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Brainstorm: Jupiter / Uranus Astrology Aspects


xpanding the influence of technology. Envisioning the future. Technological philosophies. Technology is a religious experience. Visions of the future. Beliefs about the future. Believing in the future. Believing in progress. Wondering what the future will bring. Looking forward. Self-indulgent rebellions. Self-indulgent eccentricity. Self-indulgent weirdness. Exaggerating everything that makes you different. Finding meaning in technology. Finding meaning in progress and advancement. Progress versus meaning. What is the meaning of progress? Does progress cause life to lose meaning? Does technology give more meaning to life, or less? What are the ethics of technology and progress? Philosophies of rebellion.

It is hardly surprising that the combination is common amongst atheists and agnostics; people who want to be free of religion.
— Sue Tompkins, Aspects in Astrology

Experimental education. Overzealous reformers. Religious fringe. Experimenting with your faith. Experimental religions. Sudden glimpses of God (or deity of choice). Direct connection to God. Anti-religious. Atheists. Rebelling against religion and faith. Religious rebellions. Rebelling against accepted moral codes. Finding meaning in the opposite direction of God and faith. Extremely philosophical. Extremely religious. Religion versus technology. Big and shiny.

Luck through pursuing technological advances. Luck through taking the less traveled route. Luck through going your own way. Luck through breaking from tradition. Lack of sentimentality for the past. Intelligence and depth. Willing to take big, unpredictable risks. Total detachment from convention. An enormous need for freedom from restriction. Luck through wresting yourself from the past. Sudden luck. Lucky breaks. Breaking free. Getting your big break. Open to the unexpected. Open to trying something different. Having confidence in your uniqueness. Having confidence that you are special. Being conceited about the ways that you are different. Getting to the truth. Deep interest in finding out what the truth is. Deep interest in the occult. Hugely unpredictable. Frantic. Restless. Truly crazy. Bouncing off the walls. Out of control. Swinging to extremes. Expanded feelings of not fitting in. Nerds. Geeks. Social outsiders. The fringe.

The Jupiter/Uranus cycle opens doors for innovation and elicits the ‘aha’ experience.
– Georgia Anna Stathis, Pushing Through Time: Synodic Cycles and Their Developing Phases

Ahead of your time. Unconventional travelers. Traveling the internet. Foreign technology. The culture of technology. Technology culture. Future tech. Future vision. Cultural rebellion. Reformatting. Against dogmatism. Against univision. Culture shift. Culture turns on its head. Cultural upset. New culture. Counter-culture. Emergence of unusual philosophies and beliefs. Weird philosophies. Unusual visions. Sudden freedom. Sudden upset. Geek culture. Breaking out of dogma. Breaking free. Super awkward!

Food technology, bovine innovations, plant circuitry, more food automation, upsetting tastes, new textiles, new tactiles, distasteful, budget-flavored snacks.

Jupiter / Uranus aspects

The aspect: 1st harmonic, 1/1. This aspect comes from taking the 360 degrees of a circle and dividing by 1, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 1 = 360 x 1 = 360

Basic influence: Intensity and emphasis; focus/focal point; impact. Lack of awareness. Concentration of energy. Fusion. The coming together of unrelated energy. When there are no oppositions, there is a lack of balance in the chart. Skewed viewpoint. Lop-sided emphasis. One-sidedness.

The aspect: 1/20 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 20, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 20 = 18 x 1 = 18

The aspect: 1/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle, and divide by 12, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 1 = 30

Basic influence: The natural next step: the next thing that needs to be done; how one thing naturally leads to another; what you should be preparing for next; where things are heading, whether you want them to go there or not. What all your hard work and preparation are for. The next big thing. Natural direction.

What you might be blind to. Something just over your shoulder, out of sight, and beyond the periphery of your vision. A blind spot. The thing that came immediately before and is already nearly forgotten. Efforts at memory. Reclaiming. People who don’t have your best interests at heart. Better work on some yoga moves to look over your shoulder, and behind your back.

The aspect: 1/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 1 = 36

The aspect: 1/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 1 = 40

See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 1 = 45

or, take a square, and split it in half

Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 / 2 = 45

The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 8, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 8 = 45° x 1 = 45°.

This aspect is the same as the semi-square.

The aspect: 1/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 1 = 51.42857142857143

Convert to time = 51°26′

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/6 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 6, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 6 = 60 x 1 = 60

or take a trine, and split it in half

Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 / 2 = 60

Basic influence: Opportunities for positive change; awareness of a time to take positive advantage; opportunities that pass unnoticed without conscious effort. No, there may not be another chance. Learning to be quicker to act on good luck. Learning not to let good things pass you by. Learning that positive experiences require effort too. Positive doesn’t mean passive.

The aspect: 2/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 2.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 2 = 72

This aspect is the same as a quintile.

See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 1 = 72

Basic influence: Creativity, talents, quirks, special skills.

See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 2/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 2.

Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 2 = 80

See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/4 harmonic This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 4, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 x 1 = 90

Basic influence: Dynamic creative tension; inner stress and tension that build until you are forced to find creative solutions. Opportunities to push your limits to greater achievement; inner restlessness and lack of satisfaction that impel you to make changes and push yourself; you are challenged to combine these energies; applying energy to solve a problem; creative problem-solving. Something needs to give.

The aspect: 2/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 2.

Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 2 = 102.8571428571429

Convert to time = 102° 51’26”

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 3/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 3.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 3 = 108

The aspect: 3/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 3.

Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 3 = 120

Same as the trine.

