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Brainstorm: Jupiter in the 8th House Astrology


normous evolution. Breadth and depth. You pose deeply philosophical questions about taboo subjects. Teachers get jealous of you. Expanding your occult knowledge. Church of the occult. You start your own occult school. Tarot school. Hermetic philosophy school. Witch school. Hey, I just got my diploma from Samhain University! Look, ma, no broom! Can you transform the world around you through your beliefs? What is the power of belief? What is the meaning in trauma? You inherit a body of knowledge. You get more interested in deeper aspects of life. You seek to explore death. You seek to explore psychology. You seek to explore deeper sexual terrain. Deep research. Broad research. Foreign detectives.

You propose your own school of thought on occult subjects. Death philosophies. Psychological philosophies. Should you wash your crystals in sunlight or moonlight? Well, here’s my opinion on that subject, and I just wrote a Crystal Manifesto. Finding yourself having an opinion on taboo subjects, where maybe you never gave them much thought before. How can I ease my burden? Is there a spell I should know? Are there some magic words I can say to line my pockets with cash? Are there crystals that can ease my painful Saturn transit? Astrological remediation. Exotic occult knowledge. Foreign occult teachings. Is there ‘good’ magic? Are there ‘good’ magic practitioners? Do you believe in magic? A broadening interest in magic. Amulets and protective magic. Sigils and hexes for protection. Church of the dead.

Ethical investing. Increase in your partner’s income. Protect your investments. Protect your partner’s assets. Help your partner grow their assets. Find someone who can take you under their wing. Seek financial guidance. Find a financial guru. Become a financial guru. Invest for the good of all. Invest in philanthropic causes. Huge benefits package. Taking advantage of opportunities to receive support from others. Bountiful financial aid. Expansive credit card debt. Accumulating debts.

Death benefits. A good death. A Good Goodbye. Death guru. Death doula. Death philosopher. A big death. Deep breath death. Inheritance. Windfall. Having a vision for your death. I’m going to donate my body to science. I’m going to give my body to one of those tree planting organizations and have flowers spring from my corpse. I’m going to be an organ donor. Where do death and belief meet? Should you get that tattoo? Will you be cremated or buried? Expanding your viewpoint and opinion on all 8th house subjects. Making room in your mind to contemplate dark subjects in an expansive, and potentially optimistic, way. How can death be … better? What can you learn from trauma? Culture-based trauma. Cultural taboos. Taboos around race and religion.

Transforming opinions about death. Transforming opinions about trauma. Transforming opinions about legacies and inheritance. Transforming opinions about psychology and seeking psychological help. Transforming other people’s belief systems. Expanding shadow work. Opinion overhaul. Freedom from emotional attachment. Kill your outworn opinions. Occult doctrines. Looking into hidden beliefs. Seeking to understand subjects outside of the mainstream. Beliefs about joint finances. Transforming your beliefs about what “should” happen when two people get together. Transforming beliefs about intimacy. Transforming beliefs about sharing information. What’s your personal privacy policy?


  • Jove
  • King of the Gods
  • The Great Benefic
  • Zeus
  • All-powerful / Omnipotent
  • Belief & Fanaticism
  • Benefits
  • Bouncer (especially in Cancer)
  • Culture & Customs
  • Cultural Shifts (sweeping cultural changes in whichever house Jupiter falls in)
  • Don't believe the hype
  • Exaggerated
  • Faithful or Philandering
  • Foolish
  • Force field
  • Global & Long-Distance
  • Gluttonous
  • Grandiose
  • Increase
  • Inflated (too good to be true)
  • Jolly
  • Jupiter + Neptune = Growing and expanding indefinitely
  • Open, Optimistic & Foolhardy (gullible)
  • Opinionated
  • Opulent
  • Overbearing
  • Over-expansion
  • Overwhelm
  • Philanthropic & Spendthrift
  • Philosophical, Worldview, & Meaning
  • Protection & Cover
  • Shield (especially in Cancer)
  • Too much of a good thing
  • Upgrade
  • Wisdom
  • As Zeus, Jupiter is known for his lightning bolt
  • Jupiter/Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
  • Jupiter/Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
  • Jupiter/Neptune make a conjunction every 12.8 years
  • Jupiter/Pluto make a conjunction every 12.46 years

