motionally wounded. Profound sensitivity. Wounded women. A wounded mother. Needing or giving emotional healing. Damaged sense of mothering. Damaged relationship to self-care. Holistic approach to emotional healing. Painful emotions. Painful female relationships. Emotionally vulnerable. Painfully sensitive to other people’s feelings. Painfully sensitive to your mother’s feelings. Emotionally traumatized. Emotional integration. Holistic care. Holistic food choices. Bearing emotional pain. A distorted relationship with your inner feeling life. Emotionally unorthodox. Unorthodox attachments. Emotionally rebellious. Your feeling nature is outside the norm. The way you feel about things isn’t typical.
Coming up with your own rules for how you want to be nurtured. Forging a new path in caring relationships. Finding new, untried emotional healing methods. Feeling abnormal. Feeling that other people cannot relate to your emotional pain. Deep hurts. Emotional injuries. Painful issues surrounding mothers, mothering, nurturing, nourishment and relationships with women. Working through painful emotions opens new doors. Resistance to letting people understand you emotionally. Resistance to sharing feelings. Empathy for other people, but little for yourself. Giving yourself the short end of the stick when it comes to feeling good. Solving other people’s emotional issues but not your own. Letting yourself be guided by your feelings. Letting instinct guide you. Learning to trust your hunches. Learning to trust your intuition. Going with your gut. Working through painful sensitivity. Feeling like a misfit. Feeling abandoned. Fears of abandonment. Feeling like an outsider. The black sheep. The family outcast. The loner.
… with aspects between Chiron and the Moon, the native possesses a great vehicle for exploring the subconscious mind and bringing in the Higher Self.
― Barbara Hand Clow, Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between Inner and Outer Planets
Feeling like you don’t fit in. Feeling like you don’t belong. Intuitive gifts. The natural healer. The natural astrologer. Unconventional nurturing instincts. Radical emotional insights. Painful sensitivity to family history. Excruciatingly sensitive. Wanting to isolate to keep from feeling. Attempting to ignore your emotional life to avoid pain emotions. Painful feelings stay fresh even as time goes on. Your capacity to tune in to other people’s feelings. The ability to sense what other people are feeling. Feeling other people’s problems. Sensitivity to pain. Inability to find help for your emotional problems and issues. Turn inward during periods of emotional crisis.
The capacity to help people work through their emotional issues. Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Getting hurt by the ones you love- especially family members. Reluctance to admit that you have feelings. Pretending to be stone cold while leaving a trail of blood behind you. Emotional reflexes. Individualistic behavior patterns. Deviating from family behavior patterns. Deviating from accepted emotional responses. Deviating from normal emotional expression and expectations. Nonconformist behavior. Empathy for the wounded and for people on the fringes of society. Freaky behavior. Oddball reactions. A natural radical. Emotional intelligence.
- Margot Adler, author/Wiccan priestess, Drawing Down the Moon: Moon conjunct Chiron
- Michael Bloomberg, American politician/businessman: Moon opposite Chiron
- Bono, singer, U2: Moon trine Chiron
- Marion Cotillard, actress, Inception: Moon square Chiron
- Johnny Depp, actor, Pirates of the Caribbean: Moon sextile Chiron
- Paul Bernardo, serial rapist/murderer: Moon novile Chiron
- Thelonious Monk, jazz musician: Moon biquintile Chiron
- Maria Montessori, founder of the Montessori School: Moon quincunx Chiron
- Igor Stravinsky, composer: Moon septile Chiron
- Emotion
- Response
- Habit
- Mothering & Nurturance
- Mood
- Safety
- Caring
- Instinct
- Fluctuation
- Caregiver
- Caterer
- Tender
- Supporter
- Be human
- Be involved
- Check in with your emotions
- Eat well
- Feel something
- Find common ground
- Mood maintenance
- Relate, and be relatable
- Tend the body
- Watch your behavior
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- Cycles
- Daily Rhythms
- Life on Earth
- Mood fluctuations
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Chiron #2060
- Cheiron
- The Wounded Healer
- Alternative medicine
- Bridge
- Chronic pain
- Coping
- Damage / Hit points
- Exhaustion
- Fatigue
- Guide
- Healing & Wholeness
- Healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body (from the Centaur Report)
- Injury
- Key
- Learning
- Loophole
- Maverick
- Mentor / Teacher - and having one's pupils turn against you, even if it's unintentional on their part
- Putting the 'Chiron' in chronic
- Quest
- Rejection by one's parents
- 'Right to die' issues
- Unsolvable problem
- Worn out
- Wounded
- Centaur
- Shot by his pupil, Heracles, with an arrow poisoned with the blood of the Hydra
- He was shot in either the foot or the thigh
- Spent the rest of his life trying to alleve the pain of the wound
- He willingly gave up immortality to die and escape chronic pain
- Associate of the Centaurs: Pholus, Nessus
- Father of Euippe
- Grandson of Uranus
- Husband of Chariklo
- Son of Saturn (Cronus, Chronos, Kronos)
- Son of Philyra
- Teacher of heroes ( Asclepius, Aristaeus, Actaeon, Achilles, Jason, Medus) Source
- Victim of the Hydra. The arrow that hit Chiron was poisoned with the Hydra's blood (each time you cut one of the Hydra's heads off, two new heads grow).