Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026
date |
planet |
motion |
degree |
Mar 7, 2023 | Saturn | enters | 00 PISCES |
Jun 17, 2023 | Saturn | turns Rx | 7 PISCES (NM) |
Nov 4, 2023 | Saturn | direct | 00 PISCES |
Jun 29, 2024 | Saturn | turns Rx | 19 PISCES |
Nov 15, 2024 | Saturn | direct | 12 PISCES (FM) |
May 24, 2025 | Saturn | enters | 00 ARIES |
Jul 12, 2025 | Saturn | turns Rx | 2 ARIES |
Sep 1, 2025 | Saturn | reenters | 29 PISCES |
Nov 27, 2025 | Saturn | direct | 25 PISCES |
Feb 13, 2026 | Saturn | enters | 00 ARIES |
Saturn fully leaves Pisces in...
Dispositor Changes
start date |
Traditional Ruler |
Modern Ruler |
Saturn in Pisces | ||
March 7, 2023 | Jupiter in Aries | Neptune in Pisces |
May 16, 2023 | Jupiter in Taurus | Neptune in Pisces |
May 25, 2024 | Jupiter in Gemini | Neptune in Pisces |
Saturn in Aries | ||
May 24, 2025 | Mars in Leo | |
Jun 17, 2025 | Mars in Virgo | |
Aug 6, 2025 | Mars in Libra | |
Saturn in Pisces | ||
Sept 1, 2025 | Jupiter in Cancer | Neptune in Aries |
Oct 22, 2025 | Jupiter in Cancer | Neptune in Pisces |
Jan 26, 2026 | Jupiter in Cancer | Neptune in Aries |
Saturn in Aries | ||
Feb 13, 2026 | Mars in Aquarius |
- Developing creative standards
- Dream control
- Flexible frameworks
- Ground rules for the imagination
- Foundations for forgiveness
- Gentle discipline
- Intuition experts
- No more tears
- Mature fantasies
- Metaphysical regulations
- Mystical guidelines
- Psychic boundaries
- Spiritual backbone
- Sticking to Sobriety
- Transcending limits
- Curtailed creativity
- Dissonance
- Distrusting imagination
- Flow restriction
- Lack of intuition
- Limited compassion
- Low vibes
- Metaphysical suspicion
- Mystical skepticism
- No Escape
- Out of sync
- Shifting sands
- Spiritual losses
- Struggling with sobriety
- Turn down the music
- Uninspired
- Unstable foundations
- Waning empathy
- Weak boundaries
- Worn out
isintegrate. Disappear into thin air. Dissolve. Fade into You. Evaporate. Blur. Vanish. Dematerialize. Be gone! Disperse. Wither. Fail. Wasted. Wilting. Deteriorating. Languishing. Worn out. Flounder. Flop. Nothing concrete. Fake rules. Fake fortitude. Fake stamina. Fake resolutions. The rules of counterfeiting. The limits of counterfeits. Phony grit. Questionable principles. Vanishing codes. Vanishing restrictions. Feeble guides. Weeble wobbles. Wornout guidelines. Watch rules blur. Blur. Crumbling fundamentals. Tired conventions. Disappearing traditions. Ugh, everything smells like a skunky ashtray. Desperately trying to keep order. Muted rainbow. Somewhere…Over…a Gradient Gray Rainbow. Reading Rainbow kicked the bucket.

Just say no!
- No fishing
- No swimming
- No seafood
- No loitering
- No handouts
- No watering
- No tramps, no hobos, no bums, no transients
- No compassion
aves crash against hardened defenses. Waves crash against stiff barriers. Defining the edges of kindness. Where does sympathy end? When does empathy end? What is the limit of compassion? Dwindling charity. Capsizing sensitivity. Waning goodwill. Angst, existential angst. Weak barriers, weak boundaries, ineffectual rulemakers. Who’s picking up the slack? Lead weights.
ules imposed on imagination. Regulated fantasy. Regulated creativity. Lack of imagination. Uninspired. The rules of imagination. Narrow visions. The rules of creativity. Landmark rulings on imagination. Constricted creativity. Controlling dream channels. Confining creative people. No dreaming! Dreaming within limits. Definite mirages. The edges of clouds. Structuring the flow of imagination. Creative boundaries. Tightening imaginary bounds. Let’s try to control the imagination with science. Engineered music. Engineered visuals. Engineered spirituality. Engineered compassion. Here, watch this. No, I mean, watch it like this, like I want you to watch it. Creative limits. Crackdown on film. The rules of filming in public. Confiscated cameras. Seized art supplies.
