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How to Read Your Natal Chart and Aspectarian

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Detailed Natal Chart with Aspectarian

Zodiac Signs and Symbols


Two Plutos

Pluto has two different glyphs that are in popular use. One is the glyph, combining the orb of Pluto with a bident. The other is ♇, a combination of initials PL which stand for Percival Lowell, the person who discovered Pluto. Read more about the esoteric symbolism of the Pluto glyph. See more glyph variants here.

Two Uranuses

Hand drawn Uranus astrological glyphs
Hand drawn Uranus astrological glyphs by ASTROFIX

Uranus also has two glyphs. One is the glyph ♅ which uses an H for William Herschel, the person who discovered Uranus. The other glyph is ⛢Derived from the alchemical symbols of the planetary metals gold (Sun) and iron (Mars) to create a symbol for platinum, then applied to the planet (Source). Read more about the esoteric symbolism of the Uranus glyph.

Astrological Aspects

Reading the Aspectarian

What is an Aspectarian?
An aspectarian is a table used in astrology to show the angular relationships between the planets in your birth chart.

Symbols that show time

⁰ = degrees
‘ = minutes
“ = seconds

Chart 1: Will Smith's Natal Chart

Step by Step

  • The upper symbol in each box is the type of aspect.
  • The middle number is the orb of the aspect, meaning, how close the aspect is to being exact.
  • A’ indicates an applying aspect, meaning that the planets are moving towards each other and the orb will get smaller as time goes by.
  • S’ indicates a separating aspect, meaning that the planets already formed the exact aspect and now they are moving away from each other.
  • The bottom number is the total number of degrees between each planet pairing.

The orb is the number of degrees on either side of an aspect. This chart is set to have a 10 degree span on each side of the conjunction, giving a total 20 degree orb for the conjunction. Some astrologers use a wider orb, some use a smaller orb. You’re the astrologer, it’s up to you!

Chart 2: Problems with wide orbs

If you choose to use wide orbs, you might end up with planets that make multiple aspects at the same time. In Will’s chart, his Moon and Saturn are quincunx and triseptile at the same time using a wider orb.

Chart 3: Will Smith's Sun-Pluto Aspect

  • In chart 2, the aspect between the Sun and Pluto is highlighted
  • The Sun and Pluto are 9 degrees and 59 minutes apart, separating
  • The Sun and Pluto form a conjunction aspect
  • The conjunction aspect is a zero degree aspect
  • The Sun and Pluto are 9 degrees and 59 minutes apart from making a perfect conjunction
  • Boxes that contain only the bottom number show that the planets do not form an aspect to each other and they do not have a harmonic relationship.

Will Smith’s Sun in Libra and Pluto in Virgo are conjunct by degree though they are not in the same sign.

Chart 4: Will Smith's Sun-Midheaven aspect

  • In Chart 3, the aspect between the Sun and Midheaven is highlighted.
  • The Sun and Midheaven form no aspect.
  • The Sun and Midheaven are 131 degrees and 1 minute apart from each other.
  • Looking at table 7, you can see there are no aspects that are 130 degrees

Fractions in the aspectarian (1/16, 3/16, etc…) indicate harmonics, and those are for another time.


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Detailed Natal Chart with Aspectarian

Zodiac Signs and Symbols


Two Plutos

Pluto has two different glyphs that are in popular use. One is the glyph, combining the orb of Pluto with a bident. The other is ♇, a combination of initials PL which stand for Percival Lowell, the person who discovered Pluto. Read more about the esoteric symbolism of the Pluto glyph. See more glyph variants here.

Two Uranuses

Hand drawn Uranus astrological glyphs
Hand drawn Uranus astrological glyphs by ASTROFIX

Uranus also has two glyphs. One is the glyph ♅ which uses an H for William Herschel, the person who discovered Uranus. The other glyph is ⛢Derived from the alchemical symbols of the planetary metals gold (Sun) and iron (Mars) to create a symbol for platinum, then applied to the planet (Source). Read more about the esoteric symbolism of the Uranus glyph.

Astrological Aspects

Reading the Aspectarian

What is an Aspectarian?
An aspectarian is a table used in astrology to show the angular relationships between the planets in your birth chart.

Symbols that show time

⁰ = degrees
‘ = minutes
“ = seconds

Chart 1: Will Smith's Natal Chart

Step by Step

  • The upper symbol in each box is the type of aspect.
  • The middle number is the orb of the aspect, meaning, how close the aspect is to being exact.
  • A’ indicates an applying aspect, meaning that the planets are moving towards each other and the orb will get smaller as time goes by.
  • S’ indicates a separating aspect, meaning that the planets already formed the exact aspect and now they are moving away from each other.
  • The bottom number is the total number of degrees between each planet pairing.

The orb is the number of degrees on either side of an aspect. This chart is set to have a 10 degree span on each side of the conjunction, giving a total 20 degree orb for the conjunction. Some astrologers use a wider orb, some use a smaller orb. You’re the astrologer, it’s up to you!

Chart 2: Problems with wide orbs

If you choose to use wide orbs, you might end up with planets that make multiple aspects at the same time. In Will’s chart, his Moon and Saturn are quincunx and triseptile at the same time using a wider orb.

Chart 3: Will Smith's Sun-Pluto Aspect

  • In chart 2, the aspect between the Sun and Pluto is highlighted
  • The Sun and Pluto are 9 degrees and 59 minutes apart, separating
  • The Sun and Pluto form a conjunction aspect
  • The conjunction aspect is a zero degree aspect
  • The Sun and Pluto are 9 degrees and 59 minutes apart from making a perfect conjunction
  • Boxes that contain only the bottom number show that the planets do not form an aspect to each other and they do not have a harmonic relationship.

Will Smith’s Sun in Libra and Pluto in Virgo are conjunct by degree though they are not in the same sign.

Chart 4: Will Smith's Sun-Midheaven aspect

  • In Chart 3, the aspect between the Sun and Midheaven is highlighted.
  • The Sun and Midheaven form no aspect.
  • The Sun and Midheaven are 131 degrees and 1 minute apart from each other.
  • Looking at table 7, you can see there are no aspects that are 130 degrees

Fractions in the aspectarian (1/16, 3/16, etc…) indicate harmonics, and those are for another time.

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