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Natal Moon Through the Houses

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the first house of your natal chart, and especially conjunct the ascendant, your view of the world is filtered through a lunar lens. Your emotions show on your face and everyone can clearly see how you feel. You have a strong attachment to the women in your life and they have a strong influence on your outlook on life. You reflect your feelings about your surroundings without realizing it. If you’re happy, it shows. If you’re annoyed it shows. You are an open book, which has its positives and negatives. Good food is a great comfort to you and you love to surround yourself with great cooks, and you are probably a good cook too, barring negative planetary aspects to your Moon, in which case you may rely on those around you to provide yummy meals. You are sensitive to your surroundings, and absorb the mood of the people nearby, so it’s important to choose your immediate influences with care. Finding a partner who understands you emotionally is very important. You likely have a natural bond with animals, who understand you without the needs for words. You long for safety, security, and a feeling of home. You have a natural instinct to protect your home, family, and those you feel emotionally connected to.

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the second house of your natal chart, financial security is a big concern in life. You might find that you can’t relax unless your bank account is fat. There can be daily fluctuations in your finances, perhaps you have a knack for the stock market and indulge in day trading. While you enjoy the luxuries that money can buy, you might especially love vintage shops, consignment, estate and rummage sales, flea markets, and tag sales. There might be nothing like getting a good deal to make your heart flutter with joy. With the Moon in the second house you might find yourself experiencing one period of life filled with frugality and penny-pinching, then other times living in the lap of luxury.

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the third house of your natal chart, how do you feel about school? Love it? Hate it? How do you get along with your siblings? Are you an only child?

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the fourth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the first house of your natal chart, how do you feel about having children?

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the sixth house of your natal chart, do you get along with your coworkers? Do you have pets?

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the seventh house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the eighth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the ninth house of your natal chart, ethics and morality are big concerns. How do you feel about your belief system? Does something feel off? Does your gut agree with your stated beliefs?

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the tenth house of your natal chart,

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the eleventh house of your natal chart, how you feel about people? How do you feel about being a team player?

In a Natal chart


ith the Moon in the twelfth house of your natal chart, how do you feel about spending time alone?


  • Luna
  • Selene (Personification of the Moon)
  • Behavior
  • Bonding
  • Caring
  • Cause for concern
  • Emotion
  • Fluctuation
  • Habit
  • Instinct
  • Mothering & Nurturance
  • Mood
  • Response
  • Safety
  • Caregiver
  • Caterer
  • Parent
  • Tender
  • Supporter

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