🌟 One quick *LIST* of your 500 best places in this category
🌟 Mix your preferred regions or choose ALL
🌟 Category explanation guide
💫 24-hour turnaround
✨ If you are looking to meet that special person for a romantic relationship, you are likely to find that you have good luck in places where the LOVE AND ROMANCE SCORE is high. These are places where you are inclined to feel that the place is romantic and beautiful and you attract romance into your life.
🌌 At checkout, choose from the following regions, or type “all”
⭐ Canada & Greenland
⭐ United States
⭐ Mexico & Central America
⭐ South America
⭐ Europe
⭐ Russia and countries bordering on the West and South
⭐ Middle East & SW Asia
⭐ Africa
⭐ India & bordering countries
⭐ China & Mongolia
⭐ SE Asia & Guam
⭐ Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands
🌌 Please note: If you choose *all* regions, you might get a list of cities that are not practical for your needs – the world is a big place!
🌌 If you’re simply curious about your very best places all over the world, then choose *all*
🌌 If you have specific goals in mind, please choose *regions* that are realistic for you
🌌 This report does NOT cover individual countries or cities, only the *regions* provided
🌌 Confused about which countries are included in each region? Message me!
🌠 This report focuses on aspects to the angles in your natal chart: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC