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Brainstorm: Uranus in Taurus Transit Forecast, “The Great Regression”


ich revolutionaries. Moneyed anarchists. Crazy bankers. Wealthy nut-jobs. Woke millionaires. Revolutionary farmers. Radical conservatives. Artsy liberators. Radical fundamentalists. New Age well-to-do. The Om Percent. Botanical intellectuals. Free-thinking historians. Down-to-earth wizards. Natural genius.

Bonding with people over conservative views. Conservative groups. Closed societies. Nope, you’re not welcome. You’re shocked to discover your own personal conservative viewpoints. The sudden changes in the environment make you aware of your own stuck and outmoded concepts. Liberation through coming back down to Earth. You discover there are things you won’t budge on. You become aware of your own stubborn attitudes. You are confronted by your own fixed position. Where are you not a radical? Where are you unwilling to innovate or make change? Where are you so content you’d rather leave “well enough” alone? A return to pragmatism.

Change at any cost. Revolution at any cost. The price of freedom. The price of independence. Pooling resources together. The price of peace. The roots of progress. Being grateful to be one of the “haves” rather than one of the “have nots.” Outrageous hoarding. The fight for net neutrality fails because a lot of people are complacent and a lot of others are greedy. The realization that complacency allows greed to take root. The divide in wealth. The contented middle class continues to be in jeopardy. Stability is in peril.

The opposite of “let sleeping dogs lie.” Don’t let sleeping dogs lie. Stress not rest. A steady vibrational hum. A long slow period of constant stress. Stress is the new norm. Unease is the new status quo. Everybody is uneasy. Everybody is unsure. No one feels secure.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
— Leonard H. Courtney

Confrontational conservatives. Obscene greed. Distasteful displays of bigotry. Ruining stability. Nothing to rely on. Havoc on Wall Street. Chaos at the banks. Security breaches continue. Financial problems. Independent banks. Currency instability. New forms of currency. Electronic currency. Currency revolution. Continued innovations in Cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, Ether, Monero, Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc … Banks are out of touch. New types of banks and banking. Bank tellers lose their jobs to computers. Electronic banking. New types of ATMs. Instant banking. Get your money in a flash. Your money is gone in a flash. Disruption to Social Security. Yo, where my money at?

A return to the enjoyment of the very simple pleasures. New appreciation for relaxation, contentment, and silence. Shocking silence. Renewed appreciation for simple tasty food. Appreciating what you have in your hands rather than chasing every new thing. Working with what you have. Building on what you have. Making advancements with you have already established. Innovative construction. New building techniques. Buildings for the future. Communal living. Skyscrapers.

The slow food revolution continues. Crock pots make a huge comeback. Awakening to your real needs. Radical simplicity. Necessity is the mother of invention. What do you actually, really need? Taking unprecedented action for self-preservation. Doing what it takes to survive. It’s tough to be a radical while trying to cover basic needs … or, when you have nothing left you have nothing left to lose. Grounded risk-takers. Plotted revolution. Well-planned risks.

Crazy security. Border patrol. Electric fence. Android security. Problems out of hand with elephants, rhinos, hippos and other large land mammals. The shocking elephant in the room. Scientists produce the woolly mammoth clone. Awakening the mammoth. Electrocuting large mammals. Changes to the cattle industry. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Backlash against innovation. AI develop traits like possessiveness, greed, and jealousy. Do I own my phone, or does my phone own me?

Unusual taste. Unusual art. Robots learn painting. Androids sing. Advancement in artists’ tools and materials. Ugly art. Portraits of robots. Statues of astrologers. Sculptures of the planets. Paintings of the constellations. Astrological art. Space art. Astrology bed sheets and china sets. Inspired basics. Basic clothing gets innovative and incredibly comfortable. Stranger Things. Dull is innovative. Simple practical innovations. Comfortable feels new. Relaxing into technology. The frenetic pace slows down. Renewed appreciation for tactile fabrics. Incredibly basic improvements. New types of fasteners and closures. New types of protective clothing and gear for everyday use (not just for glamping). Fabric innovations.

Advanced crafting tools. Technically advanced crafts. Enhancing gadgets. More beautiful gadgets. We spend more time with our gadgets; we slow down and get to know them. It’s normal to have tech. It’s not normal not to have tech. You’re not normal if you don’t have a phone with you. Technology used to be liberating, now it’s a requirement. Only a weirdo doesn’t have a phone.

Who are you texting, ASTROFIX? I thought we were going to watch videos together tonight.
— Siri
F@$k you, Siri.

