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Cancer Through the Houses in Astrology

A sensitive approach to the world. An approach that is caring, nurturing and motherly. An approach that is smothering. A person who tends to smother the people around him. Cloying. Meddling. Not knowing when to leave “well enough” alone. A nag. A person who approaches the world in a needy and clingy manner. Someone who carries a bag of snacks everywhere. Someone who only likes to eat her own cooking. Someone who is very sensitive about her appearance. A good cook or someone who thoroughly appreciates good cooking. A person who is welcoming and caring. A natural mothering type. A knack for parenthood. Wanting to be the leader of a family or close-knit group of people. Leading with sensitivity. An emotional outlook. Leading on the domestic front. A sympathetic approach. Liking to wear fleece. Someone who loves the Snuggie. Someone who wears warm woolly socks. Someone who likes classic colors and shapes. Someone who likes to wear vintage. Looking forward to being a parent. A private person. A shy person. Erecting emotional barriers. Having a protective shell. Having a hard outer persona and a soft interior. Acquisitive.

Valuing nurturing qualities and motherhood. Valuing women. Defending your personal income. Defending possessions. Collecting baby dolls. Holding onto sentimental possessions. Collecting antiques. Shopping at thrift stores. Liking to purchase things from bygone eras. Nurturing and mothering are survival needs. Earning power is based on mood. Collecting things that mom would like. Collecting lace. Collecting “Precious Moments” figurines. Collecting Vermont Teddy Bears. Protecting belongings. Putting things in containers, sealed bags, glass cases, storage boxes and other containers. Collecting seashells. Collecting old coins and bills. Nurturing the growth of your own money. Saving for a rainy day. Difficulty parting with money. Difficulty parting from old banks or old savings accounts. Difficulty cashing in bonds. Having a safety deposit box. Wanting to keep money and possessions as safe as possible. Displaying mom’s china. Collecting old cupboards, armoires, dressers, hope chests and other furniture that hold or contain other things. Selling antiques on eBay.

Talking about family. “Tell me about your mother.” Talking about breasts. Defensive speech. Cooking food for siblings. Acting like a mother to your siblings. Having a sibling who acts like a mother. Being taken care of by a sibling. Nurturing, caring, sensitive, shy siblings. Moody and defensive siblings. Feeling defensive around siblings. Feeling defensive around neighbors. Defensive driving. Speaking in self-defense. Communication power is based on mood. Collecting quotes. Book collections. The person who likes to own first editions. Cookbooks. Collecting family recipes. Parenting how-to books. Parenting blogs, newsletters, pamphlets and Twitterers. Devoting an entire blog to your children or family. Clamming up. Shy and withdrawn in speech. Talking about the “good old days.” Classic cars. Antique cars. Vintage motorcycles. Vintage campers. Vintage bicycles. Writing, speaking and thinking about breasts. Writing, speaking and thinking about being a mother. Writing, speaking and thinking about your mother. Writing about women. Writing about matriarchy. Caring, sensitive, gentle communication. Receptive, nurturing, tenacious communication. Needy communication. Learning to communicate your needs. Most communication is centered on your needs. Most communication is with your mother. Talking, writing and thinking about moods. Communication centers on babies. Communication centers on food. Eating instead of expressing emotions. Emotional communication. Clinging to your hometown. Talking about the sentimental feelings you have for an old neighborhood. Feeling nostalgic about the old neighborhood, or the way the neighborhood used to be. Caring and sensitive bonds with siblings. Collecting sayings and expressions. Keeping sentimental things in the car. The car doubles as a traveling house. An overly protective sibling. Overly protective of your siblings. Defending siblings. Turning neighbors into family.

“There’s no place like home.” Patriotism. Defending the country. Having a gun in the home. Defending the home. Defending your family. Overly protective of your family or country. Overly defensive about your country. Overly defensive about your heritage and roots. Overly protective of a parent. An overly protective family. Buying a house for each mood. Homes that reflect your mood. One parent is moody, hypersensitive, smothering and domestic. One parent is nurturing, gentle, sensitive and psychic. A sensitive family. A psychic family. A family of moody, hypersensitive people. A family of smothering people. A family in antiques. Feeling smothered by your family. Feeling nurtured and cared for by your family. Feeling a strong attachment to the place of your birth. “The Motherland.” Clinging close to home. Clinging to mom. Tracing family ancestry. Interested in traditional family practices. The history of the country. Privately shy and retiring. Privately needy and clingy. Feeling vulnerable at the core. Feeling timid and shy at the core. Insecure and moody at the core. Reluctant to leave the safety of the house. Reluctant to leave the safety of your family or country. Feeling nostalgic about childhood. Sentimental attachments to home, family or country. Sentimental patriotism. Homelessness would shake these people to the core. Carrying a nap sack, purse or bag with a collection of belongings (or food) wherever you go. Toting around a suitcase or roller cart. A house full of antiques. A house full of sentimental things. Living in a house for sentimental reasons. Buying a charming old house with character. Buying a house in a historic area. Historic houses. Living in the historic district of a town. Living in a historic area of the country. Defending a parent. A home that is infused with the mood of the owner.

