ounding to your sense of joy and laughter. Wounding to your sense of humor. Wounded sense of abundance. Feeling that there isn’t enough to go around. Going so far overboard that it hurts. Too much optimism. Stifling natural expressions of pain and sorrow. Being told to lighten up all the time. Being told not to take things so seriously. Wearing a forced smile. Smiling through grief. Feeling pained by people who are not comfortable expressing pain and sadness. Overwhelming people with your feelings that things are unjust, unfair or biased. Helping others to find natural joy. Real joy as opposed to forced joy and fake smiles. Joy and pain, like sunshine and rain. Laughing through the tears.
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With Chiron/Jupiter, we could be obsessed with finding ‘higher meaning’ in the areas covered by the houses and signs in which the two planets are placed.
― Melanie Reinhart, Chiron and the Healing Journey
Healing by addressing the pain of a culture or people. Healing the truth. Finding your own truth. Knowing that the truth you’ve been told is flawed or skewed. Holding fast to your principles and beliefs. Having a set of principles based on experience. Having a belief system based on experiences of personal pain and the wisdom it took to overcome it. Finding wholeness by trying to do right. Civil rights activists. Religious nut cases. Cult leaders.
Magnified wounds. Too much self-reflection. Too much time spent pondering or pontificating. Overcome by a sense of meaninglessness. Pain blown out of proportion. Success through accepting your flaws and imperfections. Success through devoting yourself to those causes that have meaning in your life. Finding wholeness through embracing a moral or ethical stance. Gaining hope and faith by finding a good balance of joy and pain. Faith and belief in yourself based on wisdom gained through experience. Enthusiasm in the face of insurmountable odds. People who overcome the cultural odds.
Wholeness comes through being happy when you’re happy and sad when you’re sad. Healing comes through finding a way to rectify injustices in your culture or religion. Healing comes through finding a balanced moral stance. Healing comes through developing a personal code of ethics. Healing comes through discovering what is truly meaningful in your life. Healing comes through trusting in your own wisdom. Healing comes through taking in the big picture. Healing comes through interactions with people who have a different perspective. You’re a guru, mentor and teacher when you give advice based on real experience. You’re a force for healing when you can appreciate someone else’s perspective while being firm in your own beliefs. Wisdom comes through knowing when you’re taking a cause too far. Healing comes through remaining open and optimistic, and keeping your sense of humor.
With Chiron in aspect to Jupiter, we may secretly feel special, favoured and beloved of the gods. With this attitude, we can initially win a lot of good things in life with our firm inner belief that we deserve them, but rage and indignation follow the rude awakening to our mortal limits.
― Melanie Reinhart, Chiron and the Healing Journey
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The key to healing is going big. The key to wholeness is expanding, even if others want you to contract. The key to healing is embracing your own culture, and the culture of other people as well. The key to healing is to travel. The key to healing is to take a broader perspective. The key to healing is to get outside. You are the guide to help others expand. You are the guide to help others embrace customs outside of what they are used to. You are the mentor to other foreigners who are struggling to fit in. You are the loophole who shows how it’s done.
Jupiter / Chiron aspects
The aspect: 1st harmonic, 1/1. This aspect comes from taking the 360 degrees of a circle and dividing by 1, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 1 = 360 x 1 = 360
Basic influence: Intensity and emphasis; focus/focal point; impact. Lack of awareness. Concentration of energy. Fusion. The coming together of unrelated energy. When there are no oppositions, there is a lack of balance in the chart. Skewed viewpoint. Lop-sided emphasis. One-sidedness.
The aspect: 1/20 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 20, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 20 = 18 x 1 = 18
The aspect: 1/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle, and divide by 12, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 1 = 30
Basic influence: The natural next step: the next thing that needs to be done; how one thing naturally leads to another; what you should be preparing for next; where things are heading, whether you want them to go there or not. What all your hard work and preparation are for. The next big thing. Natural direction.
