Natal Sun Through the Houses
In a Natal chart
ith the Sun in the first house of your natal chart, and especially conjunct the ascendant, your view of the world is filtered through a Solar lens. There is a strong force of personality depending on the Sun’s sign and aspects. What you see is what you get! Your impact on your environment is noticeable. You make a scene when you get on scene.
See also Brainstorm: Sun / Ascendant Aspects
In a Natal chart
ith your natal Sun in the second house, your identity is often tied to your experience of material comfort. You make a lot of effort to achieve a quality of life you can be proud of. What “quality of life” means to you is quite personal, because this is the Sun! You can get offended by people who don’t seem to understand what you need to be physically comfortable and at ease. You’re simply not willing to downgrade on certain things. What you want is what you want, and what you need to have is what you need to have, and that’s it. This is a fixed house, and there’s not a lot of room for negotiation! Having your natal Sun in the second house means that you are accustomed to a certain lifestyle, and you expect to maintain or improve that lifestyle indefinitely.
In a Natal chart
ith the Sun in the third house of your natal chart, your personal identity may be tied to learning experiences.
In a Natal chart
ith the Sun in the fourth house of your natal chart, home and family take a central position in your life. When you are feeling prime, you are able to grip power from underneath and seize control of a situation. Your methods are so subtle, you might not be aware you even have this power. If you find yourself thinking, “That’s not me!” then perhaps you haven’t tapped your own well yet. The fourth house shines a light at the bottom of the well. How deep does this thing go, I wonder? If I shout, will I echo back, or will it be someone who else who echoes back? This house includes echoes of the past through your lineage and cultural history. People with planets in the fourth house my find themselves absolutely fascinated by their ancestry, and famous or powerful ancestors who may serve as deeper role models, in particular. Drinking from the well of ancestry helps fourth house individuals know their place in the world and find power often right at their own doorstep. A fourth house Sun might have their own ‘command center’ in the house, whether that’s an office, game room, or home gym, that is your domain, often with a magnificent throne-like seat near the center.
See also Brainstorm: Sun / IC Aspects
In a Natal chart
ith the Sun in the fifth house of your natal chart, you may experience a life of entertainment. You might be an entertainer by profession. You might be a party DJ, children’s coach, life coach, romance novelist, holiday travel planner … there are many options! Creative expression is important to your identity. People might fall in love with you quite often because of your exuberance, vivaciousness, sparkle, and personality. You might be quite the romancer! You might be too much in love with love, and in love with flirting and dating to settle down. A fifth house Suns love playing and often that spills over into a love of children and their resulting craft projects, hobbies, and games. The fifth house is a playful house that includes taking risks and outright gambling. Gambling can be a pitfall here, so be careful what you’re gambling with. This position is great for adventurous types as well who love taking a spur-of-the-moment trip to climb a mountain as much as they might love to be invited to a big bash.
In a Natal Chart
ith your natal Sun in the sixth house, your personal identity tied may be tied to they type of work you do. You could be a doctor, nurse, emergency worker, therapist, or just a worker bee flitting from job to job. Rubbing elbows day-to-day with people in the same profession gives you a feeling of confidence in your skills and role in life. You may find yourself joining a union or other work-related organization with your coworkers. If you’re not a worker bee, you might own your own company, have many employees, and be right there working in the trenches with them. You could own a screen printing shop, jewelry work space, or a shop of any kind for fine crafts. Daily work requirements can be a constant source of subtle (or major) stress. Work / life balance is important with this position of the Sun in the natal chart. You need to take stress breaks and make sure you take care of your body. Developing a body routine can help a lot. Diet, exercise, and nutrition fill this house as well, and whether or not you have health problems, transits to your Sun may emphasize a need for changes in your personal care regimen. Make sure the daily grind doesn’t grind you down! With this position, you experience the magic of the everyday.
In a Natal Chart
ith the Sun in the seventh house of your natal chart, your identity may be formed by partnerships and one-on-one types of relationships. You often find yourself as you mirror someone else. As someone whose Sun falls in the seventh house, you often expect the partner to take the reigns from you and steer the relationship. You are often the one mirroring the other person’s lead in outer life: you let the other person make major decisions, but they have to consult you first. It’s almost like you give them the illusion of being in charge, but they still need your permission to move ahead! This would work in counseling when the counselor gives the client the floor to speak, interjecting here and there to gently nudge the person in a new direction, but never directly taking over the conversation or being forcefully aggressive. This is a great placement for people who are in positions to negotiate.