8th house

  • Atonement
  • Death & Funerary
  • Debts, Credits, & Taxes
  • Fundraising, Financial Support, & Insurance
  • Intrusive interactions
  • Joint Assets
  • Legacies, Inheritances, Trusts, & Estates
  • Nosiness
  • Personal Trust & Privacy
  • Psychology & Psychological Assets
  • Sex, Intimacy, and Deep Sharing
  • Salacious things
  • Scandalous things
  • Sharing what you have
  • The Occult, Forbidden, & Taboo
  • What you have (2nd house) versus what you want or desire (8th house)
  • Your Partner’s Assets & the Results of Marriage
  • Busybody
  • Debt Collector
  • Detective
  • Insurance Agent
  • IRS Agent
  • Loan Shark
  • Nosy, intrusive, prying people
  • Paparazzi? (probably with 5th and Neptune)
  • Psychic
  • Researcher
  • Repo Man (with 2nd house)
  • Snoops
  • Tell-all memoir writers (probably with 3rd)
  • Auction house
  • Confessional (with 9th house)
  • Estate Sale (with 2nd house)
  • Flea Market (with 2nd house)
  • Funeral home
  • IRS
  • Loan office
  • ObGyn
  • Playboy Mansion (maybe with 5th)
  • Strip Club (maybe with 5th)
  • Surgery
  • Therapist's Office
  • Thrift Store (with 2nd house)

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This post explores the transiting Sun in Aries through the houses, blending a little Neptune along the way.

Should you set your heart on fire, or douse out the flames? Burn brighter, or squelch the blaze? Venus is in detriment in Aries. Will she fight or surrender in pursuit of her ardent desires? Venus in Aries encourages you to be brave in love.

Today Mercury enters Aries, and on April 16 Mercury and Neptune make their first conjunction in Aries bringing completely new energy to mind. This meeting of the Independent Thinker and the Spirit of the Moment is likely to sweep out whatever mental lethargy remains from the Neptune in Pisces hangover.

Don’t break up this Venus retrograde season because that’s the vibe. Don’t blow up your life. Love thoroughly and deepen bonds of compassion. Double-down on love. Double-down on mercy and hold onto your heart as we fly into the future. We’ve been here before, and we know what can happen.


normous evolution. Breadth and depth. You pose deeply philosophical questions about taboo subjects. Teachers get jealous of you. Expanding your occult knowledge. Church of the occult. You start your own occult school. Tarot school. Hermetic philosophy school. Witch school. Hey, I just got my diploma from Samhain University! Look, ma, no broom! Can you transform the world around you through your beliefs? What is the power of belief? What is the meaning in trauma? You inherit a body of knowledge. You get more interested in deeper aspects of life. You seek to explore death. You seek to explore psychology. You seek to explore deeper sexual terrain. Deep research. Broad research. Foreign detectives.

You propose your own school of thought on occult subjects. Death philosophies. Psychological philosophies. Should you wash your crystals in sunlight or moonlight? Well, here’s my opinion on that subject, and I just wrote a Crystal Manifesto. Finding yourself having an opinion on taboo subjects, where maybe you never gave them much thought before. How can I ease my burden? Is there a spell I should know? Are there some magic words I can say to line my pockets with cash? Are there crystals that can ease my painful Saturn transit? Astrological remediation. Exotic occult knowledge. Foreign occult teachings. Is there ‘good’ magic? Are there ‘good’ magic practitioners? Do you believe in magic? A broadening interest in magic. Amulets and protective magic. Sigils and hexes for protection. Church of the dead.

Ethical investing. Increase in your partner’s income. Protect your investments. Protect your partner’s assets. Help your partner grow their assets. Find someone who can take you under their wing. Seek financial guidance. Find a financial guru. Become a financial guru. Invest for the good of all. Invest in philanthropic causes. Huge benefits package. Taking advantage of opportunities to receive support from others. Bountiful financial aid. Expansive credit card debt. Accumulating debts.

