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Asteroid Keywords for Astrological Interpretation

An evolving group of keywords, ideas, and concepts for asteroids, dwarf planets, planetary moons, and other bodies in astrological interpretation


Arachne #407

  • Goddess of Weaving
  • Boasting
  • Competition
  • Creating an artistic series based on a central theme
  • Dexterity
  • Expressing defiance through artistic expression
  • Fabric arts
  • Hubris
  • Human
  • Identification with the skills or traits of an animal, insect, or arachnid, etc.
  • Manual skills
  • Punishment for insolence
  • Rebellious streak
  • Skills that lend themselves to express disdain or contempt
  • Transformation from human to arachnid
  • Weaving
  • Your skill won't save you in the end
  • The mortal, Arachne, boasted about her weaving skills
  • The Goddess Minerva (aka Athena) challenged Arachne to a weaving contest
  • Arachne's weaving was better than the Gods', and she was punished for it
  • Read more on the patch page: Arachne Embroidered Heart Patches – ASTROFIX
  • Challenger to Athena
  • Daughter of a shepherd
  • Mocker of Jupiter (Zeus)
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Ariadne #43

  • Goddess of Mazes
  • Known for "Ariadne's thread"
  • Ability to see threads of connection
  • Beautiful
  • Guide
  • Hanging on by a thread
  • Having a mind that understands labyrinths
  • Helping others who may be fleeing or escaping difficult situations
  • Maze-breaker
  • Talent for solving puzzles
  • Willingness to help solve complex problems

Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos and is famous for guiding the hero Theseus through a maze to slay the mythical Minotaur. Later, she married Dionysus God of Wine and Ecstasy.

  • Guide to Theseus
  • Daughter of King Minos
  • Enemy to the Minotaur
  • Wife of Dionysus
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Artemis #105

  • Goddess of the Wilderness, Hunting, and the Moon
  • Athletic ability
  • Carries a bow and arrow
  • Friends with animals over humans
  • Hunting prowess
  • Hunts by the light of the Moon
  • Independent
  • Instinctive
  • Midwife
  • Primordial
  • Roams the woods at night
  • Solitary
  • Surrounded by loyal hunting dogs
  • Virginal

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  • Daughter of Jupiter (Zeus)
  • Daughter of the mortal, Leto
  • Greek counterpart of the Roman goddess, Diana
  • Twin sister of Apollo (Helios)
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Astarte #672

  • Astarte is a Goddess of Love
Astarte Asteroid #672
Ancient Love Goddess

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Astraea #5

  • Star Maiden
  • Innocence
  • Purity

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  • Daughter of the Titan, Themis
  • Sister of the three Hours, or Horae (Dike, Eunomia, and Eirene)
  • Sister of the three Fates, or Moirae
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Aurora #94

  • Personificaton of Dawn
  • Gentle
  • Lovely
  • Renewed each day
  • Equated with the Vedic day-break deities known as the Ushas
  • Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess of the Dawn, Eos
  • Mother of the four Winds: Aquilo, Auster, Vulturnus, and Favonius
  • Sister of Luna
  • Sister of Sol
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Calliope #22

  • Muse of Eloquence & Epic Poetry
Calliope Asteroid #22
"Muse of Eloquence & Epic Poetry"

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Ceres #1

  • Goddess of Grain & Cereal
  • Agriculture
  • Appreciation of nature
  • Awareness of seasonal cycles
  • Cereal and grains
  • Creative production
  • Culinary arts
  • Doing the physical work of food production
  • Nurturing and Nourishment
  • Parent-child relationships
  • Mother of Persephone
  • Mother-in-law of Pluto
  • Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess Demeter
  • Sister of Jupiter
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Circe #34

  • Sorceress
  • Mother of Auson, the first King of the Ausones (Auson was her son with Odysseus)
  • Warned Odysseus of the danger of the Sirens

Clio #84

  • Muse of History
Clio Asteroid #84
"Muse of History"

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Daphne #41

  • "The bloody one," a contraction of the word Daphoene
  • Changing form
  • Help from above
  • Fleeing unwanted lustful advances
  • Transformation from human to plant
  • Unwanted attention
  • Juno (Hera) transformed her into a laurel tree to save her from Apollo's unwanted advances
  • Her priestesses (the Maenad) chewed laurel leaves as an intoxicant
  • Harassed by Apollo
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Demeter #1108

