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Mega Astrology Brainstorm: The 12th House

The 12th House


Dawn. First glimpse. First light. Rise and shine. Stretch. Yawn. Clear the sleep sand from your eyes. Do your best to put the past behind you. Past lives. Past loves. Unrequited love. Longings and nostalgia. Lost in the past. Yearning for something unknown and just out of reach.

It’s a new a dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life for me

– Nina Simone, “Feeling Good

Timeless Lineage

Ancestral beyond family
Ancient beyond blood lines
The world is my desk
The big picture
Beyond humanity
The long view
Time traveling as vocation
Your ancestral vocation
Your vocational lineage

Consider the newly risen energies in the twelfth house to be the individual’s first tentative steps to put something out in the world.
– Robert Hand, Horoscope Symbols

The Actor

The part you are playing in the cosmos
The part of you that knows what you’re doing here, that your conscious self does not
You are the actor playing a part
Your role in the cosmos
The role you are acting out
Feeling supported by the universe
Feeling inspired by the universe
Whether or not you feel supported from beyond
Finding your muse
Absorbing the world
Big osmosis
Stream of life
Pretend (12th House) v. Practice (6th House)
Fake it till you make it
Heart of a poet

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
– Shakespeare, As You Like It

What you are not aware of. Looking for something to unify your life. Something un-nameable. Estrangement from mainstream society. Visionary. Fantastic fantasies.

Paranormal experiences, Other Worlds, Psychic activity, and help from beyond

Haunted House
Miss Cleo & the Psychic Hotline

Haunted House

Things that are attached to you that you can’t see
The 12th house is not commercial
12th house is not gimmicky
Waves rolling in
Waves rolling out
No purpose
No goals
No aims
No objectives
Filled with secrets and lies and ghosts
Things that no one will confirm

How much of a backlog have you been born into?
How much karma do you have to clear for your ancestors?
The ancestors of the ancestral
Ancestors who are beyond blood
Your ancestral line that is not connected to your family
The intangible

Being prepared spiritually
Descent to madness
What is real?

You can’t do anything
And, you don’t have any control here
Good luck!
Gonna need some help
Help from beyond
Thoughts and prayers
IncenseAngels and demons
The world beyond
Send me an angel?

Sometimes people choose to leave early, especially people who are sick, because they can be of more service to humanity and to people they love from the other side

Guardian Angels

The Wild

The Wild Unknown
The deep forest
Getting lost in the woods
Into the Wild
Cabin in the Woods
Large animals
Fear of the wild
The part of you that does not want to be defined or contained
Breaking spirit

Containers and things
Who’s your container?
Who’s your zookeeper?
How big is your prison?
Are you free range?
Animal sanctuaries
Ranch land
National parks
World designated bio habitat
Your habitat
Wild, untamed human behavior
Feral people
Planets here show the aspects of yourself that you are learning to control and contain
Applied wilderness

There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy, and its charm. The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value. Conservation means development as much as it does protection.
– Teddy Roosevelt, 21 Conservation Quotes From President Theodore Roosevelt (Moon in Cancer 12th house)

Bad habits and bad behavior

The last thing you find out
The last thing you realize
What everyone in your family knows you are inheriting

Bad habits
Habits that are out of your control
Habits you are unaware of
Habits that are out of your awareness
The poor habits that sabotage you
Straightening yourself out
Having a good, long talk with yourself
Ghosts of Christmas past
The 1000 yard stare
The bad habits you will likely inherit from your parents
Poor lineage
Habits and behavior passed from generation to generation

Skeletons in the closet
Cobwebs of the mind
Time alone

Suppressed emotional or mental energy that manifests as illness
Rejected aspects of the self
People who show up as secret enemies
Spiritual possession
Unintegrated aspects of the self
Rejected psychic energy
Personal unconscious
Personal garbage heap
Your personal closet of family skeletons
Ancestral entanglements

Isolation, Institutions, and Sacrifice

Get yourself to the nunnery!
Spiritual orders
Spiritual service
Withdrawal from society
Solitary confinement
Mental institutions
Insane asylums
Orphanages and orphans
Social workers
Institutions that care for us when we are in trouble with ourselves
Being a ward of the state
Losing your will

Mountain climbing as religion
Nature is my temple
Vow of silence
All I every wanted, all I ever needed, is here, in my arms
Enjoy the Silence

Fear and Self-Sabotage

The thing you’re afraid to face
What you turn away from
What you are unaware of
Bad spirit
Shadow Defense
Spiritual battles

