⭐ Your natal chart
⭐ Major Life Themes Astrology Report
💫 About 5-9 pages in length
💫 24-hour turnaround
🌠 Discover the major themes in your life using harmonics and midpoints
🌠 The themes are presented in order of importance in your life
🌠 More important are described near the beginning of the report and less important themes are described towards the end of the report
🌠 Each astrological influence described in this report is a resource available to you.
🌠 It is up to you to express these energy patterns in the best possible way.
🌠 This report will help clarify issues in your life, and encourage you to be in control of your own direction
First of all, I’d like to say that I follow Astrofix long before the web page had it’s new look, which is, by the way, fantastic. When I discovered Astrofix, circa 2012, I’ve got stunned by the idea of brainstorming planets aspects: something that only Astrofix does. It became my oracle and I even started to study some astrology with Astrofix help. The brainstorming idea is unique and precise and I couldn’t avoid bying many books written by Michelle using this methodology she created.
Now, in “Major Life Themes Report” I see whole senteces and bits of advices and it is all I’m looking for by now. First, with brainstorming, I could achieve some self-aware and could undertand my family and close friends better. Iwas a blessing in many ways I could never leave
this knowledge behind. Now, with “Major Life Themes Report” I could have a glimpse of advice, direct to point. The topics really resonate in me and that’s what I’m looking for by now.
Thank you for this very important new information which was spot on! I’ve never had anyone read these points and harmonics for me. The information in the Major Life Themes Chart gives me deeper insight into myself. Thanks so much!
This is really an interesting report. I have been a professional astrologer for over forty years and never used harmonics. It fits well into something new I am exploring. We can discuss when we talk one day!
What a great Report! It’s very different from anything else I’ve had done.
I like how it was unique and the interpretations were well written.
The report was very accurate and more detailed than I expected.
I’m very happy and am looking forward to having more reports done from AstroFix!
Thank you so much!
Excellent, clear and concise and easily understandable