  • Earth Mother
  • Barley-Mother
  • Olympian goddess of agriculture, grain, natural cycles, growth, nourishment and motherhood.
  • Greek counterpart to the Roman goddess Ceres
  • Demeter's daughter, Persephone, was abducted by Pluto (her uncle) and taken to the Underworld.
    • When Persephone finally returned to the surface of the Earth, she had eaten three pomegranate seeds, which meant she was forced to spend three months each year with Pluto in the Underworld.
    • Each year when Persephone goes underground, Demeter refuses to let plants grow
    • Demeter gave the Sirens wings so they might help her search for her daughter, Persephone
  • Gifted wings to the Sirens so they could fly and help her search for her daughter, Persephone
  • Greek counterpart to the Roman goddess Ceres
  • Mother of Persephone
  • Mother-in-law of Pluto (Hades)
  • Agriculture
  • Enlisting help in a search for lost loved one
  • Furious and vengeful motherhood
  • Gifting those who help you
  • Grain
  • Growth
  • Having a child who goes missing, or is abducted
  • Natural cycles
  • Nourishment
  • Seasonal cycles
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Erato #62

  • Muse of Erotic Poetry
Erato Asteroid #62
"Muse of Erotic Poetry"

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Eris #136199

  • Goddess of Strife & Discord
  • Was upset because she was not invited to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus
    • Threw a golden apple among the goddesses Juno (Hera), Athene, and Venus (Aphrodite)
      • Peleus picked it up and stated, "to the Fairest!" causing discord as they fought over the apple, because only 'the most beautiful' should have it.
        • Supposedly this act led to the Trojan War
  • Daughter of Hera (Juno), Queen of the Gods
  • Daughter of Zeus (Jupiter), King of the Gods
  • Sister of Ares (Mars), God of War
  • Being an 'outsider' or just acting like one
  • Being snubbed
  • Delight in mischief
  • Fear of missing out / Feeling left out (FOMO)
  • Following your own path
  • Major unanticipated negative outcome of your actions
  • Making things worse through revenge
  • Nepo Babies - she was the daughter of the King (Zeus) and Queen (Hera) of the Gods, not an actual outsider
  • Resisting cliques
  • Steering clear of gatekeepers
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Eunomia #15

  • "Good Order"
  • Daughter of the primordial Titan goddess, Themis
  • One of the three Hours, or Horae, which include her sisters, Dike "Justice" and Eirene "Peace"
  • Sister of Astraea, the "Star Maiden"
  • Sister of the three Fates, or Moirae

Euterpe #27

  • Muse of Music

This asteroid may bestow a great talent for all musical activities You may also possess the ability to ignite the creative urge in others.

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Flora #8

  • Goddess of Flowers & Spring
  • Apprecation and love of plants and flowers
  • Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Chloris
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Hera #103

  • "Mistress"
  • Queen of the Gods
  • Queen of Heaven
  • Commanding
  • Dignified
  • Envy
  • Jealous nature
  • Leadership
  • Love of wealth and opulence
  • Majesty
  • Management
  • Marriage
  • Solemnity
  • Employed a Giant named Argos Panoptes to keep watch over her. His body was covered with eyes. When he died, she covered the peacock's feathers with eyes
  • Greek counterpart to the Roman goddess Juno
  • She spent a lot of time exacting revenge on Zeus / Jupiter's many lovers
  • Tried to kill Heracles by throwing two snakes into his crib, but the baby killed them
  • Attempted murder of Heracles as an infant
  • Employed the Giant named Argos Panoptes to keep watch over her
  • Greek counterpart to the Roman goddess Juno
  • Mother of Hebe (goddess of Youth), Ares (god of War), Eris (goddess of Discord), and Eileithyia (goddess of Childbirth) - all conceived with Zeus/Jupiter
  • Mother of Hephaestus, by herself
  • Older sister of Zeus (aka Jupiter)
  • Wife of Zeus
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Hestia #46

  • Goddess of the Hearth
Hestia Asteroid #46
"Goddess of the Hearth"
Greek counterpart of Roman Goddess Vesta
  • Greek counterpart to the Roman goddess Vesta
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Hygiea #10

  • Goddess of Hygiene
Hygiea Asteroid #10
"Goddess of Hygiene"

