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Ruler of the 1st House in Houses Astrology

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 1st house. You create your own persona, appearance and image, and the behaviors and mannerisms that go with them. The orientation to life is self-centered. You do things for your own satisfaction. Creating a persona is the first step to navigating through life. You are preoccupied with appearance and presence. Developing awareness helps you present a better self-image. You are preoccupied with your mannerisms. By being in tune with the image you project, you develop self-awareness. Lack of awareness of your behavior hinders your ability to get through life the way you want to. Your appearance affects your behavior. You express yourself through the way you look. You express yourself through clothing and makeup. You take on different personae to affect different mannerisms and behavior. You try on different personalities. Creating a persona helps or hinders your approach to life. The image you project affects your ability to navigate through life. You create a mask of self-awareness. By developing self-awareness you get noticed. By becoming aware of your behavior and mannerisms you make a better first impression.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Life is oriented to discovering personal values and creating self-esteem. Your outer behavior derives from your experience of money, possessions and physical reality. Life is oriented toward obtaining physical security. Life is oriented toward addressing survival needs. You approach life by defining your survival needs. You gain self-awareness from the things that you own. Appearance is a source of security issues. The personality seeks expression through its values. Your personality seeks expression through possessions. Your personality seeks expression through a grounded, natural relationship with your body. You do what you do to ground yourself in the physical world. The way you look depends on your self-esteem. The way you look depends on how much money you have. Developing self-awareness helps develop self-esteem. Developing self-awareness helps you discover your personal values.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Life is oriented toward communicating, gathering information and daily interactions. You have an everyday persona. Your outer behavior affects the way you read write and speak. You outer behavior affects your sibling relationships and everyday interactions. You may seem like “the girl (or boy) next door.” You create a persona through writing, daily conversation, gossiping, teaching and daily activities. Your approach to life is directed toward daily interactions and communication. You are good at making connections. You know your town like the back of your hand. Everyday conversation and gossip determine your behavior. Attitude can help or hinder your ability to communicate. Your attitude can make communicating easier or harder. Your behavior is determined by your siblings. Self-awareness helps your communication skills. You develop an image to help communicate certain information. Self-expression focuses on communicating through the spoken or written word. Your persona is defined by the way you communicate. Appearance is something to talk about. You gossip about the way people look. You present yourself as someone who has information to communicate. Developing self-awareness helps your ability to speak and think clearly. You create a persona to assimilate information. You look to your siblings to see what type of personae you should develop.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 4th house. You create a persona through family involvement, giving yourself enough private time, putting down roots, and by being involved in cultural or family traditions. Your outer behavior is directed toward your experience of relationships with actual family members or with people who feel like family. Your outer behavior derives from your relationship to your country or cultural heritage. Your personality requires privacy to express itself. Your personality expresses itself best when you feel emotionally secure. Your approach is to behave as if you are interacting with family members. Your attitude can make family life easier or harder. Your behavior is determined by your parents. Self-awareness helps you build a solid emotional foundation. Life is oriented toward privacy, emotional comfort and the known. Your self-expression is focused on making yourself, and other people, feel emotionally safe. You dress and style yourself for emotional security. Developing self-awareness helps family relationships. Creating a persona helps you navigate family interactions. You express your personality best when you are surrounded by family. You are geared toward creating a family of your own (an actual family, or collecting people who feel like family). Your view of life orients itself toward domesticity. You notice family patterns.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 5th house. You develop a persona by being creative and giving yourself over to pleasurable activities. Your approach is oriented to having fun. Attitude to life forms from lighthearted self-expression. Your personality finds an outlet in being playful and entertaining. Your approach is to behave as if you are on stage. Self-awareness helps your self-expression. Your self-expression is focused on the arts. You use your appearance to entertain people. Developing a persona helps you navigate creative projects. You express your personality best when you are relaxing, or when you are taking risks. Your view of life orients itself toward the dramatic and romantic. Personal self-expression is paramount. Your life is oriented toward your children. Your life is oriented toward pleasure and creativity. You take note of the fun things in life.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Life is oriented toward self-analysis and body awareness. You have to adjust your attitude to find employment. You have to adjust your attitude to fit in with co-workers. You must adjust your mannerisms and behavior to fit in at work. Your attitude to life helps or hinders your ability to be healthy and fight disease. Your attitude develops from interactions with co-workers and employees. Your attitude develops from daily work activities. Developing self-awareness can improve your health. Your attitude develops from your experience of illness. Developing self-awareness can improve your work performance. You create a persona through daily activities and habits. Attitude to life forms from everyday habits. Your personality finds expression through daily work. Your personality finds expression through interactions with animals. Your personality finds expression through body-consciousness. Self-awareness helps you create good daily habits. Your appearance depends on your health. You notice what people do for a living.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Life is oriented toward partnership, cooperation and competition. Your appearance is based on mirroring other people. Your appearance is based on competing with other people. You groom yourself to meet your partner’s desires. You develop personality traits to please your partner. Your appearance depends on your partner. Your behavior serves the needs of other people. You aim to keep the peace. Outer behavior is cooperative and placating. Your approach is to act as if you are interacting with a client or marriage partner. Attitude develops interactions with significant people. Attitude develops from your relationship with a spouse or significant others. Developing self-awareness improves your significant relationships. Developing awareness helps you accept your shadow. Developing awareness helps you know what you have in common with the enemy. You notice relationships.