In a Natal Chart
ith the Sun in your natal eighth house, you form your identity with your ability to scratch beneath the surface. The scratching is so natural you can’t always tell you’re doing it.
In a Natal Chart
ith the Sun in your natal ninth house, the types of knowledge you are exposed to shape your identity in a deeper way than it affects most people. When you were young, you may have been introduced to religious or mystical practices that had an impact on the way you think about the world. Whether you were or not, you will find your thoughts gravitating to weighty subjects like history, physics, religion, and philosophy. You seek a deeper knowledge of the world around you, and you ask profound questions. Sometimes the answers you find through your studies convince you that you know a great deal indeed! You could become a scholar, or a world traveler. Occasionally the 9th house Sun may insist that they are right on a subject when that’s not the case and they can become intransigent on the matter. It’s really important that you sort out your belief system, and you spend a great deal of your life doing just that.
In a Natal Chart
ith the Sun in the tenth house of your natal chart, your experience of being able to feel proud of your achievements is what forms your identity. If you had people in your life who put you down, called you names, and got in the way every time you tried to make progress, those people form part of your identity and often push something inside you even stronger so that you can succeed and prove them wrong! If you had people in your life who gave you love and support and encouraged you along the way, then those people also form part of your identity, and their love and support is gift you are often able to give back to others by becoming an example of the same good traits that helped you succeed. Everyone feels these feelings to some extent, but to the tenth house person, they are everything. Being on stage or in the public eye allows you express all the lessons you’ve gathered through life for the benefit of all who will listen.
See also Brainstorm: Sun / Midheaven Aspects
In a Natal Chart
ith the Sun in the eleventh house of your natal chart, your core identity comes from the groups you associate with and the common interests that you all share. Getting kicked out of your group would be a big blow to your identity and self-esteem. Finding the right people to associate with is really important to you. These are the people who ultimately shape your outlook on life. Through forging friendships with, say, fellow backpackers, you not only use the collection of minds to gain skills faster, but you pick up the specific habits, traits, and disposition of your fellow backpackers. You’re all kind of rugged, you all love talking about sport clothing labels, and moisture-wicking ratings. You all spend a great deal of time outside, and you gather a host of skills and knowledge associated with this particular interest that you all share. Each member has their own special place in the group, and each member cherishes their place in the group. They each contribute in their own special way that makes the group a great place to be.
In a Natal Chart
ith the Sun in the twelfth house of your natal chart, you seek to expand and fill a vast space. Sometimes you find that expansion through immersion in an amazing tale in fantasy adventure book, losing yourself to the other world in the safety of your own room. Sometimes you expand by going wild. You can go wild by taking off on a trek through the wilderness where there are no maps and you’re all alone. Or, you can go wild by dabbling in substances with unintended consequences. There is an untamable quality to all planets in the 12th house, but the Sun in the 12th is like taking a flashlight into an old dusty closet in a scary attic at night to see what you might find. Maybe you will find antique letters and ancients maps, but maybe you will find a mummy and things you can’t unsee. You might choose never to climb the stairs up to the attic, or the stairs down to the basement, but the greater you seek, the richer your creativity becomes. If you choose not to seek spiritual riches, your flights of fancy are more likely to be spent pedaling a bike fifty miles, never really running away, but never really not running away either.
- Helios
- Sol
- Attention (where the Sun goes is where you need to pay attention)
- Confidence
- Conscious Self
- Core
- Creative Potential
- Ego
- Energy level
- Exposure
- Fame
- Identity
- Life Purpose
- Personal Authority
- Reputation (Fame or infamy)
- Self
- Self-Expression
- Shine
- Spotlight
- Star Power
- Vitality & Willpower
- Where you cast a shadow (maybe the house opposite the Sun)
- Authority Figure
- Boss
- Celebrity
- Central figure
- Go-to person / Point person
- Hero
- Key player
- Powerful Person
- Royal
- Self-Confident Individual
- Star of the show
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