Icarus #1566

  • Imprisonment
  • Fear
  • Risk
  • Freedom
  • Exhilaration
  • Inflation (over-estimation of abilities)
  • Defiance (denial, and not heeding advice)
  • The Fall (burnout)
  • Death
  • Son of Daedalus

Juno #4

  • Goddess of Marriage
  • Queen of the Heavens
Juno Asteroid #3
"Goddess of Marriage"
Roman counterpart of the Greek Goddess Hera Wife of Jupiter (aka Zeus) Marriage Fidelity Commitment Envy & Jealousy Are you "marriage material"? Love triangles
  • Wife of Jupiter
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Lilith #1181

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Medusa #149

  • "Cunning One"
  • Beautiful daughter of Phorcys, who offended the goddess Athene
  • Beheaded by Perseus
  • Flayed by Athene
  • The Gorgons frightened strangers from pursuing the Mysteries of the Nereids
  • Greek bakers would paint  Gorgon masks on their ovens to prevent snoopers from opening the door and ruining the bake
  • Head of snakes
  • Turns her enemies to stone with just a glance
  • Daughter of Ceto
  • Killed by Perseus
  • Sister to Gorgons, Stheino ("strong"), and Euryale ("wide-roaming")
  • Sworn enemy of Pallas Athene
  • Victim of Neptune (Poseidon)
  • Guardian of Mysteries
The Greek Myths: Volumes 1 & 2, by Robert Graves
  • Clash of the Titans (movie, 1981)
  • Clash of the Titans (movie, 2010)
  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (movie, 2010)
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Melpomene #18

  • Muse of Tragedy
Melpomene Asteroid #18
"Muse of Tragedy"
Deeper understanding of misfortune
The ability to derive creative works from upsetting experiences
Taking inspiration from distressing events

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Mnemosyne #57

  • Muse of Memory
  • Also called Mnemosyne
Mnemosyne Asteroid #57
"Muse of Memory"
One of the original three Greek Boeotian Muses
  • Mother of the 9 Greek Muses
  • One of the 3 ancient Boeotian Muses (along with Aoede and Melete)
  • One of the Titans

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Orpheus #3361

  • Legendary musician & poet
Orpheus Asteroid #3361
Charm Musical ability Poetry
  • Human
  • Husband of Eurydice

Pallas Athene #2

  • Goddess of Wisdom
  • Pallas
  • Pallas Athene
  • Athene's Nature and Deeds
  • Born of her father Jupiter / Zeus’s head. Zeus swallowed the goddess Metis, who gave him counsel from his belly. One day, he had a raging headache, and Athene was born from his head.
    • Jupiter / Zeus’s favorite child
    • Never met her mother, Metis
  • Never lost a battle with Mars (Ares)
  • Flayed the skin from the Gorgon, Medusa, after Perseus beheaded her
    • She took the blood of Medusa and divided it between herself and the great healer, Asclepius
      • Asclepius used the blood to heal and raise the dead
      • Athene used it to start wars and take life
  • Daughter of Jupiter (Zeus)
  • Daughter of of the Titan, Metis
  • Roman counterpart to Greek goddess Minerva
  • Sworn enemy of Medusa
  • Virgin
  • Had to tone down her brilliance
  • Wise counselor
  • Owls & snakes surround her as symbols of her wisdom & gift of prophecy
  • Exceptional manual dexterity as patroness of weaving
  • The ability to perceive whole patterns
  • Strategic thinker & planner

Pandora #55

  • "Queen of Unboxing"
Pandora Asteroid #55
"Queen of Unboxing"
Curiosity Hope Curiosity killed the cat
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Persephone #399

  • Core, or Kore
    • (the Maiden aspect of the triplicty of Core, Persephone, and Hecate)
  • Persephatta, 'she who fixes destruction'
  • Persephone, 'she who brings destruction'
    • (the Nymph aspect of the triplicty of Core, Persephone, and Hecate)
  • Proserpina, 'the fearful one'
  • Queen Persephone
  • Queen of the Underworld
  • Pomegranate
  • Poppy flowers
  • Daughter of Ceres (Demeter)
  • Daughter of Jupiter (Zeus)
  • Granddaughter of Saturn (Cronus)
  • Great-granddaughter of Uranus
  • Lover and seductor of the handsome mortal, Adonis
  • Niece of Neptune (Poseidon)
  • Niece, Wife, and victim of Pluto (Hades), her uncle and abductor
  • Rival of Venus for the affections of Adonis

