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Transiting Sun in Aries Through the Houses, “Equinox”


he Sun spends one year traveling through all twelve zodiac signs and stays about thirty days in each individual sign. We experience the change of seasons and holidays every year around the same time. The path the Sun takes through your chart repeats about the same every year too. Year after year you will notice your own Sun rhythm as the transiting Sun makes its way around your natal chart with its unique layout. Because the Sun’s rhythm is steady, and comforting, there’s nothing especially heavy or out-of-place about these transits, it’s just the normal solar routine.

The Sun puts a spotlight on one house for thirty days at a time, and it will touch off each of your natal planets in the same pattern every year. The Sun finds its happiest days in Aries (the sign of the Sun’s exaltation) and Leo (the sign of the Sun’s dignity). The Sun experiences a little more difficulty expressing itself in Libra (the sign of the Sun’s fall) and Aquarius (the sign of the Sun’s detriment). The Sun’s entry into Aries marks one of two world equinoxes. 🔗Read more about equinoxes on

Take advantage of the Sun’s beautiful warm rays flowing through your chart by turn, even during Winter! Enjoy each day, and make the most of the positive energy the Sun brings to life. If you have Aries as your Sun sign, then happy birthday to you! You will experience your 🔗Solar Return during Aries Season.

Beginning March 30, 2025, 🔗Neptune enters Aries for the first time in 160 years. The Sun and Neptune will make a conjunction in your Aries house every year from March 22, 2026 – April 18, 2038. The Sun and Neptune made a conjunction in your Pisces house every year from February 19, 2012 – March 19, 2025. Read 🔗Brainstorm: Sun / Neptune Astrology Aspects.

Neptune in Aries will give a different flavor to Aries Sun transits than we’ve had in the past. The interpretations below blend a little of Neptune’s influence which takes effect ten days from the 00 Aries ingress on March 20, 2025.

Saturn enters Aries May 26, 2025, and that will affect the Aries Sun cycle from 2026 – 2028.

Aries deets
On the days of the equinoxes, the Earth’s axis is perpendicular to the Sun’s rays, meaning that all regions on Earth receive about the same number of hours of sunlight. In other words, night and day are, in principle, the same length all over the world. This is the reason it’s called an “equinox,” derived from Latin, meaning “equal night.”
Transiting Sun in Aries dates 2025:
March 20 – April 19
Read for your rising sign (Ascendant) if you’re not sure about your houses

