Natal Sun in Leo Sun Through the Houses
ith the Sun in Leo in the 1st house you are one with your outer expression and the way you present yourself. You discover personal power by using your appearance and presence to maximum effect. Your central purpose is to go all in right from the start. You shine by letting your flamboyant, dramatic, creative side radiate out to others. Coming into your own requires getting over your ego so others can bask in your warmth. Attaining self-realization means understanding that you may be the boss of you, but you are not necessarily the boss of everyone else. Being you means that life is a grand drama, and you see yourself center stage.
An apology? Bah! Disgusting! Cowardly! Beneath the dignity of any gentleman, however wrong he might be.
― Steve Martin
ith the Sun in Leo in the 2nd house you are using your natural skills and talents in a personally authentic way. You discover personal power by having confidence that you bring something inimitable to the table. Your central purpose is to be yourself, unabashedly. You shine when you generously give of yourself with no expectation of getting something in return. Coming into your own requires being the authority on your personal finances. Attaining self-realization means easing up on self-admiring behavior that makes people think you only need you to be happy. Being you means that having character is more important than being a character.
ith the Sun in Leo in the 3rd house you are commanding attention by speaking from a place of personal authenticity. You discover personal power by giving full expression to your creative voice. Your central purpose is to have the courage to be openly identified with what you think and what you say. You shine when you are surrounded by admirers of your special brand of self-confident communication. Coming into your own requires resisting the urge to embellish your personal story for applause or self-aggrandizement. Attaining self-realization means releasing some of the prideful, vain or pompous attitudes that keep you from being as creative, playful and generous as you could be. Being you means that you always speak from the heart.
ith the Sun in Leo in the 4th house you are learning that you shine most brightly in the hearts of the people who care about you. You discover personal power by nurturing the playful, child-like, creative qualities within. Your central purpose is to develop a foundation of inner confidence based on courageous self-expression. You shine when you are surrounded by familiar people who like you for you and not for your public identity, reputation or social status. Coming into your own requires being able to tell the difference between unshakable inner confidence and deep-seated vanity. Attaining self-realization means knowing that however cool or aloof you may appear in public, you secretly like it when people make a big fuss over you – it makes you feel loved, and at home. Being you means that your home is place to have fun, a place where you can be yourself free from responsibility, duty and judgment.
With the Sun in Leo in the 5th house you’ve been given a creative license. You discover personal power by risking being a clown, an entertainer or a wild card, to break free from group expectations, logic and conformity. Your central purpose is to burn with creative passion. You shine through your personal contribution to any creative process. Coming into your own requires finding the courage to face any rejection that may come when you offer up something special within yourself to the scrutiny of the group. Attaining self-realization means being wary of ego-maniacal behavior. Being you means remaining young at heart.
I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way – I hope it never will.
― Arnold Schwarzenegger
ith the Sun in Leo in the 6th house you are becoming the star employee. You discover personal power by putting your individual stamp on every job, duty or chore you undertake. Your central purpose is to gain confidence through competence. You shine in positions where you use your skills in service to others. Coming into your own requires acknowledging how much influence you have over your work environment – good and bad. Attaining self-realization means finding a balance between maintaining your dignity and acting like a prima donna. Being you means that your work is your “territory” and you make sure that everybody knows it.
ith the Sun in Leo in the 7th house you are becoming cool on the outside and warm on the inside. You discover personal power by finding someone to share your creative passions with. Your central purpose is to maintain a distinct sense of self even within relationships. You shine by showing how well you play with others. Coming into your own requires knowing when you are taking up too much room in a relationship – leaving no room for the other person. Attaining self-realization means finding a balance between passion and logic. Being you means that relationships should kindle your playful, romantic side and brings out the kid behind your very adult façade.
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ith the Sun in Leo in the 9th house you are becoming a creative idealist. You discover personal power by sticking to your vision. Your central purpose is to express your beliefs from a place of personal concern. You shine when you take a personal interest in larger world concerns. Coming into your own requires casting off restrictive small-minded group thinking. Attaining self-realization means being wary of elitist viewpoints. Being you means that you are willing to put your whole heart into anything you really believe in.
Keep your eye on the high mark and you will hit it. Not the first time nor the second and maybe not the third, but if you keep on aiming and keep on trying, you’ll hit the bull’s eye of success.
― Annie Oakley
ith the Sun in Leo in the 10th house you are becoming a renowned gambler. You discover personal power by throwing caution to the wind – with style. Your central purpose is to bring warmth, personality and pizzazz in whichever direction destiny leads you. You shine when you can show ’em what you got with confidence. Coming into your own requires the confidence to meet expectations. Attaining self-realization means knowing when to take down your star and let someone else have the spotlight. Being you means that you aren’t happy with anything less than the best.
ith the Sun in Leo in the 11th house you are becoming the star in the crowd. You discover personal power by drawing an audience that admires your courage, flair, and generosity. Your central purpose is to share your creative gifts with everyone else. You shine by making everyone around you feel special. Coming into your own requires feeling confident enough to blend in from time to time. Attaining self-realization means letting go of elitist attitudes that keep you separate from the group. Being you means that you always feel special no matter where you are or who you’re with.
ith the Sun in Leo in the 12th house you are becoming fluent in creativity. You discover personal power by confidently going into the flow of the unknown. Your central purpose is to lose your ego through artistic self-expression. You shine when you are lost in the moment, at one with your performance. Coming into your own requires recognizing self-sabotage through pride and vanity. Attaining self-realization means making the time and space you need to be alone with your creative process. Being you means that you’re already over yourself.
- Helios
- Sol
- Attention (where the Sun goes is where you need to pay attention)
- Confidence
- Conscious Self
- Core
- Creative Potential
- Ego
- Energy level
- Exposure
- Fame
- Identity
- Life Purpose
- Personal Authority
- Reputation (Fame or infamy)
- Self
- Self-Expression
- Shine
- Spotlight
- Star Power
- Vitality & Willpower
- Where you cast a shadow (maybe the house opposite the Sun)
- Authority Figure
- Boss
- Celebrity
- Central figure
- Go-to person / Point person
- Hero
- Key player
- Powerful Person
- Royal
- Self-Confident Individual
- Star of the show
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- Bossy & Demanding
- Courageous & Heart-Centered
- Fun & Playful
- Impressive
- Pompous & Condescending
- Proud & Vain
- Star-Powered & Celebrative
- Stylish & Creative
- Theatrical, outgoing, expressive, brand-conscious, snobby, elite, performing, personal touch, center of attention, royal
- Warm-Hearted & Generous
- Boss
- Ruler
- Star