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Venus Through the Signs in Astrology

Venus Through the Signs

In a Natal Chart


ith Venus in Aries in your natal chart, you are the Warrior Princess of the zodiac. You may find that society thinks you need to be nicer, swear less, and act more like a gentlemen, lady, or background furniture, and you’re not likely to oblige. When you find someone attractive, you know within the first minute of meeting them. There tends to be an instant spark. Whether that spark lasts depends on the rest of your chart!

When Venus is retrograde in Aries in your natal chart, 

In a Natal Chart


ith Venus in Taurus in your natal chart, you are a sensualist. You love and crave pleasurable experiences. Good food, nice clothes, a beautiful place to lounge are just what you need to feel your lovely self. This placement brings a lot of creative potential. Taurus is one of Venus’s signs of dignity. In Taurus, Venus brings an earthy fertility. This could mean wanting many children, but it can also mean bringing forth many works of art. Venus in Taurus can be productively creative, luxuriating in the pursuit of a hands-on craft like furniture making, beer distillation, or mixing your own organic cosmetics.

When Venus is retrograde in Taurus in your natal chart, 

In a Natal Chart


ith Venus in Gemini in your natal chart, you have a gift for words. You may enjoy reading, word games, and puzzles immensely. You might like games so much, that your love life is a bit of game as well. Do you have game, or do you merely play games with people’s hearts?

When Venus is retrograde in Gemini in your natal chart, 

In a Natal Chart


ith Venus in Cancer in your natal chart, you are sentimental and sweet-natured. You could be shy in love and need a lot of reassurance. You might really hate a date where you have to go do something risky, dirty, and dangerous unless you have placements in a more outgoing sign, like Sagittarius. You kind of love being at home, which is your comfort zone.

When Venus is retrograde in Cancer in your natal chart, 

In a Natal Chart


ith Venus in Leo in your natal chart, you really want an over-the-top romance that sweeps you off your feet! If your relationship is anything less than hearts and roses, you may feel that it’s simply not living up to your expectations. People with this placement crave luxury experiences and really want to have at least a taste of the very best that life has to offer. Venus in Leo can be demanding, but this placement is incredibly loyal, barring bad aspects. In a time when people are always looking for the next best thing, Venus in Leo is a keeper.

When Venus is retrograde in Leo in your natal chart, 

In a Natal Chart


ith Venus in Virgo in your natal chart, you are the champion of small creatures and a great helper to those in need. Your humane streak is so beautiful, it brings a tear to my eye just writing about it. Venus is in her fall in Virgo. The problem is that you can be too much of a workaholic, with your love of keeping everything ship-shape interfering with spontaneous signals that it’s time for romance. Sometimes you’re so busy with your nose to the grindstone, you’ve missed the line of people waiting to jump your bones.

When Venus is retrograde in Virgo in your natal chart, 


ith Venus in Libra in your natal chart, you are in love with love. Sometimes I wonder if this placement is more in love with the idea of being in a relationship than they are with actually being in a relationship. Although Venus is in dignity in Libra, Libra is an Air sign, and Air signs like concepts, and ideas, and theories. When it comes time to jump in and get their hands dirty, they can be at a loss. Relationships come and go because Libra is a beautiful pleasant person to be around, but their lack of commitment and fanciful notions make them a hard person to pin down.

When Venus is retrograde in Libra in your natal chart, 


ith Venus in Scorpio in your natal chart, you absolutely delight in making potential lovers squirm. You love to get a rise out of people! You love to say and do provocative things to elicit a reaction from the person you’re interested in. Ultimately, you’re sussing out their psychology to see what kind of person they are. You have a host of little tricks and tests you perform to get your answers. As a lover you’re intense and consuming. Sometimes your intensity is gorgeous and breathtaking in a heaving bodice Romance Novel kind of way, others times it’s just plain suffocating.

When Venus is retrograde in Scorpio in your natal chart, 


ith Venus in Sagittarius in your natal chart, you love an adventure, and you’re looking for someone who wants to take an adventure with you. You like risk-taking and you could be regular gambler. You probably have a VIP casino card. If you could, you’d take trips as often as possible.

When Venus is retrograde in Sagittarius in your natal chart, 


ith Venus in Capricorn in your natal chart, you love high achievers.

When Venus is retrograde in Capricorn in your natal chart, 


ith Venus in Aquarius in your natal chart,.

When Venus is retrograde in Aquarius in your natal chart, 


ith Venus in Pisces in your natal chart, you are a dreamy visionary with idealistic notions of what love could be like. Your love is soul-searching and delve the depths of your partner’s soul as well.

When Venus is retrograde in Pisces in your natal chart, 


  • Androphonos, "man-slayer"
  • Afrodita
  • Aphrodite in Greek, meaning "foam born" (Venus is her Roman counterpart)
  • Aphrodite Urania (Eldest of the Three Fates)
  • Epitymbria, "of the tombs"
  • Goddess of Death-in-Life
  • Goddess of Love
  • Melaenis, "black one"
  • Scotia, "dark one"
  • The Lesser Benefic
Photo of text
The Greek Myths: 1, by Robert Graves "Aphrodite's Nature and Deeds"
  • The Fates assigned only one divine duty to make love
  • When Venus tried weaving, Athene, Goddess of Wisdom got so upset that Venus was infringing on her territory, that Venus apologized and never did a day's work after that
  • Through a complicated chain of events, Venus and Persephone, Queen of the Underworld were in a fight over the affections of the handsome mortal man, Adonis
  • She (at least once) renewed her virginity in the sea
  • When Venus and Persephone fought over Adonis, it was Calliope, Muse of Eloquence, who handed down the judgment that the two Goddesses had equal claim to him. It was arranged that Adonis would spend 1/3 year with Venus, 1/3 with Persephone, and 1/3 by himself
  • Mars (Ares), God of War was so envious of Venus's relationship with Adonis that he transformed into a boar and gored Adonis to death in front of her
  • Hephaestus, her husband, laid a trap and caught Venus and Mars with a net, while they were in bed together
  • Hephaestus tried to get all of the other Gods involved in his marriage problems, which Zeus (Jupiter), King of the Gods, thought was repugnant
  • Magic Girdle: the magic girdle made everyone fall in love with whoever was wearing it
  • Venus would not lend the Magic Girdle to any of the other goddesses
  • Arts Appreciation
  • Beauty & Good Looks
  • Charm & Romance
  • Love & Flirting
  • Relationship Commitment
  • Style & Aesthetic
  • Values & Self-Worth
  • Wealth & Assets
  • Your Taste in...Whatever (Al Gusto)
  • Passivity & Laziness
  • Love of Peace
  • Vanity & Superficiality
  • Art reviewer
  • Artist
  • Beautiful person
  • Diplomat
  • Eye candy
  • Fashion designer
  • Fashionista
  • Graphic designer
  • Illustrator
  • Interior designer
  • Negotiator
  • Peacemaker
  • Seducer
  • Style icon
  • Stylist

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