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The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Life is oriented toward expanding horizons. Your outer behavior derives from your experiences with people who have different cultural traditions, religious beliefs and life philosophies. Your outer behavior derives from your experiences of other countries. Your attitude derives from experiences of religion and mysticism. Your personality requires freedom to express itself. Your personality expresses itself best when you feel expansive and free. Your approach is to behave as if you are interacting with the divine. Your attitude can make relationships with foreign people and concepts easier or harder. Your behavior is determined by your beliefs. Self-awareness helps you build a personal belief system. Life is oriented toward exploration and the search for meaning. Your self-expression is focused on learning more about distant people, places and concepts. You dress and style yourself for adventure. Becoming aware of your behavior and mannerisms helps you while traveling. Developing self-awareness helps create opportunities for travel and exploration. Creating a persona helps you interact with foreign people. Creating a persona helps you navigate the mystical.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 10th house. You create a persona to interact with the outer world. Your outer behavior derives from your social standing, relationship with authority and reputation. Your outer behavior derives from your sense of parental approval and approval from authorities. Your outer behavior derives from your relationship with your parents. Your personality requires structure to express itself. Your personality expresses itself best when you are in an authoritative position. Your approach is to behave as if you are interacting with professionals. Your attitude can make professional life easier or harder. Self-awareness helps you succeed in the outside world. Life is oriented toward public and professional life. Your self-expression is focused on keeping up appearances and preserving your reputation. You dress and style yourself to appear professional and authoritative. Developing self-awareness helps your career objectives. Creating a persona helps you navigate the professional arena. You are geared toward creating a vocation for yourself. You style yourself to appear famous, or in anticipation of becoming famous.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 11th house. You create a persona through involvement with causes and associations with people who have similar interests. Your outer behavior derives from your experiences with like-minded people. Your outer behavior derives from your relationships with friends and fans. Your personality requires that you share your interests. Your personality expresses itself best when you share your creativity with other people. Your approach is to behave as if you are interacting with friends. Your attitude can make friendships easier or harder. Your attitude can make achieving long term goals easier or harder. Your behavior is determined by your friends. Self-awareness helps you build friendships. Self-awareness helps you achieve long term goals. Life is oriented toward group interactions. Your self-expression is focused on making friends. You dress and style yourself to fit in with your group. Creating a persona helps you navigate among people with the same interests. You express your personality best when you are surrounded by people with similar interests, yet, who give you the freedom to be who you are. You want to create groups that share your creative vision.

The activities of the 1st house serve the agenda of the 12th house. You create a persona based on your dreams, fears and secrets. Your outer behavior derives from your experiences of merging with something greater than yourself. Your personality requires solitude to express itself. Your personality expresses itself best when you attempt to merge with the greater whole. Your personality expresses itself best when you dream, sleep, meditate, involve yourself in charity or spiritual pursuits and spend time alone. Your approach is to behave as if you are an escape artist. Your approach is to behave as if you are locked in your own private cell. Your approach is to behave as if you carry a secret. Your attitude can make dealing with secrets and escapist tendencies easier or harder. Self-awareness helps you come to terms with fears and family secrets. Self-awareness helps you embrace solitude. Life is oriented toward helping those in need. Your self-expression is focused on helping people acknowledge fears in order to bring them to light. You dress to hide yourself or your fears. Creating a persona helps you navigate secluded places. You express your personality best when you are alone. Life is oriented to the imaginary. Life is oriented to psychic and otherworldly activities.

1st house

  • Appearance, Demeanor, & Mannerisms
  • Force of Personality
  • Your Affect on Others
  • What's Right in Front of Your Face
  • How You Take Initiative
  • How You Show Up & the Circumstances of Your Birth
  • Approach
  • First Impressions
  • First Focus & Immediate Pressure
  • Your immediate impact
  • Yourself, leading the charge
  • People who are right up in your face
  • People begging for your attention
  • Immediate environment
  • Right in front of your face
  • Leading
  • Initiating
  • Putting yourself out there
  • Taking the first step on a new path

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