Transiting Sun in Aries


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 1st house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on your personality. You should feel a boost of self-confidence in dealing with whatever life throws your way. You feel an annual self-renewal through refreshing your appearance and outlook. You have less fear in approaching others. You initiate relationships with few reservations. A brighter outlook. Warming up the personality. Fiery approach. Too hot to handle. Hot head. Sparking up an introduction. Giving a fiery first impression. Fired-up spiritual approach. Rushing. Speeding. Spiritual hurry. A wave of new inspiration. A new spiritual self-image is emerging. Spiritual fire in your approach. Renewed fighting spirit. Wearing down of energy. Feeling fatigued. Broader application of energy. Solarized spiritual fire reenters your life. Embodying the spirit of a warrior. Mystical pioneer. Visionary outlook. You look like a metaphysical ranger. There’s a mystical fire in your eyes. Giving off a new impression. You look like a Spiritual Rebel.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 2nd house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on your finances and assets. You should feel a boost of self-confidence in dealing with sticky finances. You notice an annual self-renewal through resetting your financial goals. You have less fear in matters like asking for discounts and deals. STOP! It’s Haggle Time. Actually, though, you won’t be stopping, because this is Aries and it needs to get done N.O.W. New spiritual goals to save for. New mystical things to buy. Impulsive mystical purchases. Renewed sensitivity to the material world. An original approach to financial security. First steps to savings. New impressions of banking. Starting a spiritual bank account. Seeking spiritual and financial security. Financial rebellion.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 3rd house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on learning and conversation. You should feel a boost of self-confidence when communicating. You feel an annual self-renewal through refreshing relationships with siblings and neighbors. You have less fear in making yourself heard. Warming up the conversation. Fiery discussions. Heated exchanges. Sparring. Speeding through the neighborhood. Spiritual speeding tickets. Sorry, you can’t speed to the next level. Sorry. A wave of new inspiration in learning. Picking up books on new spiritual topics. An annual trip to a special metaphysical bookshop. Fiery interest in psychic topics. Heightened sensitivity to passionate topics. Conversations about sacred anger. New impressions of your neighborhood. Neighborhood rebellion.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 4th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on home and family. You should feel a boost of self-confidence when interacting with family members. You feel an annual self-renewal through refreshing your home, and annual ‘Spring clean’. You have less fear in dealing with family and are able to handle things simply and directly (barring other aspects!) Warming up the home front. Fiery discussions about property. Heated exchanges around housing. Rivalry among family. Family competitions. Speeding in and out of the house. The house is busy right now, there’s a lot of activity. Gaining inspiration from burgeoning life around you. New family members. Quick home projects. Finding easy ways to spruce up the place. Swapping Winter linens for Spring linens. Lighting a spiritual fire at your personal basecamp. Metaphysical fort. Metaphysical forte. Cosmic flames lick your feet. Family rebellion.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 5th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on fun, romance, and creative projects. You should feel a boost of self-confidence taking on any adventure. This could be the time of year you schedule an annual vacation. You have less fear in letting everyone know what would make you feel like you’re having a good time. Warming up the party. Fiery romance. Heated theater. New spiritual theater. New spiritual sports. Rushing to a spiritual festival. Spontaneous metaphysical parties. A renewed interested in photography. Invigoration of joyous spirit. Artistic rebellion.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 6th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on work. health, pets, and routine. You should feel a boost of self-confidence, easily barreling through tasks. You feel an annual self-renewal through refreshing relationships with workers. You have less fear in tackling health ailments. Fiery discussions on the job. Heated exchanges with coworkers. Rushing at work. A wave of new inspiration in your daily routine. Renewing spiritual connections with animals. Renewing daily spiritual practices. Fiery compassion for working people. Heightened sensitivity to health issues. A wave of enthusiasm hits the workplace. Increased competition among coworkers. Employees fired up with spiritual zeal. Occupational dangers. Finding a more fulfilling spiritual vocation. Starting a new job in film. Work rebellion.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 7th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on others. You should feel a boost of self-confidence in taking more of a lead in relationships. You might attract fiery individuals into your life. You feel an annual self-renewal through refreshing relationships with your partner, clients, and good friends. You have less fear of tackling negotiations. Fiery negotiations. Heated exchanges with a spouse. Rushing through clients. A wave of inspiration on how to attract new business. Renewing spiritual connections with a close friend. A surge of fiery compassion. Vital spiritual energy in relationships. Authentic expression in spiritual exchange. New metaphysical relationships. Gutsy psychic partnerships. Rebellious clients.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 9th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on joint finances, intimate relationships, and deep inner work. You should feel a boost of self-confidence, easily barreling through complicated problems. You feel an annual self-renewal through shedding your old skin. Your approach is to rip off the band-aid. Fiery discussions about privacy. Heated exchanges about a much needed metamorphosis. Rushing through the deep stuff. A wave of new therapeutic inspiration. Renewing spiritual connections with your psychic self. Fiery compassion for struggling people. Heightened sensitivity to deep anger issues. Increased psychic competitions. Forging ahead with a spiritual interior remodeling plan. A rebellious transformation.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 9th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on mind expansion. You should feel a boost of self-confidence, easily barreling through whatever tome you choose to tackle. You feel an annual self-renewal through selecting a few philosophers, gurus, or teachers to embark on a year-long journey with. Your mind is ready for a new spiritual journey. Fiery discussions about ethics and morality. Heated exchanges about spirituality and advanced sciences. Rushing through the profound stuff. A wave of new theories to explore. Renewing spiritual connections with personal wisdom. Heightened sensitivity to new spiritual doctrines. New academic competitions. Academic spats. Reinvigoration of a school of spiritual thought. Renewing your vows. Academic rebellion.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 10th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on your reputation. You should feel a boost of self-confidence stepping onto the world stage. You feel an annual self-renewal through selecting new career goals for the year. You’re ready for a new level of achievement. Fiery discussions about role models and acceptable behavior. Heated exchanges about public spirituality. Rushing up the career ladder. A wave of new professional network connections. Feeling more spiritually connected to your path in life. Sensing it could be time to find a career that is more spiritually fulfilling. Professional competitions. Professional spiritual competitions. Your private spiritual life on display. People see you as more exciting than usual. You’re more willing to take the lead on work projects. You’ll likely be “spearheading” this and that, left and right. Pro rebellion.


