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Brainstorm: Chiron / Ascendant Astrology Aspects

Interpretation of Chiron in aspect to the Ascendant embracing a loose brainstorm-style of writing. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike.


aleidoscopic outlook. Iridescent vision. Wholistic outlook. Total viewpoint. How do you integrate everything you see? The doors of perception. How do you integrate what you witness? Eyewitness, with your own eyes. How well have you tested your vision? Do you trust your own eyes? How do you integrate your environment so you can operate in the world? Resist compartmentalizing your experiences. Resist separating and categorizing each experience. Stop putting people into categories. Let your perceptions merge and coalesce. Find the common thread. What links your interactions together? Resist creating a separate personae for each interaction. Always be the same person, wherever you are. Stop altering your appearance depending on where you’re going. Stop altering your personality based on who you are going to hang out with. What is your true appearance? What do you really look like? What is your true outlook? Don’t be a chameleon unless it serves a larger purpose. Come as you are. Show your true colors. Show yourself. Help people cross the bridge of understanding, but let them meet you halfway.

Your very presence creates a bridge. You see the Rainbow Bridge. you operate from the Rainbow Bridge. Your perception is mending. The way you operate, mends the environment. Mender. Mentor. Your very presence mends the environment. Your very presence creates a loophole. What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here! Did you slip through the cracks? Rejected at birth. Rejected by both parents. Taken in by a mentor.

You have the ability to take on a multitude of roles You take on those roles especially where you act as a mentor, guide, teacher, or healer to others. Wholistic self-presentation which allows you to express each part of your personality. Integration of personality. Fragmented outlook. Being able to see how the world is fragmented, and being able to come up with solutions to create cohesion. An approach to life that seeks to blend and mend disparate elements in the environment. Creating bridges to understanding in your immediate environment. Creating a bridge between yourself and others.

Are you going to help, or not? Are you going move forward through the world and help create the bridge? You are the wound that needs to be seen. You lead by example. Show your bleeding heart. Bring out your dead. Your example is a salve. Let people come to you for your expertise. You look like an expert. You look like you have some solutions. You look like you know what’s up. You look through a window pain. You see how the fragments create a whole. You see how the whole is made up of different facets. How can you help others integrate what they encounter? You feel torn apart by being out in the world. There’s so much to see. There are so many different things happening at once. You can’t take it all in. You can’t process everything at once. Your perception is overwhelmed. So. many. issues. To the cave, Chiron!

The door that nobody else will go in at, seems always to swing open widely for me.
― Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross (Chiron conjunct Ascendant in Aries)

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Chiron #2060

  • Cheiron
  • The Wounded Healer
  • Alternative medicine
  • Bridge
  • Chronic pain
  • Coping
  • Damage / Hit points
  • Exhaustion
  • Fatigue
  • Guide
  • Healing & Wholeness
  • Healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body (from the Centaur Report)
  • Injury
  • Key
  • Learning
  • Loophole
  • Maverick
  • Mentor / Teacher - and having one's pupils turn against you, even if it's unintentional on their part
  • Putting the 'Chiron' in chronic
  • Quest
  • Rejection by one's parents
  • 'Right to die' issues
  • Unsolvable problem
  • Worn out
  • Wounded
Many of the Chiron keywords above generously supplied by Zane B. Stein, from his book, Essence and Application: A View From Chiron.
  • Centaur
  • Shot by his pupil, Heracles, with an arrow poisoned with the blood of the Hydra
  • He was shot in either the foot or the thigh
  • Spent the rest of his life trying to alleve the pain of the wound
  • He willingly gave up immortality to die and escape chronic pain
  • Associate of the Centaurs: Pholus, Nessus
  • Father of Euippe
  • Grandson of Uranus
  • Husband of Chariklo
  • Son of Saturn (Cronus, Chronos, Kronos)
  • Son of Philyra
  • Teacher of heroes ( Asclepius, Aristaeus, Actaeon, Achilles, Jason, Medus) Source
  • Victim of the Hydra. The arrow that hit Chiron was poisoned with the Hydra's blood (each time you cut one of the Hydra's heads off, two new heads grow).
Chiron is both a minor planet and a comet. It is located between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron takes about 50 years to make one complete cycle through all the signs of the zodiac. Chiron is in Libra for the shortest amount of time – 1.5 years; and in Aries the longest – about 8 years.
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  • Appearance, Demeanor, & Mannerisms
  • Force of Personality
  • Your Affect On Others
  • What's Right in Front of Your Face
  • How You Take Initiative
  • How You Show Up & the Circumstances of Your Birth
  • Approach
  • First Impressions
  • First Focus & Immediate Pressure
  • Immediate environment
  • Right in front of your face
  • Leading
  • Initiating
  • Putting yourself out there
  • Taking the first step on a new path

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