Sound technology. Voice commands revolutionize everyday tech. Speech technology. Voice technology. Sound editing technology. Taste technology. What does a computer taste like? How does it taste to kiss a robot? “That robot is not my taste, I like AI with bigger hips.” Venus of Willendorf androids. Soft, sensual computer voices. Electronic hedonism. Androids develop the capacity for taste. Artificial Intelligence flavored lollipops. Edible technology. Eat your disposable phone. Biodegradable tech. I’m so hungry I could eat my motherboard. Swallow a camera. Voice recording. Invasive recording. Invasive taste. The taste of invasion. Getting a taste of your own tech.

Handmade looking web design. Farmer web design. Plants on blogs. Earthy web design. Web design gets tactile. Braille technology improves. Less emphasis on the way technology looks and more emphasis on the way that it feels. Technology gets comforting. Fuzzy, fur-covered phones. Woolly phones. Tablets covered in skin-feel materials. Scratch and sniff devices. Candy-coated mobile devices. Lolli-phones. The phone that melts in your mouth not in your hands. Lick-able gadgets.


Futuristic “natural” beauty. Breaking from beauty conventions. Extreme actions to conform. Extreme skin bleaching. Extreme pigmentation augmentation. Permanent eye color changes. Permanent skin color changes. Permanent body modifications with the aim of fully completely fitting into a sector of society that is radically different than the one you come from. Attempting to make fundamental changes to natural order. Attempting to shift or change your race or racial profile to fit in with whatever group is the norm in your area. Beauty tech. Genius makeup artists. New beauty classics.

Electric Earth. Land shocks. Land mines. Explosions on land. Disturbing upsets to soil quality. Earthquakes. Earth rumbles. The Earth breaks away. Islands crumble. Upset to farming. Farm alarm. Farm reform. Upsets to agriculture. Getting thrown off your land. Reversals of land rights. Inhumane treatment of the Earth. Radical earth. Radical ecologists. Terraists. Radical Earth movements. Land conservation activism.

Shocking gluttony. Shocking complacency. Outrageous self-indulgence. Problems that come from tolerating extreme behaviors. Rebellious attitudes get put in check. Tolerance could take a step backward. Unbelievably pigheaded attitudes. Progress doesn’t progress. Uprooting long held suppositions. Grounded electricity. Shock absorption. Aliens on Earth. Shocking reality. Earth is almost unrecognizable. Stranger in a strange land. Where are we?

Activated Earth. Activated Crystals. Energized soil. Renewed interest in elements. Intuitive Earth. Basic alchemy ????. Radical herbalism. Advanced plant use. Breaking Convention. New and innovative techniques for working with herbs. Ground-breaking mind expansion. Spagyrics. Quantum botanicals. Plant revolution. Plants won’t take root. Plants won’t grow. The plants revolt. The herbal/farm/plant/healing revolution is firmly taking root. Far-out farming, man. Earth-consciousness. Earth’s Rights. The Earth’s life matters. The Earth is a living creature. New Age conformity – everybody has all the same stuff.

Cosmic farming. As above, so below (continued). Star farming. Planting stars. Astrological flower essences. Blending earth and sky. Grounding astrology. Making astrology real. Astrology for the wealthy. Luxury astrology. Woo woo gets waaaay down to earth. Taking intuitive concepts and bringing them down to earth. Practical applications of far-out knowledge. The practical application of astrology. Far-out viewpoints become commonplace. Mind-blowing boredom. Bored out of your mind. It takes really big disruptions to shock us out of complacency. Innovation at a relative standstill.


Development 90Good Vibes
Design 80Good Vibes
Marketing 70Good Vibes
  • Crystals
  • Candles
  • Medicine pouch
  • Essential oils
  • Smudge stick
  • Tarot
  • Lunar calendar
  • Herbs
  • Festival pass
  • Trip report

Radical break from the status quo. Radical shift in the basics. The new basics. A new basic is a water filter. A new basic is a home garden. A new basic is a gas mask. A new basic is food storage. A new basic is a bomb shelter. A new basic is a private well. A new basic is maximum security. Breaking out of complacency. Breaking out of stagnancy. Community farms. Disruption to the normal routine. The awakening voice. The voice of the disenfranchised. Voices from the margins. Real, long-lasting changes.

Being possessive of innovative understandings. Keeping intuitions to yourself. I have the sacred technology and you don’t. Future-vision is MINE. New Age greed. I hold the patent on the future. Using intuition to make money. Innovative ways to make money. Avaricious avant-garde. How much does it cost to ‘get woke’? The steep price of radical enlightenment. Hoarding illumination. Herb prices skyrocket. Selling the revolution.

The revolution will cost you $9.99 plus shipping and handling. Please send your payment and a self-addressed stamped envelope to AstroFix, PO Box 45646, This Town, Here 02345. (Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery).

