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Brainstorm: Mars / Chiron Astrology Aspects


he wounded masculine. Wounded assertive personality traits. Lack of self-assertiveness. Trying to reclaim male aspects of the personality. Inability to defend yourself. Inability to stand up for yourself. Confusing self-assertion with aggression. Fear of hurting others by standing up for yourself. Impaired desire nature. Impaired ability to go after what you want. Impaired ability to make your desires known. Inability to be direct. Passive-aggressive tendencies. Physical impairments. People who don’t know how to stop doing. Running yourself ragged. Busy, busy, busy.

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Chiron represents the one remaining thing that remains unresolved prior to the completion of a major transition.
― Philip Sedgwick

Putting energy into helping others. Being actively involved in healing processes helps resolve anger issues. Embracing physical exercise and physical expression to release anger held in the body. Leading with depth, sensitivity and a holistic viewpoint. Leading with wisdom. Guiding others through experiences of anger and resentment. Becoming a mentor to people who have anger, abuse or self-assertion issues. Self-defense instructors. Anger-management counselors. Life coaches. Physical therapists. Fitness trainers. Seeing battles or competitions from a holistic viewpoint. Taking away more from competition than the “win”. Knowing that there’s more to do in life than “winning.” Healing by resolving your feelings about winning, war and conquest – what are you really trying to win, and why? Do you have something to prove? Who are you trying to prove it to?

The key to healing is learning to express anger, hostility and force in healthy, positive ways. The key to healing is going after what you really want, even if it pisses other people off. The key to healing is recognizing that you may be attracting people into your life who reflect your unexpressed rage. The key to healing is learning to assert yourself and become a force to be reckoned with. The key to healing is learning how to defend yourself. The key to healing is knowing the right measure of force in any situation.

Mars aspecting Chiron natally indicates a deep association with the sacred warrior archetype. Mars is the activation of the animus, the male aggressive principle in the natal chart, and aspects to Chiron spiritualize the issue.
― Barbara Hand Clow, Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets

The key to healing is learning what it means to be a man. The key to healing is getting in touch with your masculine side. The key to healing is embracing the animus. The key to healing is developing a more holistic view of men and masculinity. The key to healing is resolving problems in relationships with men. The key to healing is helping people to get in touch with their anger. The key to healing is learning how to balance self-assertion with cooperation.

The key to healing is to understand why you do what you do – do you keep busy to avoid facing unacknowledged anger and resentment? The key to healing is to understand why you aren’t doing what you want to be doing – who are you afraid of offending by doing your own thing?



  • Ares
  • God of War

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  • Agitator
  • Aggravator
  • Aggressor
  • Attack Dog
  • Combatant
  • Conqueror
  • Defender
  • Enforcer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fighter
  • Guard
  • Independent Contractor
  • Instigator (they started it!)
  • Leader
  • Protector
  • Ranger (probably with Jupiter)
  • Solo Artist
  • Warrior

Chiron #2060

  • Cheiron
  • The Wounded Healer
  • Alternative medicine
  • Bridge
  • Chronic pain
  • Coping
  • Damage / Hit points
  • Exhaustion
  • Fatigue
  • Guide
  • Hands, healing hand (Cheiron means 'hand')
  • Healing & Wholeness
  • Healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body (from the Centaur Report)
  • Identity crisis?
  • Injury
  • Key
  • Learning
  • Loophole
  • Maverick
  • Mentor / Teacher - and having your pupils turn against you, even if it's unintentional on their part
  • Putting the 'Chiron' in chronic pain
  • Quest
  • Reaching the limit of your abilities & realizing it's time to move on from a particular path, calling, or profession
  • Rejection by your parents
  • 'Right to die' issues
  • Unsolvable problem
  • Worn out
  • Wounded
Many of the Chiron keywords above generously supplied by Zane B. Stein, from his book, Essence and Application: A View from Chiron.
  • Centaur
  • Shot by his pupil, Heracles, with an arrow poisoned with the blood of the Hydra
  • He was shot in either the foot or the thigh
  • Spent the rest of his life trying to alleve the pain of the wound
  • He willingly gave up immortality to die and escape chronic pain
  • Associate of the Centaurs: Pholus, Nessus
  • Father of Euippe
  • Grandson of Uranus
  • Husband of Chariklo
  • Son of Saturn (Cronus, Chronos, Kronos)
  • Son of Philyra
  • Teacher of heroes (Asclepius, Aristaeus, Actaeon, Achilles, Jason, Medus) Source
  • Victim of the Hydra. The arrow that hit Chiron was poisoned with the Hydra's blood (each time you cut one of the Hydra's heads off, two new heads grow).
Chiron is both a minor planet and a comet. It is located between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron takes about 50 years to make one complete cycle through all the signs of the zodiac. Chiron is in Libra for the shortest amount of time – 1.5 years; and in Aries the longest – about 8 years.

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