What you might be blind to. Something just over your shoulder, out of sight, and beyond the periphery of your vision. A blind spot. The thing that came immediately before and is already nearly forgotten. Efforts at memory. Reclaiming. People who don’t have your best interests at heart. Better work on some yoga moves to look over your shoulder, and behind your back.
The aspect: 1/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 1 = 36
The aspect: 1/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 1 = 40
See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 1 = 45
or, take a square, and split it in half
Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 / 2 = 45
The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 8, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 8 = 45° x 1 = 45°.
This aspect is the same as the semi-square.
The aspect: 1/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 1 = 51.42857142857143
Convert to time = 51°26′
The aspect: 1/6 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 6, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 6 = 60 x 1 = 60
or take a trine, and split it in half
Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 / 2 = 60
Basic influence: Opportunities for positive change; awareness of a time to take positive advantage; opportunities that pass unnoticed without conscious effort. No, there may not be another chance. Learning to be quicker to act on good luck. Learning not to let good things pass you by. Learning that positive experiences require effort too. Positive doesn’t mean passive.
The aspect: 2/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 2.
Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 2 = 72
This aspect is the same as a quintile.
See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 1/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 1 = 72
Basic influence: Creativity, talents, quirks, special skills.
See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 2/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 2.
Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 2 = 80
See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 1/4 harmonic This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 4, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 x 1 = 90
Basic influence: Dynamic creative tension; inner stress and tension that build until you are forced to find creative solutions. Opportunities to push your limits to greater achievement; inner restlessness and lack of satisfaction that impel you to make changes and push yourself; you are challenged to combine these energies; applying energy to solve a problem; creative problem-solving. Something needs to give.
The aspect: 2/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 2.
Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 2 = 102.8571428571429
Convert to time = 102° 51’26”
The aspect: 3/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 3.
Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 3 = 108
The aspect: 3/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 3.
Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 3 = 120
Same as the trine.
See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 1/3 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 3, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 x 1 = 120
Basic influence: Flow. Ease. Status quo. Circumstances and characteristics that are not changing. Things that are stable; maintaining peace and tranquility; idleness; good times; use these gifts to your advantage. Negatively, unimpeded flow. Events that cannot be stopped. Unstoppable, sweeping movement like a flood. Lack of self-discipline. Laziness and self-indulgence. Times that are easy, lacking challenge and opportunities for growth. Taking situations for granted. Keeping everything like it is. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The aspect: 5/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 5.
Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 5 = 135
Basic influence: Blockages. Physical manifestation of problems and accidents. Inner psychological blockages that manifest as outer events. Possibly obfuscation, meaning a period of time, something that happens, or mental confusion or anguish that prevent you from seeing a clear path forward.
The aspect: 2/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 2.
Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 2 = 144
See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 5/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 12, then multiply by 5.
Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 5 = 150
Basic influence: Adjusting expectations; tempering over-enthusiasm and over-reaching; keeping yourself in check; adjusting to meet changing circumstances; doing what you need to do to make things work. Adjusting your attitude. Adjusting your perspective. Doing the best you can in an uncomfortable situation. Developing flexibility and adaptability. Bending, until you almost break. A seesaw, with too much weight on one side, and not enough on the other side. Awkward situations and relationships.
See also: Quincunx, YOD, Pythagorean Triangle « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 12th harmonic. Quincuxes are 5/12 and semi-sextiles are 1/12.
The term "inconjunct" is often conflated with the word "quincunx" in astrology.
All quincunxes are inconjuncts but not all inconjuncts are quincunxes.
Some inconjuncts are semi-sextiles.
The aspect: 3/7 harmonic This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 3.
Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 3 = 154.2857142857143
Convert to hours, minutes and seconds = 154° 17’ 08”
The aspect: 4/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 4.
Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 4 = 160
See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer
The aspect: 11/24 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle into 15-degree equal segments.
