⭐ Your natal chart
⭐ Major Life Themes Astrology Report
💫 About 5-9 pages in length
💫 24-hour turnaround
🌠 Discover the major themes in your life using harmonics and midpoints
🌠 The themes are presented in order of importance in your life
🌠 More important are described near the beginning of the report and less important themes are described towards the end of the report
🌠 Each astrological influence described in this report is a resource available to you.
🌠 It is up to you to express these energy patterns in the best possible way.
🌠 This report will help clarify issues in your life, and encourage you to be in control of your own direction
A bit shallow and seemed to relate to personality instead of a life theme
Thanks for the Insight in this report. A good reminder for me of underground themes in my life.
I got this report 12 – 15 years ago. I don’t remember who I ordered it from. It was long ago & far away. You Surprise! me. Here it is again.
I like this report, I’m happy to pay you a few dollars for info I already have. Keep the change. I mean, keep the four dollars. Keep up your good works, and your “Phrases Only Astrological Info – Easy to Swallow.”
It’s a great sum-up of these weird harmonic aspects 🙂 It’s just so short… I think it should be a bit longer, with some more details of other aspects. 5 stars for the site but 3.5 stars for this report.
I love this reading. Short but strong! It inspired me!
This report is astounding! Every word of it is true for me.
But before I read all these things, my realization was subliminal. Now that I KNOW that certain characteristics are hard-wired into my psyche, I feel much more confident about working with them. And watching out for them so that I’m aware of perhaps getting carried away.