urtured by mystery. Momma breastfed you while binge-watching murder mysteries. The dark side feels like a cradle. Rock-a-bye deadly lullaby. Emotional dependency. I can’t live without you … mom. Starting over, emotionally. Dig your emotions out of whichever grave they currently reside. Seeking depth in emotional experience. Intense emotional bonding. Overly intense maternal bonding. Smothering mothering. Meet my mom, Morticia. Mom’s a goth. Mom’s a tarot reader. Mom’s into the dark arts. Meet my mom, Bellatrix. Meet my mom, Lizzie Borden. Mom can sense things. Mom has sixth sense. Mom is psychic. Mom’s an enigma. Mom’s a witch. Scandalous women. Scandalous emotions.
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Other people’s Mommy Issues. Low emotional exposure. Hiding your emotions. Keeping emotions private. *Opens safety deposit box* Oh, look! There’s my heart! Dealing with emotional trauma. Trauma counselor. Feeling depths of pain. Midwife to life. Death doula.
Your mother is the taboo. Nobody wants to talk about your mom. Your mom exists on the brink of death. Your mother might be jealous of you. Your mom is “dead.” Something within your mother died, possibly before you were born. Your emotions died. Your emotions need to be revived. In this lifetime, you need to resurrect your deep feelings. Let the mysteries of life nourish you. Shed your outworn emotions on a regular basis, like a snake sheds its skin.
- Behavior
- Bonding
- Caring
- Cause for concern
- Emotion
- Fluctuation
- Habit
- Instinct
- Mothering & Nurturance
- Mood
- Response
- Safety
- Caregiver
- Caterer
- Parent
- Tender
- Supporter
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8th house
- Atonement
- Death & Funerary
- Debts, Credits, & Taxes
- Fundraising, Financial Support, & Insurance
- Intrusive interactions
- Joint Assets
- Legacies, Inheritances, Trusts, & Estates
- Nosiness
- Personal Trust & Privacy
- Psychology & Psychological Assets
- Sex, Intimacy, and Deep Sharing
- Salacious things
- Scandalous things
- Sharing what you have
- The Occult, Forbidden, & Taboo
- What you have (2nd house) versus what you want or desire (8th house)
- Your Partner’s Assets & the Results of Marriage
- Busybody
- Debt Collector
- Detective
- Insurance Agent
- IRS Agent
- Loan Shark
- Nosy, intrusive, prying people
- Paparazzi? (probably with 5th and Neptune)
- Psychic
- Researcher
- Repo Man (with 2nd house)
- Snoops
- Tell-all memoir writers (probably with 3rd)
- Auction house
- Confessional (with 9th house)
- Estate Sale (with 2nd house)
- Flea Market (with 2nd house)
- Funeral home
- Loan office
- ObGyn
- Playboy Mansion (maybe with 5th)
- Strip Club (maybe with 5th)
- Surgery
- Therapist's Office
- Thrift Store (with 2nd house)
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