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Ruler of the 9th House in Houses Astrology

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 1st house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and interactions with foreign cultures and belief systems serve the image, persona, behavior, mannerisms and appearance. Your broadmindedness is one of the first things people notice about you. Your desire for big experiences is one of the first things people notice about you. Your interest in other cultures, religions or belief systems is one of the first things people notice about you. Your level of education is one of the first things people notice about you. You are quick to tell people what you are studying and how many degrees you have. You are quick to mention where you went to school. The image you present is one of a person who is educated and well-traveled. Your interactions with people from different cultures impact the way you present yourself. Your interest in journalism is apparent. Your awareness of religious philosophy and metaphysics is apparent. Your religious views are apparent. Your belief system impacts your behavior and mannerisms. Your interest in religion influences your direction in life. Traveling influences your approach to life. People from other cultures have to adjust to your behavior and mannerisms. People who have a different religion or belief system have to adjust to your approach.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 2nd house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve financial stability, defining personal values and accumulating possessions. Interactions with people of other cultures help you define your values. Traveling helps you define your values. Traveling is a survival need. Religion is a survival need. Higher education is a survival need. You pursue expansion to make money. You find bigger and better ways to make money. You continuously expand your bank account. You interact with people of other cultures to make money. Relationships with foreigner people result in more personal income. Traveling is a way to earn money. Journalism can be a way to earn a living. Higher education can be a way to make money. Becoming a guru can be a way to make money. Your attitude to people of other cultures influences your basic survival needs. Your interest in religion can be a way to make money. Metaphysics can help pay the bills. Religion affects your self-esteem and self-worth. You view people of other cultures as possessions. Interacting with people of other cultures adds to your self-esteem. Traveling makes you feel physically secure. Foreign countries offer financial security. You find meaning through personal finance. Your belief system and religious views directly affect your personal values.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 4th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve emotional security, building a psychological foundation, familial relationships, roots and heritage. Traveling and communicating with people of other cultures influences your core psychological makeup. You host foreign exchange students. Foreign people live with you. You become a journalist focusing on topics at home and in your own country. You explore your personal cultural heritage through journalism. You gain understanding about your personal cultural heritage by immersing yourself in other cultures. You experience the big issues like law, religion and culture in your personal environment. The big issues hit home. The big issues affect your family. You come from a family of lawyers. You come from a family of publishers. Your family is broadminded. Your family is religious or has a strong belief system. Religion is a family issue. Your attitude to people of other cultures influences how you behave in your own country. Traveling affects your emotional security. Traveling affects your family life. You find meaning in family and country. You believe that foreigners should adopt the customs of your country.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve communication, information gathering and everyday interactions. Traveling influences your communication style. You pick up an accent, you incorporate foreign words into everyday conversation and you talk about faraway places. Religion, philosophy and metaphysics influence your thinking. Your interest in religion compels you to write or keep a diary. Your interest in foreign cultures comes out in your writing. You teach local people about your traveling experiences. Religion is an everyday topic of conversation. You write for the local newspaper. You write a blog about religion. You have siblings from other cultures or religious upbringings. You make mountains out of molehills. You take your ability to think abstractly and bring it down to a conversational level. You talk about big ideas in everyday conversation. Your write a travel blog. You expand through relationships with siblings. Getting involved with the local community expands your horizons. You find meaning through writing and literature. You believe that foreigners should speak your language. You find meaning in the written word. You find meaning in language.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 5th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve creativity, personal self-expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance and interactions with children. You consider people of other cultures to be potential romantic partners. Traveling is for leisure and pleasure. You like to take romantic getaways. You adopt children from other countries, or some of your children are from other countries (stepchildren, for example). Traveling gives you opportunities for risk taking. Your interest in religion results in risky behavior. You try to influence the religious views of children. You teach bible study. You publish romance novels. You run a school for gifted children. You perform in religious plays. Your belief system influences what type of theater, music, photography or dance you like. You perform in a religious musical group. You enjoy the artistic expression of other cultures. Philosophy is a hobby. Studying religion and belief systems is a hobby. You’re interested in sports played by foreign people. You are philosophical about the way you raise children. You find meaning through the creative arts.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 6th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve the need to be healthy, employed, have a routine and interact with animals. Your job involves traveling. You work as a travel agent. You work as a professor. You’re a priest. Religion is part of your everyday routine. You have a fitness philosophy. You have a diet or nutrition philosophy. People from different cultures or religions are part of your everyday working environment. Higher education is the working environment. Your experiences traveling abroad influence your work. Your personal belief system affects your ability to find a job. Your personal belief system revolves around health, diet and fitness. You become a fitness, diet or health guru. Your interest in higher education influences your everyday work. Your interest in publishing influences what kind of working environment you choose. Your desire to travel influences what type of working environment you choose. You find meaning through work, daily habits, health and relationships with animals. Foreign people become your employees and coworkers.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 7th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve cooperation, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations. Foreign people are potential marriage partners. You bring a philosophical attitude to your significant relationships. You can be condescending to your partner. Your personal beliefs affect your ability to find a partner. You bring a religious outlook to marriage and relationships. Religion becomes an issue in marriage. Personal belief systems are an issue in marriage. Cultural background becomes an issue in marriage. In-laws affect your marriage. Your in-laws live with you. You want a partner who has an equal interest in traveling. You want a partner with the same religion or culture. You want a partner who has the same level of education. You want a partner who equally interested in the big picture. You want a partner with an open mind. You want a philosophical partner. Your religious outlook affects your ability to relate to people. You find meaning through marriage and significant relationships. You marry or have a significant relationship with a person from a foreign country.

