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Venus Synastry: 12th House Overlay in Astrology

12th House Venus Synastry

Venus energy is loving, artistic, gentle, inspired, creative, beautiful, attractive, flirtatious, jealous, manipulative, charming, and refined.
The 12th house is about secrets, fears, the subconscious, criminal activity, spirituality, ghosts, dreams, meditation, retreat, solitude, imprisonment, museums, hospitals, institutions, merging, imagination, the intangible, secrets, and the ways that you sabotage yourself.
Any planet in the 12th house is aiming for something beyond its grasp. The 12th is ultimately beyond our comprehension, beyond logic and personal planets here push us out into unknown territory.
— Lynn Bell, The Mars Quartet: Four Seminars on the Astrology of the Red Planet

Someone's Venus falls in your 12th house


hen someone’s Venus falls in your 12th house they arouse your imagination and fascination. They inspire romantic feelings, and subconscious longings. They soothe your fears. They charm you. You feel attractive around them. Their presence encourages you to be cooperative and pleasant. They rouse the desire to be beautiful from the inside out. They inspire appreciation of the arts. They have a subtle harmonious effect on you.

This may be a secret relationship. You may be oblivious to the Venus person’s romantic feelings for you and discount their attractive qualities. They may have a secret crush on you. You could find it hard to express the connection in words. You ignore the person’s shortcomings. You don’t see them clearly. You let your guard down and get taken advantage of. You are so consumed with how seductive, attractive, alluring or charming they are that you don’t realize you are being manipulated. You suspect they are trying to buy you.

Venus people who have your best interests at heart will assuage the feelings of sadness, loneliness and fear within you. Venus people who do not have your best interests at heart can use their knowledge of your shortcomings to manipulate you.


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Your Venus falls in someone's 12th house


ove feels mystical in the 12th house person’s presence. You become selfless. You lose concern with your own personal happiness. The relationship is private and occurs away from prying eyes. You might feel that the 12th house person doesn’t want to be seen with you in public. Perhaps the 12th house person doesn’t want to acknowledge the relationship. This could be an unrequited love: you love the 12th house person, but they don’t return your affection. This could be a lonely love because you feel alone in the relationship. There may be a spiritual connection that other people don’t understand. It’s possible that you are an enabler. You unwittingly encourage the 12th house person’s bad habits. You are too accepting of the 12th house person’s self-sabotaging behavior. Because the 12th house person feels at ease around you, it is easy for you to take advantage of them. You use your knowledge of their fears and weaknesses for your own benefit.


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If you are the Venus person

If you are the Venus person you will have to learn that your interests are not the only interests that count. Chances are the 12th house person does like what you like, but not to the same extent. Everybody doesn’t have to like all the same stuff to get along. Ease up on pressuring the 12th house person to acknowledge your likes and dislikes and you might get compliments more.

If you are the 12th house person

If you are the 12th house person you will have to actively notice and acknowledge the Venus person’s personal style and taste. You will need to make a conscious effort to make this person feel appreciated.


  • Androphonos, "man-slayer"
  • Afrodita
  • Aphrodite in Greek, meaning "foam born" (Venus is her Roman counterpart)
  • Aphrodite Urania (Eldest of the Three Fates)
  • Epitymbria, "of the tombs"
  • Goddess of Death-in-Life
  • Goddess of Love
  • Melaenis, "black one"
  • Scotia, "dark one"
  • The Lesser Benefic
Photo of text
The Greek Myths: 1, by Robert Graves "Aphrodite's Nature and Deeds"
  • Arts Appreciation
  • Beauty & Good Looks
  • Charm & Romance
  • Love & Flirting
  • Relationship Commitment
  • Style & Aesthetic
  • Values & Self-Worth
  • Wealth & Assets
  • Your Taste in...Whatever (Al Gusto)
  • Passive
  • Lax
  • Lazy
  • Peaceful
  • Vain
  • Superficial
  • Magic Girdle: the magic girdle made everyone fall in love with whoever was wearing it
  • Venus would not lend the Magic Girdle to any of the other goddesses
  • The Fates assigned only one divine duty to make love
  • When Venus tried weaving, Athene, Goddess of Wisdom got so upset that Venus was infringing on her territory, that Venus apologized and never did a day's work after that
  • Through a complicated chain of events, Venus and Persephone, Queen of the Underworld were in a fight over the affections of the handsome mortal man, Adonis
  • She (at least once) renewed her virginity in the sea
  • When Venus and Persephone fought over Adonis, it was Calliope, Muse of Eloquence, who handed down the judgment that the two Goddesses had equal claim to him. It was arranged that Adonis would spend 1/3 year with Venus, 1/3 with Persephone, and 1/3 by himself
  • Mars (Ares), God of War was so envious of Venus's relationship with Adonis that he transformed into a boar and gored Adonis to death in front of her
  • Hephaestus, her husband, laid a trap and caught Venus and Mars with a net, while they were in bed together
  • Hephaestus tried to get all of the other Gods involved in his marriage problems, which Zeus (Jupiter), King of the Gods, thought was repugnant
  • Art reviewer
  • Artist
  • Beautiful person
  • Diplomat
  • Eye candy
  • Fashion designer
  • Fashionista
  • Graphic designer
  • Illustrator
  • Interior designer
  • Negotiator
  • Peacemaker
  • Seducer
  • Style icon
  • Stylist

12th house

  • Ancestral or Past Life Vocational Lineage (I'm experimenting with this idea)
  • Blind Spots & Self-Sabotage
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Institutions, Hospitals, & Prisons
  • Retreat, Meditation, & Sleep
  • Secret Enemies & Skeletons in the Family Closet
  • Spiritual Development & the Vast Unknown
  • Supernatural Phenomena
  • Surrender
  • The Results of Groups & Alliances (2nd house from the 11th)
  • Time Spent Alone
  • Confinement, Release, & Escape
  • Wilderness
  • Large animals

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  • A Container
  • Confinement
  • Convalescent home
  • Displaced
  • Hospital
  • Institution
  • Into the Wild
  • Lost
  • Missing
  • Monastery
  • Museum
  • Prison
  • Retreat
  • The Closet
  • Vast Unknown
  • Wilderness
  • Getting Lost
  • Inner Journey
  • Respite
  • Rest
  • Retreat
  • Sabbatical

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