding of fairness influences your behavior and mannerisms. You are polarizing.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions. You choose a partner who gives you money. You want a partner who will contribute to your material well-being. Your partner adjusts to your spending and earning habits. Your partner shares your attitude toward physical things. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on our personal income. Our capacity for negotiation and diplomacy can be a way to earn money. Partners have to bend to fit your self-worth and self-esteem issues. Open enemies affect your self-esteem and self-worth. Open enemies affect your personal income. Negotiations and contracts serve your personal income. Partners serve your personal income. You use your capacity for diplomacy to make a living. You use your capacity for significant relationships to build financial security. You want a partner who can make us financially secure. You enter business relationships to add to your personal income. You sign contracts that bring money. You sign contracts for possessions and ownership. Marriage partners influence what you own. Business partners must agree with your way of spending and earning money. Business and marriage partners must agree on the things you want to own. Partners encourage us to build your personal wealth. You’re married to your money and your stuff.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve communicating and gathering information. You choose a partner you can talk to and who will listen to you. You want your significant partner to be mentally alert and conversational. You want a partner who will listen to what you have to say and who takes an interest in your everyday relationships. The partner needs to adjust to your communication and learning style. The partner needs to fit into your local network. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on the way you communicate. You negotiate through writing, speaking, teaching and other forms of communication. Open enemies affect your ability to think. Negotiations and contracts revolve around communication, siblings and your local activities. Significant relationships affect your writing. You write a blog about relationships. Your partner is always on your mind. Business relationships revolve around communication, teaching and writing. Marriage partners influence what you have to say. Business partners must agree with your way of interacting with people on an everyday basis. Business relationships are based on communications. Partners encourage you to communicate. You’re married to your ideas.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. You choose a partner who will fit into your family. You want a partner with whom you can make a home and start a family. Your partner contributes to your sense of home. Your partner needs to bend to your culture and heritage. Your partner needs to adjust to your attitude toward home, family and roots. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your family relationships. Your capacity for negotiation and diplomacy serves your family or culture. You practice family law. Relationships fit around your need for private time. You have open enemies at home. You are open enemies with people in your family. Significant others give you roots. You build a sense of family with your significant other. Your partner is your family. Being tactful and diplomatic is part of the core of who you are. Significant relationships build your foundation. You find business partners among family members. You choose a partner who feels like family. Partners encourage you to put down roots. You’re married to your family.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children. You choose a partner who is romantic and playful. You want to be with someone who brings pleasure and fun into your life. Partners support your creative self-expression. Partners help you with artistic projects. You want to get married so you can have children. Business relationships revolve around art, music, dance, sports and theater. Business partners become lovers. Business partnerships are creative and expressive. You sign contracts and negotiations involving art, music, dance, theater and sports. Significant relationships fit around your need to pursue hobbies and pleasure. Significant relationships fit in around relationships with children. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your relationship with your children. You choose a childish partner. Your capacity for negotiation and diplomacy helps or hinders your creative process. Open enemies affect your self-expression. You find open enemies while engaging in creative pursuits. Partners must adjust to your need for risk taking. Partners encourage you to gamble and take risks. You negotiate art and music contracts. You marry for love. You’re ‘married’ to your children.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve the need to be healthy, be employed, have a routine and interact with animals. You choose a partner who will fit into your daily routine and activities. You choose a partner who has the same job that you do. You choose a partner who has the same interest in animals that you do. You choose a partner who has an equal interest (or lack of) in health, diet and fitness. Partners have health issues. Business relationships impact your health. Negotiations and contracts revolve around health, diet and fitness. Negotiations and contracts revolve around animals. Negotiations and contracts revolve around work, labor, employees and coworkers. You bring your attitude to marriage to your work. Business relationships revolve around animals, diet, fitness and daily routines. Marriage partners become coworkers or employees. Partners have to adjust to your relationships with your pets. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your daily work relationships. You choose a partner who likes routine. You’re married to your job.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations are an end unto themselves. You choose partners with whom you can go into business. Marriage partners are business partners, business partners are marriage partners. You want to be with someone who is cooperative. You want a partner who is a good negotiator. Partners can become open enemies. You fight with your partner openly. You have strong feelings or opinions about the contractual nature of marriage. “Marriage is nothing but a piece of paper.” Marriage is nothing but a contract. Marriage is binding. The relationship isn’t real unless you get married. Business partners have to sign contracts. You like contracts because they are fair and unbiased. You treat marriage like a negotiation. Your attitude to significant others is as if they are a business partner. The partner needs to be willing negotiate and cooperate with you. You marry a lawyer. You become a law partner. You negotiate with open enemies.