Secret enemies – being attacked and not being aware until after the fact
People who are behind the scenes
Comfortable behind the scenes/out of the spotlight
Distant in time/space
Being away from regular responsibilities
Choices that support solitude

Mental health issues
Spiritual underpinning to mental issues
Metakosmias – thinning of the veil
Spiritual industries
Marginalized groups in society (institutionalized/set apart)
Things that are missing or absent

Totally alone, doing your own thing
Dropping out of obligations
Tune in, turn on, drop out
See ya later
You can’t find me because I’m not here

Do you like people to speak poetry to you
Are you poetry in motion?
Do you get poetry?
Learning to enjoy an undisturbed life
Free to do what you want any old time
Freedom from someone breathing down your neck
Freedom from the pressures of society and societal expectations

Getting yourself institutionalized to avoid daily responsibility
Running away from daily life
Finding a way out of your obligations

What everybody knows about you that you don’t know about yourself

When people are in transit, they’re normally looking for a way to pass the hours. This often takes the form of picking up a book, listening to music, or watching a movie, depending on how you’re traveling.
Can I travel through time by deep meditation

Imagination and Poetry

What part of the operation needs to be “above board” or above the horizon?

There are people who do not trust themselves
Trust yourself

Early morning hope
Early morning battle

No one was awake
No one saw what happened
Early morning blunder
Early morning
Walk of shame
Navigating the deepest waters
You have no idea what you’re fighting
Low exposure

The Dark is Rising
Ocean battle
Vast expanse
Wildlife conservation
You came in right when people were waking up
Will the day break?

Stars Wars 9
Never getting what you really want
Subconscious influence
Permeation of influence
An invasive weed
A strangling vine
A host of addictions
Lost in translation
Hidden strength

I remember when I lost my mind,
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space

Typewriter with no writer

Do you dream?
Do you want to dream?
What do you dream about?
Are your dreams disturbing
When do dreams cross into reality?
Can dreams affect reality
If you dream it, is it real
Oh, it was just a dream
Dreams aren’t real
Shadows and whispers
Who are the people who appear as shadows in your dreams?
Who can you see in your dreams?
Do you dream in color?
Can you go lucid?
Can you direct a dream?
Can you float?
Can you levitate?

U can’t touch this
– MC Hammer

Secrets and Secret organizations

Secret gatherings
Secret groups
Actors, recruited to be spies
Secret Service
Clandestine behavior
Turning your back on a situation
Turning your back on someone
The need to turn your back on someone
Realizing that certain people do not have your back, and they probably never will
Situations that should never see the light of day
What will be revealed?
Are you really unaware of what you’re doing, or are you just pretending?
Ever the actor?
Ever the puppet?
on the lam
on the run
I fought the law, and the law won
Missing person
NPC (non-player controlled)

Lord, I was born a Ramblin’ Man.
– The Allman Brothers

The result of your associations, groups, and acquaintances

You’ve got a bunch of fans and followers, what happens next?
What is the result of your acquaintances?
What is the result of associating with the groups you associate with?
What happens when you join the masses?
Where do you get lost?
How might the crowd lead you astray?
Where are you in danger of losing yourself to mass influence?
Will the crowds drive you mad?
Will social interactions ultimately support or ruin you?
Will you end up welfare?
Will you end up lost in the woods?
What are you willing to sacrifice your ego for?
Where do you need better boundaries?
The Drowned World.

12th house

  • Ancestral or Past Life Vocational Lineage (I'm experimenting with this idea)
  • Blind Spots & Self-Sabotage
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Institutions, Hospitals, & Prisons
  • Retreat, Meditation, & Sleep
  • Secret Enemies & Skeletons in the Family Closet
  • Spiritual Development & the Vast Unknown
  • Supernatural Phenomena
  • Surrender
  • The Results of Groups & Alliances (2nd house from the 11th)
  • Time Spent Alone
  • Confinement, Release, & Escape
  • Wilderness
  • Large animals

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  • A Container
  • Confinement
  • Convalescent home
  • Displaced
  • Hospital
  • Institution
  • Into the Wild
  • Lost
  • Missing
  • Monastery
  • Museum
  • Prison
  • Retreat
  • The Closet
  • Vast Unknown
  • Wilderness
  • Getting Lost
  • Inner Journey
  • Respite
  • Rest
  • Retreat
  • Sabbatical


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