Patriot games. Archery. Hunting. Art depicting mothers and children. Mary Cassatt’s art. Antiquing as a sport. Playing mom is a hobby. Nurturing creativity. Nurturing children. Babysitters. Nurturing the creativity in your children. Shy children. Children who are sensitive and moody. Psychic children. Children who have mood swings. Lovers who have mood swings. Feeling attracted to sensitive, gentle, shy people. Feeling attracted to smothering, needy people. Feeling attracted to people who act like babies. Children who feel vulnerable. Shy and withdrawn in sports. Shy and withdrawn in romance. Clinging to your children. Smothering your children. Children who are clingy and needy. Special needs children. Feeling vulnerable in sports. Seeking safety in sports. Safe risks. Safe romances. Romances with women who seem like your mother. Romances with cougars. Clinging to sports teams for sentimental reasons rather than their track record. Feeling sentimental about sports stars. Feeling sentimental about art. Sentimental art. Sad clown art. Thomas Kincade’s art. Feeling sentimental about tokens of affection from past lovers. Keeping old love letters. Feeling nostalgic about past romances. Unwinding with a bath. Unwinding by cooking. Eating a good meal helps you unwind. Liking to throw parties for traditional holiday celebrations. Bringing food to parties. Pot luck gatherings. Traditional sports. Traditional hobbies and interests. Old card games: bridge, rummy, gin, and “Old Maid.” Knitting, crocheting and embroidery. Overly protective of your children. A defensive attitude concerning creativity and art. Shy and timid in pursuing self-expression and art. Shy and timid in sports. Defending your children. Wrestling. Playing defense.

Moodiness is part of the daily routine. Bringing food to work. The person who keeps a jar of M&Ms on his desk. Nurses. Babysitters. Emotional eating. Smothering relationships with coworkers and employees. Feeling smothered by diet and health concerns. Claustrophobic working conditions. Working in a food market. Smothering other people with diet and health advice. Close, sensitive, psychic relationships with employees and coworkers. Gentle, sensitive, psychic relationships with animals. Gentle, sensitive, psychic relationships with women. Patriotic work. Clinging to jobs way past their expiration date. Using pets as a security blanket. Treating a job like a security blanket. Using food as a security blanket. Insecure on a daily basis. Experiencing shyness and timidity when dealing with employees and coworkers. Working with your mother. Working with women. Working in a spa that caters to women. Caterers. Loving Mom’s cooking. Dietitians. Nutritionists. Cafeteria workers. Line cooks. Hostesses. Hospitality industry. Nanny. Working with moody people on day to day basis. Owning, or working in, a doggy day spa. Creating food for animals. Creating gourmet animal snacks. Overly protective of animals. Defending animals. Defensive eating. Being defensive is a habit. Overly protective on a day to day basis. Treating coworkers like family. Protecting workers’ rights. Securing employment. The working parent.

A moody partner. A sensitive and caring partner. Wanting to be nurtured by the partner. Wanting the partner to anticipate and meet your every need. Wanting to be cared for and catered to by the partner. Marrying a nurse. Wanting a partner who acts like a mother. A motherly partner. A sentimental partner. Criminal defense. The partner acts like a baby. The partner is smothering and clingy. The partner is moody and hypersensitive. The partner is shy and withdrawn. Marrying your mother. Catering to the partner. Needing to feel safe and secure with the partner. Confrontations with moody, insecure people. Confrontations with gentle, sensitive people. Confrontations with mom. Mom is the enemy. The partner needs constant reassurance. Wanting to marry a good cook. Liking to cook great food for your partner. A huggy partner. An overly defensive partner. Feeling protective of the partner. Partners who equally enjoy cooking. Partners who are equally caring. Partners who are equally sensitive. Partners who like to cuddle. Tenacity in relationships.

