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Brainstorm: Mercury / IC Astrology Aspects

This interpretation of Mercury in aspect to the IC embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings.

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ou feel comfortable in busy places … places where you can observe people coming and going, and have the option to engage with them. Dead silence makes you uncomfortable. You’re likely to fill silence with your own mental chatter unless, your head is filled with the words you’re reading from the book you’re buried in. You always have gadgets and the internet to keep you company too. Stuck in line with no one to talk to? Whip out your phone! Hello!

You grew up in a house full of nervous or unsettled mental energy. You probably replay conversations in your mind over and over. Your family might be gossipy, but disguise the trait as “curious,” or “concerned.” Cattiness and bickering may be commonplace. You worry about what they say about you as soon as you leave the room. Your father may have been brilliant … at the very least he was clever and had a silver tongue. Was he a salesman or an actor? Or a salesman who wanted to be an actor? Or an actor who played a salesman? He probably had, and still has, a few tricks up his sleeves. He probably pushed you to do well in school. He may have been duplicitous in any number of ways.

You get territorial about what you know and who you know. You don’t like it when people try to take over your connections. You don’t like it when people start creeping into your area of expertise. You feel satisfied with yourself when you have something interesting to say. You still love real letters, pens, paper, pencils, ink, sealing wax, and other now “ancient” communication devices. You might collect antique phones. You’re a fan of words and language, indulging in everything from Twitter, to journaling, to Soundcloud, to typography blogs, to your local library. You might collect newspaper clippings. Blackboards and cork boards might be found in your house, along with refrigerator magnets, for keeping and displaying notes.

Deep in your soul you either believe yourself to be, or crave to be, an articulate person. You need mental stimulation to feel secure within. You’ll tend to want to live with others so you can have exciting conversations at home. You could deal with living with a roommate with kids. You wouldn’t mind having ‘twin’ houses so you could live part-time in two different places. You might live with a brother or sister. You keep the lines of communication open with your siblings. Your domestic style can be all over the place. Home projects started and never completed. Word art abounds as decoration. Books become decorations. Framed poems ornament the walls.

You can be handy at fixing things around the house and you might have a knack for mechanics. You could have a home business of fixing cars. Maybe you write from home. Maybe you’re a handyman (or woman). Having a home office would suit you as long as it was busy. You bring your creature comforts with you wherever you go. You never leave home without a book to read or puzzle to solve. You find comfort in ideas but when you’re home alone you often feel scattered and it’s difficult to concentrate any one thing.


  • Commerce & Trade
  • Communication, Linking & Connecting Information
  • Language & Symbols
  • Learning
  • Local Travel & Between Worlds
  • Messenger & Psychopomp
  • Siblings
  • Speech & Hearing
  • Tricksters
  • Agent
  • Alternate
  • Assistant
  • Bootlegger?
  • Courier
  • Coyote
  • Gossip
  • Grifter
  • Informer
  • Journalist
  • Mail Carrier
  • Mule? (with Pluto?)
  • Neighbor
  • Networker
  • Page
  • Pickpocket
  • Postal Worker
  • Proxy
  • Psychopomp
  • Raconteur
  • Reporter
  • Representative
  • Runner
  • Scout
  • Sibling
  • Substitute?
  • Storyteller
  • Student
  • Thief
  • Trickster
  • Writer
  • Buy a notebook / upgrade your pens & pencils / learn calligraphy
  • Communicate / Explain it in your own words
  • Connect worlds
  • Converse
  • Deal with neighbors
  • Get some errands done
  • Go to the park
  • Put boots on the ground
  • Read / Visit a bookstore
  • Say what you've got to say
  • Take a class / Take a workshop / Buy a self-guided study kit
  • Take a day trip
  • Talk to siblings
  • Teach a class / Teach a workshop / Hone your skills
  • Visit your favorite shops
  • Walk around town
  • Write a letter / Write a novel / Blog / Journal / Jot ideas down
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