What is Synastry?
Mars Synastry Overview
- Action
- Physical attraction
- Energy level
- Aggression
- Anger
- Stress
- Assertiveness
- Drive
- Willpower
12th House Synastry Overview
- Blind spot
- Self-sabotage
- Fears and phobias
- Institutions
- Rest, retreat, and alone time
- Supernatural
- Secret enemies
- Surrender
- Untamed wilderness
Someone's Mars falls in your 12th house
When someone’s Mars falls in your 12th house you may feel that you have nowhere to hide. These people actively engage the parts of you that you’d rather ignore or that you didn’t realize existed. How well you respond to someone whose Mars falls in your 12th house depends on how open you are to facing your fears and clearing out your psychic junk. Maybe you don’t want your 12th house activated. Maybe you don’t want to remember your dreams. Maybe you don’t want someone pointing out your bad habits.
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Your Mars falls in someone's 12th house
When your Mars falls in someone’s 12th house you are the one poking into the other person’s secrets. You are the one being aggressive and nudging them towards something unknown. You may be the initiator in the relationship.
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The relative who has your back, or the relative who stabs you in the back. The person who accepts you and with whom you can be yourself. The relative who makes you uneasy. Unspoken sexual tension that disturbs your sleep. The uncle who stares too much. The family members who encourage your bad habits and sabotage your progress.
Sexual undercurrents in relationships with coworkers or supervisors. Affairs in the workplace. Flirting on cigarette breaks. Sexual excitement discussing favorite TV shows and such. The office romance that doesn’t go anywhere. There’s no chemistry outside of the secret shared moments.
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Your best friend who lifts you up when you are down. The person you trust your secrets to. “I’ve never told anyone this before!” Your best friend keeps you apart from the rest of his friends. You feel ashamed of this friend for some reason. Your friend’s faults make you feel uncomfortable. Your friend encourages your bad habits.
If you are the Mars person
If you are the Mars person, you will have to learn when to back off and allow the 12th house person privacy and solitude. Not all secrets need to be shared. You will learn to relax a little. Be wary of the selfish motivations behind your actions and the impact they may have on the 12th house person.
If you are the 12th house person
If you are the 12th house person you will have to actively notice and acknowledge the Mars person’s efforts. You will need to make a conscious effort to make this person feel sexually attractive (if it is a sexual relationship). You will have to be willing to confront your bad habits and deal with them.
- Ares
- God of War
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- Agitator
- Aggravator
- Aggressor
- Attack Dog
- Combatant
- Conqueror
- Defender
- Enforcer
- Entrepreneur
- Fighter
- Guard
- Independent Contractor
- Instigator (they started it!)
- Leader
- Protector
- Ranger (probably with Jupiter)
- Solo Artist
- Warrior
- Mars spends approximately 2 months in each sign
- Mars turns retrograde every 2 years
12th house
- Ancestral or Past Life Vocational Lineage (I'm experimenting with this idea)
- Blind Spots & Self-Sabotage
- Confinement, Release, & Escape
- Fears & Phobias
- Hermit
- Institutions, Hospitals, & Prisons
- Large animals
- Recluse
- Remote
- Retreat, Meditation, & Sleep
- Secret Enemies & Skeletons in the Family Closet
- Spiritual Development & the Vast Unknown
- Supernatural Phenomena
- Surrender
- The Results of Groups & Alliances (2nd house from the 11th)
- Time Spent Alone
- Wilderness
- Withdrawal
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- A Container
- Confinement
- Convalescent home
- Displaced
- Hospital
- Institution
- Into the Wild
- Lost
- Missing
- Monastery
- Museum
- Prison
- Retreat
- The Closet
- Vast Unknown
- Wilderness
- Getting Lost
- Inner Journey
- Respite
- Rest
- Retreat
- Sabbatical