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Brainstorm: Saturn / IC Astrology Aspects


nchored at the core. Restricted by your family, one of your parents or your heritage. Unsupported by your parents. Having had heavy family responsibilities. Family life is a burden. Home life was cold and sterile. An impoverished childhood. Feeling separate or isolated from the rest of your relatives. Home alone. Feeling neglected. Lack of ease and comfort within. Cut off from personal feelings. Basic insecurity. Basic fear of lack and neglect.

One of your parents may have imposed standards and conditions you had to meet to receive affection. You might have only received praise or positive reinforcement when you did everything according to the rules. Affection is conditional. Acceptance from your family requires living up to their standards. Nurturing is conditional. Sometimes it’s easier to be alone. Having had judgmental parents. Strict parents. Demanding parents. Parents who overly structured your private time. Tiger Mom. A sense of inner lack. Your relationship with your parents forms the core of your identity. Your understanding of expectations, limitations, hard work and a plan of action determines how far you go in life. Knowing how to hold your own. Tough on the inside.

Working hard to establish your own inner sense of security and belonging. Putting in the effort to make family life work. Putting in the effort to get in touch with your roots. Taking family life seriously. Taking all the ins and outs of familial relationships, heritage, roots, home,  and your tribe very seriously. Sensing that you are being  judged because of where you come from or what your roots are. Taking your role as a parent very seriously: “I’ll do x, y, z that my parents never did.” Having ambition that wells up from within. Having expectations for yourself that come from with. Having a hard time meeting your own expectations. Feeling inferior or inadequate. Feeling the need to prove to yourself that you are somebody worthy of affection. Deeply conservative inside. Holding your feelings in check. Feeling cut off from having a private life.

Feeling responsible for your family home or land. Feeling that you have a duty to your country or place of origin. Learning how to control your interactions with family members so you don’t get hurt. Learning how to control your inner feelings. Learning how to control your expectations so you’re not disappointed. Mastering feelings of inadequacy. Learning to give yourself enough love so you feel good enough. Learning how not to withhold affection. Keeping a realistic perspective on your parents. Keeping a realistic perspective on your private life. A realist. Someone who can handle reality checks. Someone who understands boundaries and limitations and knows how to work with them. Taking your emotional security seriously. Making the necessary arrangements to feel safe and protected. Preserving your family traditions, or severing them if they no longer serve you. Having a very well-defined sense of an inner purpose which propels you in your outer work. Emotional security comes with age.

Saturn / IC Aspects

1st harmonic, 1/1. This aspect comes from taking the 360 degrees of a circle and dividing by 1, then multiplying by 1. Like this, 360 / 1 = 360 x 1 = 360.

Intensity and emphasis; focus/focal point; impact. Lack of awareness. Concentration of energy. Fusion. Fusing disparate energies together.

1/20 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 20, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 20 = 18 x 1 = 18.

1/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle, and divide by 12, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 1 = 30 . Or, 360 / 6 = 60 / 2 = 30 (half a sextile).

The natural next step; the next thing that needs to be done; how one thing naturally leads to another; what you should be preparing for next; where things are heading, whether you want them to go there or not. What all your hard work and preparation are for. The next big thing. Natural direction.

What you might be blind to. Something just over your shoulder, out of sight, and beyond the periphery of your vision. A blindspot. The thing that came immediately before, and is already nearly forgotten. Efforts at memory. Reclaiming. People who don’t have your best interests at heart. Better work on some yoga moves to look over your shoulder, and behind your back.

1/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 1 = 36.

1/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 1 = 40.

1/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 1 = 45. Or, take a square, and split it in half. Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 / 2 = 45.

1/8 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 8, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 8 = 45° x 1 = 45°. This aspect is the same as the semi-square.

Some of the posts may show the octile at 90°. This is a known error and I’m working on fixing it, but I have to edit each post individually, and that takes more time than I have right now!

1/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.26° x 1 = 51.26°.

1/6 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 6, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 6 = 60 x 1 = 60. Or, take a trine, and split it in half.  Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 / 2 = 60.

Opportunities for positive change; awareness of a time to take positive advantage; opportunities that pass unnoticed without conscious effort. No, there may not be another chance. Learning to be quicker to act on good luck. Learning not to let good things pass you by. Learning that positive experiences require effort too. Positive doesn’t mean passive.

This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiplying by 2. Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 2 = 72. This aspect is the same as a quintile.

1/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 1 = 72.

Creativity, talents, quirks, special skills.

2/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiplying by 2. Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 2 = 80.

1/4 harmonic This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 4, then multiplying by 1. Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 x 1 = 90.

Dynamic creative tension; inner stress and tension that build until you are forced to find creative solutions. Opportunities to push your limits to greater achievement; inner restlessness and lack of satisfaction that impel you to make changes and push yourself; you are challenged to combine these energies; applying energy to solve a problem; creative problem-solving. Internal stress and tension. Something needs to give.

2/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 2. Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.26° x 2 = 102° 51’26”.

This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 3. Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 3 = 108.

This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9 , then multiply by 3. Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 3 = 120.

Same as the trine.

1/3 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 3, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 x 1 = 120.

Flow. Ease. Status quo. Circumstances and characteristics that are not changing. Things that are stable; maintaining the status quo; peace and tranquility; idleness; good times; use these gifts to your advantage. Negatively, unimpeded flow. Events that cannot be stopped. Unstoppable, sweeping movement. Lack of self-discipline. Laziness and self-indulgence. Times that are easy, lacking challenge and opportunities for growth. Taking situations for granted. Keeping everything like it is. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

5/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 5. Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 5 = 135.

Blockages. Physical manifestation of problems and accidents. Inner psychological blockages that manifest as outer events.

2/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 2. Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 2 = 144.