Like this, 360 / 24 = 15
then multiply by 11
Like this, 360 / 24 = 15 x 11 = 165
This aspect does not make sense to me at the moment, but here’s the link.
I would think a quin-decile would take the 360 degrees of a circle, divide by 10, then multiply by 5.
Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 5 = 180
This creates an aspect that is exactly the same as an opposition.
5/10 harmonic, which reduces to 1/2 harmonic.
360 / 2 = 180 x 1 = 180
See also: Quindecile – Astrodienst Astrowiki
The aspect: 2nd harmonic, 1/2. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 2, then multiply by 1.
Like this, 360 / 2 = 180 x 1 = 180
Basic influence: Challenges from outside; awareness of other options; opportunities that require you to stretch outside your known boundaries; an opportunity to stand back and reflect; seeing yourself from a distance; putting yourself in someone else’s shoes; seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes. Gaining awareness. Seeing a situation from a new vantage point. Getting distance and gaining perspective.
The aspect: 4/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 4.
Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 4 = 205.7142857142857
Convert to time = 205°42’51”
The aspect: 5/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 5.
360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 5 = 257.1428571428571
Convert to time = 257°08’34”
The aspect: 5/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 5.
360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 5 = 257.1428571428571
Convert to time = 257°08’34”
- Jove
- King of the Gods
- The Great Benefic
- Zeus
- All-powerful / Omnipotent
- Belief & Fanaticism
- Benefits
- Bouncer (especially in Cancer)
- Culture & Customs
- Cultural Shifts (sweeping cultural changes in whichever house Jupiter falls in)
- Don't believe the hype
- Exaggerated
- Faithful or Philandering
- Foolish
- Force field
- Global & Long-Distance
- Gluttonous
- Grandiose
- Increase
- Inflated (too good to be true)
- Jolly
- Open, Optimistic & Foolhardy (gullible)
- Opinionated
- Opulent
- Overbearing
- Over-expansion
- Overwhelm
- Philanthropic & Spendthrift
- Philosophical, Worldview, & Meaning
- Protection & Cover
- Shield (especially in Cancer)
- Too much of a good thing
- Upgrade
- Wisdom
- As Zeus, Jupiter is known for his lightning bolt
- Jupiter/Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
- Jupiter/Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
- Jupiter/Neptune make a conjunction every 12.8 years
- Jupiter/Pluto make a conjunction every 12.46 years
Chiron #2060
- Cheiron
- The Wounded Healer
- Alternative medicine
- Bridge
- Chronic pain
- Coping
- Damage / Hit points
- Exhaustion
- Fatigue
- Guide
- Hands, healing hand (Cheiron means 'hand')
- Healing & Wholeness
- Healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body (from the Centaur Report)
- Identity crisis?
- Injury
- Key
- Learning
- Loophole
- Maverick
- Mentor / Teacher - and having your pupils turn against you, even if it's unintentional on their part
- Pain tolerance
- Putting the 'Chiron' in chronic pain
- Quest
- Reaching the limit of your abilities & realizing it's time to move on from a particular path, calling, or profession
- Rejection by your parents
- 'Right to die' issues
- Unsolvable problem
- Worn out
- Wounded
- Centaur
- Shot by his pupil, Heracles, with an arrow poisoned with the blood of the Hydra
- He was shot in either the foot or the thigh
- Spent the rest of his life trying to alleve the pain of the wound
- He willingly gave up immortality to die and escape chronic pain
- Associate of the Centaurs: Pholus, Nessus
- Father of Euippe
- Grandson of Uranus
- Husband of Chariklo
- Son of Saturn (Cronus, Chronos, Kronos)
- Son of Philyra
- Teacher of heroes (Asclepius, Aristaeus, Actaeon, Achilles, Jason, Medus) Source
- Victim of the Hydra. The arrow that hit Chiron was poisoned with the Hydra's blood (each time you cut one of the Hydra's heads off, two new heads grow).