Death benefits. A good death. A Good Goodbye. Death guru. Death doula. Death philosopher. A big death. Deep breath death. Inheritance. Windfall. Having a vision for your death. I’m going to donate my body to science. I’m going to give my body to one of those tree planting organizations and have flowers spring from my corpse. I’m going to be an organ donor. Where do death and belief meet? Should you get that tattoo? Will you be cremated or buried? Expanding your viewpoint and opinion on all 8th house subjects. Making room in your mind to contemplate dark subjects in an expansive, and potentially optimistic, way. How can death be … better? What can you learn from trauma? Culture-based trauma. Cultural taboos. Taboos around race and religion.

Transforming opinions about death. Transforming opinions about trauma. Transforming opinions about legacies and inheritance. Transforming opinions about psychology and seeking psychological help. Transforming other people’s belief systems. Expanding shadow work. Opinion overhaul. Freedom from emotional attachment. Kill your outworn opinions. Occult doctrines. Looking into hidden beliefs. Seeking to understand subjects outside of the mainstream. Beliefs about joint finances. Transforming your beliefs about what “should” happen when two people get together. Transforming beliefs about intimacy. Transforming beliefs about sharing information. What’s your personal privacy policy?


  • Jove
  • King of the Gods
  • The Great Benefic
  • Zeus
  • All-powerful / Omnipotent
  • Belief & Fanaticism
  • Benefits
  • Bouncer (especially in Cancer)
  • Culture & Customs
  • Cultural Shifts (sweeping cultural changes in whichever house Jupiter falls in)
  • Don't believe the hype
  • Exaggerated
  • Faithful or Philandering
  • Foolish
  • Force field
  • Global & Long-Distance
  • Gluttonous
  • Grandiose
  • Increase
  • Inflated (too good to be true)
  • Jolly
  • Jupiter + Neptune = Growing and expanding indefinitely
  • Open, Optimistic & Foolhardy (gullible)
  • Opinionated
  • Opulent
  • Overbearing
  • Over-expansion
  • Overwhelm
  • Philanthropic & Spendthrift
  • Philosophical, Worldview, & Meaning
  • Protection & Cover
  • Shield (especially in Cancer)
  • Too much of a good thing
  • Upgrade
  • Wisdom
  • As Zeus, Jupiter is known for his lightning bolt
  • Jupiter/Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
  • Jupiter/Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
  • Jupiter/Neptune make a conjunction every 12.8 years
  • Jupiter/Pluto make a conjunction every 12.46 years

8th house

  • Atonement
  • Death & Funerary
  • Debts, Credits, & Taxes
  • Fundraising, Financial Support, & Insurance
  • Intrusive interactions
  • Joint Assets
  • Legacies, Inheritances, Trusts, & Estates
  • Nosiness
  • Personal Trust & Privacy
  • Psychology & Psychological Assets
  • Sex, Intimacy, and Deep Sharing
  • Salacious things
  • Scandalous things
  • Sharing what you have
  • The Occult, Forbidden, & Taboo
  • What you have (2nd house) versus what you want or desire (8th house)
  • Your Partner’s Assets & the Results of Marriage
  • Busybody
  • Debt Collector
  • Detective
  • Insurance Agent
  • IRS Agent
  • Loan Shark
  • Nosy, intrusive, prying people
  • Paparazzi? (probably with 5th and Neptune)
  • Psychic
  • Researcher
  • Repo Man (with 2nd house)
  • Snoops
  • Tell-all memoir writers (probably with 3rd)
  • Auction house
  • Confessional (with 9th house)
  • Estate Sale (with 2nd house)
  • Flea Market (with 2nd house)
  • Funeral home
  • IRS
  • Loan office
  • ObGyn
  • Playboy Mansion (maybe with 5th)
  • Strip Club (maybe with 5th)
  • Surgery
  • Therapist's Office
  • Thrift Store (with 2nd house)

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