Imagining better creative foundations. The rumblings of new creative enterprises. The beginnings of rethinking creative arts. Workarounds. Getting inspired to set better guidelines for the creative arts. Taking film, dance, and music serious. Tenured creative professionals. Masters of the Arts. Fantasy maestros. The divine divas of Disney.
Listen, smile, agree, then do whatever you were going to do anyway.
– Robert Downey, Jr., Saturn in Pisces
I have learned from my mistakes, and I am sure I can repeat them exactly
― Peter Cook, Saturn in Pisces
nti-spirituality movements. Clamp-down on non-religious spirituality. Atheism becomes more popular. Atheists take center stage. Lack of spirituality. Nihilism. Existentialism. Anti-Woke movement. The tide turns against spirituality for the first time in a long time, even with Neptune in Pisces. The beginning of the end of the Great Spiritual Wave. Waves hit walls. Spirituality hits a wall. Imagination hits a wall. Deprived of spiritual support. Lack of spiritual backbone. Where my spirits at? Satanic Panic, part II. Miami Vice. The ‘Great Spiritual Wave’ is subsiding. The Om Percent disperse, and find new ventures.
spiritual bubbles pop
hony spiritual masters. Sham teachings. Fake mystical laws. Pseudo-psychics. Rules around magical “potions.” Fauxtions. Snake oil peddlers. Potion regulation. Mystical counterfeits. Sacred limitations. Dropping out. I am a spiritual recluse. I’m going to go visit that monastery I always wanted to see (hopefully not the one with the methy monks!) Take everything, take it all, take all my worldly possessions. Dedication to a spiritual path, or voluntary poverty? Vow of poverty. Vow of sobriety. Vow of compassion. Self-abnegation. Rules…for the poor. Spiritual side gigs hit roadblocks. Who will be here when the income motivation subsides? Which locations will begin re-establishing the old anti-fortunetelling laws? The dream v. reality. Are your rituals working? Drugs ≠ Enlightenment? Or do they?
Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.
ow vibes, no vibes. Emotional ebb. Low spirits. Sh*t, we’re almost out of beer. Low vibes. Who cares? Restrictions on weed. People are tired. Disappear. Fade away. Attempting to rein in the chaos. Disonance. Fuzz-ified audio. Dropping out. Low volume. Low visibility. In the liminal spaces. Time out of mind. Hold my beer. Hold my ‘shrooms. Nah, I’m not going to do anything crazy, I’m just tired. I need somebody to hold me. I need a break from all the noise. Turn the TV down, turn the stereo off, put your phone on silent, retreat, refresh, find sanctuary.
- Ate his kids
- Castrated his father, Uranus
- Crow
- Sickle
- Ageing & Maturation
- Discipline & Restraint
- Fear & Reality Checks
- Limitation & Boundaries
- Making do with less
- Manifestation & Crystallization
- Responsibility & Hard Work
- Seriousness & Gravity
- Structure & Order
- Wisdom gained through age & experience
- Working harder for the same outcome
- Burden
- Struggle
- Lack
- Scrimping and saving
- Elder
- Father Time
- Grandparent
- Killjoy
- Loner
- Old Fart / Fuddy duddy
- Old Guard
- Old Maid / Cat Lady / Spinster (maybe with Venus or Moon)
- "Old Soul?" (with Neptune)
- Rule Maker
- Stick in the mud
- The Denied
- The Establishment
- The Neglected
- The Wizened
- Wise person
- Brother, and husband, of Rhea
- Father of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron
- Grandfather of Persephone
- Son of Uranus
- Youngest of the 7 Titans
- Jupiter / Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
- Saturn / Uranus make a conjunction every 45.363 years
- Saturn / Neptune make a conjunction every 35.87 years
- Saturn / Pluto make a conjunction every 33.42 years
- Chaotic & Elusive
- Ethereal & Transient
- Expansive & Boundless
- Imaginative
- Kind & Sympathetic
- Poetic, Musical, & Artistic
- Psychic & Sensitive
- Slippery & Escapist
- Spiritual & Mystic
- Abstract Thinker
- Doctor
- Nurse
- Physicist
- Poet
- Musician
- Mystic