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Brainstorm: Mercury / Venus Astrology Aspects


weet talk. Sweet nothings. The language of seduction. Charmers. Craftiness. Talking about art and design. Talking about fashion and beauty. Artistic communication. Diplomacy. Tact. Graceful handwriting. Love of the written word. Love of books. Love of language. Harmonious relationships with siblings. Having a beautiful sibling. Having a popular or well-liked sibling. Becoming popular because of the way you communicate. Ability to blend information in a pleasing way. Ability to say what people want to hear. Schmoozers. Willingness to share information. Thinking about relationships. Having a nice way of putting things. Disliking arguing. A mind for fashion. A mind for design. A mind for art. A mind for beauty. Smooth talkers. Having a way with words. Having a soothing or pleasant voice. Loving to talk. Loving to read. Orators. A beautiful voice. A smooth voice. Words like honey. Soothing words. Words that are like music to your ears. Bibliophiles. Linguists. Talking your way into someone’s pants. A love of school. A love of learning. Lifelong students. Talking about personal values. Talking about the value of things. “Laid back…with my mind on my money and my money on mind.”

Flatterers. Sycophants. Creating beautiful things with your hands. Translating ideas and thoughts in a pleasing way. Having a pleasant way of communicating. The ability to convince people to cooperate and get along. The ability to talk to anyone. Diplomatic discussions. Negotiators. Social networking. Finding ways to partner up with people and form alliances. Elegant communication. Fair communication. Appreciating the beauty of language. Liking to stay busy. Liking to run around town doing errands. Refined communication. Delicate communication. Keeping an art journal. Keeping a fashion journal. Speaking out for peace and fairness. Lotharios. Casanovas. Giving people pet names. Calling people honey, sweetie, babe, sugar, love, etc… Knowing that you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Public relations specialists. Relationship counselors. Writing about relationships. Writing about romance. Writing about fashion, art, beauty or design. Thinking about peace and harmony. Disliking strife. Pretty thoughts. Graceful movements. Dancers. Pleasing words. Flowery words and writing. Manipulative words. Loving to journal. Loving to have company and pleasant conversation. Loving to have places to be and things to do. A relaxed way of speaking. A gentle way of speaking. Loving thoughts. Love letters. Flirting, over the phone, or by text, email, Facebook or Twitter, etc… Liking beautiful pens, stationery, notebooks or journals. Perfumed letters. Being vocal when making love. Liking to talk during sex. Liking to woo your lover with words. Having love on the brain. Always having others in your thoughts. Awareness of how your communication affects other people.

Mercury / Venus aspects

The aspect: 1st harmonic, 1/1. This aspect comes from taking the 360 degrees of a circle and dividing by 1, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 1 = 360 x 1 = 360

Basic influence: Intensity and emphasis; focus/focal point; impact. Lack of awareness. Concentration of energy. Fusion. The coming together of unrelated energy. When there are no oppositions, there is a lack of balance in the chart. Skewed viewpoint. Lop-sided emphasis. One-sidedness.

The aspect: 1/20 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 20, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 20 = 18 x 1 = 18

The aspect: 1/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle, and divide by 12, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 1 = 30

Basic influence: The natural next step: the next thing that needs to be done; how one thing naturally leads to another; what you should be preparing for next; where things are heading, whether you want them to go there or not. What all your hard work and preparation are for. The next big thing. Natural direction.

What you might be blind to. Something just over your shoulder, out of sight, and beyond the periphery of your vision. A blind spot. The thing that came immediately before and is already nearly forgotten. Efforts at memory. Reclaiming. People who don’t have your best interests at heart. Better work on some yoga moves to look over your shoulder, and behind your back.

The aspect: 1/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 1 = 36

The aspect: 1/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 1 = 40

See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 1 = 45

or, take a square, and split it in half

Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 / 2 = 45

The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 8, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 8 = 45° x 1 = 45°.

This aspect is the same as the semi-square.

The aspect: 1/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 1 = 51.42857142857143

Convert to time = 51°26′

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/6 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 6, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 6 = 60 x 1 = 60

or take a trine, and split it in half

Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 / 2 = 60

Basic influence: Opportunities for positive change; awareness of a time to take positive advantage; opportunities that pass unnoticed without conscious effort. No, there may not be another chance. Learning to be quicker to act on good luck. Learning not to let good things pass you by. Learning that positive experiences require effort too. Positive doesn’t mean passive.

The aspect: 2/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 2.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 2 = 72

This aspect is the same as a quintile.

See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 1 = 72

Basic influence: Creativity, talents, quirks, special skills.