See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/3 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 3, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 x 1 = 120

Basic influence: Flow. Ease. Status quo. Circumstances and characteristics that are not changing. Things that are stable; maintaining peace and tranquility; idleness; good times; use these gifts to your advantage. Negatively, unimpeded flow. Events that cannot be stopped. Unstoppable, sweeping movement like a flood. Lack of self-discipline. Laziness and self-indulgence. Times that are easy, lacking challenge and opportunities for growth. Taking situations for granted. Keeping everything like it is. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The aspect: 5/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 5.

Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 5 = 135

Basic influence: Blockages. Physical manifestation of problems and accidents. Inner psychological blockages that manifest as outer events. Possibly obfuscation, meaning a period of time, something that happens, or mental confusion or anguish that prevent you from seeing a clear path forward.

See also: Thor’s Hammer « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 2/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 2.

Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 2 = 144

See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 5/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 12, then multiply by 5.

Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 5 = 150

Basic influence: Adjusting expectations; tempering over-enthusiasm and over-reaching; keeping yourself in check; adjusting to meet changing circumstances; doing what you need to do to make things work. Adjusting your attitude. Adjusting your perspective. Doing the best you can in an uncomfortable situation. Developing flexibility and adaptability. Bending, until you almost break. A seesaw, with too much weight on one side, and not enough on the other side. Awkward situations and relationships.

See also: Quincunx, YOD, Pythagorean Triangle « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 12th harmonic. Quincuxes are 5/12 and semi-sextiles are 1/12.

The term "inconjunct" is often conflated with the word "quincunx" in astrology.

All quincunxes are inconjuncts but not all inconjuncts are quincunxes.

Some inconjuncts are semi-sextiles.

Excerpt from the book Horoscope Symbols by Robert Hand

The aspect: 3/7 harmonic This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 3.

Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 3 = 154.2857142857143

Convert to hours, minutes and seconds = 154° 17’ 08”

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 4/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 4.

Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 4 = 160

See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 11/24 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle into 15-degree equal segments.

Like this, 360 / 24 = 15

then multiply by 11

Like this, 360 / 24 = 15 x 11 = 165

This aspect does not make sense to me at the moment, but here’s the link.

I would think a quin-decile would take the 360 degrees of a circle, divide by 10, then multiply by 5.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 5 = 180

This creates an aspect that is exactly the same as an opposition.

5/10 harmonic, which reduces to 1/2 harmonic.

360 / 2 = 180 x 1 = 180

See also: Quindecile – Astrodienst Astrowiki

The aspect: 2nd harmonic, 1/2. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 2, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 2 = 180 x 1 = 180

Basic influence: Challenges from outside; awareness of other options; opportunities that require you to stretch outside your known boundaries; an opportunity to stand back and reflect; seeing yourself from a distance; putting yourself in someone else’s shoes; seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes. Gaining awareness. Seeing a situation from a new vantage point. Getting distance and gaining perspective.

The aspect: 4/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 4.

Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 4 = 205.7142857142857

Convert to time = 205°42’51”

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 5/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 5.

360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 5 = 257.1428571428571

Convert to time = 257°08’34”

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 5/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 5.

360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 5 = 257.1428571428571

Convert to time = 257°08’34”

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer


  • Jove
  • King of the Gods
  • The Great Benefic
  • Zeus
  • All-powerful / Omnipotent
  • Belief & Fanaticism
  • Benefits
  • Bouncer (especially in Cancer)
  • Culture & Customs
  • Cultural Shifts (sweeping cultural changes in whichever house Jupiter falls in)
  • Don't believe the hype
  • Exaggerated
  • Faithful or Philandering
  • Foolish
  • Force field
  • Global & Long-Distance
  • Gluttonous
  • Grandiose
  • Increase
  • Inflated (too good to be true)
  • Jolly
  • Open, Optimistic & Foolhardy (gullible)
  • Opinionated
  • Opulent
  • Overbearing
  • Over-expansion
  • Overwhelm
  • Philanthropic & Spendthrift
  • Philosophical, Worldview, & Meaning
  • Protection & Cover
  • Shield (especially in Cancer)
  • Too much of a good thing
  • Upgrade
  • Wisdom
  • As Zeus, Jupiter is known for his lightning bolt
  • Jupiter/Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
  • Jupiter/Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
  • Jupiter/Neptune make a conjunction every 12.8 years
  • Jupiter/Pluto make a conjunction every 12.46 years


  • King of the Mountains
  • Ouranos
  • Castrated by his son, Saturn
    • The drops of blood that fell to Mother Earth gave birth to the Erinnyes, the furies who avenge patricide and perjury
  • Fathered the Titans with Mother Earth
  • Breaking Out of a Mold
  • Coldness & Distance
  • Disorder
  • Disruption & Upset
  • Eccentricity & Genius
  • Erraticism
  • Experimentation
  • Extremism
  • Futurism, Invention, and Flashes of Insight
  • Liberation & Independence
  • Hacker
  • Odd
  • Rebellion & Anti-
  • Revolution & Uprising
  • Shock & Awakening
  • The Unexpected
  • Disruption
  • Discomfort
  • Unsettled
  • Uprooted
  • Tumult
  • Chaos
  • Freedom
  • Disrupter
  • Dissident
  • Extremist
  • Genius
  • Innovator
  • Inventor
  • Liberator
  • Objector
  • Outcast
  • Rabble-rouser
  • Rebel
  • Fathered Saturn (and the other Titans) with Mother Earth
  • Fathered the Three Furies (Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera) with Mother Earth
  • Father of the nymphs of the ash tree, the Meliae
  • Husband of Gaia (Mother Earth)
  • Son of Gaia (Mother Earth)
  • Jupiter / Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
  • Saturn / Uranus make a conjunction every 45.363 years
  • Uranus / Neptune make a conjunction every 171.403 years
  • Uranus / Pluto conjunction varies from every 126.95 to 170+ years

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