Shifts in the earth. Shocking land issues. Farm communes. Communes start making a comeback. Group parcels. Collective bargaining. Trade unions. Farmers’ co-ops. Group farming. Group land use. Innovative use of existing real estate. Technology takes over farming. Robot farmer. Electric milkers. Robot migrants. Mechanized farming. Unsettling disruption to natural habitats. The farmer can’t tend the crops, he has a new message.

Old MacDonald had a farm – online – EIEIO, and on his farm he had 25% off organic carrots for a limited time with free shipping through Amazon Prime delivered direct to your fridge – EIEIO.

Liberation from the land. Freedom from being tied to the land. Freedom to move. Freedom to leave. “You are free to go.” Releasing your possessions. Being liberated from a great burden. Free from burdens. Free from being weighed down by stuff. Breaking loose from your rut. Less to carry. No foundation. Cracks in the pavement. Land is unattainable. The displaced. The homeless. Vagrants. Squatters. Vagabonds. Tramps. No place to go. No place to return to. Uprooted. The established and settled people versus the newcomers.

The sudden realization that you’re not safe. The sudden realization that you need to leave where you are. Leaving a secure area. It’s not safe here anymore. Let’s get the f!*k out of here. The crazy lengths people will go to to ensure their safety. It’s not safe for people who don’t fit in and conform. Radical conformity requirements at a very base level which it is actually not even possible to conform to. Shocking bigotry. Liberation from bigotry.

Let’s slow down and catch everybody up. We need a breather to get everyone up to speed. Get up to speed on the basics. The internet is real. Technology is here to stay. Technology is stable. Technology is safe. Technological investments. Technology hits rural areas – or does it? The technological divide. Technology is for the rich. Can you afford to upgrade your phone? The good life is out of reach. No contentment. Technology is ruining our ability to feel satisfied. Update your basic business technologies. Slow down and fill in the gaps. Slow mail makes a comeback

Technology stabilizes for a while. No major new innovations in communication. Improving on the basics. We lose the fight for net neutrality. The internet gets slow. Progress slows down. Innovation slows down. We go back over the ground we just covered to get everything solid and reliable to be sure that this is where we want to establish the roots of the future. Going back to basics. Progress is costing too much. We need more bang for our buck. Returning to what we know. Going back to the tried and true.


  • King of the Mountains
  • Ouranos
  • Castrated by his son, Saturn
    • The drops of blood that fell to Mother Earth gave birth to the Erinnyes, the furies who avenge patricide and perjury
  • Fathered the Titans with Mother Earth
  • Breaking Out of a Mold
  • Coldness & Distance
  • Disorder
  • Disruption & Upset
  • Eccentricity & Genius
  • Erraticism
  • Experimentation
  • Extremism
  • Futurism, Invention, and Flashes of Insight
  • Liberation & Independence
  • Hacker
  • Odd
  • Rebellion & Anti-
  • Revolution & Uprising
  • Shock & Awakening
  • The Unexpected
  • Disruption
  • Discomfort
  • Unsettled
  • Uprooted
  • Tumult
  • Chaos
  • Freedom
  • Disrupter
  • Dissident
  • Extremist
  • Genius
  • Innovator
  • Inventor
  • Liberator
  • Objector
  • Outcast
  • Rabble-rouser
  • Rebel
  • Fathered Saturn (and the other Titans) with Mother Earth
  • Fathered the Three Furies (Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera) with Mother Earth
  • Father of the nymphs of the ash tree, the Meliae
  • Husband of Gaia (Mother Earth)
  • Son of Gaia (Mother Earth)
  • Jupiter / Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
  • Saturn / Uranus make a conjunction every 45.363 years
  • Uranus / Neptune make a conjunction every 171.403 years
  • Uranus / Pluto conjunction varies from every 126.95 to 170+ years


  • Artistic & Manifesting
  • Conservative & Dull
  • Earthy & Sensual
  • Fertile & Fecund
  • Gathering, patient, peaceful, relaxed, hedonistic, productively creative, beauty-loving, normal (status quo), easy, steadfast, substantial, sustaining, down-to-earth
  • Materialistic & Accumulating
  • Natural
  • Patient & Enduring
  • Resourceful & Conservationist
  • Real & Solid
  • Steady & Reliable
  • Stubborn & Plodding
  • Tranquil
  • Deliberate
  • Earthy
  • Grounded
  • Languid
  • Plodding
  • Relaxed
  • Sensual
  • Slow
  • Sustainable
  • Artisan
  • Banker
  • Body Worker
  • Chef
  • Earthworker
  • Financial officer
  • Gardener
  • Gastronomist
  • Masseuse

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