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The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 9th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems are an end unto themselves. You travel to expand your horizons. You become involved in metaphysics to expand your horizons. Learning about other cultures and their customs expands your outlook on life. Anthropologists. Seeking to learn more and more makes you feel expansive. You gain wisdom by traveling. You gain wisdom by learning about religion. You find meaning in higher education. You find meaning through philosophy. You find meaning by devising your own personal belief system. Your interest in religion or metaphysics leads you to become a guru. You become a cultural guru. You expand your horizons by trying the belief systems of other people. You live in foreign cultures to learn more about their customs. You become a missionary in a foreign country. You impose your religion or belief system on people of other cultures. You impose your customs on people with differing customs.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 10th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve our need to build a reputation, gain recognition for achievements and find a vocation. Publishing become your profession. You become a publisher because you like the status the profession gives. You become a corporate lawyer. You become a guru on corporate culture. You bring your personal belief system to your profession. Religion influences your professional decisions. An interest in metaphysics influences your choice of vocation. Interactions with people of other cultures play a part in the profession you choose. Traveling helps you become more widely known. Your personal belief system influences how widely known you become. You find meaning through your choice of vocation. You travel because it makes you seem important. You write about oil companies, rulers of nations and international crisis. Your religious views build your reputation. Journalism builds your reputation. Your education level builds your reputation. You apply your wisdom to gaining status and social standing. You receive awards and recognition for your academic achievements. You receive awards and recognition for your journalistic efforts. You expand your horizons through your choice of vocation.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 11th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve connecting with like-minded people, attitudes to social reform, long term hopes and dreams, and gaining friends and fans. You join religious organizations. You join groups in which members share a belief. You push for education reform. You push your religious agenda on the rest of society. You push for the acceptance of fringe religious movements. You join an association for journalists. You belong to an academic club. You’re a member of a cultural affairs committee. You find meaning through group involvement. You find meaning by being involved in social causes. You impose your personal beliefs on your friends. Your belief system has to adapt to your friendships. You find meaning in group experience. You explore metaphysical ideas in groups. Your interest in foreign culture leads you to make friends and acquaintances. Your interest in foreign cultures leads you to start social movements, for or against those people. Religion shapes your long term goals and dreams. Your capacity to become a guru determines how many fans and supporters you gain.

The activities of the 9th house serve the agenda of the 12th house. Expanding horizons, traveling, publishing, and exploring foreign cultures and belief systems serve the need to release grief and sorrow, spend time alone, melt into formless bliss, escape from reality and become aware of the self-undoing. Traveling helps you release grief and sorrow. Religion helps you release grief and sorrow. You adopt a belief system that helps you cope with grief and loss. Religion is about spending time alone. You expand your horizons through meditation. Your religious beliefs lead you to do charitable work. Your personal belief system leads you to become involved with inmates, the institutionalized or hospitalized. Your interest in the cultures of other people leads you to work or volunteer at a museum. You are open-minded about ghosts and the paranormal. You reach expanded states through dreams. Being overly expansive leads you to become spaced out. Being overly expansive can be the self-undoing. Your personal or religious beliefs can be the self-undoing. Your attitude to people of other cultures can be the self-undoing. Your attitude to religion influences your interest in dreams and the paranormal. Attitudes of intolerance can add to your karma. Fantasizing about religious martyrdom. Applying academic learning to spiritual pursuits.

9th house

  • Abstract Thinking & Metaphysics
  • Foreign Places & Cultures
  • Gurus & Professors
  • Higher Education & Academics
  • Long Journeys
  • Opinions & Schools of Thought
  • Philosophy, Ethics, & Morality
  • Publishing & Spreading 'The Word'
  • Religion, Dogma, & Codefied Spirituality
  • Anthropologist? (maybe with 4th house)
  • Archaeologist? (also maybe with 4th house)
  • Cleric
  • Cultural elite
  • Guru
  • Hierophant
  • Journalist
  • Locations Scout?
  • Philanthropist
  • Philosopher
  • Physicist / Mathematician (careers that require abstract thinking)
  • Priestess / Priest
  • Prophet
  • Professor
  • Publisher
  • Travel agent
  • World traveler
  • College
  • Global
  • Religious Buildings (Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Cathedral)
  • The Higher Mind
  • University
  • Getting Your Masters Degree
  • Getting Your Ph.D.
  • Philosophizing
  • Thinking abstractly
  • Traveling the World

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