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Natal Mars Through the Houses

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the first house of your natal chart, it’s on your mark, get set, go! Straight out of the gate. Here’s the starting gun. Go. Approach. Take the initiative. Be the first one to reach out your hand for the shake. Oh no! Rejection? Keep going. Take a step. Move forward. Be the first. Stop waiting for permission. Starting fights, left and right.

Activating your personality. Suddenly finding yourself lunging forward into life. Flare-ups.

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the second house of your natal chart, you put energy into making money. Energy put into meeting security needs. Conserving energy. Stockpiling. Putting energy into the body. Bodybuilding. Activating stability. Building assets. Taking action with you assets. Buying. Selling. Working on your physique. Would you like to see my knife collection?

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the third house of your natal chart, you may have to deal with sibling rivalry. Anger towards a sibling. Competing with a sibling. Getting into fights at school. Fights with neighbors. Getting physically active in your neighborhood, for example, jogging or biking. Taking classes at the gym. Spin class.

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the fourth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the fifth house of your natal chart, you enjoy playing games. Competitive game players. Competitive Magic the Gathering. Competitive poker. Competitive video games. Competitive sports. Children’s sports competitions. Your children are fighting with each other.

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the sixth house of your natal chart, everything needs to work efficiently. A job well done. Competing with coworkers. A competitive work environment. Menial work. Hard work. Job stress. Manual labor. Emergency workers. High stress jobs.

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the seventh house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the eighth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the ninth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the tenth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the eleventh house of your natal chart, you may find yourself taking charge of groups. Groups, and how you feel about being asked to lead them. Everyone is looking to you for direction. Group experiences are not relaxing. Group experiences require effort and work. Putting energy into the community. Putting energy into long terms goals and plans. Mapping out a long term strategy for conquest. I’m going to conquer the astrology community, and here’s how I’m going to do it.  Building a community of warriors. Fighting for your community. Fighting on behalf of your friends. Defending those who cannot defend themselves. Fervent humanitarianism. Fist fights at the potluck. Aggressive alliances. Let’s get this organization started.

In a Natal chart


ith Mars in the twelfth house of your natal chart,


  • Ares
  • God of War

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  • Agitator
  • Aggravator
  • Aggressor
  • Attack Dog
  • Combatant
  • Conqueror
  • Defender
  • Enforcer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fighter
  • Guard
  • Independent Contractor
  • Instigator (they started it!)
  • Leader
  • Protector
  • Ranger (probably with Jupiter)
  • Solo Artist
  • Warrior
  • Mars spends approximately 2 months in each sign
  • Mars turns retrograde every 2 years
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