See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer


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  • Androphonos, "man-slayer"
  • Afrodita
  • Aphrodite in Greek, meaning "foam born" (Venus is her Roman counterpart)
  • Aphrodite Urania (Eldest of the Three Fates)
  • Epitymbria, "of the tombs"
  • Goddess of Death-in-Life
  • Goddess of Love
  • Melaenis, "black one"
  • Scotia, "dark one"
  • The Lesser Benefic
Photo of text
The Greek Myths: 1, by Robert Graves "Aphrodite's Nature and Deeds"
  • The Fates assigned only one divine duty to make love
  • When Venus tried weaving, Athene, Goddess of Wisdom got so upset that Venus was infringing on her territory, that Venus apologized and never did a day's work after that
  • Through a complicated chain of events, Venus and Persephone, Queen of the Underworld were in a fight over the affections of the handsome mortal man, Adonis
  • She (at least once) renewed her virginity in the sea
  • When Venus and Persephone fought over Adonis, it was Calliope, Muse of Eloquence, who handed down the judgment that the two Goddesses had equal claim to him. It was arranged that Adonis would spend 1/3 year with Venus, 1/3 with Persephone, and 1/3 by himself
  • Mars (Ares), God of War was so envious of Venus's relationship with Adonis that he transformed into a boar and gored Adonis to death in front of her
  • Hephaestus, her husband, laid a trap and caught Venus and Mars with a net, while they were in bed together
  • Hephaestus tried to get all of the other Gods involved in his marriage problems, which Zeus (Jupiter), King of the Gods, thought was repugnant
  • Magic Girdle: the magic girdle made everyone fall in love with whoever was wearing it
  • Venus would not lend the Magic Girdle to any of the other goddesses
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This post explores the transiting Sun in Aries through the houses, blending a little Neptune along the way.

Should you set your heart on fire, or douse out the flames? Burn brighter, or squelch the blaze? Venus is in detriment in Aries. Will she fight or surrender in pursuit of her ardent desires? Venus in Aries encourages you to be brave in love.

Today Mercury enters Aries, and on April 16 Mercury and Neptune make their first conjunction in Aries bringing completely new energy to mind. This meeting of the Independent Thinker and the Spirit of the Moment is likely to sweep out whatever mental lethargy remains from the Neptune in Pisces hangover.

Don’t break up this Venus retrograde season because that’s the vibe. Don’t blow up your life. Love thoroughly and deepen bonds of compassion. Double-down on love. Double-down on mercy and hold onto your heart as we fly into the future. We’ve been here before, and we know what can happen.


weet talk. Sweet nothings. The language of seduction. Charmers. Craftiness. Talking about art and design. Talking about fashion and beauty. Artistic communication. Diplomacy. Tact. Graceful handwriting. Love of the written word. Love of books. Love of language. Harmonious relationships with siblings. Having a beautiful sibling. Having a popular or well-liked sibling. Becoming popular because of the way you communicate. Ability to blend information in a pleasing way. Ability to say what people want to hear. Schmoozers. Willingness to share information. Thinking about relationships. Having a nice way of putting things. Disliking arguing. A mind for fashion. A mind for design. A mind for art. A mind for beauty. Smooth talkers. Having a way with words. Having a soothing or pleasant voice. Loving to talk. Loving to read. Orators. A beautiful voice. A smooth voice. Words like honey. Soothing words. Words that are like music to your ears. Bibliophiles. Linguists. Talking your way into someone’s pants. A love of school. A love of learning. Lifelong students. Talking about personal values. Talking about the value of things. “Laid back…with my mind on my money and my money on mind.”

Flatterers. Sycophants. Creating beautiful things with your hands. Translating ideas and thoughts in a pleasing way. Having a pleasant way of communicating. The ability to convince people to cooperate and get along. The ability to talk to anyone. Diplomatic discussions. Negotiators. Social networking. Finding ways to partner up with people and form alliances. Elegant communication. Fair communication. Appreciating the beauty of language. Liking to stay busy. Liking to run around town doing errands. Refined communication. Delicate communication. Keeping an art journal. Keeping a fashion journal. Speaking out for peace and fairness. Lotharios. Casanovas. Giving people pet names. Calling people honey, sweetie, babe, sugar, love, etc… Knowing that you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Public relations specialists. Relationship counselors. Writing about relationships. Writing about romance. Writing about fashion, art, beauty or design. Thinking about peace and harmony. Disliking strife. Pretty thoughts. Graceful movements. Dancers. Pleasing words. Flowery words and writing. Manipulative words. Loving to journal. Loving to have company and pleasant conversation. Loving to have places to be and things to do. A relaxed way of speaking. A gentle way of speaking. Loving thoughts. Love letters. Flirting, over the phone, or by text, email, Facebook or Twitter, etc… Liking beautiful pens, stationery, notebooks or journals. Perfumed letters. Being vocal when making love. Liking to talk during sex. Liking to woo your lover with words. Having love on the brain. Always having others in your thoughts. Awareness of how your communication affects other people.