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Sentimental journeys. Studying childhood development. Feeling sentimental about faraway places. Sentimental attachments to foreign countries and cultures. Sentimental attachment to religion. Sentimental attachment to college. Sentimental attachment to outdated philosophies and ideas. Nurturing philosophies. Nurturing people of other cultures, religions or ideologies. Caring for people of other cultures. Publications for mothers and children. Philosophies on child-rearing. Cooking publications. Patriotic publications. Feeling vulnerable concerning cultural or religious ties. Too timid to travel. Long distance travel to visit mom. Mom lives in another country. Mom is from a different culture, country, or religion. Catering to people of other cultures or religions. Needing reassurance during long trips. Long distance traveling with a camper or in a motor home. Bringing the whole house on a trip. Following mom’s religion. Adopting the culture of your mother. Majoring in nursing. Doctorates. Cooking world cuisine. Overly defensive about your culture or religion. Nursing school. Studying matriarchy throughout culture. Studying the mother-child bond in culture. Looking to God for care and nurturance.

Careers that cater to women. Owning a spa. Owning a catering business. Owning a restaurant. A career that involves caring for, or nurturing, other people. A career in which your sensitivity is on display (positively or negatively). A career that demands gentleness and the capacity to make yourself vulnerable. A career that challenges your shyness and tendency to withdraw. Doctors. Planned Parenthood. Hospital director. Widely known for your sensitivity and vulnerability. Widely known for your gentleness and receptiveness. Widely known for being temperamental and full of fear. Widely known for being a parent. Widely known for your mothering skills. Widely known for the relationship with your mother. Following in mom’s footsteps. Addressing women’s issues through the career. A person who makes a career out of addressing breast cancer. A career that involves protecting other people. Department of Defense. Defense lawyers. Defense attorneys. Feeling the need to defend your career choices. Feeling defensive about having to choose a career path. Making a career out of collecting antiques. Overly protective of your reputation and social standing. Overly protective of a parent. Being seen as dependent, clingy and immature.

Girls’ night out. Girl groups. Girlfriends. Caring for the group. Group mother. Mother hen. Den mother. Treating friends like family. Close-knit female relationships. Female friends and fans. Clannish friends and fans. Close-knit groups. Defending friends. Defending causes. Friends and fans that come to your defense. Attracting female friends and fans. Friends who are needy and clingy. Clinging to groups. Catering to friends, fans and groups. Knitting circles. Acting like a mother to your friends. Overly protective of friends. Defensive fans. Protective fans. Friends act like babies. Friends with your family. Temperamental friends. Parenting support groups. Long term goals concerning mood management. Interactions with friends depend on your mood. Interactions with groups and causes depend on your mood. Strongly emotional friendships. Sensitive friends. Sympathetic friends. Sympathetic fans. Attracting moody people. Attracting sensitive, protective, emotional people. Being friends with your mother. Fluctuating goals.

Neediness, moodiness, hypersensitivity and shyness are the self-undoing. Patriotism attracts secret enemies. The need for safety attracts secret enemies. Touchiness, brooding and smothering are the self-undoing. Deep need to be mothered. Fearing mother. Fear of being smothered. Fear of accessing your nurturing qualities. A deep inward neediness. Feeling a sentimental attachment to ghosts. Feeling a sentimental attachment to your own fears. Sleeping in Mom’s bed for a very long time. Mom is the secret enemy. Norman Bates? Sleeping in a bed that has gates, or feels like a crib. Wanting to feel like you are sleeping in a womb. Wanting to feel completely enveloped while sleeping. Sleeping with your children. Sleeping like a baby. Sleeping with a security blanket or cuddly toy. Sleeping with the night light on. Children’s hospitals. Caring, nurturing, gentle relationships with inmates, the mentally ill, and the institutionalized. Dreaming of being a parent. Dreaming of going home. Deep sorrow and grief at the loss of your mother. Sorrow and grief over feelings of vulnerability. Too moody to deal with karma. Mood swings are the secret enemy. Emotionality attracts secret enemies. Emotional dependency attracts secret enemies.


  • Family or Clan-Oriented
  • Maternal, security-seeking, moody, comfortable, patriotic, homey, considerate, accommodating, catering; sensitive, tender-hearted, defensive, conserving, safety-conscious
  • Precautious & Preventative
  • Private & Homebody
  • Protective & Defensive
  • Sensitive & Moody
  • Sentimental & Caring
  • Tenacious & Retentive
  • Tender & Gentle
  • Traditional & Patriotic
  • Caring
  • Defending
  • Emotional
  • Moody
  • Personal
  • Protective
  • Sensitive
  • Sentimental
  • Tenacious
  • Vulnerable
  • Archivist
  • Caterer
  • Conservationist
  • Cook / Chef
  • Guard

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