ith Transiting Sun in Aries in the 11th house of your natal chart, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on shared goals. You should feel a boost of self-confidence taking the lead on group endeavors. You feel an annual self-renewal through socializing with people who share your interests. Your social self is ready to set new group objectives. Fiery discussions about goals and what to do about them. Heated exchanges with members and about members. Rushing through group meetings. A wave of new people join your group, or you join a whole bunch of new groups yourself. Resetting your spiritual goals for society. Heightened sensitivity to the need for new dreams and plans for the future. Competitive memberships. Competitive clubs. Spiritually competitive groups. Film groups. Starting a photography club. One day you’re in, and the next day you’re out! Rebel members. Rebellious groups.


ith the Sun in Aries transiting through your 12th house, for the next thirty days the spotlight is on seclusion. You should feel a boost of self-confidence in letting people know you’re going to do your own thing. You feel an annual self-renewal through withdrawal and introspection. Your soul is ready for an alternative journey. Anger, that you need time alone with. A wave of self-sensitivity. Renewing a spiritual connection with yourself. How have you changed since last year? Reinvigoration of self-interest. Getting back in touch with your psychic self. Taking time off to listen to what you have to say. Where did your inner rebel go? Go find them, cuz we need you right now.


  • Helios
  • Sol
  • Attention (where the Sun goes is where you need to pay attention)
  • Confidence
  • Conscious Self
  • Core
  • Creative Potential
  • Ego
  • Energy level
  • Exposure
  • Fame
  • Identity
  • Life Purpose
  • Personal Authority
  • Reputation (Fame or infamy)
  • Self
  • Self-Expression
  • Shine
  • Spotlight
  • Star Power
  • Vitality & Willpower
  • Where you cast a shadow (maybe the house opposite the Sun)
  • Authority Figure
  • Boss
  • Celebrity
  • Central figure
  • Go-to person / Point person
  • Hero
  • Key player
  • Powerful Person
  • Royal
  • Self-Confident Individual
  • Star of the show

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  • Athletic
  • Back to the drawing board
  • Battle-Ready & Heroic
  • Beginning
  • Brave
  • Commencement
  • Debut
  • Emergence
  • Energized
  • Enthusiastic & Spontaneous
  • Entrepreneurial
  • First
  • Forceful
  • Grumpy and Ill-tempered
  • Heading into uncharted territory
  • Impatient & Hasty
  • Impetuous
  • Inauguration
  • Inception
  • Independent & Self-Centered
  • Initiative
  • Inspiring
  • Kickoff
  • Launch
  • Leader & Competitor
  • Pioneering & Daring
  • Primal
  • Quick-Tempered & Immature
  • Rush
  • Simple & Direct
  • Solo
  • Square one
  • Starting from scratch
  • Unrefined & Naive
  • Vigorous
  • Virile
  • Vital
  • DIY guru (do-it-yourself)
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fighter
  • Firefighter
  • Manager
  • Military
  • Self-employed
  • Single parent
  • Soldier
  • Solo artist
  • Surgeon
  • Warrior

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