9th House Astrology: Outgrowing Limitations
Aries in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your self-understanding. You expand by getting to know yourself better and by challenging yourself in unfamiliar environments. Developing independence and a healthy sense of competition helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Taurus in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of the nature of reality. You expand by applying your ideas in a realistic way. Developing realistic philosophies and understanding the value of money at a profound level helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Gemini in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of communication and information. You expand by developing a network of connections across cultural and philosophical boundaries. Developing the ability to communicate with people who are unlike you helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Cancer in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of family dynamics and what it means to feel emotionally secure in a broad and limitless way. You expand by feeling emotionally connected to, and developing a family feeling with, foreign people and places. Developing a broad emotional support system helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Leo in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of drama and self-expression. You expand by exploring your creative urges and by becoming personally and passionately involved in foreign cultures, philosophies, and religions. Expressing passion for big experiences helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Virgo in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of the way things work at a minute level. You expand by paying attention to the details of foreign cultures, philosophical concepts, and religious ideologies. Learning the details of other’s experiences helps you outgrow limiting concepts of your life.
Libra in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of fairness, diplomacy, and tact. You expand by acknowledging foreign viewpoints. Developing impartiality and understanding strategic planning helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Scorpio in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of power, the occult, and sexuality. You open up by exploring power dynamics in interactions with foreign people and cultures. Learning about foreign, religious, and philosophical power exchanges helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Sagittarius in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of foreign lands, people, and concepts. You expand by embracing the vastness of everything that is unfamiliar to you. Discovering alternate experiences of living helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Capricorn in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of mature and responsible action. You expand by becoming accountable for what you see happening at a large scale in the world. Developing a sense of duty helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Aquarius in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of each person’s unique experience. You expand by participating in group activities with people you barely know and whose experiences differ from yours. Discovering a common thread of humanity among vastly different people helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
Pisces in the 9th house
ou have the urge to expand your understanding of the infinite. You expand by resisting the urge to catalog experience. Developing non-judgment and compassion towards foreign people and concepts helps you outgrow limiting self-concepts, beliefs, and philosophies.
9th house
- Abstract Thinking & Metaphysics
- Foreign Places & Cultures
- Gurus & Professors
- Higher Education & Academics
- Long Journeys
- Opinions & Schools of Thought
- Philosophy, Ethics, & Morality
- Publishing & Spreading 'The Word'
- Religion, Dogma, & Codefied Spirituality
- Anthropologist? (maybe with 4th house)
- Archaeologist? (also maybe with 4th house)
- Cleric
- Cultural elite
- Guru
- Hierophant
- Journalist
- Locations Scout?
- Philanthropist
- Philosopher
- Physicist / Mathematician (careers that require abstract thinking)
- Priestess / Priest
- Prophet
- Professor
- Publisher
- Travel agent
- World traveler
- College
- Global
- Religious Buildings (Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Cathedral)
- The Higher Mind
- University
- Getting Your Masters Degree
- Getting Your Ph.D.
- Philosophizing
- Thinking abstractly
- Traveling the World