Mercury / Venus aspects

The aspect: 1st harmonic, 1/1. This aspect comes from taking the 360 degrees of a circle and dividing by 1, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 1 = 360 x 1 = 360

Basic influence: Intensity and emphasis; focus/focal point; impact. Lack of awareness. Concentration of energy. Fusion. The coming together of unrelated energy. When there are no oppositions, there is a lack of balance in the chart. Skewed viewpoint. Lop-sided emphasis. One-sidedness.

The aspect: 1/20 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 20, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 20 = 18 x 1 = 18

The aspect: 1/12 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle, and divide by 12, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 12 = 30 x 1 = 30

Basic influence: The natural next step: the next thing that needs to be done; how one thing naturally leads to another; what you should be preparing for next; where things are heading, whether you want them to go there or not. What all your hard work and preparation are for. The next big thing. Natural direction.

What you might be blind to. Something just over your shoulder, out of sight, and beyond the periphery of your vision. A blind spot. The thing that came immediately before and is already nearly forgotten. Efforts at memory. Reclaiming. People who don’t have your best interests at heart. Better work on some yoga moves to look over your shoulder, and behind your back.

The aspect: 1/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 1 = 36

The aspect: 1/9 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 9, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 9 = 40 x 1 = 40

See also: Noviles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 8, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 8 = 45 x 1 = 45

or, take a square, and split it in half

Like this, 360 / 4 = 90 / 2 = 45

The aspect: 1/8 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 8, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 8 = 45° x 1 = 45°.

This aspect is the same as the semi-square.

The aspect: 1/7 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 7, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 7 = 51.42857142857143 x 1 = 51.42857142857143

Convert to time = 51°26′

Decimal to Time Calculator (

See also: Septile series « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/6 harmonic. Take the 360 degrees of a circle and divide by 6, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 6 = 60 x 1 = 60

or take a trine, and split it in half

Like this, 360 / 3 = 120 / 2 = 60

Basic influence: Opportunities for positive change; awareness of a time to take positive advantage; opportunities that pass unnoticed without conscious effort. No, there may not be another chance. Learning to be quicker to act on good luck. Learning not to let good things pass you by. Learning that positive experiences require effort too. Positive doesn’t mean passive.

The aspect: 2/10 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 10, then multiply by 2.

Like this, 360 / 10 = 36 x 2 = 72

This aspect is the same as a quintile.

See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer

The aspect: 1/5 harmonic. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 5, then multiply by 1.

Like this, 360 / 5 = 72 x 1 = 72

Basic influence: Creativity, talents, quirks, special skills.

See also: Quintiles « Alice Portman, Astrologer


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  • Androphonos, "man-slayer"
  • Afrodita
  • Aphrodite in Greek, meaning "foam born" (Venus is her Roman counterpart)
  • Aphrodite Urania (Eldest of the Three Fates)
  • Epitymbria, "of the tombs"
  • Goddess of Death-in-Life
  • Goddess of Love
  • Melaenis, "black one"
  • Scotia, "dark one"
  • The Lesser Benefic
Photo of text
The Greek Myths: 1, by Robert Graves "Aphrodite's Nature and Deeds"
  • The Fates assigned only one divine duty to make love
  • When Venus tried weaving, Athene, Goddess of Wisdom got so upset that Venus was infringing on her territory, that Venus apologized and never did a day's work after that
  • Through a complicated chain of events, Venus and Persephone, Queen of the Underworld were in a fight over the affections of the handsome mortal man, Adonis
  • She (at least once) renewed her virginity in the sea
  • When Venus and Persephone fought over Adonis, it was Calliope, Muse of Eloquence, who handed down the judgment that the two Goddesses had equal claim to him. It was arranged that Adonis would spend 1/3 year with Venus, 1/3 with Persephone, and 1/3 by himself
  • Mars (Ares), God of War was so envious of Venus's relationship with Adonis that he transformed into a boar and gored Adonis to death in front of her
  • Hephaestus, her husband, laid a trap and caught Venus and Mars with a net, while they were in bed together
  • Hephaestus tried to get all of the other Gods involved in his marriage problems, which Zeus (Jupiter), King of the Gods, thought was repugnant
  • Magic Girdle: the magic girdle made everyone fall in love with whoever was wearing it
  • Venus would not lend the Magic Girdle to any of the other goddesses
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Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces a loose, brainstorm-style of writing to explore the meaning of the Sun in aspect to Moon in astrology. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook.

Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, and more to evoke meaning. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. This article is included in the Planetary Combinations astrology eBook.

Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces a loose, brainstorm-style of writing to evoke meaning. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook.

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Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces a loose, brainstorm-style of writing to explore the meaning of the Sun in aspect to Jupiter in astrology. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook.

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