Should you set your heart on fire, or douse out the flames? Burn brighter,…
The Castration of Uranus by Saturn
Uranus fathered the Titans upon Mother Earth, after he had thrown his rebellious sons, the Cyclopes, into Tartarus, a gloomy place in the Underworld, which lies as far distant from the earth as the earth does from the sky; it would take a falling anvil nine days to reach its bottom. In revenge, Mother Earth persuaded the Titans to attack their father; and they so, led by Cronus (Saturn), the youngest of the seven, whom she armed with a flint sickle. They surprised Uranus as he slept, and it was with the flint sickle that the merciless Cronus castrated him, grasping his genitals with the left hand (which has ever since been the hand of ill-omen) and afterwards throwing them, and the sickle too, into the sea by Cape Drepanum. But drops of blood flowing from the wound fell upon Mother Earth, and she bore the Three Erinnyes, furies who avenge crimes of parricide and perjury – by name Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera. The nymphs of the ash-tree, called Meliae, also sprang from that blood.
– The Castration of Uranus, quote by Robert Graves, The Greek Myths: 6.a.1
- Ate his kids
- Castrated his father, Uranus
- Crow
- Sickle
- Ageing & Maturation
- Discipline & Restraint
- Fear & Reality Checks
- Limitation & Boundaries
- Making do with less
- Manifestation & Crystallization
- Responsibility & Hard Work
- Seriousness & Gravity
- Structure & Order
- Wisdom gained through age & experience
- Working harder for the same outcome
- Burden
- Struggle
- Lack
- Scrimping and saving
- Elder
- Father Time
- Grandparent
- Killjoy
- Loner
- Old Fart / Fuddy duddy
- Old Guard
- Old Maid / Cat Lady / Spinster (maybe with Venus or Moon)
- "Old Soul?" (with Neptune)
- Rule Maker
- Stick in the mud
- The Denied
- The Establishment
- The Neglected
- The Wizened
- Wise person
- Brother, and husband, of Rhea
- Father of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron
- Grandfather of Persephone
- Son of Uranus
- Youngest of the 7 Titans
- Jupiter / Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
- Saturn / Uranus make a conjunction every 45.363 years
- Saturn / Neptune make a conjunction every 35.87 years
- Saturn / Pluto make a conjunction every 33.42 years
- King of the Mountains
- Ouranos
- Castrated by his son, Saturn
- The drops of blood that fell to Mother Earth gave birth to the Erinnyes, the furies who avenge patricide and perjury
- Fathered the Titans with Mother Earth
- Breaking Out of a Mold
- Coldness & Distance
- Disorder
- Disruption & Upset
- Eccentricity & Genius
- Erraticism
- Experimentation
- Extremism
- Futurism, Invention, and Flashes of Insight
- Liberation & Independence
- Hacker
- Odd
- Rebellion & Anti-
- Revolution & Uprising
- Shock & Awakening
- The Unexpected
- Disruption
- Discomfort
- Unsettled
- Uprooted
- Tumult
- Chaos
- Freedom
- Disrupter
- Dissident
- Extremist
- Genius
- Innovator
- Inventor
- Liberator
- Objector
- Outcast
- Rabble-rouser
- Rebel
- Fathered Saturn (and the other Titans) with Mother Earth
- Fathered the Three Furies (Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera) with Mother Earth
- Father of the nymphs of the ash tree, the Meliae
- Husband of Gaia (Mother Earth)
- Son of Gaia (Mother Earth)
- Jupiter / Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
- Saturn / Uranus make a conjunction every 45.363 years
- Uranus / Neptune make a conjunction every 171.403 years
- Uranus / Pluto conjunction varies from every 126.95 to 170+ years
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