5/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 12, then multiply by 5. Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 5 = 150.

Adjusting expectations; tempering over-enthusiasm and over-reaching; keeping yourself in check; adjusting to meet changing circumstances; doing what you need to do to make things work. Adjusting your attitude. Adjusting your perspective. Making-do in uncomfortable situations. Developing flexibility and adaptability. Bending, until you almost break. A see-saw, with too much weight on one side, and not enough on the other side.

The term “inconjunct” is often conflated with the word “quincunx” in astrology. All quincunxes are inconjuncts but not all inconjuncts are quincunxes. Some inconjuncts are semi-sextiles.

Excerpt from the book Horoscope Symbols by Robert Hand

3/7 harmonic This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 3. Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.26° x 3 = 154° 17’ 08”.

4/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 4. Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 4 = 160.

11/24 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle into 15-degree equal segments. Like this, 360 / 24 = 15, then multiply by 11.  Like this, 360 / 24 = 15 x 11 = 165.

This aspect does not make sense to me at the moment, but here’s the link.

I would think a quin-decile would take the 360 degrees of a circle, divide by 10, then multiply by 5. Like this 360 / 10 = 36 x 5 = 180. Which is exactly the same as an opposition, because it is a 5/10 harmonic, which reduces to 1/2 harmonic. 360 / 2 = 180 x 1 = 180.

2nd harmonic, 1/2. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 2, then multiply by 1. Like this, 360 / 2 = 180 x 1 = 180.

Challenges from outside; awareness of other options; opportunities that require you to stretch outside your known boundaries; an opportunity to stand back and reflect; seeing yourself from a distance; putting yourself in someone else’s shoes; seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes. Gaining awareness. Seeing a situation from a new vantage point. Getting distance, and gaining perspective.

This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 4.

This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 5.

This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 6.


  • Cronus, Chronus, Chronos, or Kronos (the word cronos may mean "crow")
  • Father Time
Excerpt from Robert Graves, The Greek Myths :1, 6.b-6.5
  • Ageing & Maturation
  • Discipline & Restraint
  • Fear & Reality Checks
  • Limitation & Boundaries
  • Making do with less
  • Manifestation & Crystallization
  • Responsibility & Hard Work
  • Seriousness & Gravity
  • Structure & Order
  • Wisdom gained through age & experience
  • Working harder for the same outcome
  • Burden
  • Struggle
  • Lack
  • Scrimping and saving
  • Crow
  • Sickle
  • Brother, and husband, of Rhea
  • Father of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron
  • Grandfather of Persephone
  • Son of Uranus
  • Youngest of the 7 Titans
  • Jupiter / Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
  • Saturn / Uranus make a conjunction every 45.363 years
  • Saturn / Neptune make a conjunction every 35.87 years
  • Saturn / Pluto make a conjunction every 33.42 years
  • Elder
  • Father Time
  • Grandparent
  • Killjoy
  • Loner
  • Old Fart / Fuddy duddy
  • Old Guard
  • Old Maid  / Cat Lady / Spinster (maybe with Venus or Moon)
  • "Old Soul?" (with Neptune)
  • Rule Maker
  • Stick in the mud
  • The Denied
  • The Establishment
  • The Neglected
  • The Wizened
  • Wise person
The Greek Myths: Volumes 1 & 2, by Robert Graves
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  • Foundation
  • Roots & Country of Origin
  • Base of Operation
  • Retirement & End of Life
  • Real Estate
  • The Authority Figure / Parent Who Conditioned Your Connection to Home on Earth.
  • Do You Have Any Ground to Stand On?
  • Private Self & What You're Comfortable With
  • Home & Family
  • The core issue
  • Ancestry
  • Blood
  • Bloodline
  • Brood
  • Compatriot
  • Descendent
  • Descent
  • Dominion
  • Dynasty
  • Empire
  • Extraction
  • Family Tree
  • Family
  • Genealogy
  • Heredity
  • House
  • Household
  • Kin
  • Kindred
  • Kinfolk
  • Kith
  • Line
  • Lineage
  • Origin
  • Parentage
  • Parents
  • Pedigree
  • People
  • Race
  • Reign
  • Relatives
  • Stock
  • Strain
  • Succession
  • Tribe
  • Abode
  • Archives?
  • Basecamp
  • Booth
  • Bungalow
  • Bunker
  • Camp
  • Castle
  • Cave
  • Chamber
  • Cottage
  • Crib
  • Crypt? (final resting place)
  • Cubby
  • Cubicle? (ruler of the 6th in the 4th, my cubicle is my home?)
  • Domestic areas
  • Domicile
  • Dwelling
  • Encampment
  • Fortress
  • Hall of records?
  • Harborage
  • Haven
  • Headquarters
  • Home
  • Hovel
  • Hut
  • In my room
  • Interior
  • Inside
  • Lair
  • Lodge
  • Nonpublic spaces
  • Nook
  • Offscreen
  • Offstage
  • Pad
  • Pod
  • Private spaces
  • Quarters
  • Refuge
  • Residence
  • Roost
  • Sanctuary
  • Sentimental places
  • Shack
  • Shanty
  • Shed
  • Shelter
  • Stronghold
  • Tent
  • Throne room
  • Undisclosed locations
  • Vault
  • Within
  • Attention turns to home and family
  • Being a homebody
  • Being domestic
  • Buying a home
  • Buying a security system
  • Construction
  • Enhancing safety
  • Establishing roots
  • Getting a DNA test
  • Getting a Past Lives reading
  • Minding your own business
  • Moving
  • Opening an account on
  • Renovating
  • Retreating from public view
  • Seeking privacy
  • Self-protection
  • Staying home
  • Tracing your lineage
  • Un-accouncements

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