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Natal Jupiter Through the Houses

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the first house of your natal chart, you view the world through a Jupiterian lens. A religious outlook. Imposing your religious viewpoint on those around you, or an early environment where others imposed their religious viewpoint on you. Foreign viewpoints. Shifting your viewpoint. A major shift in how you view the world. A shift in attitude towards religion. A shift in attitude towards foreign cultures.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the second house of your natal chart, you may be a big spender.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the third house of your natal chart, your siblings and their concerns may take up a lot of your mental energy. Mind expansion. Increase in mechanical problems. Upgrading your car. Buying a foreign car. Expanding methods of daily travel. A major shift in your educational direction. Taking up foreign studies or foreign language. Religious workshops. Too many classes. Overwhelmed with schoolwork.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the fourth house of your natal chart, you may encounter overwhelming family issues. One of your parents’ needs become a big deal. Extremely needy family members. Dealing with religious relatives. Traveling to your home country. Discovering your true country of origin through ancestry research.

Too many properties to deal with. Construction projects that are over your head. Expanding your real estate empire. Buying a home in a foreign country. Far from home. A major shift at home. Experiencing a major attitude shift in your home country or towards your home country.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the fifth house of your natal chart, you might deal with a lot of kids. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children she didn’t know what to do. Big reproductive issues. The urge to have children becomes overwhelming. Turning to IVF (in-vitro fertilization).

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the sixth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the seventh house of your natal chart, you may encounter overwhelming partnership issues. Your partner’s needs are taking up more than their fair share of the relationship. Splitting up. A big need to learn to see eye-to-eye. Big compromises in relationships. Getting into a business partnership with benefits. Beneficial business arrangements. Business situations get too big to handle. Partnerships loom large.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the eighth house of your natal chart, you may find yourself getting into debt. The plot thickens.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the ninth house of your natal chart, traveling goals may include a religious pilgrimage or tour around the world to expand your horizons. Higher education. Foreign travel. Reading deeper into history, philosophy, and heavy topics. Delving into world religion. Foreign correspondence.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the tenth house of your natal chart, your career issues can become overwhelming. Could there be a promotion? It depends whether Jupiter is in good condition. Beware of overpromising and underdelivering. Are your career goals within reach or are you being overly optimistic? Expanding too far. Reaching far and wide. Taking on more responsibility than you can handle. Letting go of an esteemed position in favor of more ease and relaxation. Chill-working.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the eleventh house of your natal chart, you might be a social butterfly. Getting involved with religious organizations. Making foreign friends. Your circle of acquaintances expands.

In a Natal Chart


ith Jupiter in the twelfth house of your natal chart, you may have an angel on your shoulder.


  • Jove
  • King of the Gods
  • The Great Benefic
  • Zeus
  • All-powerful / Omnipotent
  • Belief & Fanaticism
  • Benefits
  • Bouncer (especially in Cancer)
  • Culture & Customs
  • Cultural Shifts (sweeping cultural changes in whichever house Jupiter falls in)
  • Don't believe the hype
  • Exaggerated
  • Faithful or Philandering
  • Foolish
  • Force field
  • Global & Long-Distance
  • Gluttonous
  • Grandiose
  • Increase
  • Inflated (too good to be true)
  • Jolly
  • Open, Optimistic & Foolhardy (gullible)
  • Opinionated
  • Opulent
  • Overbearing
  • Over-expansion
  • Overwhelm
  • Philanthropic & Spendthrift
  • Philosophical, Worldview, & Meaning
  • Protection & Cover
  • Shield (especially in Cancer)
  • Too much of a good thing
  • Upgrade
  • Wisdom
  • As Zeus, Jupiter is known for his lightning bolt
  • Jupiter/Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
  • Jupiter/Uranus make a conjunction every 13.81 years
  • Jupiter/Neptune make a conjunction every 12.8 years
  • Jupiter/Pluto make a conjunction every 12.46 years
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