Polyhymnia #33

  • Muse of Sacred Song
Polyhymnia Asteroid #33
"Muse of Sacred Song"
Also known as Polymnia

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Psyche #16

  • Goddess of the Soul
  • Be content with what you have (be aware of when you are happy)
  • Believe in love
  • Butterflies
  • Don't let doubt creep into your relationship based on what other people say
  • Keep nosy people out of your relationship
  • People close to you do not necessarily have your best interests at heart
  • Problems with siblings, maybe specifically with siblings of the same sex
  • Psyching yourself out
  • Recognize when people are jealous of what you have, and steer clear of those people
  • Set boundaries with relatives' interference in your relationships
  • Trust what your draws your soul
  • Trust your partner
  • Psyche is best known for her relationship with Cupid (Amor).
  • Cupid fell in love with Psyche, and they married, with the condition that she never look directly at his face.
  • Cupid treated Psyche well. She had everything she needed.
  • Cupid told her never to gaze upon his face
  • Psyche's jealous and conniving sisters convinced her she was married to a monster, and told Psyche she needed to look at Cupid's face.
  • And she did. And he was handsome and beautiful.
  • This act ruined trust between Psyche and Cupid
  • Daughter-in-law of Venus
  • Wife of Cupid (aka Eros)
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Sappho #80

  • Love Poet
Sappho Asteroid #80
"Love Poet"
Considered by some to be the 10th Muse
Lesbian icon
Relationship identity
  • Exiled from her homeland
  • Human
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Sedna #90377

Sedna Asteroid #90377
Fishing Seafood Marine life Ecology
  • Her chopped off fingers became all the creatures of the sea
  • Inuit

Selene #580

  • Personification of the Moon
Selene Asteroid #580
"Personification of the Moon"
Celebrating your Lunar nature
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Terpsichore #81

  • Muse of Choral Song and Dance
Terpsichore Asteroid #81
"Muse of Dance"
Dancing talent
Dance inspiration

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Thalia #23

  • Muse of Comedy
Thalia Asteroid #23
"Muse of Comedy"
Comedic inspiration

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Thetis #17

  • Ancient Sea Nymph
  • Tethys
  • Chiron helped seal the match between Thetis and Peleus
    • They had a huge wedding
      • This is the famous wedding to which Eris was not invited
  • She rode naked on a dolphin
  • She shape-shifted into fire, water, a lion, serpent, and cuttle-fish
    • As a cuttle-fish, she squirted sepia ink all over Peleus
  • There was a prophecy that any son born to Thetis would become more powerful than his father
  • Mother of Achilles
  • One of the 50 ancient sea nymphs known as Nereids
  • Wife of Peleus
Thetis Asteroid #17
"Ancient Sea Nymph"
One of the 50 ancient sea nymphs known as Nereids

Urania #30

  • Muse of Astronomy
  • Queen of the Mountains
  • What inspires you about the cosmos?
  • Where do you inspire other people when it comes to studying the stars?
  • Where does most of your astrological inspiration come from?
  • Where can you invoke cosmic influence for more inspiration in your astrological practice?

9 Olympian Muses

  • Erato “Muse of Lyric and Erotic Poetry”
  • Euterpe “Muse of Lyric Song”
  • Calliope “Muse of Epic Poetry, Music, Song, Dance, and Eloquence”
  • Clio “Muse of History”
  • Melpomene “Muse of Tragedy”
  • Polyhymnia “Muse of Sacred Song”
  • Terpsichore “Muse of Choral Song and Dance”
  • Thalia “Muse of Comedy and Bucolic Poetry”
  • Urania “Muse of Astronomy”

3 Boeotian Muses

  • Aoede "Muse of Voice and Song"
  • Melete "Muse of Thought and Meditation"
  • Mnemosyne "Muse of Memory, and mother of the 9 Muses"
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Vesta #4

  • Goddess of the Hearth
Vesta Asteroid #4
"Goddess of the Hearth"
Tending rituals
  • Roman counterpart to Greek goddess Hestia
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Victoria #12

  • Goddess of Victory & Success
Victoria Asteroid #12
"Goddess of Victory"
Roman counterpart of the Greek goddess Nike
  • Roman counterpart to Greek goddess Nike
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