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The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve the need to expand your horizons, travel, and explore foreign cultures and philosophies. You find your significant partner in a foreign country. Your partner needs to be broad-minded. You want to be with someone who likes to discuss philosophical topics. You want to be with someone who supports your need to travel. Partners help you expand your horizons. Marriage is an adventure. Business relationships revolve around travel, publishing, journalism, religion, philosophy, belief systems and culture. Business partners share your religion or belief system. Significant partners must share your belief system. Your attitude to marriage is based on your understanding of religion and philosophy. You sign contracts and negotiations involving publishing, higher education and travel. Foreign diplomats. Higher education negotiations. Religious law. Cultural laws. Marriage philosophy. Relationship gurus. Your experience of marriage or divorce changes your belief system. You marry a foreign diplomat. You marry a journalist. Your open enemies are people from other cultural or religious backgrounds. Your open enemies are from other countries. You’re married to religion.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve your need to build a reputation, gain recognition for achievements and find a vocation. You choose a partner who will help your career and reputation. You want a partner who will boost your visibility in the public eye. You want a partner who has ambition. You want a partner who will help you find your place in the world. Partners support your professional goals. Partners help you achieve status. You want to get married so you can be seen as having achieved a significant relationship. You want your marriage or business partnership to be widely recognized. You make business relationships with other professionals. Business partnerships help you achieve authority. The partner needs to fit in around your professional life. Having a significant relationship is second to having a career. The way you cooperate or cause conflict has an effect on your reputation and status. You choose an authoritative, established partner. Your capacity for negotiation and diplomacy helps or hinders your achievement in the world. You’re married to your reputation. You marry a trophy wife or husband.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. You choose a partner who is also a friend. You choose a partner who shares your passion for social reform. You choose a partner who shares your long term goals and dreams. You find your significant partner through the groups and clubs you belong to. You find your marriage partner over the internet. Your partner has to fit in with your friends and groups. You want to be with someone who likes to be social yet gives you independence. You want to be with someone who supports your causes. You want your partner to be your biggest fan. Marriage can feel more like a friendship than a love relationship. Business relationships revolve around clubs, groups, causes and mutual interests. Business partners are among your greatest fans. Business partners share your interests. Business partners are friends. You negotiate for groups, causes and social reform movements. You take up causes that involve marriage rights. You sign contracts and negotiations involving unions and guilds. You’re married to a cause.
The activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve the need to release grief and sorrow, spend time alone, melt into formless bliss, escape from reality and become aware of the self-undoing. You choose a partner who helps you escape from reality. You choose a partner who makes you aware of the ways you sabotage yourself. You choose a partner who respects your need for time alone. You want a partner who seems ethereal or elusive. You want a partner who is spiritual and otherworldly. Your partner likes to meditate. Your partner does dream work. Partners support your forays into the paranormal. Business relationships can be the self-undoing. Contracts can be the self-undoing. The desire for marriage can be the self-undoing. Marriage partners might reinforce your bad habits. Marriage makes you aware of your bad habits. Open enemies appear in dreams. Marriage partners come to you through dreams. Marriage partners are ghosts. Marriage partners cause you grief and sorrow. Open enemies are ghosts. You argue in your sleep.
7th house
- Marriage & Committed Relationships
- Equal Partnerships & Seeing Eye-to-Eye
- Your Best Friends & Direct Competition (But, we're so much alike!)
- Business & Contractual Relationships
- Open Enemies, Nemeses, & Lawsuits
- Negotiations & Face-to-Face Meetings
- Cooperation v. Competition
- Your Ability to Meet Someone Halfway
- Putting Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes
- Your Willingness to Let Someone Else Take the Lead
- How Much You Let Your Partner Influence You
- Meeting your match
- Committed Partner
- Marriage Partner
- Husband
- Wife
- Business Partner
- Lawyer
- Negotiator
- Open Enemies
- Best Friends
- The Other
- Clients
- Zoom
- Law Office
- Consult room
- Couples' events
- Marriage
- Starting a significant relationship
- Ending a significant relationship
- Entering a business partnership
- Lawsuits
- Taking on clients
- Starting your own business
- Consulting
- Making a scene as a couple