⭐ Your natal chart
⭐ Major Life Themes Astrology Report
💫 About 5-9 pages in length
💫 24-hour turnaround
🌠 Discover the major themes in your life using harmonics and midpoints
🌠 The themes are presented in order of importance in your life
🌠 More important are described near the beginning of the report and less important themes are described towards the end of the report
🌠 Each astrological influence described in this report is a resource available to you.
🌠 It is up to you to express these energy patterns in the best possible way.
🌠 This report will help clarify issues in your life, and encourage you to be in control of your own direction
It was an excellent report that used complex astrological arithmetic in a simple and easy-to-understand way. I found that it resonated with my personal experience and is a valuable tool for self-reflection and understanding the self.
This report is not only accurate and thorough but it helps you learn (or validate) the energy that is beyond just your natal chart. For those interested in going deeper with your own astrological placements…this report is definitely worth it!
I really liked it. It confirmed a lot of things i’ve already felt about myself and also showed me things I didn’t even realize!
These reports are all sooooo amazing!
Such a gift of insight…thank you SO much.
Kindest regards,